CHAPTER TWENTY, confessions and reasurance

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Soon enough Thanksgiving break was over and it was time to go back to school. Hollyn found out that Alex and Jackie had got together and she was really happy for them they seemed really cute and sweet together. Hollyn's cousins and aunt and uncle had eventually left a couple days before school started again and Hollyn's mom was now starting chemotherapy. Hollyn, her dad, and Cole visited her as much as they could, trying to keep her spirits up and her company. But Hollyn hated seeing her mom sick and weak and not her usual self. It was hard. Trying to keep her spirits up and keep things normal for her, it was so draining.

She was so thankful Cole had stayed by her side through all of this, through everything. He was always there for her, ready with a kind word and a comforting embrace. She was grateful for her friends as well, especially the art club members. They were like a second family to her and she loved spending time with them. Their presence, their friendship, it was always a welcome reprieve from the stress and anxiety she felt during Thanksgiving break. She and Cole had grown even closer lately, spending nearly every free moment together. They were inseparable, and their friendship only grew stronger as they supported each other and leaned on each other. Though she grew closer with Julien as well. Julien was making more friends too and getting used to living here and going to a new school.

The school day passed in a blur of classes, fleeting conversations with friends, and stolen moments of reflection. Hollyn tried to bury herself in her studies, finding solace in the routine and familiarity of academic challenges. Yet, her thoughts frequently returned to Cole and Julien, two constants in her life whose presence offered both comfort and complexity.

During lunch, Hollyn found herself seated with her closest friends from the art club. They chatted animatedly about upcoming projects, swapping ideas and critiques with the easy camaraderie that had grown between them. Despite the chaos of her personal life, these moments with friends provided a welcome respite, reminding her of the joy she found in creativity and shared passion. As the afternoon wore on, Hollyn's mind drifted back to the hospital visits with her mom and the heaviness that settled in her chest whenever she saw her weakened state. She cherished the moments when her dad and Cole joined her, their unwavering support a lifeline in the face of uncertainty. Their presence brought her mother comfort, and Hollyn clung to the hope that their collective love would see them through the challenges ahead.

Amidst the turmoil, Hollyn found herself grappling with conflicting emotions towards Cole and Julien. Each brought a unique blend of warmth and understanding into her life, yet their growing closeness stirred feelings within her that she struggled to define. She valued their friendships deeply but couldn't ignore the undercurrents of something more, a realization that both excited and scared her in equal measure. The idea of taking that leap of faith was daunting, but the prospect of losing the chance was even more so. She resolved to seek clarity from her closest confidants, determined to sort out her own feelings before risking the delicate dynamic between the three of them.

As she sat with her friends at lunch, she tried to figure out how to explain the situation. It was clear she was close to both Cole and Julien, and they were also friends with each other. She didn't want to cause any issues, but she knew she needed to be honest. She finally decided to start with the basics.

"I have a question."

"What is it?" Lillian spoke up, looking at her curiously.

"Have you ever been attracted to more than one person at the same time?" Hollyn asked hesitantly, her eyes darting between her friends. She had bene relieved Julien wasn't sitting with them at lunch today. He had made some new friends after deciding to join band, and he usually hung out with them. She was grateful he had been making more friends, and she was glad that he was getting used to his new school and the area.

"Well, yeah, I've had crushes on multiple people before." Areli admits with a shrug, her expression casual. "Like, you have no idea how many celebrity crushes I have-"

"That's not what I mean." Hollyn cuts her off, shaking her head. "I meant more like," She pauses as she tries to gather her thoughts. "Falling in love with two guys at the same time."

The group pauses at that, turning to look at her with wide eyes. No one expected that kind of question from her.

"Wait," Elise interjects, her tone a mix of shock and excitement. "You're falling in love with two guys? That's possible?"

"Obviously." Areli scoffs. "Have you not seen The Bachelor or The Bachelorette?" She pointed out, her eyes bright.

"You've watched that show?" Kira questioned incredulously, staring at Areli in disbelief.

Lachlan chuckles, looking at Areli with amusement. "Wow, never pegged you as someone who would like those shows."

Areli shrugs. "My mom likes it, okay? And I'm too lazy to leave the living room and before I know it I get hooked and I have to know what happens next." She huffs, crossing her arms defensively. "It's addictive!"

