𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘃𝗶𝗶𝗶. ── thats all over now.

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season one, episode three
( someone saved my life tonight )

Billy had been released from Rehab and was coming home. Graham had bought a new car, so he wouldn't have to borrow Audrey's car from time to time.

Eddie was so excited to show Billy the bass he built over the year. Audrey and Eddie have been dating for a year, and the band still hadn't found out.

AUDREY: I thought we wouldn't last that long.

EDDIE: We lasted a long long time.

Eddie had been asking Audrey if they should tell the band about their relationship, "Eddie we can't. They'd flip."

"Karen didn't flip." Eddie replied, "Because it's Karen, she knew way before we told her."

They went at it for a few seconds before Warren walked into the room, "What's going on?" He asked, Warren had completely grown out a mustache, it made him look weird to Audrey at first glance but she had gotten used to it.

"Nothing," The two said together. Warren looked between the two of them. "Right," Warren brought his hands to his hips, his eyes narrowed by now. "well, Graham's here with Billy. Thought the two of you come and see him."

The two nodded, "Be right there." Audrey replied as Warren nodded as he exited the door. "Man those two are totally fucking," Warren told Karen who let out a laugh.

Audrey glanced at Eddie and she let out a chuckle before she walked out. She left Eddie standing there as she walked down the stairs to the garage.

Billy was standing there with Graham as Warren brought him into a hug, "Looks good on you." Billy noticed Warren's full-grown mustache on his face.

Warren chuckled and pointed to it. Audrey had her arms folded as Billy noticed her, "Your hair..." Billy tilted his head and furrowed his brows. "it's shorter..."

Billy completely noticed Audrey's hair as it was now at shoulder length, her bangs were still there. It was smoother than the last time Billy had seen it. When he last saw her hair, it was frizzier, and way longer.

Audrey chuckled, "It's not that different, Billy. I still got the bangs." Audrey smiled before bringing Billy into a hug. "You look better," She whispered into his ear.

"I've been worse." He replied back as Eddie cleared his throat. Billy and Audrey broke apart from their hug.

Eddie squished himself through Karen and Warren with his bass. "I gotta show you this bass," Eddie smiled.

Audrey walked away from Billy and grabbed Eddie's hand, "Eddie, give him a minute, okay? He has to meet his daughter." Audrey smiled before she wrapped an arm around his waist.

Eddie nodded as he moved away from Audrey and went to place the bass back down. Billy had walked into the house across the garage.

Warren had turned his body from Billy to Eddie and Audrey, "What?" Audrey laughed as Warren folded his arms.

"Something is going on between you two, you've been sleeping in Audrey's room a lot more, man," Warren added. Eddie shook his head as he squinted his eyes and smiled, "Nothing's going on,"

Warren could see the look on their faces trying to not make it obvious about the two's relationship. Audrey brought a hand to her cheek cuffing her face.

Eddie cleared his throat sensing Warren figured it out by now. He looked back to his guitar before looking at Audrey and then at Warren.

Warren nodded, and he pointed a finger at them. "I'm gonna find out." After that, he left.

Karen brought her mouth into a line, "Wouldn't hurt to... just tell them," Karen stated as she walked to the stairs of the garage.

Eddie nodded, "Agreed."

EDDIE: The label dropped us a week after the tour was canceled.

WARREN: They made us pay back our advance and everything.

GRAHAM: I kept us practicing as much as I could and got a job at the body shop.

WARREN: Yeah, I was working down at Malibu Harbor cleaning boats which I loved, and, uh, doing a lot of mushrooms. [laughs] Which I also loved.

AUDREY: I started to work at a school as uh, a band teacher. It paid well and kept us right on rent. Everyone would ask me if I had a boyfriend or a husband, mostly single dads. 

[Audrey laughs and places a hand over her mouth] They realized who my boyfriend was when Eddie arrived at the school and asked if he wanted to grab dinner later those nights. And he greeted me with a kiss every time I was talking with the dads.

EDDIE: Basically, we were back where we started. Worse, even.

INTERVIEWER: Are you still upset about it?

EDDIE: Me? Nah. I mean, holding onto that shit will be the death of you. [scoffs] But he really fucked us over.

AUDREY: We were so close.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Eddie snapped at Billy, he was seated in a chair holding a cigarette between his fingers. Audrey leaned against Karen, "Look, everybody just calm down, okay?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake, I can't be the only one who's pissed here!" Eddie ignored Graham's words: 'Calm down.'

Billy told them he was leaving the band to support Camila and Julia. "I don't know what else you want me to say. You guys don't even need me." Billy explained as he looked at every one of them.

"You have the songs, you got the fan base, I mean, I'm sure if you just..."

"Billy!" Eddie yelled having enough of Billy's words. "If you're going," He looked to him. "go." He breathed out as Billy had a hand on his hip as he turned around and left.

"So now what do we do?" Warren asked as he threw his ring on the table. "Do we go back to working at our jobs?" Audrey asked Graham. "Graham I can't have the single dads asking me if I have a boyfriend."

"Well, you have one don't you?" Eddie asked, raising a brow as he took a puff of his cigarette. She gave him a; 'Do we really have to do this here?' kind of look.

Karen cleared her throat. Eddie was fuming with anger and this way of telling the band they were together wasn't the best.

