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Jack's POV
Dear diary,
I sigh, I don't know what to do, tomorrow is the first day of school. I have just received this diary and I am already addicted to writing in it. Back to the point, I wish I had friends at this new school. I mean, we just moved from Ireland! Anyways, Now I have to pack for tomorrow. This is how my bag looks like. _|_
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I close my diary and sigh, "I have to go to school again." I walk over to my bag and pack everything up. "Pencil case, water bottle, sketchbook, workbooks," I mutter as I stuffed things into my bag. I yawn. "Ma! I packed, can I go to bed now?" I yell-asked my ma. "Ok darling!" She scream-replied to me. I dragged myself upstairs and showered. (Of course he took off his clothes) I dried myself and got into my pyjamas. I groggily walk to my room tired. "Hmm," I sigh, "tomorrow, the first day if school." And with that thought, I drifted off to sleep.

Time Skip to morning

Jack's POV
I get up and change into my school uniform. I grab my diary and write.

Dear diary,
Well, today is the first day if dreaded school. Yup, I think people will just make fun of me.

With that, I close my diary and put it in my bag. I make my lunch and take some snacks too and stuff them in my bag with my other things. "Ma! I am heading to school now! Bye!" I shout to my ma. Ma replies, "Bye my little teddy bear!" Ugh, I hate it when she calls me that. Soon enough, I start walking to school.

5 minutes later

Mark's POV
I was playing with my friends when I saw this guy walk into the school gates. I tell them, "Hey guys, want to beat that guy up over there?" They simultaneously replied, "Yes." We had huge grins on our faces as we walk up to this kid.

Jack's POV
As I walk into the school gates, I look to my right and see this handsome guy playing with his friends. He had luscious, red hair, a beautiful, glistening, white smile and chocolatey brown eyes that were easy to get lost into. He looked towards me so I look away. After a while he walks over to me with his friends. They had smug looks on their faces, oh no. Are they going to do what I think they are going to do?

Sorry guys I left u on a cliffhanger but I don't really have time right now. Also, sorry for the really crappy chapter. And if ur wondering, it is 7th grade. There is also no cursing until later years. Alright you flamin' kangaroos, see ya'll in the next chapter! (Yes, I am an Aussie, if u couldn't tell.)

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