"Anyway," Elise interrupts, drawing their attention back to the original topic. "Who are these guys, Hollyn?"

Hollyn shifts nervously, taking a deep breath. "Julien and Cole." She admitted, glancing away briefly. As if instinctively, her gaze landed on Cole, who was sitting with some of his friends from the football team. He looked over at her and gave her a warm smile and a wave, which she returned before looking away quickly. Her heart skipped a beat, her cheeks flushing as she turned back to her friends. Some looked at her with amusement and knowing smiles while others looked shocked and surprised.

"Cole?" Elise repeats, her eyes widening. "You like Cole and Julien?" She gasped, glaring at her twin brother, Elliott, when he had covered her mouth after she had accidentally raised her voice a little bit.

"Ew, gross." Elliott grimaces, pulling his hand back immediately when his sister licked his hand. "Dude, really?" He complained, wiping his hand on his shirt.

Elise glares at him, crossing her arms. "Serves you right." She mutters, before turning back to Hollyn. "But seriously, you like Cole and Julien?"

"Yeah, I do," Hollyn replies, her cheeks flushing. "I've been spending a lot of time with both of them and...I can't stop thinking about both of them lately. It's driving me crazy," She sighs heavily, setting her chin on her hand after resting her elbow on the table with a pout. "Someone tell me what to do. Being indecisive isn't helping."

"Well, do you want to date one or both of them?" Areli asked curiously.

"Both." Hollyn answered without hesitation, a wistful smile on her face. "I've never thought of dating more than one person, but they're both amazing and sweet and caring and so different from each other. I can't choose."

"Then don't," Lachlan suggests, giving her a reassuring smile. "Just ask them both out."

"And if they both say yes, you'll have two boyfriends." Kira points out. "Man, that'd be great. I mean, two hot guys all to yourself? H** yeah." She said dreamingly, earning amused and weird looks from her friends. Her face flushes after realizing she said that out loud. "What? I'm just saying, that's a good deal." She defended, rolling her eyes.

"She's not wrong." Areli agrees, smirking. "Imagine the possibilities," She adds, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Double the fun."

"Guys, this is serious." Elise huffs, giving them a stern look. "Hollyn's heart is on the line here. We need to take this seriously."

"We are!" Areli exclaims, rolling her eyes. "But come on, you're not seriously going to try and tell me you're not the least bit curious about what it'd be like."

"That's not the point." Hollyn mutters, looking down at the table to hide her red face. Her mind briefly wandered to that kind of scenario, and her heart raced. It was both exciting and intimidating, and she wasn't sure if she could handle it. "I just...I don't know, okay?" She sighs, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "I know I'm going to have to pick one eventually and it's scary."

"Why?" Kira asked, leaning forward curiously.

"What if they don't feel the same way? What if I end up ruining my friendship with them? What if it doesn't work out and we have to spend the rest of the year dealing with awkwardness and them avoiding me like the plague? What if-"

"Okay, first, breathe." Lachlan interrupts her, his voice calm and reassuring. Hollyn had been rambling, speaking in a rushed, anxious tone. "Take a deep breath," Lachlan repeated, his tone soothing. "It's natural to feel overwhelmed, but worrying about all the 'what ifs' won't solve anything right now. You need to approach this step by step." Hollyn nodded, trying to steady her breathing as she looked around at her friends, who were watching her with varying expressions of concern and support.

"You've already taken a big step by admitting your feelings," Areli chimes in, her voice gentle while smiling reassuringly at her. "Now, the next step is to talk to them. Have a conversation with Cole and Julien separately. Be honest about how you feel and what you're thinking. That way, you'll get a clearer idea of where they stand."

Fear filled Hollyn and her eyes widen. "What? I-I can't do that." She stutters, her voice laced with anxiety. "What if they both don't feel the same and hate me and never want to see me again and-"

"Hey, hey," Elise interrupts her, reaching out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "That won't happen. Trust me, Hollyn. They won't hate you for that." She says gently, her tone reassuring. "It might be awkward and uncomfortable, but I can assure you they won't hate you."

