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Chapter 6 | Ivy & Lucas


"Ugh do we have to," I moan as Ivy giggles in my lap, peppering kisses down my jaw.

My shirt has somehow disappeared and Ivy pushes me back onto the bed so that I'm lying down and she's straddling me. She runs her hands down my chest as her strawberry blonde hair falls across her face. The sun catches the side of her head, giving her a golden halo and she smiles so brightly that her dimples actually make an appearance. She's not wearing much makeup so her freckles are finally visible and I reach out and trace my finger across the tiny dots sprinkled across the bridge of her nose.

She bops my own nose and chuckles. "Yes! We've gotta go to the mall!"

I sigh and lean up to press another kiss against her lips. I love when Ivy is in this element. When she's actually being herself and having fun and not giving two shits about what people think of her.

"Can't we just chill here," I ask, running a hand down the side of her body. She shivers under my touch and leans down to kiss me. "We could watch a mov-

But she cuts me off with a kiss. "Or we could continue doing that." I chuckle after pulling away, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

She laughs and slaps her hand gently across my chest. "C'mon babe, we can do that later, but right now we gotta go, school starts in a couple days and I still need to get supplies." She gets up from my bed and begins buttoning her blouse. "And most importantly I need a new outfit."

"Don't you have enough clothes already?" I mumble, sitting up and swinging my legs off of the bed.

Ivy says nothing but sends me a glare that instantly causes me to shut up.

"Fine," I exhale, giving in, knowing there is no point arguing with her.

I pick up my shirt from the floor of the bedroom and begin to pull it over my head as Ivy goes to the bathroom across the hall.

As I'm putting on my shoes, movement from across the room catches my eye.

From my window I can see right into Isabella's room. She's standing next to the window ledge talking to someone, nagging her finger menacingly at whoever she's speaking to. After a second thee other person comes to into view and I see that it's Mia, who rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips immaturely.

Another person comes into view and the two turn to look at them, I take a closer glance and see that it's a guy and my heart leaps in my chest, but after peering a little closer I see that his hand is wrapped around Mia's and I scan his face and quickly realise that he's Mia's boyfriend, Sammy, and my pulse which is hammering for no reason, stops again.

"Babe are you coming?" Ivy calls out from the landing and I snap back into reality.

I quickly tie up my laces and jump up from the bed. "Yeah, I'll be out in a second."

As I quickly run down the stairs I see Ivy who is waiting by the front door, tapping her feet impatiently. "Took you long enough," she snaps, pulling open the door.

"Calm down." I smack a kiss on her cheek and wrap an arm around her shoulder, ignoring her snappy tone as we walk across the porch to where my car is parked and she softens at my touch.

"So what universities are you thinking of applying to?" I ask her as I clamber into the drivers side of the car.

"Hm I'm not sure yet," she replies fiddling with the aux cord and plugging her phone in. "I think I might take a gap year before going off to college. How about you?"

I nod my head and start up the car before replying. "I'm not sure either but I think I'm gonna look at applying to colleges out of state."


She leans back in her seat and begins to swipe through her phone as we sit in awkward silence for a while as a I drive through the fairly empty roads of our town.

"Hey," I call out as we stop to pick up Ivy's friend Luna on the way to the mall, who gives me a small wave as she clambers into the back seat quietly.

I look at her through the review mirror.
Luna is a shy, barely 5'2 tall girl with a baby face. She's pretty but in a cutesy way and the complete opposite to Ivy in the way she both looks and acts.

During the 8 months Ivy and I had been dating, Luna has yet to say a word to me. The closest to communication I have gotten from her has been a couple waves and a shy smile when I occasionally drop her and Ivy off home. In fact the only person I have ever really seen her talk to is Ivy. For most of the time Luna trails behind her like a shadow.

No one really knows why the two are such close friends but from what I have heard Ivy has known Luna since kindergarten and her rath only seems to calm down when she is around her best friend so I like Luna for that reason alone.


