Chapter 5

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Rogue woke up to someone shaking him. He shooed the person away and said, "Mmm, go away."

The person stopped and he thought they were done, only to have someone pull him off the couch all of a sudden. His eyes shot open half way down and he grunted when he hit the carpeted floor. He looked up to see the frustrated face of one blonde celestial wizard. Said wizard jerked her head upward while saying, "Come on, get up. We gotta see the Master remember?"

He rolled over so his face was in the carpet and groaned dramatically before heaving up off the floor with the help of his arms. He tiredly walked over to the kitchen and saw Lucy cooking eggs and bacon. He inhaled deeply and said with a smile, "Mmm, smells good."

The blonde turned around and looked over the white shadow dragon before she went into her laundry room and came out with his clean clothes and said, "Get dressed. We're leaving after we eat. We need to get there before any other members show up."

He nods, acknowledging the serious tone in her voice and did as told. When he came back Lucy was already sitting at the table eating with his plate across from hers. He took his seat and started eating. They finished quickly and headed out of her apartment. 

The sun was barely peaking over the horizon as they made it to the guild. Lucy stopped and looked at Rogue and said, "Can you smell if anyone other than the Master is inside?"

He sniffed the air and couldn't smell any other scent than Master Makarov's. He shook his head at the blonde and she sighed before slowly opening the guild doors and walking inside with Rogue right behind her. They looked around the guild before heading up the stairs and making a left. Lucy suddenly stopped in front of a door and sighed before slowly lifting her fist and knocking three times on the door. They heard some rustling and then a muffled, "Come in."

Lucy gestured with her hand for Rogue to stay out here until she called him in. He nodded and stayed where he was.

The blonde walked into Master's office nervously and stood in front of him. When Master looked up he saw his favorite celestial mage standing in front of him and greeted happily, "Ah, Lucy my child. I was expecting you, but I didn't think you would come so early. First Master Mavis told me you have a surprise of some sort?"

Lucy pursed her lips in a forced smile and said, "Oh you'll definitely be surprised."

The master grinned and said, "Well what is it my child I'm dying to see it."

Lucy mumbled under her breath, "Oh you'll die alright."

Lucy went to the door and opened it, but before she gestured Rogue to come in she informed, "By the way the surprise isn't an it but a who."

The master raised a brow at this and wondered why her aura suddenly got so worried. She gestured to Rogue to walk in. He did so very reluctantly, his palms suddenly became sweaty. (A/N: Knees weak, arms are heavy.) When Master saw him, his old face went to one of anger. Both mages could tell he was trying not to lose control of it. He said in a very serious monotone voice, "Lucy, why have you brought him here?"

The celestial mage cowered a little bit but answered, "U-um, he's kind of, a member of Fairy Tail now. So I wanted to let you know about it since ya know, you're the master."

His face turned confused, "How on Earth Land is he apart of Fairy Tail when I didn't put the guild stamp on him?"

Before Lucy could answer everyone heard a small voice say, "That's because it was me who put it on him."

Master Makarov turned to see Master Mavis smiling childishly at him. His jaw dropped and his face paled as he said, "But First Master why would you give him a guild mark? He tried to take over the world."

He turned around and eyed Lucy curiously as he said, "Not to mention he tried to kill dear Lucy and did kill her future self."

Master was surprised to see Future Rogue flinch and look down at the mention of this. Does he regret what he's done? Is that why Lucy has brought him in and seems to accept him? He looked back at the first master and asked, "How come he didn't go back to his time?"

Mavis giggled and said, "I cut the connection that Future Rogue had with present Rogue. Now he is his own person essentially and will not change with his present self. Also his present self will not turn into him in the future."

Master Makarov looked down at his desk in thought and mumbled, "I did not know there was such a spell."

He looked up between Lucy and Rogue before asking, "Lucy, you are okay with this?"

Said girl firmly nodded, "He saved my life on two different occasions when my team was not around."

Master stared wide eyed at the white shadow dragon and asked, "Is this true?"

Finally being addressed he sighed and explained himself, "After realizing I was not sent back to my time I traveled around Crocus. I was actually in attendance at the King's ball, as a shadow. I saw Lucy and something drew me to her. I still don't know what or why I felt drawn to her all of a sudden, but I started to follow her around. On missions, at home, to the guild. Everywhere she went I followed. Now that I'm admitting it I sound like a total stalker."

He blushed at that before he regained his composure and turned serious, "But anyway the first time I saved her was when she had gotten separated from her team on a monster killing job. She had sat down in a clearing and began raising her magic power as she waited. All of a sudden I heard a twig snap from behind her. I quickly yelled that something was behind her and she shot up and started battling the monster."

He paused to gather his thoughts before he continued with a murderous aura around him, scaring Makarov slightly and making Lucy worry, "The second time was this past solo mission she went on. She was going back to her inn and I guess got caught off guard and pulled into an alley way by three men. The reason I say I guess was because I had lost her for a minute after I got distracted. Anyway, I come upon the sight of Lucy being held against the building wall with her hands trapped above her head and a man's hand around her throat. When I heard her gasping for air I knew he was trying to choke her, I lost control and punched the bastard in the jaw. He collapsed immediately knocked out, causing Lucy to fall to the ground. I made quick work of his friends, didn't even have to use magic. The only thing that kept me from killing them was the sound of Lucy coughing and trying to catch her breath. She lost consciousness the second I lifted her up and started to head towards the inn."

He finished and took a breath in to calm himself, his adrenaline spiking at the memory. Master was surprised that this man in front of him was still the man that tried to take over the world just three weeks ago. He turned to the first master, when she nodded he turned back to the two mages and smiled a wrinkly old man smile and said, "I see that you have changed for the better in these past three weeks. I also thank you for saving one of my children. It's only fair I make you one too."

