Saturday Part 2

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Felix's POV
*Trumpet noise* A new iPhone! Lucky, and it's the iPhone 6.

Jack's POV
Alright. Let's keep going.

Like 20 million rounds later

Jack's POV
"Time for the chocolate game!" I exclaimed. And now Felix is jumping all around the room. "Calm down Felix." Cry said. Anyways, we went outside and began.

Ken's POV
"Ugh, when's someone going to get a six?" I ask. Like, no one's gotten a six yet. "Finally!" Cry had gotten a six and quickly tries to put on the clothes and tries to get at least one piece of chocolate. He manages to get three before Felix rolls a six.

Felix's POV
I get a six! Yay! So I put on the purple jacket, blue scarf and a snazzy, black fedora really quickly because I always dress quickly. I get like 6 pieces of chocolate until Jack rolled a six. I took off the clothes and Jack put them on.

Jack's POV
So I get 2 bits of chocolate before Matthias gets a six. I try and take off the clothes but can't so I get everyone to help me. After I get the clothes off, Matthias puts on the clothes and only manages one piece of chocolate until Ken rolls a six.

Ken's POV
Matthias takes off the clothes and put them on. I scarfed down 9 pieces of chocolate before Jack rolled again and got a six. He got the last 3 pieces and the game ended. After that, we followed Jack to a table and we got to decorate cupcakes!

Felix's POV
We get to decorate cupcakes now! Alright, so, I'm going to add...

Time skip to movie time bc this is just them decorating cupcakes

Jack's POV
"Movie time!" I cry out. Everyone goes to the lounge and we eat our cupcakes while watching movies. Sooner or later everyone had to go home. I then packed everything up. That has to be one of the best days I've ever had.

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