Chapter Two

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Y/N woke up slowly, she felt tired even though she had slept the whole night. Y/N got up out of bed, everyone else was sleeping. Y/N looked to the right and seen the same guard from the day before standing there she smirked, Y/N found him interesting even though he was annoying. Y/N walked over towards him

"Morning dickface~" Y/N said in a sweet but aggressive tone

"Go away" Y/N rolled her eyes and kissed mask like she did yesterday, Y/N wanted to get to know him better

"No, I'm bored" the guard groaned, Y/N could tell that he was annoyed but she didn't care 

"Then go back to sleep" Y/N pouted, she didn't wanna go back to sleep. Every time she did, she would get a nightmare

"No, I don't wanna have a nightmare!" Y/N hugged the guard put he pushed her off

"Y/N, go back to sleep." Y/N rolled her eyes

"Fine..." Y/N was about to walk away when the guard grabbed her wrist and pulled Y/N towards him, he smelled like he took a fresh shower and he had abs..

"You smell nice" The guard whispered in Y/N's ear, Y/N blushed hard

"Y-You too.." He chuckled a bit

"You know Y/N, I've been thinking..." The guard put his hands through Y/N's hair, Y/N had never felt so nervous around someone before. The feeling in her stomach..

"Th-Thinking...?" There was a large silence between the two until he finally broke it

"That we should-" before the guard could finish his sentence the doors to the hell slammed opened causing Y/N to almost fall onto the ground but the guard caught her by the waist before she did

"Number 29?" Y/N pushed him off of her, it was another one of those guards. He had a triangle mask though

"Y-Yeah?" The square mask turned around

"The boss wants you" Y/N was secretly listening to them talk, who was the boss?

"Alright" They walked out of the hallway, Y/N wanted to know who this 'boss' was so. Y/N followed them trying hard not to make any noise

Meanwhile with the guard:

"Can I come in sir?" I said while knocking on the door, I wonder what he wanted this time

"Come in number 29" Damn what a cold tone of voice, I opened the door and seen the boss sitting in his chair, weird..

"You asked me to come?" The boss spon around in his chair, I bet he didn't even wash that mask before he put it on

"Yes, as you can tell. I have seen on the camera what you and Y/N was doing, do you know what happened the last time?" Shit, so he saw? Well I guess that was kinda obvious

"No sir, it won't happen again" He got up from his chair and stood still, damn. I'm scared for my life now..

"It better not, you can leave now" I turned around and left the cabin, I turned to my left and seen Y/N standing there. I almost had a fucking heart attack


Y/N's POV:

"Y/N?" Y/N looked up at the guard and smiled a bit and laughed

"What?" The guard groaned and walked up towards Y/N

"We, need to go back. Come on" Y/N rolled her eyes but she walked away (When they reached the hall) Once the guard and Y/N got back to the hall she walked over to her bed. The guard followed Y/N

"Sleep tight, Y/N." The guard kissed Y/N's forehead and walked away, Y/N was blushing hard. She had never felt like this before, with anyone... the only question... did he feel the same way??

Guards POV:

I walked back over to my spot, my mind racing with thoughts. Why did I kiss her forehead?? This feeling in my stomach... fuck! I had gotten hard again... I always got hard around her... why though..? None of this makes any sense!


HEY GUYS, HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER. SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG, I HAD TO THINK OF IDEAS SORRY IT'S SHORT. I HAVE HOMEWORK (a lot) ANYWAYS, what do you think? I wanna know your thoughts. Have a good day/night! 💕💕

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