"She's right," Kira agrees, smiling encouragingly at her. "You need to tell them the truth. It's the only way you'll know how they feel. And if they don't feel the same way, well, then that's their loss. You're an amazing person, Hollyn. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Exactly," Areli nods, grinning. "And if they do reject you, screw 'em. They don't deserve you anyway. Besides, there are plenty of fish in the sea. You'll find someone else who'll make you happy."

"Guys, it's not that easy." Hollyn mumbles, fidgeting nervously. "I can't just walk up to them and tell them 'oh, hey, I think I'm falling in love with you, but wait, I also think I am falling in love with someone else too. So, what do you think?' That would sound so crazy and insane and-"

"Yes, you can." Elise interrupts her, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. "Hollyn, you are one of the bravest and strongest people I know. You can do this. We believe in you."

"If anything, we'll be here to support you." Lachlan offers, smiling softly. "You can talk to us about anything and we'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"Yeah, and if they're dumb enough to reject you, we'll be happy to beat them up for you." Areli smirks, cracking her knuckles. "Nobody hurts our girl."

Hollyn laughs, shaking her head in amusement. "Thanks, guys. You're the best." She pauses before adding, "When should I talk with them?"

"Today, of course." Elise states, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Oh! Now. You should go talk to them now."

"Right now?" Hollyn questions, her eyes widening in alarm. "I-I can't, not now. I need to prepare myself mentally and emotionally and-"

"Nope, no excuses." Kira declares, cutting her off. "You can do this. We believe in you."

"I can't, guys. Not right now." Hollyn argues, her tone pleading. "I'll tell them later. After school. After I've had some time to think."

"Fine," Elise relents, sighing heavily with a pout. "But you have to promise you'll tell them eventually. Before the bonfire. Or else I'll tell them myself."

"Elise," Hollyn whines, shooting her a look of betrayal. "Come on, you wouldn't."

"Try me." Elise smirked, raising a brow.

"Alright, alright, fine. I'll talk to them." Hollyn gave in, her shoulders slumping in defeat. She couldn't deny the excitement she felt at the thought of finally confessing her feelings to Cole and Julien, mixed with the fear of rejection. She could only hope for the best.


After school, Hollyn was taking extra long to leave the school since she was dreading talking with Julien and Cole. She wasn't sure if she was ready, but she knew she couldn't avoid it any longer.

"Come on, Hollyn." Kira encourages her, gently pushing her towards the direction of the parking lot. "You can do this. Just get it over with."

"Okay, okay." Hollyn relented, sighing heavily. She took a deep breath before starting towards the parking lot. Her nerves were on edge and her stomach was twisting in knots, but she was determined to do this. She noticed Cole was already gone and she spotted Julien walking over to his car. So it seemed like she was telling Julien first.

She took another deep breath, steeling herself. She could do this. She just needed to be honest. She could do this.

As she got closer to his car, she could feel her palms growing sweaty. Her heart rate increased as she drew closer to him. She wanted to turn and run in the opposite direction, but she forced herself to keep moving. She was going to do this. She was going to do this. She chanted in her head over and over again.

Julien was about to get into his car when he noticed her approaching. He gave her a warm smile and greets her. "Hey, Hollyn."

"Hi, Julien," Hollyn responds, trying to keep her voice steady. "Can we talk? I mean, can I talk to you about something? There's something really important I need to tell you." She nervously said, her heart fluttering at the look he gave her.

"Sure, Holly. Always have time for you." Julien replies with a smile, opening his car door and gesturing for her to get inside. "Let's talk."

She took a seat in the passenger side and Julien joined her a moment later. He looked at her with a patient smile, waiting for her to speak. She swallowed hard, her hands fidgeting in her lap. She didn't know where to start or how to tell him. It felt like a lump had formed in her throat and she couldn't speak. She tried to find the words, but nothing came out. She couldn't think straight and the anxiety was threatening to consume her.

"Is everything okay?" Julien questions, his voice tinged with concern. He could sense her unease and it worried him. He then noticed she was shaking slightly and he frowns. "Are you cold? It had been a little cold lately. Here, you can wear this." He offered, leaning back to grab a jacket he always kept in his car just in case. He handed her his jacket and she smiled weakly, taking it gratefully. She put it on, instantly feeling comforted by the familiar scent of him. She mindlessly played with the ends of the sleeves that went past her hands, using the motion to calm her nerves.