"Babe c'mon," Ivy whines, her nails digging into my arm as she drags me into the next store.

The pounding in my head only intensifies as the loud music blares through the speakers at a ridiculously high volume.

On the bright side at least the music drowns out Ivy's whining.

I've lost count of how many shops we've been too in the last 5 hours. My feet are practically numb and I'm seconds away from collapsing onto the store floor and falling straight to sleep. However, I highly doubt that Ivy would be happy with that.

"Ivy," I call out over the loud music. "What are you getting now?"

"I told you I'm picking out an outfit for the first day back to school!"

I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Still?"

She throws me a glare over the rack of clothes. "Junior year is important, I need to look good."

I roll my eyes. "Ivy junior year is important because of exams and college applications...not because it's a fashion show."

"You don't understand." My girlfriend narrows her eyes at me. "And if you don't shush I'm gonna dump your ass."

I put my palms up in mock surrender. "I'll be quiet."

"Good," She throws me an innocent smile that contrasts with the evil glint in her eye and she pats my cheek before sauntering off into the changing room with a pile of clothes in her arms, Luna trailing after her like a lost puppy.

"Do you like this?" Ivy asks, emerging from the a little while later, spinning around to showcase her outfit.

I bite my lip as I rake her body up and down. She's wearing a white, off the shoulder blouse paired with a short skirt that makes her ass look amazing.

"You look beautiful," I tell her to which she beams at in reply. "But don't you think you'll get dress coded if you wear that to school?"

She makes a dismissive gesture with her hand. "Oh this isn't for school, this is for a party."

She spins back around and heads back into the changing room as I smack my palm against my forehead a couple times out of frustration.

After what feels like several hours later, Ivy is finally done with her shopping. I'm pretty sure my bank account is cleared at this point and I make a mental note to ask my parents to venmo me some more money later.

We're sitting at the food court with our lunches when my phone lights up with a notification. It's from the group chat we had made once Bella had arrived back into the US.

"Who's Isabella?" Ivy snaps, peering over my phone as she reads the text messages.

"It's my childhood friend that I was telling you about, remember?"

She chews on her fry thoughtfull, the regular scowl that is imprinted into the face reappearing. "Is she the fat one from that picture you showed me."


Ivy shrugs and continues munching on her food. "Okay, she's not a threat to me."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean not a threat to you?"

She sighs exasperatedly like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, there are some girls who I feel are a threat to me when they talk to you and there are others that aren't," She replies nonchalantly, like this is a normal concept. "And seeing as Isabella looks like that, she's not a threat to me.

I narrow my eyes, not liking Ivy's tone. "What do you mean seeing as she looks like that?"

Ivy rolls her eyes. "C'mon...yeah she's cute but if she still looks the same as she does in that picture then it's obvious that you won't be attracted to her so I don't feel threatened by her." When she see's my mortified expression she lets out a sigh. "Its a good thing don't worry, it means you're allowed to be friends with her."

I'm suddenly urged with the feeling to defend Isabella from the rath of my girlfriend but I doubt Ivy would appreciate me sticking up for another girl so I let her comment slide. But her comments reel around my head as I continue eating.

As I'm finishing up my food I hear a squeal and I look up to see a familiar group of girls walk past us.

Mia, Grace and Isabella are laughing to the point of hysterics at something Sammy has told them and I watch mesmerised, by Isabella's laughter. Her voice is rich and sweet and I think I could listen to her laugh for hours. Her head is tipped back as she giggles, her pearly white teeth making an appearance and her eyes crinkling in the most adorable way.

I hear Ivy scoff beside me and I follow where her line of sight is. She's watching Isabella too.

"Now she's a threat," she grimaces, looking at Bella with fire in her eyes.

My eyes widen at her statement and I quickly snap my gaze back to my tray.

Uh oh.


Helloooo, this chapter is super short because it's just a filler chapter but I just wanted to introduce Ivy before Isabella meets her :)

Love you all - Mai x

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