𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘅𝘅𝘃𝗶. ── a final last kiss.

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season one, episode ten
( the rock n roll suicide )


"You know, you really lucked out, Chicago," Daisy spoke down into the microphone, out of breath.

The cheering swells as Audrey smirked to the crowd as she shifted on her feet. Daisy smiled as she looked back to the backstage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage my sister and my best friend Simone Jackson!"

Everyone in the band clapped as the cheering became louder from the crowd. Daisy rushed over to Simone and they ran into a hug.

The amount of cheers that came from the crowd was unexplainable, the band had smiled as Daisy and Simone had been whispering things to each other.

AUDREY BELMORE: Simone was the best person Daisy could have asked for. I didn't know Simone really well but, I knew she was right for Daisy. And having Simone there at our final performance was the best thing that happened that night. The way she sang and danced with Daisy felt absolutely like nothing had been happening with everyone in the band.

Simone had picked up the microphone, looking over to Audrey who waved. Simone gave a smile as she looked back to the crowd, placing the microphone over her mouth as she began to sing her verse to the song.

The way she danced as she did, felt magical. Simone was for sure a Disco Queen, and she looked beautiful doing it.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

8:33 PM.

Daisy walks into the room, black eyeshadow on her face, glitter all over her. Her white angel-looking dress dragged across the floor.

Audrey raised her brows at this as she had gazed over to Daisy, who kissed Simone on the forehead.

Audrey had been glancing over to Eddie, who still hadn't tried to make conversation with Audrey.

She let out a shaky exhale as she fixed one of her heels, before turning back to the mirror and fixing her hair.

She licked her lips as she wore a white sequence jumper that matched perfectly with Eddie's full white suit. He didn't seem mad or basically anything.

He just couldn't tell why she did it. "Audrey," Daisy spoke as she glanced back around. "We're matching, perfect." She smiled as Daisy raised her arms as the wings of her dress spread out.

Audrey smiled as she glanced to Eddie who kept his eyes on his feet. "I didn't go winged out like you but, I like it." Audrey walked closer to Daisy as Daisy nodded her head.

"You okay?" Daisy asked as she jerked her head to Audrey's stomach as she nodded, "I'm okay. Only you and Warren know so far so that's good."

"Okay, great. I can't wait to sing a few songs with you." Daisy snickers as Audrey's mouth curves into a smile.

Audrey soon left with the rest of the band, heading to the stairs of the stage as they left Daisy and Billy alone.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Warren plays an upbeat riff to 'The River' as Billy announced into the microphone, "So, we have to go soon but we can't leave without paying some dues."

Billy takes the microphone off the stand as he begins to walk around the stage. "I'm gonna need your help. You with me?!"

The crowd applauded and cheered as Billy smiled heading to Warren first.

"On drums, a man who keeps time like a Rolex and who cuts grooves like a knife. It's Mr. Warren Rojas!"

Warren played a fast pace rhythm as the girls in the crowd went crazy. Billy smiles at him as he heads to the next bandmate.

"Ladies and gentlemen," He looks at Eddie as Eddie showed a smile but soon faded as Billy glanced away from him glancing at Karen.

"The classiest, coolest cucumber ever to play keys. Is Ms. Karen Sirko!" Billy announced into the microphone as Karen plays a riff, sliding her hands across the keys.

"Up next, as good as a man, as you'll... ever meet." Billy walks closer to his brother as Graham smiled. "But sometimes I forget how lucky I am that he's my brother. It's Graham Dunne, everyone!"

Graham plays an upbeat riff as he closed his eyes as he did before smiling. His eyes shift between Audrey and Eddie deciding who to announce first.

He had fired them a few hours ago, they were both lucky enough that he didn't skip right past them and just go straight to Daisy.

"On rhythm..." Billy trailed off as he began strolling to Audrey. "...The best, amazing, girl who has never been afraid to throw a few punches..." Billy speaks down into the microphone.

"...the light of the night. Is Ms. Audrey Marianne Belmore!"

Audrey snickers as she began to play an upbeat riff, as Audrey leans toward him as she continued to play.

"Go fuck yourself, Billy." She breathed out as Billy turns away and walks back to the microphone stand. "On bass..." He looks down before looking back up.

"Well, that's Eddie Roundtree." The light had shined onto Eddie as the crowd gave a lack of cheers and applauses. Billy chuckles into the microphone.

"All right, wait, wait, wait. Let's try..." He raises his hand up, "Let's try that again, shall we?"

He begins to walk to Eddie, "The master of the low-end hammer, the man, the face who keeps pace on the bass, the groove layer..." He looks back into the crowd.

"...the four-string slayer. It's Eddie Demetrius Roundtree!"

The crowd begins to cheer louder and clap louder for Eddie smiles as he plays a upbeat riff. Billy brings him into a hug as Billy mutters him something leaving him with a tense, fading smile.

"And finally, well, do I even need to say it?"

"Well, I wanna hear you say it." Daisy rushed back to the microphone and she smirks to him.

"It's Daisy Jones, everyone."

The crowd swells up into more cheering, as Daisy leans into the microphone, "Billy Dunne, everybody!"

