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Chapter 23 | Halloween


It's finally halloween night and the girls and I are sprawled across my room getting ready for the party that Dylan is hosting.

This party has been the talk of the week and everyone at school has been raving about tonight for ages. I haven't yet been to an American high school party so I'm actually fairly exhilarated for this evening.

After a week of contemplating what the three of us would go us, we had finally decided on dressing up as characters from our favourite show — La casa de papel, also known as 'Money Heist'. Grace would be going as Tokyo, Mia would be dressing up as the 'sexified' version of the professor and I would be going as Nairobi, who was my favourite character.

"How do I look?" Mia asks, spinning around to showcase her outfit as I shove my legs into the red jumpsuit I would be wearing.

"You look hot," I reply truthfully, raking my eyes up and down my best friends body. "But you also look like a pornstar."

"Just the idea I was going for," Mia winks in reply and I snort. She's wearing a tight, white shirt tucked into a short, navy blue school style, mini skirt with an oversized grey blazer thrown on top and a tie hanging loosely around her neck. The first few buttons of her shirt are popped open revealing a large amount of cleavage and she has a pair of glasses with the lenses punched out perched on her nose. Her long hair is straightened and cascades over her shoulders and overall she looks like a professor from a teacher x student porno.

"Do you think Sammy will like my outfit?"

Grace nods from where she's standing by the mirror applying concealer onto her skin. "With the amount of boob you're showing I think he'll be over the moon Mi."

Mia grins widely, pushing up her breasts and smiling down at them proudly. "You know he's always had a sex fantasy abo-" she begins but I briskly cut her off.

"What did we say about talking about your sex life Mia?" I scold, zipping up the front of the jumpsuit as Mia frowns.

"Not to give you guys the details of the details," she mutters in reply, huffing and crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well done." Grace pats her on the head. "You're learning." She twirls around in front of the both of us. "Now how do I look?"

"Amazing," both Mia and I rely simultaneously.

"But I think you should pull the zipper down a bit," Mia instructs, gesturing to the front of Grace's jumpsuit before turning to me. "So should you."

Before I get a chance to protest Mia reaches out and tugs the zip down slightly, just enough to display a little cleavage. I swat her hand away before turning to the mirror and peering at my appearance.

Both Grace and I are wearing bright red jumpsuits that fit well on our frames with dali masks that we had purchased from amazon perched on our heads. Grace is also wearing a short black wig so her hair looks more like Tokyo's from the show and my own hair is straightened, slicked back at the top and voluminised to match Nairobi's. I have a pair of heeled black combat boots on my feet to give me platform and Grace has doc martins on to minimise her own height and to stop her from appearing taller than she already is. We also both have water guns that have been painted black strapped around us and are filled with water to squirt any creepy men we come across at the party.

"You look great," Grace reassures me, swinging an arm around my shoulders. "Now if the two of you are done we should get going, Lucas should be here soon."

I groan. "Why are we going with him again?"

"Because he lives next door and is going to be the designated driver for tonight so we can all get drunk out of our minds. Mia throws me a look. "I know you and Lucas have beef-"

"We don't have beef," I correct her stubbornly. "I just don't like the amount of time I'm spending with him lately."

She rolls her eyes. "Well whatever but unless one of our parents are gonna drive us, he's our only option sis."

I exhale defeatedly. "Fine lets go."

We all go downstairs and head into the kitchen to wait for Lucas and as I do so my eyes widen and I'm taken back completely by the sight before me. Both Mia and Grace look as stunned as I am as the stand beside me and we gawk at the view in front of us.

My little sister Sofia is sat on the kitchen island dressed as Boo from Monsters Inc and I practically melt at how adorable she looks in her little outfit but that's not what I'm shocked at, oh no.

What my mouth has dropped open at is the sight of my grandma lounging around the kitchen in a big blue fluffy sully suit. She waddles across the tiled floor towards us and spins around to showcase her outfit and I try hard to retain my laughter and fail miserably.

"Abuela," I giggle. "You look fantastic." And both Mia and Grace nod their heads in agreement.

My grandmother had always gone all out on Halloween. Dressing up in weird costumes and taking the girls and I out to trick and treat and I'm glad to see the tradition has yet not died.

She sends me a huge grin. "Thanks mija, so do you." She rakes her eyes across the three of us. "You all look fantastic!" She gestures to Mia. "Especially you cariño. I love your outfit."

"Thanks abuela," Mia beams.

"No worries amor." She claps her hands together. "Now when are you guys leaving for the party? You better hurry before your moms see because I think Linh will have a fit over your costume Mia."

Grace nods her head. "We're just waiting on Lucas."

As if on instinct Lucas himself walks into the kitchen at that very second. "I've been summoned!" He exclaims. "Val let me in-"  he stops short at the sight of all of us as we turn to look at him. His eyes widen as his gaze falls on mine, Mia and Grace's outfits and he briskly averts his eyes respectfully. "You guys look um...great."

"Thank you," we all reply simultaneously and I use this as an opportunity to peer at Lucas' costume. He's wearing black jeans, a black top and a black hooded cape with red lining draped across his shoulders. His outfit is fairly simple but what's the impressive is the skeleton makeup on his face.