"Holly?" Julien said softly, his tone soft and gentle. She glances up at him, meeting his eyes. He was watching her carefully, his gaze full of concern. "What's going on? You're starting to scare me."

Hollyn shakes her head, looking away from him. She knew if she kept staring into his beautiful, mesmerizing eyes, she wouldn't be able to tell him. The last thing she wanted was for him to misunderstand and think she didn't care about him. "It's just..." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "There's something I need to tell you. Something really important. But, I don't know how to say it."

"Holly," Julien calls her name, his voice calm and reassuring. "It's okay. You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"

"Yeah," Hollyn whispers, glancing up at him briefly before looking away again. "I know, but this is different."

"How?" Julien presses, his brow furrowing. He was getting more and more concerned. Whatever it was, it was clearly making her upset. He reaches over, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against her skin. The action helped her relax slightly. "You can tell me. I'm here for you."

Hollyn swallows hard, taking a deep breath. This was it. This was the moment. She could do this. She could do this. "Ma cherie," Julien's voice brings her back and her heart races at the term of endearment. "Please tell me what's going on." He moves his hand to gently grip her chin to make her look at him. Her gaze meets his and her breath catches at the intensity of his gaze. "Whatever it is, I promise I won't judge or laugh. You can trust me."

Hollyn felt a mix of nerves and determination as Julien's comforting presence enveloped her. His gentle touch and reassuring words gave her a moment of courage she desperately needed. "Julien," She began, her voice shaky but earnest, "I...I've been feeling something lately. Something more than just friendship." She pauses, searching for the right words to convey her feelings without overwhelming him. "I...I really like you. More than a friend. Like, I think I'm falling in love with you. But I also think I'm falling for someone else, too. So, um, I don't know. I'm just, so confused." She finishes lamely, looking down at her lap. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I understand if you don't feel the same and if you never want to see me again-"

"Holly," Julien interrupts her, his voice firm but gentle. She glances up at him, meeting his gaze. He was smiling, his eyes shining with joy. "Are you kidding me?" He shakes his head, laughing. "You're unbelievable, ma cherie."

Hollyn's expression falls at the reaction. "Unbelievable? I know, I'm such a horrible person, but I promise, I won't bother you ever again-"

"No, that's not what I meant." Julien quickly corrects her, his expression serious. "What I meant was, I'm completely and utterly head over heels for you, Hollyn. I've been for a while. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. I never thought you'd return my feelings, and to hear you feel the same, it's unbelievable. It's like a dream come true." He explains, his expression softening. "But, you said you're also falling for someone else?"

"Yeah," Hollyn replies, her heart breaking slightly at the disappointment she saw flash across his face. "I'm sorry, Jules. I just-"

"Is it Cole?" Julien couldn't help but ask. His gut instinct was telling him that's who it was, and he had a feeling he was right.

"Yeah," Hollyn admits, her voice barely a whisper. "I know, it's ridiculous. It's wrong, and stupid, and I'm the worst person ever-"

"No," Julien cuts her off, his voice gentle. He reached out, grabbing her hands and holding them tightly. "It's not ridiculous. It's not wrong, and you're not stupid. You can't help who you fall in love with, Holly." He tells her, his voice filled with compassion. "You can't control how you feel. But if you want my advice, you should talk to Cole. Tell him the truth. I know it might seem scary, but it's the only way you'll be able to sort out your feelings and decide what you want. And whatever you choose, I'll support you, Holly. Always."

Hollyn couldn't stop the tears from falling as Julien's words hit her. He was being so understanding and supportive, and it made her heart swell. "You're not mad?" She questioned, her voice wavering slightly.

"No," Julien smiles, squeezing her hands. "I could never be mad at you, ma cherie. Besides, I'm not going to force you to choose me. If you want to be with Cole, that's your choice. I'll accept it, and respect it. Yes, I'll be hurt and sad, but it's your choice. You deserve to be happy, Holly. And if he makes you happy, then that's all that matters. I just want you to be happy."

Hollyn let out a small sob at his words. She couldn't believe how wonderful he was, how understanding and compassionate. She was the luckiest girl in the world to have him in her life. She leaned forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. She felt him hug her back, his arms encircling her as he held her close. They stayed like that for a moment, both savoring the closeness and warmth of each other. He let her cry, rubbing her back soothingly until her sobs subsided.