The celestial mage and dragon slayer looked at Master in disbelief and both said, "Really?!"

The old man just nodded, and watched in amusement as Lucy all of a sudden launched onto Rogue and hugged him tightly. The white shadow dragon blushed fifty shades of red but chuckled. Once Lucy realized what she just did she 'eeped' and detached herself quickly before looking down, finding the ground suddenly very interesting. Rogue smirked and poked her cheek saying smugly, "Is someone blushing?"

Lucy's blush darkened but she glared up at the dragon slayer and said, "No of course not!"

This just caused the male to chuckle and hum, "Mhm."

She punched his shoulder and said, "Shut up oreo head!"

Rogue was taken aback at the nickname but smirked and shot back, "Alright top heavy. No need to get your panties in a twist."

Lucy blushed again and crossed her arms and turned away defiantly. Both mages were snapped out of their argument when they heard two chuckles from the other side of Master's desk. They looked over at the two masters and blushed, realizing they had an audience. Master Makarov grinned at their little interaction and said, "I think you'll fit in just fine here Rogue. Although I think we should keep your presence hidden from the guild as long as we can."

Both mages nodded in strong agreement. They did not need a certain fire dragon slayer burning  down the whole of Magnolia in anger. Lucy suddenly perked up and exclaimed, "Oh Master! Can I change the color of my guild mark to gold?"

Master blinked a few times before he nodded and opened his top desk drawer and pulled out the stamp. Lucy approached the desk and held out her hand to the old man. He pressed the stamp to her hand and chanted something before removing it. Lucy looked down and smiled widely at the newly golden colored Fairy Tail guild mark. She turned to Rogue and lifted it to show him, "Look Rogue, isn't it pretty?!"

He crossed his arms with an approving smile and said, "It definitely suits you more than the pink one did."

Lucy looked back at Master Makarov and said, "We'll be going if you don't need anything else."

The old man nodded before the two mages walked out of the office. They walked down the stairs in silence before Lucy asked, "So what now?"

Rogue thought for a moment before he said, "Well we could head back to your apartment and then you could come back here later and pick out a job for us." 

Lucy nodded and said happily, "Cool. My first mission with you. This should be interesting."

As they exited the guild they failed to notice a demon take-over mage smirking deviously at them. She was worried at first, since Future Rogue was supposed to go back to his time, but that thought was abandoned for another thought. Hehe, I just found a new ship. Oh the babies! They will be so precious! 

Lucy and Rogue finally got back to her apartment. They talked about what type of mission they should take. Not too much fighting, just a simple one. Maybe a scouting job if there's one that pays well. 

Lucy grabbed her keys and headed towards the guild again, this time not being followed by a shadow. When she walked into the guild she was surprised to see there was already a lot of members and she had only went back to her apartment an hour ago. She shook it off and went to the request board where she looked through each job before she found one, conveniently in scouting. It paid pretty well, they both would be able to split it evenly. 

She approached Mira and showed her the job request. Mira looked it over then at Lucy worriedly before she remembered that she may not be going alone. To which she smirked and asked slyly, "So Lucy. You going alone or with someone? Hmmmmmm?"

The celestial mage narrowed her eyes at Mira for a moment, wondering what she was getting at before she said, "Yes, but I just got a new spirit that will help me do this job with no problem."

Mira winked at the blonde and whispered, "I know."

Lucy's eyes widened and she looked around the guild quickly before bending over the bar and asking, "Know what?"

The take-over chuckled evilly and whispered, "I saw you two leaving the guild together."

Lucy shot Mira a harsh glare, causing the bar maid to widen her eyes in shock, and said with venom, "Don't tell anyone. Do you hear me?"

Mira, not wanting to anger the suddenly murderous and protective blonde, nodded quickly and stamped her request. Lucy snatched it off the bar and stomped out of the guild. Gaining strange and some fearful looks from some of the members present. 

Lucy stepped into her apartment pissed as hell. Rogue looked her up and down and rose an eyebrow in silent question. She replied in an annoyed tone, "Mira saw us exiting the guild together."

His eyes widened and he asked, "What did she say?"

The blonde shrugged, though she knew that smug smirk Mira was giving meant she was match making. The thought of being matched with Rogue made the blonde blush slightly, but her anger was not doused, "She's one of the worst people we want to know about you being here."

Rogue shuddered slightly, remembering the woman's nickname "the she-devil", "What is she going to do about it?"

Lucy responded, "I told her not to tell anyone. I don't think she will but still, her knowing is unsettling to me."

Rogue nodded in agreement then changed the subject, "What mission did you choose?"

Lucy perked up a bit and said, "I got a scouting job. It pays pretty good we'll be able to split it evenly. And it doesn't seem to hard. Just scout a small dark guild and take it out."

Rogue nodded before he asked, "Where is it?"

Lucy looked at the request paper and responded, "It's in Oak Town."

Rogue groaned, "That's at least a four hour train ride."

Lucy smirked and said, "I have a method that helps motion sickness that seems to work for dragon slayers."

He eyed her suspiciously, not liking the smirk, but if it got rid of feeling like he was going to die then he would give it a try. 

They spent the rest of the day packing and thinking of how their first mission together was going to go. They would leave early tomorrow and go to the Mayor to get the details on the dark guild, before going off in search of it to scout it out then obliterate it. Since Rogue was going, they would have to be out of there before the Rune Knights came, lest they recognize him as the one that tried to rule the world with dragons. 

They went to bed finally, both excited for their first mission together. Rogue hoped that it was as easy as it sounded. Lucy just hoped she didn't get kidnapped again. 

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