Secret #42

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God of the Rain

Memorable Pain lines: 

As Pain:

"We're both of the same breed, after all... motives for war are of no concern. Religion, ideology, resources, land, grudges, love, or just because... No matter how pathetic the reason, it's enough to start a war. War will never cease to exist... Reasons can be thought up after the fact. Human nature pursues strife."

- To Akatsuki

"You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you... this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."

- To Tsunade 

As Nagato: 

"Dying like trash... never ending hatred... pain that never heals... that is war... Naruto... this... is what you must face... The book... and you... It's like... someone... set this all up... Or... maybe... this... is... the hand of the real God... My role is over now... Naruto... you... can really—"

- Last words to Naruto before dying

"Naruto... I'll be returning to where our master is, so I can see your story... If you ask me... You're the third part that concludes the series... The first part was Jiraiya... He was flawless... But... The second part was me, an almost complete failure... I couldn't even get our master to acknowledge me... Ending the series is the third part... The final work will settle it all! Become such a masterpiece that that failure will be like it was cancelled altogether... Naruto!"

- Last words to Naruto before being sealed

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