The Coming Time Monday, Is the Flight to LA

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Yay! I had to think of something, I promised u guys. But after this, I will be experiencing writer's block. But I probably will think of something by the end of the day. Ok, enjoy!

Jack's POV
I am squealing in excitement! The day has come to go to LA! Mark, his parents and I arrived at the airport. We waited in lobby 24. "Flight Number 24 to LA is now boarding," the commissioner announced. "Well, lets go!" Mark said. We rushed to the check-in area because we were so excited. I never knew parents could be this cool, being adventurous and fun to hang with. And they're always there to help and support you. I wish I had parents like Mark's.

Chelsea's (Mark's Mum) POV
I'm really excited to go to LA. Along with Zachary (Mark's Dad), Mark and his boyfriend, Jack. Zachary and I were always up for adventure, and I'm glad my little darling and his boyfriend does to. We get up with so much together! To bad Jack's parents aren't like that though. They're more the 'who cares' parents and more focused on work.

Zachary's POV
We boarded the plane all excited! We couldn't sit still when we got seated but soon enough, we calmed down. We were going to have a great time there.

Mark's POV
I whip out my phone and so does Jack and we go into the group chat.
Markimoo: Hey guys guess wut
Danisnotonfirerightnow: Wut?
Jackaboy: Mark and I are going to LA!
MattyMatthias: Jelly
MisterAmazingPhil: Wut he said
Kenpai: U r so lucky
Crying4Lyfe: Tru dat
FabulousFeFe: OMG! I'm going there too!!!
Crying4Lyfe: Fe, y r u not taking me there
FabulousFeFe: Oh I am, it was supposed to be a surprise
Crying4Lyfe: No way! When?
FabulousFeFe: In the next two days
Crying4Lyfe: Ok bye, Imma pack now
                                  Crying4Lyfe is now offline
Danisnotonfirerightnow: Now I'm even more jelly
MisterAmazingPhil: Humph
Kenpai: Ok Imma do something
                          Kenpai has changed FabulousFeFe's name to UglyBasturd
UglyBasturd: No, u may call me whatever u want, but u don't call me ugly!!!!!
MattyMatthias: I'm ROFLing irl
Jackaboy: Imma change Fe's name
                        Jackaboy has changed UglyBasturd's name to BeautifulJerk
BeautifulJerk: Thank u Jack
Jackaboy: Np
Markimoo: I like u even more, u r so nice
Jackaboy: ❤️
Markimoo: Gtg, the fight attendant told us to turn off our fones
Danisnotonfirerightnow: Later guys
MisterAmazingPhil: #JellyButIStillLikeU
MattyMatthias: Laterz
Kenpai: See ya
BeautifulJerk: K bye

I turn my phone off and so does Jack. I take my iPod out, put in some earphones and listen to some music. Jack just closes his eyes and dozes off to sleep. He's so cute when he's sleeping, the quiet snores.

A long time later

Jack's POV
I wake up to Mark, vigorously shaking my body. "Hey, stop it," I whine. "Oh finally, your up. We're going to get off soon," Mark sighed. "We have landed, please wait for another announcement to tell you when you can get off. You may now use your electronic devices." I take out my phone and play some Angry Birds while Mark plays some Flappy Bird. "You may now get whatever you packed and leave the plane. Also, don't push or pull anyone." Mark, his parents and I grab our suitcases and head off the plane.

Mark's POV
We call a taxi (or cab for some) and we tel, them the directions to my cousin's place. She let us stay there for our trip to LA because she was in Italy. I take the hidden key from underneath a garden gnome and open the door. I look around, it's so big! The lounge huge, the kitchen is massive, the bathrooms are surprisingly big and the bedrooms. Well, where to start? We start unpacking our bags and sorting them in the house.

Ugh! It's 9:32pm rn and I'm super tired. U guys r probs like, 'Oh that's not late', but I'm 10, remember? I needz the sleep. Also, I'll give u a clue to the next chapter. Biking. Yeah... A whole lot more though. I mean, I just thought of the idea and I wrote it in my ideas book. Anyways, I hope u enjoyed and I'll see all u blasting rockets in the next chapter!

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