"I'm sorry," Hollyn mumbles against his chest. "I'm such a mess." She felt bad for crying on him, but he didn't seem to mind.

"It's okay, Holly," Julien assures her, pulling back slightly to look at her with concern. "Are you feeling better?" He cupped her face, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

"Yes, thanks to you." Hollyn smiles, her heart skipping a beat at the loving expression on his face and his touch. "Thank you for being so cool about all of this, Jules. You're the best."

"Anytime, ma cherie." Julien grins, winking playfully. "Besides, you deserve the best. Just know if you do decide to be with Cole, we'll still, of course, be friends. I always want you in my life no matter what. If that's what you want."

"Yes, of course. I want that, too." Hollyn replies, a wave of relief washing over her. She knew she was lucky to have Julien as a friend and she never wanted to lose that. "I'm glad we're on the same page."

"Me, too." Julien agrees, grinning. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. Hollyn closes her eyes, savoring the contact. It was a sweet and innocent gesture, but it meant so much more. He smiles warmly at her when he pulled back. "Hey, so, are you busy? Maybe we could hang out for a bit before you have to go home. I can bring you back here when we're done so you can get your car." He reassures her. "But if you have plans that's fine, too."

"I'd like that." Hollyn responds, smiling brightly. "I'm not busy and hanging out sounds great."

"Perfect." Julien grins, leaning back in his seat. "Then what do you say about going to get some hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate sounds perfect." Hollyn replied immediately. The weather had been chilly recently with light snow covering the ground. Hot chocolate was always the perfect way to warm up.

"Awesome," Julien smirks, turning on the engine. He glances at her, his eyes shining. "Let's go, ma cherie."

She smiled shyly, looking away to look out the window while she buckled up. Her face felt warm and her heart was beating fast. She was beyond relieved her conversation with him went well and that he felt the same way. Even though she had one more person to talk to, she felt a little more confident that things would work out in the end. And she was looking forward to seeing what the future holds.


After spending a great afternoon getting hot chocolate and talking more with Julien, he took her back to the school so she could get her car. Before he left, he had kissed her cheek and leaving her blushing and smiling shyly when she got in her car. As soon as she arrived home, she immediately called Facetimed her friends in the art club to update them.

"So, how did it go?" Elise asked, sounding and looking impatient.

"Great," Hollyn responds, still feeling giddy. "I can't believe it went great. He feels the same way and reassured me we would still be friends if I chose Cole. And that he would support me no matter what 'cause all he wants is for me to be happy." She sighed happily, a lovesick smile on her face.

"He's so sweet!" Kira gushes. "Definitely team Julien."

"Same here." Elise admitted with a grin.

"I'm Team Cole." Areli admits. "I mean, they've been best friends they're whole lives so I think it just makes sense for them to be together."

"She's right." Lachlan agrees. "You and Cole seem perfect for each other."

"Guys, this isn't helping." Hollyn whines. "I still have no idea what I'm going to do. I mean, I feel terrible. Julien is great and everything, but so is Cole. They're both perfect and I don't want to hurt either of them. Plus I don't want to get hurt either and-"

"You really need to learn to stop rambling and take a breath." Elliott speaks up, sending her a sympathetic look. "This is a tough situation, Hollyn. It's hard to imagine being in your shoes. I can't imagine how torn you must feel. But you need to figure out what you want. Who you imagine spending the rest of your life with. And you should talk to Cole. The sooner the better."

"I'm planning on talking to him tonight." She admits shakily. "I just hope everything goes okay."

"It will, Hollyn." Areli reassures her, giving her a reassuring smile. "You'll see. Everything will work out for the best. And whatever happens, we're here for you."

Everyone wished her luck and reassured things would be okay before they all ended the call. She took a deep breath before she got up and got ready to meet with Cole at the treehouse like they normally do after dinner. Her stomach was twisting in knots and she could feel the nerves taking over, but she pushed it aside. She needed to do this. It was the only way she could move forward.

"Please don't end badly." She muttered to herself as she got her horse, Apollo, ready to ride to the treehouse. She climbed on and headed to the treehouse, her thoughts racing.

