Dan and Phil come in

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Felix's POV
At lunch we were just hanging around when these two boys come here. One has black hair and blue eyes and the other one had brown hair. "Hi, um, do you mind if we join?" The black haired one asked. "Of course!" I replied cheerfully. "Thank you!" The one with the brown hair said, " I forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Dan and my friend here is Phil." I smiled and introduced them to the group and then Matthias said, "Be careful around Mark, he hurt Jack but only once, he joined our group but we don't know if we can trust him yet." Dan and Phil nodded.

Jack's POV
Two boys called Dan and Phil joined, cool! And they seem nice too. We started talking with them, all the gossip and stuff and started just hanging out with them as if we knew them since birth. Then when Dan had to go to the toilet, Phil said, "I have a crush on Dan. Don't tell him please, I don't want to ruin our friendship." We all nodded. When Dan came back, we carried on like nothing ever happened. Then bell rang to go to last class of the day. Today, we had library so I opened my diary and wrote...

Dear diary,
I've made two new friends at school today, ones named Phil and the other's Dan. Phil told us he had a crush on Dan when he went to the toilet but we promised not to tell Dan.
Time skip to home time

Dan's POV
The group met up in the hall today, Cry, Ken, Jack, Felix and Matthias asked for Phil and I's phone number so we could contact eachother. We happily told them our phone numbers and said bye.

Jack's POV
We got Dan and Phil's phone numbers! Soon we all said bye and split up to go home. Mark walked up to me and asked, "What's your number?" I stumbled, "U, um. *Insert Number*" "Thanks," he said in a sexy tone, more sexy than usual. He walks home with me because we live next to eachother. When we reach home he calls out bye and I say bye back to him. I walk inside my home and slump onto the couch, thinking about how awesome tomorrow is going to be.

Just wanted a chapter to add Dan and Phil in before I forgot the idea. Hoped you like it!
I'll see you bludging wallabies, in the next chapter!

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