Release Party

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A / N : There will be several POV changes in this chapter . I'm not trying to confuse anyone , it's simply necessary for the narrative this time .


     It's about 10:30 in the morning , and we've just gotten into LA . My book - release party is tonight , and then we have the awards thing tomorrow , so we'll be here for at least three days . Right now , we're meeting the guys at the recording studio , where we'll hash out who's staying where this time . 

     The six of us walk in , and see Blasko , Feldy , Joe , and Jake in sort of a huddle in the front room . They all jump when they hear the door open , but then relax when they see us .

     "Jeez , guys , it's just us !" , Brian exclaims . "What did you expect , fucking 'Dexter' or something?"

     "More along the lines of the fucking wankers who tried to sneak in here earlier ." , Feldy responds .

     Ash and Scott face - palm , while Rick rolls his eyes and says "Seriously , dude ?"

     "I told you it wouldn't be that easy , the sharks are in full - on frenzy ." , I say . "I was shocked that they weren't hanging at the front gate when we got here ."

     "They were earlier , but Feldy called the cops when they tried to get past the gate ." , Joe informs us  . "The two that tried to trip the controls got hauled off , and they told the rest of 'em that if they stayed out there they'd be arrested , too , for creating a traffic hazard ."

     Just then , we hear a vehicle outside , and I see CC's car pull into a parking slot , with Jinxx following just a few seconds later . They get out , and walk inside , joining the rest of the group . Both of them report that their social media has essentially crashed , with Jake and Ash relating the same .

     "So how is he holding up , really ?" , Ash inquires . "I know what he tells me on the phone , but it's not quite the same as talking face to face ."

     "He's trying to keep it together for Jules , but you can tell that it's pretty raw ." , Jinxx says . "But they just pulled up , so you can see for yourself ."



     We all turn toward the door as Andy and Juliet walk in , both looking somewhat sleep - deprived . This is the first time we've seen them since this started , and for a few seconds , no one seems to know what to do . This doesn't last long , as Tiana turns and gives first Juliet , then Andy a big hug , saying something to each of them that the rest of us can't quite make out . 

     After this , it seems to be easier for the rest of us , since she broke the ice , so to speak , and Jake and I end up alone in the corner with Andy .

     "So , are you doing all right , bro ?" , I ask him .

     "Well , I've definitely had better weeks , but I'm trying to just chalk it up as a learning experience ." , he tells us . "I knew the second everything started that somebody was gonna end up putting it on Facebook or something , I just wish that they'd known when to fucking stop !"

     "So I guess you two won't be coming tonight , right ?" 

     "Wrong , Ash . We have no plans on backing out , that just gives the assholes more to speculate about . Why should we have to hide from them , and let them dictate what we do and where we go ?"

     He looks around as he says this , then asks , "Does anyone know where Juliet went ?" When , he says this , I notice that neither she or Tiana are anywhere to be seen .

    "Yeah , she's outside by the pool with Tiana ." , says Blasko .

     We look out the window , and they're sitting on the edge of the pool deck , apparently absorbed in what looks like a rather serious discussion . Maybe that's the best thing , for her to have somebody to talk to who's a little more objective , without any sort of real connection to the issue .

     They stay out there for a half hour or so , then finally come back inside , and Juliet immediately comes over to Andy and hugs him so tightly I almost expect to hear his ribs crack .

     "Hey , there , is everything OK , Dragonfly ?" , he inquires .

     "Yeah , just thinking about how lucky I actually am to have you , babe . No matter how bad things get , you're here .", she mutters into his chest .

    "Of course I am , you know that ! You do the same for me , that's how this works ." , he informs her .

      The rest of us just sort of look at each other , not sure what brought this on , and sort of move away to let them have their moment .

     After a couple of minutes , they let go of each other and rejoin the rest of us . We then attempt to work out the sleeping arrangements , and wind up with Rick and Shan at Jakes , Scott and Brian at CC's , and Tiana and I staying at Andy's , in separate rooms , of course . I guess that makes things more convenient , since she is my date for both events , but it's definitely gonna test my willpower .


