𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘅. ── something nice.

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season one, episode four
( i saw the light )

He told the two boys earlier that a date with Audrey was going to be in a romantic place somewhere in LA.

The boys laughed at this. They knew Eddie didn't have enough money to afford anything nice right now. It was all Audrey now who could afford it all.

They were all lucky to have a somewhat rich girl to live in their house right now. Eddie got furious at them and told them to just shut up.

With Eddie being furious, Graham asked Eddie to go and eat 'Bob's Big Boys' with Warren and him.

Eddie had just shrugged as he soon agreed to go. The drive from the house to the diner was about a thirty-minute drive.

Sure, they liked spending time with each other just the three of them, it made Eddie and the rest of them feel like they were kids.

Soon what they would hear to find out their new hit song on the radio. The three of them couldn't feel more like kids. They were jumping up in joy, the smiles on their faces made their cheeks hurt.

Audrey now was standing outside of a school talking with a younger student. She was about 10 to 12, she wanted to learn how to play the bassist guitar.

Audrey lifted a smile at the girl. "I have a... boyfriend who'd be glad to teach you," Audrey told the girl. The younger girl smiled at her before wrapping her arms around her waist.

Audrey closed her eyes before she wrapped her own arms around the younger girl. They spent a moment together just wrapped in each other's arms.

A few parents looked at Audrey and the younger girl but she couldn't care less. The older teachers had even said that Audrey was great with kids.

When Audrey had a free period from band, all the kids who had lunch would visit Audrey and play some songs with her.

Even Warren would pop up into Audrey's band room to help teach some of the kids how to play the drums. Their moment was soon interrupted by Warren's loud honking at the school.

The younger girl looked up to Audrey as Audrey slapped a hand on her forehead before looking down to the girl, "Those are just some... teachers for... my next lesson!" Audrey chuckled as the little girl nodded and rested a smile.

"I like them!" The girl twirled one of her pigtails as she grinned at Audrey and then to the three guys. The girl soon let go of Audrey and grabbed her hand and dragged her to the car.

"Addie! Addie!" Warren panted out, he was out of breath about something. Why was he out of breath if he was driving?

"Our song... is on the fucking radio!" Warren shouted as he covered his mouth after realizing what he said. Audrey gasped before she covered the younger girl's ears.

"It's on the radio..." Warren whispered after he sent a remorseful look to Audrey than the little girl with Audrey.

Audrey soon listened to Warren's words as she cheered out before she opened the door to the back of the car and jumped to hug Eddie. She showered him with kisses of joy as he laughed at this before kissing her back.

AUDREY: I couldn't stop kissing Eddie that day, I think it was because of the weed I took before school ended that day or... ...just pure happiness.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The song was at the number one. The whole band was happy and couldn't stop bragging about it. When Audrey got home that night, she immediately called her dad and told her about the news.

Her dad couldn't stop cheering. He enjoyed turning on the radio and just hearing his daughter play rhythm on her bands' song.

Her father told her that he was really proud of her. He also told her that the band was going to be something big soon.

BILLY: I wrote a song about hope, survival. um, the perseverance of love. Uh, and she turned it into this celebration of-of doubt, uncertainty. I mean, I fucking hated that song. [laughs] Uh, but, apparently, I was the only one. Audrey... she, uh, would never stop singing in every time I walked into the room.

"How did we get here? How do we get out? We used to be something to see." Audrey swayed her hips as she sang. A light chuckle came out of her mouth as she looked to Billy who scanned her and a pinched expression was plastered onto his face.

Her fingers moved in a circular motion, grabbing a piece of bacon Camila had just cooked she made her way to the table.

The rest of the guys came in after Audrey took the bacon off the plate from Camila. Camila told them something which made them all laugh as Eddie picked a piece off of Audrey's second piece of bacon.

Karen soon came in with a huge amount of mail in her hands. She flicked through it as she spoke out, "When's the last time anyone went through the mail?"

Warren picked his head to her, a smirk growing on his face as he looked to Audrey who shook her head keenly.

"I thought that was yours and Audrey's job?" Warren foretold, adjusting himself on the counter. "My job?" Karen barked back at Warren who continued to chew on his bacon.

"Also, that pile of stuff in the sink," Warren pointed to the wall motioning to the dirty dishes in the sink on their side of the house. "is getting pretty big." Warren sang as Karen slapped him gently with the mail.

Graham laughed as Warren jumped off the counter before Karen made her way to the table where the three people originally sitting there laughing.

