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Meanwhile, back to someplace in the world

Dan's POV
"Hi! My name's [Dan]! Nice to meet ya," (So sorry I had to)I said with a grin on my face. Phil and I had met two boys in the park called Tyler and Troye. They are boyfriend and boyfriend, like us. (Sorry Tronner shippers).Phil said, "I'm Phil, nice to meet you too. We are also boyfriend and boyfriend." All of us had big, goofy grins on our faces. We were talking, and talking, and talking. We all enjoyed eachother's company. Soon, Tyler got a text. "Troye, we have to head to my house, quick," Tyler said seriously, looking at Troye. Troye nodded, we exchanged our goodbyes and headed on our ways. I wonder what had happened.

Tyler's POV
Boy oh boy, our house was broken into. We hopped into Troye's car and he drove to my house. We sat in silence the whole way there. (Heh, Car Radio just came on my playlist). No no no no no no. I thought, I didn't care if my computer was stolen, I don't care if my camera was smashed. All I care about is my first ever toy I got as a baby, it's special. My father died when I was just one, I don't know what he looks like, all I know is, this is my only way of remembering him. When we reached my home, I was hoping that my-

Troye's POV
"There there, I understand Tyler. I hope you get it back," I said, trying to comfort my boyfriend. Tears were rolling down his cheeks endlessly. We searched the whole house for it, but we couldn't find it. The only thing from his father, was now gone. Tyler stuttered out, "C-can I be a-alone for n-now?" I nodded, leaving him in the room. I can't imagine what he's going through. Actually, I can. I slumped onto the couch, the memories flowing back to me.

"Whee!" I exclaimed, chasing my brother around. We were playing a game of chase. We were running around the woods, having fun. My brother turned around, saying, "Catch me if you can!" And that was when it happened. He fell into the river. I gasped, "No! Martin!" I kneeled by the river, crying into it. That was the last time I saw him, and heard his voice.
--End of Flashback--

The memory of my brother made me cry, once again. I shed my tears. I just couldn't.

Yay! I updated for once! Sorry if I gave you guys the pheels. I even cry- I mean crafted so much during this. Anyways, I'll see all you teary eyes fans, in the next chapter!

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