"Woah," Grace gasps, pointing at Lucas' face. "Cool makeup."

"Thanks," Lucas chuckles. "Ivy did it."

"Ivy?" Mia exclaims, perking up from beside me. "Does that mean she's-"

"She's waiting in the car."

"Argh!" Mia groans, stomping her feet childishly, voicing my reaction. "Why is she coming with us?"

"Luna bailed from the party so she didn't have a ride." Lucas shrugs. "Plus we're kind of wearing a couples costume so it would be better if we arrived together."

I give Mia a 'I told you so' look. "I told you it would be a bad idea to go with Lucas," I mutter and she pokes me in the rib with her elbow.

"Alright let's get going!" She chirps, adjusting the glasses on her nose and storming out of the kitchen, the rest of us hot on her trails. "Bye abuela!"

We see my mom in the hallway and quickly walk past her before she can comment on the amount of cleavage on show from our costumes and run outside, the cool October breeze sending chills across my body.

"You guys took long enough," Ivy complains as the three of us squash in the back seat of Lucas' car.

We ignore her remark. "Oh you're dressed as the devil how fitting," Mia snarls and Ivy sends daggers back at her in reply.

"And what the fuck are you lot supposed to be?" She sniggers, eyeing the three of us as the car jolts into action. "You look like a porn star." She points at Mia and grimaces and Lucas chokes on his spit from the drivers seat not daring to turn his head to look at us. "And you two look like janitors."

"At least our costumes are unique unlike yours," I retort, rolling my eyes. "I bet you there's going to be at least 10 devils at Dylan's party."

"Whatever Isabella."

"Also where did you get that outfit?" Grace adds. "It looks like a lingerie."

"Yeah where's it from," Mia pipes up in intrigue. "It's actually pretty nic-OUCH."

Grace nudges Mia in the side. "We're not supposed to be complimenting her," she hisses from the side of her mouth.

Mia rubs her rib area. "But it's nice, I want to buy it for myself."

"It's from Victoria Secret," Ivy mutters in reply. "Lucas bought it for me."

I see Lucas' eyes widen from the review mirror and he clears his throat awkwardly as I grimace.

"We didn't need to know that," I glower, shuddering at the thought of the two of them.

"Whatever stay jealous Isabella."

"Bloody hell," I scowl, furrowing my eyebrows. "Why do the two of you have some obsession with the idea that I'm jealous?"

"Because you are," Ivy replies in a matter of fact sort of way.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm no-"

"Right you two shut up," Lucas yells, nagging his finger at the two of us as we roll into a red light. "I can't concentrate on my driving with you all bickering."

"It's her fault." I point a finger at Ivy accusingly.

"Me?" She gasps in disbelief. "You're the jealous one."

"Oh my lord," I groan in annoyance. "For the final time I'm not jealous!"

Sure keep telling yourself that-SHUTUP BRAIN.

I shake away that weird, unwanted thought and pull out my phone, done with the conversation and begin to scroll aimlessly through the apps.

The car falls silent and stays like this until we arrive outside Dylan's house. The three of us scramble out of the car as quickly as possible and begin to tread up the driveway. A mass of people have already arrived at the party, all dressed up in a multitude of costumes, some are already drunk out of their minds and are sprawled across the front lawn in a tangled mess of limbs and others are making out and dry humping shamelessly in the hallway and we weave our way around these people and head deeper in the house in search of Dylan.

"There he is," Grace yells over the loud music, pointing to a figure standing on the coffee table in the living room. Dylan is wearing nothing except a tiara balancing on his blonde curls and a pair of very tight, gold shorts that showcase his very nice derrière and my eyes widen in awe. Our friend has cake.

"Ugh he has more ass than me," Mia frowns as we walk towards Dylan prancing on the table. He's clearly very tipsy and continues to take a sip from his red solo cup as we approach him.

"Girls!" He exclaims excitedly as he finally sees us and almost falls off the the table as he jumps off to greet us.

"Happy birthday Dyl!" We all say simultaneously.

"You guys look hot!" Dylan slurrs, swinging an arm lazily around Mia. He looks down at Mia's chest and gasps. "He-llo girls." He points at her boobs and both Grace and I splutter out in laughter. He then gestures to Grace.

"Blondie, Aidan is in the kitchen, he's been waiting for you to come."

Grace flushes pink. "He has?"

"Yeah go talk to him," he points to the back in the direction of the kitchen and pushes Grace encouragingly.

"Wait before you go," Mia calls out to Grace and when she turns around, Mia tugs the zipper of Grace's jumpsuit down a tad more and smiles widely. "Now you can go! Also whilst you're at it get Bell and I a drink!"


Oop sorry guys I lied, I decided to not put drunk Isabella in the chapter because I want to from Lucas' pov, but don't worryyy that chapter will be up soon (either tonight or tomorrow) because it's already partially written xx

Love you all & don't forget to click the little star button! - Mai x

isabella/grace, lucas, ivy
*what their halloween consumes looked like* (i couldn't find one for mia)

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