The sleepover (bc the other days are boring)

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Jack's POV
I sigh, today's the day. I hope we get them together. *ding dong* Oop, (idk what Jack should sound like) they're here! Cry, then Felix, Dan, Phil, Ken, Mark, Matthias and Amanda. We all start with a dance competition. I pair Cry, Felix, Dan and Phil on one team and Ken, Matthias, Amanda and I on the other. We have 10 minutes to create a dance routine to 'Heathens' by TØP and Mark will decide the winner.

10 minutes later

Mark's POV
I saw each dance and gave a good think about it. Hmmmmm. Then I announce, "Cry, Felix, Dan and Phil win!" "Come on!" Jack argued, "I'll give you kisses." Then I replied, "Nup, I like to be fair and square." Then Jack crossed his arm playfully and blew a raspberry. Then Cry asked, "Why do you like to be a square? What does being a square feel like?" Then I was lost for words, "Uh, um, y-y-you know wh-wh-what I mean." Then they all chuckled at what just happened.

Amanda's POV
Then I called for, "Pillow fight!" Then everyone smirked and grabbed a pillow. We all had heaps of fun just throwing pillows and hitting people with them. Sooner or later we stopped. "Phew," Felix said, "How about a game of truth or dare?" We all nodded in agreement. I was first and I asked Matthias, "Truth or Dare?" He unwittingly said, "Dare." I smiled and said, "I dare you to kiss... Me!" Everyone gaped when I said that. Matthias then leaned over and I did too, then we locked lips for a while before letting go. Everyone went, "Oooh! Lucky lucky, and new couple." Matthias and I blushed but he said, "Amanda, will you be my official girlfriend?" I squealed and I quickly said, "Yes, I would love to!" A new couple was born, I hope that there's a second one, if you know what I mean. Then, it was Matthias' turn to pick.

Matthias' POV
I looked at everyone, hmm. I think for a while but then I pick... "Dan, truth or dare?" Dan said with a devilish grin, "Dare." Hmm, then I said, "I dare you to eat a banana." Dan then interrupted, "Pff. That's easy." "Wait, there's more. Eat a banana, seductively." There were oohs around the room. (Anyone remember that video?)  So, Dan grabbed a banana, peeled it's skin off with his teeth and started to lick it. Then, he put his mouth over it and... Bit it off. We all laughed at that part. Now, time for Dan to pick someone.

Dan's POV
I smile and ask, "Ken, truth, or dare?" Ken thought, and thought and soon said, "Truth." "Have you ever kissed a guy on the lips?" Ken blushed, "Noooo..." We all knew he was lying. "Ken, spill. Who was it?" Felix asked. "Fine," Ken agreed, "In 3rd grade, I was dared to kiss this guy named Jared on the lips. There, happy?" We all nodded. Then Ken asked..

Ken's POV
"I pick... You! Mark, truth or dare?"

And the game went on and on.

Phil's POV
I quote and order, "Ken, stand up and do it." Ken nodded, "Cry, do you, take Felix to be your fabulous boyfriend?" Cry looked confused but then realised what was going on, "I do." Ken continued, "Felix, do you take..." Felix interrupted, "Yes, I do take him to be my boyfriend!" Ken said, "You may now kiss." Cry and Felix kissed eachother gleefully. Ah what a day. Then Jack said, "Well, who is up for a sleeping session?" We all grab our sleeping bags without hesitation and lay them in the lounge. Then, we all fell asleep, all snuggled up in our sleeping bags.

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