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Summer's POV (you weren't expecting that, were you)
Pj, the boy I helped, was smiling but stressed. I could tell by the worry in his eyes when he sat next to his friend, Chris, in the hospital. I sat there, sorry for what that man had done. They didn't deserve it, no one did. I rubbed Pj's hand for comfort and he plastered a small smile on his face, looking at me. Pj looked back down and I kept holding his hand. "Chris'll be okay, I promise," I tried to comfort him. He looked up at me and mumbled, "Thank you, Summer." Pj smiled at me gratefully before turning back to Chris. Pj rubbed the boy's hand, grumbling, "Please be okay, I love you, I need you, Chris, I need you." I saw a tear roll down Pj's cheek and I shed a tear too. "Chris, we're here waiting for you," I whispered, "We'll wait for as long as you need."

Chris' POV
Pj! I tried to scream out. I heard voices speaking, a girl and a boy, who was unmistakably Peej. "Thank you, Summer," I hear him say. I think Summer is the girl, but am I in the hospital? How is Pj safe? Maybe Summer saved us, save him, saved me. "Please be okay," Peej said and mumbled some other words after. I heard Summer speak again, "Chris, we're here waiting for you, we'll for as long as you need." I wanted to open my eyes and hug my boyfriend and Summer, telling them I'm okay. I forced myself to open my eyes, even just that tiny bit.

Chris' eyes moved a bit and slowly opened and closed. "Chris," I said with eyes full of tears, "You're alive." I looked up to see Summer blinking back tears, happy tears, smiling like a goof. I did the same. Sure Chris didn't fully wake up, this is like a miracle to me. Thank you, Summer, for all you've done today I thought Thank you so much.

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