Karen's eyebrows shoot up. She motioned her eyes to the band as she threw a piece of the mail to Audrey, "Do you any of you guys know what these are?" Karen lifted the envelopes as she lifted her brows every second.

Eddie's eyes go wide as Audrey slapped a hand as it goes over her mouth. "What?" Eddie asked bacon in his mouth. The expression Audrey had on her face was lingering on her face for a while, she was consistently looking from Eddie to the mail.

Warren leaned over from the top of Karen. He instantly noticed what was in her hand. Warren snatched his from Karen as the rest of the boys scrambled to Karen to grab theirs.

Audrey opened hers after finally being keen to open the envelope. She did her well-known, swift way of opening things. Swiftly opening the envelope as she pulled out the check.

"I'm rich! I'm rich!" Warren raved as he took rushed over to Audrey grabbing her hand and dragging her up with him. The two jumped up in joy as soon Graham joined them.

Eddie soon grabbed Audrey by the waist and lifted her up and spun her around, she giggled and soon laughed as Eddie did so. "Eddie! We can finally get an apartment!" Audrey laughed.

WARREN: Six hundred dollars went a real long way back in those days.

BILLY: Even though I wrote most of the songs we split the publishing evenly. I thought, "Why not?" You know? I mean we were family.

INTERVIEWER: What were the first things you bought?

GRAHAM: First thing I bought? A surfboard.

EDDIE: Couple of amps. Fuzz pedal. And another thing... wasn't that much, I was left with about... maybe two hundred of bucks left with that thing I bought.

KAREN: Stock market, obviously.

WARREN: Oh, there was this beautiful fur vest in a shop down in Venice.

AUDREY: There was this awesome, two-piece blue and gold dress I saw down at the Fashion District.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"How soon does it kick in?" Warren asked, his hand was on the wooden rail of the balcony of their house. Eddie and Audrey were laid on each other. Her head was on his lap as he played with her hair.

"Depends on the person," Karen replied as she put her hands behind her head. Warren laughed as he was lost in a train of thought.

"Now I-I feel like, on a molecular level, you know, the me and the canyon, we are..." He clapped his hands together, "...we're— Ha!" His smile faded. "No, we're the same, man."

The four of them chuckle at Warren, "Warren's feeling it." Karen added, "Yeah, I got nothing. I mean..." Graham started as Eddie lifted his finger from Audrey's hair. He moved his fingers around as Audrey looked up at him.

"What?" Audrey asked, "My fingers... they're wobbly!" Eddie laughed, he tapped his fingers on Audrey's face.

"There's two of you..." Audrey mumbled, his face tilting as he pursed his lips. "I like two of me," Eddie acknowledged to her as Audrey and Eddie started to laugh nonstop.

"I wish I had two of me." Warren testified as he sat on the floor next to the two.

GRAHAM: With Billy and Camila out of the house... I think that we all just felt a little bit, uh, freer. Eddie and Audrey felt more... freer with Billy and Cami's old house.

KAREN: Those were some wild days...

WARREN: ( Warren shakes his head as he covers his hands with his face. He begins to laugh )

Audrey and Eddie glanced to Warren as he grabbed Eddie's arm as he wobbled it. "Can you feel that?" Warren voiced as Eddie shook his head, "Nah,"

Warren twisted his arm, "How about that?" Eddie had a sincere look on his face as he sarcastically made a hurt face, "Ow!" He replied as Warren's mouth went into an O shape.

"My bad..." Warren alleged as he sent wide eyes to Audrey who uttered to Warren, "He's such a drama queen," Eddie let out a groan as he slapped her on the chest softly.

WARREN: [chuckles] I really miss drugs.

BILLY: I wanted to the back into the studio right away. Cut a new album. Turn the page. You know? But that song wouldn't quit.

GRAHAM: We got asked to join the bill at the Diamond Head Festival in Hawaii. It was our first show since, um... Well...

AUDREY: Teddy also called that morning and said we had our own 'personal photographer/photojournalist' now since we were on our way to success.

EDDIE: She worked for one of the biggest papers at the time, The Cedar Line.

AUDREY: I mean she fucking met Daisy before she met us.

DAISY: I became one of her best friends out of the whole band. She also came with me and Teddy to Hawaii.

KATHERINE OLIVÁREZ, photographer/photojournalist for The Six: He wouldn't stop following me around like a damn dog that day.

WARREN: God, I couldn't get enough of her.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

katherine is my fav

definitely making a katherine stan club

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