It seemed to take forever to reach the treehouse, even though she knew it didn't. It was just the nerves. She tied Apollo to the fence outside before she climbed up the ladder. Her nerves and anxiety about having this talk with Cole overridden her fear of heights as she climbed up the ladder.

When she entered the treehouse, she found Cole sitting on the hammock, leaning back with his eyes closed and arms behind his head as a makeshift pillow. He must've dozed off while waiting for her to arrive. He looked so peaceful and adorable. She hated to disturb him, but she knew she needed to tell him the truth.

"Hey," She called out gently, her heart skipping a beat as his eyes open and his gaze meets hers. He smiled and sat up, making room for her to sit beside him.

"Hey," He greeted her, his voice soft. He scooted closer to her, his eyes searching hers. He could tell something was bothering her, and his concern grew. "Is everything okay? You seem tense."

"Um, no, everything's not okay." Hollyn began, swallowing hard. She didn't want to have this conversation. She knew it was important, but it was making her anxious and her stomach was in knots. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Okay," Cole responds, his tone gentle. "You can tell me anything, Hollyn. You know that."

"Yeah," Hollyn nods, biting her lip nervously. "It's just, it's kinda big and I'm worried."

"About what?" Cole questioned, tilting his head. He furrowed his eyebrows, his brow furrowing with concern. He moved his hand and placed it over hers, squeezing gently.

"About you." She admits, looking down. She didn't want to meet his eyes and see his reaction. "About us. I'm worried that if I tell you the truth, you'll be mad or upset and you'll hate me and-"

"I could never hate you." Cole quickly assures her, his voice gentle. He reaches over, gently cupping her face and making her look at him. He searched her eyes, his expression softening. "No matter what, Hollyn, I could never hate you. Please, tell me. I promise it'll be okay."

Hollyn stares at him, her heart racing and her nerves rising. She hoped he was right and that he would still feel the same after she told him the truth. She takes a deep breath, bracing herself for his reaction.

"I...I think I'm falling in love with you. With Julien, too."

Cole blinked, taken aback. He didn't say anything, and the silence made Hollyn panic. She immediately starts rambling, unable to stop herself. "I'm so sorry, Cole. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. You're amazing, and wonderful, and the best friend I could ever ask for. I really didn't want to hurt you, but I also didn't want to lie and hide the truth. A-And with Julien, we started getting closer and I don't know what happened, but I've been feeling the same way about him, too. I'm sorry. I understand if you're mad and never want to see me again. I promise I won't bother you anymore. I-"

"Hollyn," Cole interrupted her, his voice firm. His gaze was intense, but not angry. "Breathe."

Hollyn takes a shaky breath, her chest tight. She hadn't realized she didn't take a breath since she started rambling. She felt relieved Cole hadn't reacted in anger, but there was no mistaking the hurt on his face. "Look, Cole, I'm so-"

"Don't apologize." Cole quickly cuts her off. "Don't." He repeats, his tone serious. He lets out a deep breath, trying to wrap his head around the confession. "Just, give me a minute to process, please."

Hollyn nods, not trusting herself to speak. She was still anxious, her heart pounding and her nerves on high alert. She glanced over at him, noticing he was staring down at his lap, a contemplative expression on his face. She chews on her lower lip, fidgeting with the bracelet he gave her. She was nervous about his reaction, and was trying not to think about the worst case scenario. She hated seeing him hurt and hoped he would still be her friend, but she wouldn't blame him if he wasn't. "S-Should I have not told you the truth?"

"What?" Cole's head snaps up, his expression serious. He shakes his head, frowning. "No, no, I'm glad you did. I'm glad you trusted me enough to be honest. That means a lot. I just need a second to think, is all."

"O-Okay." Hollyn responded, her voice barely a whisper. She couldn't deny the relief she felt at his words. She was thankful he understood and appreciated her being honest. It was a huge weight off her shoulders, but her nerves still hadn't completely subsided. She wanted him to say something, but she also didn't want to pressure him. It was a hard conversation, and she could understand his need to process.

Cole sighs, running a hand through his hair. He was struggling to come up with what to say. He never expected to have this conversation, and now that it was happening, he was at a loss for words. His best friend was falling in love with him. And Julien apparently. He couldn't believe it, but he was hurt and jealous. He wasn't angry or upset, but he wasn't exactly thrilled, either.