KAREN: Bands fall apart, you know. That's rock and roll. I just... [Karen looks away from the camera] ...thought this one was different.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Teddy had come to the house, assuming one of them called. Audrey had her hands on Eddie, she was on his lap as the two made out in the garage.

She rolled her hips as he bucked his waist to create more friction between the two.

They muttered things to each other which made them crave each other more.

They were soon interrupted by Teddy as he cleared his throat. Audrey turned her head as Eddie peeked out his from Audrey's chest.

"Do you know where Billy is? Graham called." Teddy asked taking off his sunglasses.

Audrey nodded, "He's in the house," Audrey pointed to the house across from the garage. Teddy nodded as he waved the two off.

Eddie started to laugh, "We can't do this out in the open anymore." She hit his chest. Eddie rolled his eyes, "You know you love it, and you love me."

Audrey rolled her eyes as she nodded before she placed a kiss on Eddie's lips.

"There's a party later that we got invited to," Eddie said into the kiss. "Really? That's the first time we get invited to one," Audrey replied.

"We should get ready then," Audrey had positioned herself off of Eddie's lap before walking up the stairs from the garage.

Audrey walked up the stairs she saw Graham and Karen already dressed waiting for Audrey and the two other boys.

"Where have you been?" Graham asked as he looked up from the television.

"I was downstairs..." Eddie emerged from the door to the garage. "...practicing with Eddie..." She scratched the tip of her nose before she walked away to her room.

Eddie gave a smile and said something before he rushed to his own room.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Warren, Audrey, and Eddie were at the bar drinking and smoking. They were talking about how Karen and Graham left to find a new singer in the band.

Soon after that, a guy came up to them overhearing their conversation. They chatted for a while was Audrey had her head down, Warren finished chugging a beer and Eddie was playing with the little umbrella from his drink.

"But are you still gonna be called 'The Six'?" She heard Warren slam down the beer bottle on the table. "I mean, there's five of you now."

Audrey let out a laugh, "That's what makes it funnier." Warren replied as he was giving a small to him. "Look, if you don't get the joke," Eddie continued, Audrey raised her head turning the seat to the guy. "I-I can't help you, man."

They leaned closer to Audrey who gave an uncomfortable smile, "What do you think?" He asked. Eddie watched with wide eyes as Warren looked around at a girl who was checking him out.

"I mean, I don't care. It's funny to me." Audrey let out a laugh as she leaned onto Eddie afterward. The guy nodded as he soon left.

Eddie waited for Warren to leave. It took him a while but he soon left to talk to the girl who was checking him out. Eddie tapped on her shoulder before she smiled, "I've been waiting for him to leave,"

Eddie let out a chuckle and nodded, "Me too." Eddie watched every movement Audrey did. He watched as she fixed her hair, soothed down her dress, and drank a few more times.

"Do you ever think about going on a date? With me?" Eddie blurted out. Audrey's eyebrows went up, she turned her head to him as she took another drink.

"Few times, yeah." She replied to him. "We could go on one soon... ...just until we tell the band," Audrey added. Eddie furrowed his brows leaning closer to his girlfriend.

"When can we tell the band?" Eddie asked. "I'm thinking maybe tomorrow, before we left Graham told me that he put up auditions for a new frontman for us." Eddie nodded before placing a kiss on her lips.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

WARREN: It was a confusing time.

The group had watched frontman after frontman. Some left the band members, worried, shocked, annoyed, and scared. Basically, everything you could imagine.

They denied every single one. They were mostly singing their popular song 'Look Me in The Eye' and not any of their others.

After the final one was denied the band stood sitting and standing. Karen let out a sigh. "I feel like we've seen every bloody frontman in the whole of California."

Eddie turned around to face Karen. He let out a shrug, "Not everyone." The band stared at Eddie wondering what he meant by his words.

"What?" Warren mumbled out. Eddie pointed to himself telling the band that he could do it. "I can do it, guys."

Audrey licked her lips before stepping up to Eddie, "We can both do it." Audrey smiled. "Yeah... guys," Graham protests.

Eddie shushed Graham, "I'm a better guitarist than Billy, I can sing almost as good, Audrey can sing really well." Karen looked between the two of them.

"Come on, just give us a chance." Eddie asked, "I mean, they're already up there." Warren said as Audrey and Eddie smiled at each other.

"Ready, babe?" Eddie asked. Audrey's eyes went wide and she jerked her head to the band who seemed to notice Eddie's words.

"Babe?" Graham muttered as Audrey sent a smile to Graham. "They're dating by the way," Karen spoke as she heard Warren give an 'I fucking knew it.'

AUDREY: I mean Eddie and I wanted this. We wanted to have a singing career together since we were kids. We had a chance to prove it.

Audrey stepped over to her guitar as Eddie did as well. She grabbed her songbook showing Eddie the song and as well as the cords.

He nodded before he said, "Could we just sing Flip The Switch?" He asked her and she looked down to her book before nodding.

Eddie started to play the cords as the two looked at each other before they started to sing with each other.

GRAHAM: Audrey's voice is what made the two sound better together. She had the vocals and she had Eddie to back her up with it.

KAREN: She has a great voice. The two together singing was just magic.

WARREN: It made me think differently about Audrey and her singing, and so did Eddie.

AUDREY: I don't like to brag about it.

EDDIE: I brag about it a lot.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

daisy's coming soon guysss

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