Evening ;


     "Boy , I'm glad this is casual ! I really didn't feel like getting dressed up tonight !" , I say as Juliet and I stand at the vanity mirror , finishing our hair and makeup .

     "Yeah , since we have to do it tomorrow ." , she agrees .

     "I have that covered , I'm just glad we don't have to do it two days in a row ."

     I finally get my hair to behave , and double - check myself in the mirror . I'm wearing a pair of faded out skinny jeans , with a dragon embroidered down the right leg in black , a fitted T shirt with a picture of the book cover printed on the front , and my cobalt - blue cowboy boots , with a pair of pewter dragons hanging from my ears , and a silver bracelet shaped like a dragon around my wrist .

     "So, are you and Ash a thing again ?" , she wants to know .

     "No , at least not now ." , I reply . "Yeah , I still find him incredibly attractive , but I don't want to jump into something until I'm sure he actually knows what he wants this time ."

     "I can understand that , but I think he's pretty much made that decision , T . I know he had some sort of major talk with Andy the last time you guys were here , and Andy apparently told him he should back off a bit , and take time to be sure himself . And judging by the way he was looking at you earlier , I'm guessing he is . I obviously don't really know what Ash was like as a teenager , but I can tell you that he's matured quite a bit just in the time I've known him ."

     I give her a motion to continue , and she says , "If you weren't aware , he had a girlfriend for a couple of years , but things obviously didn't work out for them , and I think that made him stop and think about what he really wants ."

     There's a knock on the bathroom door , and Andy's voice booms through the wood , saying , "What are you two doing in there , full KISS makeup ? You're gonna be late for your own party if we don't get moving !"

     We leave the bathroom , and meet up with the guys in the living room . As I look at Ashley , I'm almost rendered speechless as I'm reminded yet again how un - fucking - believably gorgeous he really is . He's wearing a black T shirt , fitted enough to accentuate how toned he is , along with a leather jacket , blue jeans that are snug in all of the right places , boots , and his cowboy hat .

     "Planning on trying to pick up chicks at the party tonight ?" , I say to him , jokingly .

     "Maybe , if the chick I wanna pick up is willing . Is it working ?" , he retorts , and even though he's returning the grin I gave him , I can see in his eyes that he's not entirely joking .

    Wow ! Maybe there was something to what Juliet said , after all .



     This place kind of reminds me of being backstage after one of our shows . Lots of people wandering around , some of them indulging in a bit too much liquid refreshment , and people asking lots of questions . The only real difference this time is that most of the questions are related to Tiana's book , wanting to know how she came up with the characters , if it's going to be a continuing series , things like that .

     Then , somebody pipes up and asks , "Well , since Ashley did the artwork for your cover , and the two of you are here together tonight , does that mean that you're an item ?"

     "What it means is that we've known each other since high school , we chose to come here together , and anything else is between the two of us ." , she replies .

     "That's right !" , I say . " I really don't see what this has to do with the book anyway . That's supposedly what we're here to talk about ." 

     "But people are interested !" , the guy says .

     "Next question ." , Tiana states .

     She answers a few more questions , then gathers the rest of the guys together , and takes us all over to be introduced to Phoebe's husband and daughter , who is super - excited to meet us , apparently when Phoebe was talking about my pictures on her daughters wall , she literally meant that the majority of her room is covered with posters and magazine cutouts of the whole band . We pose for a couple of pictures with her , and autograph the T - shirt she brought with a gold Sharpie .

     Just as CC hands the shirt back to her , everyone suddenly hears , from the next room , "Hey , you can't do that ! That thing cost a fucking fortune !"

     To which Tiana's voice replies , "Alright then , if you want the fucker so badly , then you can go get it !" , followed by a loud splash .

     I immediately head that direction , followed by the rest of the guys , to find out what has caused the shit to apparently hit the fan .


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