He had to admit he felt so exited and relieved to hear she felt the same and the first thing he had wanted to do was pull her in for a kiss. But when she added Julien, his heart sank. He had a feeling they liked each other that way, but hearing it confirmed broke his heart.

"I'm not mad," Cole begins, his voice soft. "I promise, I'm not." He adds when he notices the concern on her face. "I'm just shocked. I can't believe it. It's a lot to process."

"Yeah," Hollyn nods, biting her lower lip nervously. "I understand. It's a lot." She knew he needed a minute, but it was hard to sit in silence. It was torture.

Cole sighs, shifting in his seat to face her. He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Look, Hollyn, I...I don't know what to say." He admits, frowning. "I'm not going to pretend I'm happy about the fact you have feelings for Julien. Because I'm not."

Hollyn felt her heart sink at his words. She knew he wasn't going to be thrilled, but she didn't expect him to sound so hurt and defeated. She felt her eyes sting with tears and she quickly looked away to wipe her tears from her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to speak. She didn't want him to hear how shaky her voice would sound.

Hollyn turns her gaze back to him, her heart pounding. She couldn't believe he felt the same way. She couldn't stop the tears that began to fall and she sniffled, her voice shaking. "How long have you felt that way?"

"A long time." Cole admits, giving her a small, shy smile. "I can't remember a time where I didn't love you, Hollyn." He adds with a nervous chuckle, glancing down when he felt his face grow warm. "Though it wasn't until recently it turned into romantic love."

"I can't believe this." Hollyn admits, laughing tearfully. "This is unreal. I-I didn't think you would feel the same. I think I always loved you too." She confesses, realizing the truth. "Like with you, until recently, it turned romantic. You've always been such an amazing friend and you've always been there for me."

Cole smiles softly, his gaze tender. "I'll always be here for you, Hollyn. Always."

"So," Hollyn begins, swallowing hard. She was scared to ask, but she needed to know. "What do we do now? Where do we go from here?"

Cole is quiet for a moment, his expression contemplative. He takes a deep breath, his heart pounding. He wasn't sure if this was the right decision, but it felt right. He couldn't lose her. He wouldn't.

"I don't know about you," He begins, his voice soft. He meets her gaze, his eyes searching hers. "But I don't want to lose you, Hollyn. I can't."

"You won't." Hollyn quickly assures him. "I can't lose you, either. You mean too much to me. More than you could ever know."

"Well, then, maybe..." Cole begins, a shy smile on his face. He takes her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. "Maybe, if you're willing, we can give this a chance? Us. We could be a couple."

Hollyn's eyes widened, her heart racing. Her cheeks flushed and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had always wanted to be his girlfriend, but then when she had feelings for Julien, it became even more complicated. She needed more time to think this through though. This was happening all at once and she was overwhelmed. "I-I need to think about this. I need more time. Is that okay?"

"Of course," Cole replies immediately, squeezing her hand gently. He offers her a reassuring smile. "Take as long as you need. There's no rush."

"Thank you," Hollyn breathes, smiling as she sighs in relief. "Really, Cole. It means a lot." She squeezes his hand, leaning her head on his shoulder. "It feels so good to get all this off my chest."

"Yeah," Cole agrees, letting out a shaky breath. He rests his head against hers, closing his eyes. "Me, too. I'm so relieved you feel the same, Hollyn. I can't even put it into words."

Hollyn chuckles, her expression softening. "I know exactly what you mean."

They sat in silence, enjoying the moment and the comfort of being close to one another. They were both feeling so many emotions, but they were relieved everything was out in the open. Now all they needed to do was decide what the next step would be.

"I'll give you my answer soon." Hollyn promises, lifting her head and meeting his gaze. "I-I'm not sure when, but I will. Just...Not yet."

"Whenever you're ready." Cole reassures her, smiling. He lifts his head up and leans down and presses a gentle kiss on the top of her head. He pulls away, his expression softening. "No rush. I mean it. Take as much time as you need. I'm not going anywhere."

Hollyn smiles and wraps her arms around his waist, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thanks, Cole. For everything." She mumbled, her voice muffled.

"Anytime, Hollyn." Cole responds, smiling as he returns the hug. "Anytime."

A/N ahh !! finally they confess their feelings

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