He smiles as he placed the microphone back onto the stand, the band finally playing 'Aurora.'

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

9:56 PM.

The band had exited off stage, after taking a bow, catching a break to get water or do whatever they did.

Eddie pulls Audrey aside, the blue lights shining on their faces. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

She had a sideways glance at him, his lips quivering.

"I need to know what you want, Audrey." She stood silent, wondering what he had been hinting at.

A shock of waves fell into her, she could feel in her mind, that whatever she and Eddie had going on right now, wasn't going to work.

She had been dealing with a lot of things. For one, carrying his child. She licked her lips as Eddie began having wet eyes.

EDDIE ROUNDTREE: ( He glanced at the floor before back to the camera. )

Audrey shook her head, spotting Eddie keep his gaze on her, "I don't know what I want anymore, Eddie."

"I just know it's not this." Her voice had been breaking, glancing her eyes to the floor before gazing back to him.

Eddie let's put a shrug out as he frowned. He knew what she meant, her fingers going between the two of them.

"You-you... don't want me?" He questioned, his head going back. "Not now, maybe in a few-"

"A few?" Eddie leaned closer to her. She nodded her head, "Years, months, weeks, days, I don't know at this point."

"You... you don't need a few of whatever, I want this now."

"It's not what I want," She paused, Eddie being ready for whatever she was going to say.

Cheers and calls had been in the distance calling out the band, mostly calling Billy and Daisy out.

AUDREY BELMORE: I'm sorry... ( Audrey's voice breaks as she stands up and walks away. )

"Well, what do you want?" Eddie stammered, his arms dropped to his side. Audrey shrugged as she hugged herself.

She pursed her lips, quavering as she picked at the back of her jumpsuit, picking off one piece of sequence at the silence.

"Not you." She admitted. She didn't want him during this stressful moment. I mean, she didn't want to tell him about his kid in her stomach.

They had been both going through something, her lower lip quivered. He clicked his tongue before his jaw clenched. "I'm so sorry, Eddie."

"Whenever you want me again. Give me a call."

Audrey had pulled Eddie into a long, cherishing kiss. Like it was their last kiss. He had wrapped his arms around her, pulling her more closer.

He didn't want to let go, he never did. He wanted to have her forever and just never ever let her go.

She cried into the kiss as she leaned out. Eddie walked away leaving Audrey still and hugging herself. A sob of tears came out of her eyes, her mascara now ruined.

EDDIE ROUNDTREE: She never called.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

10:07 PM.

The band walked onstage. Audrey still hugging herself as she walked back to her guitar, placing it over her head as all three girls in the band glanced at each other.

The crowd chants, 'Look at Us Now' over and over again. An agonized look on Audrey's face as she looked over to Graham, noticing her mascara ruined.

"Let me hear it if you're in love tonight," Daisy called out into the crowd, as the cheering became louder.

Audrey looks down at the floor. She didn't want to keep looking off into the distance, mostly because of where she was standing was completely in view of Eddie.

She sighed as she knew what look Eddie had been giving her, it was the same one he gave her when the two had broken up.

"I've been in love." Daisy says, gazing over to Billy, "And it hurts, doesn't it?"

Audrey nodded slowly, thinking Daisy could see her nodding, and she did. Audrey pursed her lips as she looked back up, this time looking at the crowd.

Eddie glanced back away to Audrey watching her close her eyes several times. "But it doesn't have to."

Audrey watched as Eddie took a gulp, before looking over to her. "Love doesn't have to be bombs, and tears and blood."

The two kept looking at each other as Karen and Graham had kept glancing at each other. Billy had kept looking to Daisy.

"Love can be peace. And it can be beautiful. And if you're lucky enough to find somebody who lifts you up ...even when you don't deserve it. That's where the light is."

Those were the words that convinced Audrey about everything. She knew that what she had said earlier didn't mean anything to Eddie.

She was hurt and confused. Eddie knew that he knew from the day he met her. Being childhood friends to lovers had meant things like this could happen.

"So, my wish for you tonight, ladies and gentlemen, is, find someone who helps you see the light."

Audrey bites the inside of her cheek as she looked back down at her feet.

"This is a love song."

Daisy had announced as Graham and Warren began to play the intro to 'Look at Us Now.'

Audrey sighed as the first verse came for Daisy. Daisy muttered something to Billy as he rushed off the stage.

Audrey had walked closer to Daisy, Daisy finally bringing Audrey to her side as Daisy placed her head on Audrey's shoulder.

Audrey had smiled as Eddie finally received his moment. From becoming a backup vocalist, to a main vocalist.

The last chorus of the song came, Daisy, stepping away from the microphone, moving it closer to Audrey, whispering to her to take the lead with Eddie.

She realized this when she was singing the final chorus of the song. She had been singing what Eddie and she had been relating to.

Daisy or Billy had never realized it, but they hadn't written the whole song of 'Look at Us Now,' for Camila and Billy.

But for Eddie and Audrey.

Audrey's eyes watered as she sang the final verse to the song, the song finally stopping.

She walked back to her guitar stand, before making her way next to Daisy, Graham on her right.

The band takes a final bow to the final cheering crowd.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-


a few more chapters til this book is done

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