𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘅𝘃𝗶. ── a crazy photoshoot.

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season one, episode six
( whatever gets you thru the night )

"You seem to like it," Audrey smirks as she gives Eddie a spin. It was a button-up, plaid tank top. Flared jeans to match the plaid top, and dark red, chunky high boots to top the look off.

Eddie couldn't stop staring at her, sure, Eddie would go all out for photos and album covers sometimes, but this was the only time he didn't go all out.

"Where did you even get those boots?" He chuckled as his eyes never left her waist.

"At the fashion district! When I got that one blue and gold two-piece, I got these boots as a surprise for a special occasion like this," She explained as Eddie stood up.

"You look amazing." He smiled as Audrey grinned tilting her head. "I love you. You don't look too bad yourself,"

Eddie rolled his eyes before he picked her up and dragged her to the car. "Those earrings are pretty cool... got them from Warren's pirate outfit?"

Audrey grinned as she placed a lingering kiss on his cheek. "Maybe I did."

EDDIE: I love her too much, she's my whole world. Audrey just couldn't look more perfect that day, I went crazy when that fucking Rolling Stone guy complimented her.

AUDREY: Oh, God. [chuckles]

"Hey! You look great!" Warren stated his drumsticks in one hand and a bowl of grapes in the other. Audrey smiled as she walked hand-in-hand with Eddie.

"Why thank you, Rojas," Audrey replied, her nose quickly scrunching up as she took a few grapes from his bowl.

"Are those my pirate costume earrings?" Warren asked his mouth full of grapes. Audrey shrugged slightly before she turned to Graham.

"You three wanna go see little Julia?" Graham asked just getting back from being with his niece. Eddie only nodded as Audrey grinned leaning onto his shoulder and smiling as they walked.

"Oh, my gosh you're getting so big!" Audrey cheered as she sprinted to Julia. Getting closer to Julia, she had gotten on her feet, legs going to her chest.

Julia played with the necklace Eddie had gotten Audrey for Christmas on her neck, Julia twisted it a bit.

"How about..." Audrey fixed Julia's hair as she picked her up, "...we go play drumstick fight with Warren?"Audrey sang as Julia smile before giggling.

"Yes, please!" Julia giggled, her voice sang as she played with one of Audrey's hoop rings. Her finger made a circular motion as she traced the inside of the hoop.

Audrey and Julia walked closer and closer to Warren, Eddie, and Graham as they all watched the Belmore girl smile at Julia.

"Man, she's great with kids," Eddie cited as Audrey came close to them.

"Why do you think she works with them? Because of Little Julie here." Graham replied, gently poking Julia's stomach.

"Uncle Graham! Stop!" Julia laughed hard as Audrey joined Graham poking her side.

"Auntie Addie! Uncle Graham!" Julia continued to laugh as Audrey had a radiant giggle leave her mouth.

AUDREY: I wanted kids of my own then and there.

EDDIE: I couldn't help but fall more and more in love with her. She was just so great with kids. I mean imagine her with my own? I knew what I wanted.

Camila soon came to where Julia and Warren were now swords fighting with his drumsticks.

Audrey laughed as she turned to Eddie who was smiling at her, "What?"

Her voice rang through his ears as he shrugged, "Just thinking," His hair flew to his eyes. Audrey folded her arms, her eyes squinting as hair flew threw her face.

"About what?" She asked, continuing to watch Warren and Julia's sword fight. "Just... later in life," Audrey licked her lips, "Later in life... how?"

Eddie shrugged, "Kids... me being a dad, seeing how great you are with Julia. It's just..." He trails his lips, "The best seeing you with Julie."

She beamed a smile to him before going back to watching Warren and Julia. "Ah, you'll never take me alive!" Warren said, grunting as he pretended to win against Julia.

Graham and Warren laughed, "Skilled." Warren muttered.

Julia went back to Camila as Warren took back his drumsticks from Julia and took back his grapes from a stool.

"Ciao, Julia." He sang as Camila laughed, raising Julia's hand as she pretended to wave.

Audrey and Eddie soon left with the two walking closer to the setup.

They walked up a hill, closer to the sofa. Audrey sat on the ledge as she ate a vine of grapes.

The three left Audrey alone as Graham ran off somewhere leaving Eddie and Warren alone to chat with Katherine.

Jonah had come closer to Audrey noticing her by herself on the sofa. "Hey..." His voice made her look up to him, "Audrey right?" He asked his notebook and pencil in his hand.

"Look if you're here to ask me about Billy or-or Daisy." She explained shaking her head as she did so, "I'm not the one you should be—" She was quickly cut off by him as he laughed.

"No! No. I'm not here to ask you about them... or any of that matter of fact." He laughed as she tilted her head stuffing another grape into her mouth. "Really?" She raised a brow.

"So what are you here for then?" She responded, leaning her head closer to him. He chuckled before he licked his lips.

"I just want to say you look really pretty today. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie sometime?"

Audrey's head went back in shock. Her mouth hung open a bit as she blinked simultaneously. His eyebrows went closer, "I'm sorry. Did I—"

She shook her head, placing more grapes into her mouth, "I'm sorry, Jonah." She blinked, "You seem like a really, really great guy, and anyone is lucky to have you as a boyfriend..."

She trailed off as he sighed. "...I'm just seeing someone right now, and it's really serious between me and him." Audrey studied Eddie as he stared the two down intensely.

Jonah glanced to Eddie who had a sour expression on his face.

"Right, sorry." Jonah, who now cleared his throat glanced back to Audrey who was unable to make eye contact with Jonah at the time before he rushed away.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Katherine had been asking the band where they wanted to be seated. Daisy obviously chose the black chair for herself as the sofa was for three of the band members.

