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Jazz stormed down the long hall, a large crowd of people following after.

"Ugh! Where is the exit?!" She huffed in frustration. The hall was seemingly endless, with millions of black and white locked doors lining either side.

Jazz decided to play her best card. "Danny?" she called into the air. The people following her stopped.

"Danny, its Jazz. Help me out here." she waited quietly.

Everyone held their breath as they hoped for something to happen.

"The walls..." a blonde girl whispered.

The walls on both sides of the group glowed green. The splattered paint seemed to drip into disfigured words that seemed to be in another language.

"What does it say?" Wyatt muttered.

"Its in Esperanto...." Maddie observed.


The group looked at Jazz. "It says 'Welcome to the Mindscape'. " she mused.

"We're in a mindscape?!" Wyatt cried. "But that's impossible!"

"That's my brother for ya. Impossible,  inside and out. I'm surprised it's so colourful in his mindscape...."

"Since when can you speak Esperanto?" Jack asked.

Jazz rolled her eyes. "Since my brother came crying to me speaking another language."

"Can someone please explain what is happening?" a beautiful Latino girl snapped.

The blonde girl, who's name was Star, snapped at her. "We are in Danny Fenton's mindscape, which is like a place to keep all your memories and secrets and stuff. Jazz can speak different languages, and the Fentons are bad parents. Jeez, pay attention for once Paulina."

The students laughed at Paulina's offended face. She huffed and turned away.

"Wait a second, the words changed..." she said surprised.

Everyone turned back to the walls. The paint splattered pattern had cleared from a segment, showing silver words written harshly against the black paint.

A few of the students and teachers looked to Jazz, who looked like all her problems were over.

"Music is light, Melody is Key. Stay away from Black. Black kills Blue, Green dies too. Red leads the Music, Melody knows who." she breathed.

Wyatt thought about those words. Music is Light, Melody is Key....

"Its a riddle." he said. Jazz shook her head.

"They're instructions. Its written in Danny's poetry style, so it shows us how to do something."

"What are we supposed to do then?" Dash asked.

"Follow the instructions, obviously." Wyatt said.

"But they don't make any sense!" A teacher spoke up.

A young boy pushed his way to the front of the crowd. "Of course they do!" he adjusted his glasses.

Jazz nodded. "Mikey's right."

"The first two lines: Music is Light, Melody is Key. We need the Music to show us the way, and someone needs to sing. But it has to be the right song." Mikey explained.

"Wait, hold on." Dash broke in. "What if the key words are stand-ins for names, But what you just said still applies? Music is light, Someone is Key. Because it says 'Melody knows who' at the end, so it's safe to say that Melody is a person."

"The person who sings! Nice!" Wyatt said.

"But if Melody is a person," Star cut in, "Then all those colors are too! 'Black kills Blue, Green dies too. Red leads the music!' Those are all actions, which means that counts as personification, which is the act of giving nonliving things the actions of a person!"

"So we have to stay away from someone, if not they will kill someone with another person dying not long after. We have to find the right person to sing the right song and lead us to whoever Red is, who will show us the way out!" Wyatt finished excitedly.

The entire group of people looked to Jazz, who stood to the side with an amused look on her face.

"You guys are right, and its nice that you guys are trying to understand my little brother for once, but I already had it figured out." she smiled.

Wyatt, Mikey, Dash, and Star all looked embarrassed.

Jazz laughed. "You guys got it right, and quick too. The people are easy to guess. I'm melody, because of my name and because we sing together all the time. Fenton is blue, and Phantom is Green, that's their eye colors." Jazz listed them off on her fingers.

"I don't know who Black or Red are, but I'm sure I will if I meet them. And as for Music is Light..." she pointed to her feet.

They all looked down, and wherever Jazz's feet touched, the floor lit up white.

"So!" Jazz clapped her hands together. "Everyone, stay away from the doors, and I'll lead the way!"

The group pulled tighter together.

Jazz sighed. "Okay."

"Danny? Little brother? Can I sing you a song?" she called out.

The hallway gave her an answer she was not expecting. All the doors unlocked and slammed open, bright colors all pouring into the hall.

Jazz nearly cried when she saw all the memories behind the doors. Of her and Danny.

Images of her and Danny laughing. Her chasing her six year old brother who was covered in flour. Danny showing her how well he can play piano. Her teaching him to play guitar.

Jazz took a step forward, the floor brightening. Suddenly, the memories froze. The doors slammed shut, cutting off all the sounds and lights.

Jazz huffed in annoyance. "Ugh. Danny!" she sighed.

She moved forward and grabbed the nearest doorknob and turned. As expected, locked.

Jazz sighed.

"I can't sleep tonight. Wide awake and so confused...."  she sang clearly.

"Everything's in line, though I am bruised.
I need a voice to echo. I need a light to take me home..." Her eyes travelled down the long hallway.

"I kinda need a hero....Is it you?" her voice bounced off the walls. Jazz led them further down the hall. She swore she could hear it...

"I never see the forest for the trees. I could really use your melody.." Some people in the crowd began to walk faster, they heard it too. Someone was singing with her.

"..Baby, I'm a little blind, I think it's time for you find me."  Jazz smiled as she drew in a breath.

Jazz started to sing, but the loud notes of a piano interrupted her.

The crowd stopped. Now they could hear it clearly, the beautiful sound of piano and a calm, angelic voice singing.

"Can you be my nightingale? Sing to me I know you're there...You could be my sanity." 

A bright light could be seen as a door opened down the hall. Jazz smiled and ran toward it.

"You bring me peace, sing me to sleep. Say you'll be my nightingale..." The voice  quieted and the piano continued.

The crowd made it to the door just as Jazz  skidded inside.

They had just entered a room painted entirely white. A tall, lean figure sat at grand piano in the middle of the empty room. Jazz moved to sit on the bench directly next to the boy. He sent a blinding smile at her.

The crowd was uneasy, but Jazz smiled back. The boy looked exactly like Danny Fenton, but more bright. And more calm. And were those red eyes?

He was dressed in a black suit with a red dress shirt. His gloved hands moved gracefully across the piano keys, which came together to play a beautiful melody. He was dressed as if he had just come from a masquerade ball, and indeed the crowd could spot an ornate black and red half mask on the piano top.

One  of the crowd timidly spoke up. "Uh...Excuse me...Are you Fenton?"

The Danny simply smiled and calmly ended his music selection. He turned to the crowd.

"Hi there. I heard your song and I just couldn't help myself!" he grinned. Some people were taken aback at the optimistic teen.

"You summoned me sooooo.....whatcha need?" the boy smiled. Mikey stepped closer to the piano.

"The poem on the wall led us here with Jazz. I guess we're trying to find someone to lead us out of Danny's mindscape or...." He shrugged. The boy shook his head, rolling his red eyes.

"Alas, 'tis never a peaceful life for our young archangel...." he sighed, pulling off his gloves. The crowd was half amused and half confused.

"So you are one of the people in the poem, correct?"

The boy nodded in response. "I'm Red. They never did get the name right though..." he mused.

"Who are you?" Maddie asked hotly. The boy raised his eyes to meet hers.

"I, Madam, am Danny's inner peace. My name is Reverence, but you can call me Rev."

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