Omake: Muku-nii to the Rescue!

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"There is a wall of silence in our way

What's quiet in the voices I cannot say

Through all the walls I fought in my mind

And your eyes are the only refuge I find

So we moved under the spotlight

And never thought about the price we'd pay

When all the world around us slipped away

Hey, is there a place for us

Where flames flicker and wave for us

And we can see the future and the dreams it's made of

Hey, is there a place

A place for us

A place for us

Well I'm not afraid to die here

But damned if I go on living a lie here

So long we revelled in the spotlight

And never think about the price we'd pay

When all the world around us slipped away

Hey, is there a place for us

Where flames flicker and wave for us

And we can see the future and the dreams it's made of

Hey, is there a place

A place for us

A place for us

Now from the streets we run

Eyes wild like the sun

We are the new creators

We are the chosen ones

And as the city blazes

You hear a voice that you can trust

Singing is this the place for us

Hey, is there a place for us

Where flames flicker and wave for us

And we can see the future and the dreams it's made of

Hey, is there a place

A place for us

A place for us

A place for us

A place for us

A place for us"

My song ends and I sigh. I had gone through my entire playlist and I am still on edge. I am currently sitting in my office, reclining on my couch, hiding from the entirety of the world. And everyone knows it too. Well, maybe Lal and Reborn don't know, but they should soon. After all, Lal tried to get me to train today of all days. I am never good on this day. This day is always the worst in my life. How could this day be so bad you ask? Well, if you are a girl past the age of puberty, you would also understand my pain. If you aren't, tough luck. I won't say it out loud.

Sighing, I go back and restart my entire music library once more. Surprisingly enough, the song Jericho came on as the first song. Just fucking great. The best part? All my animals know that today is a day to avoid me. My boys are even avoiding me. They know that if anyone threatens me today, burnt toast would be better off then them.

It has been about a week since the two babes joins the Sawada household. After the first three mornings of me waking up before dawn to go through reports only to find that Reborn is trying to sneak into my room only an hour after the sun rises, I have all but moved into headquarters. I should name it or something. I do after all call this fucking place home for the moment.

There is a knock on my door. I don't move to open it, knowing that there are only three people who would know to look for me here and have to courage to actually follow through on that thought. Unfortunately for them, I am not in any mood to deal with them. So I remain silent. Tuning them out with my music. If it was Tsu-nii, he would get the message and leave. If it was Kyo-nii he would go next door and wait until I came for him. If it were Muku-nii, I would be playing with lightning once more.

Unfortunately, it was Muku-nii. Fortunately, he seemed to know about my circumstances.

"Do you need to train with me?" He asks almost gently. The gentleness in his question stopped me from giving him forth degree burns via lightning. Unlike most of the people in this world didn't know about my previous life. Muku-nii did. He was the only one who could likely understand my situation, since it had happened to him six times give or take. It helped that he knew that I didn't really remember much about my previous life.

I mean think about it, you spend thirteen years in a world as a different person you kinda forget who you were in the first life. It didn't help that my past life was now a separate entity in my Mindscape like a separate personality. I had started calling her Elley because that is what she wanted to be called, and it was a small mercy. She couldn't after all do anything but talk and take care of my Mindscape.

I think for a moment. Today being the day that I had died in my past life. I didn't know how I knew it, I was never one to care about dates even in my past life, but I never failed to get depressed on this day. The fact that my period started on this day as well didn't help. Or maybe it did, who would know?

"Sure, I could use a different distraction than this. Weapons, or illusions?" Muku-nii gives me a soft smile. The kind that he only gives to Sisko and me.

"Nagi will be joining us, so we will work on mid-range weapons and illusions." Oh thank the gods. Sisko will be with us. She knew just how bad today was even if she didn't know why. Getting up, I leave my office of green and filling cabinets everywhere to follow Muku-nii. He leads me to an empty office that will likely never be filled because of one reason, it holds the only entrance known by all that leads to the Underbase. Every office has an entrance, however that entrance is known by three people; Tsu-nii, the person who owns the office, and me. Tsu-nii because he is the boss and is the one who tells the person who owns the office. Me because no one can hide things from me in my own house.

Muku-nii presses his hand upon the symbol that leads to the door of the Underbase and lights his flames. The door disappears because the real illusion that it was there temporarily disappeared, and we entered with the door reappearing after we both passed it. The hall is dark while we walk down it before reaching some stairs leading down. There there is some light, but only enough to barely see with so that we don't kill ourselves on the stairs, and as soon as the stairs end, the light disappears. "Almost there." Muku-nii whispers as if I don't know this fact.

Suddenly a bright light starts shining right in our faces. "Welcome dear people, to the Underbase!" Muku-nii ignores my usual strange concentration. Continuing to walk, we quickly reached a training room where Sisko was waiting for us. "Alright girls. Ready to begin?"


And just because I can.....

Thank Mukuro.

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