Audrey had found nowhere to be seated but to next to Warren as he had his leg leaning on the back of the sofa.

Katherine insisted to Audrey that she sat on the top of the sofa, being supported by Eddie's arm and Warren's leg.

She was nervous at first that she was going to fall off of the couch but Eddie gripped her waist tightly so she wouldn't fall off.

She softly smiled to him as she propped her palms on the sofa. Karen on her left side of the sofa, Eddie on her right side.

Karen leaned closer to the end of the sofa.

Eddie had his right arm on the armrest as his other wrapped around Audrey. Warren had his leg propped against Audrey's waist as one hand was on his hip.

"Excuse me, can you switch with Billy please?" The guy next to Katherine instructed, she glared at him, "Are you the one taking the photo?" Katherine snapped back.

He shook his head before putting his cigarette back in his mouth.

"Could he just switch with Billy please?" He asked again looking back to Eddie who exhaled, "Sure."

As Eddie switched with Billy, Audrey had no support on her waist but only Warren's leg.

He had soon placed his free arm that was on his leg around Audrey's waist. She had muttered a "Thanks" to him as he only nodded.

Katherine snapped a few more pictures of the band, angling the camera sideways, she stood up from her knees sucking her teeth as she did so.

"For the sake of the album cover," She breathed placing the camera to the side of her. "Could we just get Billy and Daisy please?"

She asked as Eddie muttered, "Figures." under his breath as Warren and Eddie helped Audrey down off of the tip of the couch. "Relax, Eddie, it's Daisy Jones after all."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Eddie had been avoiding Audrey the whole session of 'Regret Me' that Daisy had written for Billy. He had left the room once Audrey walked in.

She furrowed her brows nervously about it.

AUDREY: ( She sighs before shrugging and bringing her arms up )

Billy walked into the room spotting Daisy sing her song 'Regret Me' to the remaining members sitting alongside her.

Warren raises his hand waving to Billy as Daisy finishes her chorus. She stands up, taking off her guitar straps quickly as possible before walking over to Billy.

"I wrote one for you this time." She whispered to him as she handed it to him. He glared at her before taking the paper written with her lyrics and reading over it.

He took some time to look at Daisy as she softly smiled to him, "This isn't going on the album,"


"We agreed to write everything together."

Daisy lets out a sharp exhale, "You wrote 'More Fun to Miss' without me, right?" Billy scoffs. "That's going on the album,"

"Well, this is different."

"Why?" Daisy asked, shrugging her shoulders and placing her palms on her hips. "'Cause I say it is, that's why."

Karen and Audrey's exchange looks with each other. "Show of hand." Daisy turns to the four. "Who thinks this song should go on the album?"

Daisy asked them as she was the first to raise her hand. Audrey was the second as she softly smiled, "It's a catchy song, Billy."

Karen scoffed as she raised her hand as well agreeing with Audrey. "I agree with Dina. It's a good song, Billy."

She places it back down onto her side, "Isn't that what we're all here for?" Her left eyebrow raises.

Billy glances down with his eyes before Warren raised his hand. "They're right man. It's-it's good!"

Karen turns to Warren as soon as Audrey sees Teddy raise his hand.

Katherine soon raises her hand as well, "It's a perfect breakup song." Katherine speaks from the intercom.

Billy now has no chance of beating the five he puts his arms up in defeat. "This is bullshit." He places the paper on Karen's piano as he picks up his guitar before storming off.

"See ya!" Daisy exclaimed as she walked back to her stool.

"Hey, where ya going?" Warren asked as Karen inhaled tilting her head, "Oh, come on, Billy."

"You're being dramatic!" Audrey announced as the door slammed. Daisy smirks before looking to the rest of the band.

"Should we run through it again?" Daisy asked as Warren nodded before asking, "Hey has anyone seen Eddie? Like at all?"

Audrey shrugged, "He left when I came into the room." Karen's eyes narrowed, "You didn't go to that party with him last night?"

Audrey licked her lips, "No when we got home I fell asleep immediately." Karen brought a hand to her chest.

"I'll go get him," Graham pitched in before running out of the room.

Audrey cleared her throat as she placed her guitar over her shoulders. She ran over the notes with Daisy before Eddie and Graham walked in together.

She smiled at Eddie who only looked down at his feet as he stepped towards Karen's piano placing his bass guitar over his shoulders.

Her smile faded as she sighed before looking back to Daisy. Audrey forced a smile before she whispered to Daisy.

"This might be my new favorite song." Daisy grinned, "Glad you dig it." She replied.

DAISY: I knew what she was feeling.

INTERVIEWER: Did you ever help her through the process?

DAISY: [silence]

Graham played power cords as Daisy shoots up a thumbs up. "Great,"

She soon turned to Eddie before she brought up her arms, "Do whatever the fuck you want." Eddie smirked proudly before playing a funky riff to the song.

After the whole song came together perfectly, Daisy was now sitting in the mixing studio with Teddy an hour later.

Teddy gave it a nod of approval.

DAISY: And that's how we ended the 'Aurora' sessions.

GRAHAM: We had a three-week break before rehearsals started.

WARREN: I-I charted a boat and I sailed down to Mexico with these, these two sets of identical twins... Katherine was not happy... Whoo!

EDDIE: I just stayed around, uh, you know. Just, uh, to see what happened or whatever...

AUDREY: I don't think me and Karen did anything actually we just went... shopping.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

i love this chapter a lot and like UGHHH eddie has a huge chokehold on me. but yes the camila and eddie thing is happening in this book. also, the outfit for the photo shoot was inspired fully by this outfit from zendaya!!!!!

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