What Happened?

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I don't know about the video. It is supposed to be 3 very different members of the group. Mark, the guy who bullied. Jack, the new kid. Felix, the guy that started the group.

Jack's POV
We finished class and got an early dismissal. Yay! I open my diary...

Dear diary,
I've got an early dismissal so I have more time to write. Today, Mark was acting strange. First, he didn't beat my friends and I up, second of all, he joined our friend group. Why? I don't know, but I have got a feeling this has something to do with Bob and Wade getting detention. But then, Mark had a friendly look, a genuine one. This is the weirdest day ever and it's only the second day of school.

I close my diary and sigh. Felix and Matthias join me. "So, how are you doing with crutches?" Felix asked. I reply, "Actually, quite fine. It's very easy once you get the hang of it." Then, we ramble on about stuff. Soon, the bell rang and Cry and Ken rush over to us. Matthias then says, "Jack's doing fine in his crutches, he's used to it." Ken smacks his forehead, "We weren't going to ask that." Cry adds on, "We were just coming to join the convo." We all chuckle while Matthias blushes in embarrassment. Soon, we all had to head home. We did a group handshake we made up and then said goodbye to eachother. Then, Mark joined me.

Mark's POV
I walk over to Jack and ask, "Want me to walk home with you?" Jack has a worried expression on his face but then stutters out, "U-um, O-o-okay."  We walk home together, then I start a conversation. "So, I am really sorry for what Bob and Wade did to you, mostly Bob for breaking your leg." Jack muttered, "It's fine." We walk silently from then on until we reach Jack's home. "Bye Jack!" "Bye Mark." I then realise, "Jack, we live next to eachother!" He gaped. I then walk off to my house and smile. Yes, we live next to eachother.

Jack's POV
Mark, lived, next, to me... I couldn't believe it, but it was true. I went inside and my ma gasped, "Aw no! Are you okay my little teddy bear?" I rolled my eyes, "Yes ma, I'm fine." She finally calmed down. "Would you like some tea, to help it?" I smiled, "Yes please, and thank ye ma." My ma smiled and went to make some tea. I wanted to talk to my friends but then I realised, I don't have their numbers. I remind myself to ask them tomorrow.

Sorry for the short chapter, I am so tired right now, I was playing Pokémon Go (Yeah, I know, best game ever!) and ran all over the place and found a Charizard and caught it. Yay! Anyways, now I am so tired (you already said that). I'll see you lumping wombats, in the next chapter!

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