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Chapter 24. | Drunk Bella


Standing up from my seat I make my way over to the pool table where the game of beer pong is currently happening. My legs are a little wobbly and I almost fall over after trying to get up but Grace briskly steadies me. I guess I'm slightly drunk. I've had about 3 drinks now...or is it 4.. or 5...maybe the 10th? I'm not really sure right now. But it doesn't really matter as the number is about to go up significantly as Mia has just challenged me to another round of beer pong. I had absolutely slaughtered her during our first game, but then again that was when I was only slightly tipsy but I'm sure that doesn't realllyyy matter. I'm certain I am going to win anyways.

Oh, I also found out Mia has a twin! Although she keeps fading and reappearing again, there are two Mia's! Can you believe she hid that secret from me?

"It's your go Bell," Mia number one...or is it Mia number two screams from across the other side of the table.

Huh...the table has a twin too...and so do the cups of beer...

"Go on Bella, you're such a slow coach," she whines, slumping forward across the table, giving everyone opposite a lovely view of her front.

This boy, Jacob, I think, begins to jeer at the sight but is promptly cut off by Aidan who thwacks him on the chest and sends him a murderous glare.

"I am not a slow coach!" I yell back, narrowing my eyes at Mia before getting ready to throw the little ping pong ball in one of the cups.

When I find the perfect angle to aim I briskly throw the ball and watch it glide, swiftly through the air in slow motion, along with its twin ball...and lands square in the middle of Mia's forehead.

At the pressure of the ball, she stumbles back and falls flat on her ass, screaming in pain.

"Oh NO!" I cry, rushing across to the other side of the table to where Mia is laid across the floor. She has her hands flat across her chest in an 'x' shape and has her tongue sticking out from the corner of her mouth.

"You've killed Mia!" Faye from my form class gasps, slapping a hand across her mouth.

"Someone call the fire brigade," Grace yells, running over to us, almost face planting the floor in the process. She begins to frantically wave her hand in front of her face. "WE CAN'T LOSE HER!"

I bend down and grab Mia by the shoulders, shaking her. "Don't die Mia, don't die!" When she doesn't budge, I poke her shoulder with my 'gun' before squirting her in the face with the water.

A loud laugh erupts from Mia number two (or one) and I briskly pull the gun away and hide it behind my back.

"She's alive!" Faye squeals just as Mia pries her eyes open and begins her attempt in trying to sit up again.

"I'm reassured!" She announces and I let out a breath of relief, wiping away the sweat from my forehead. That was a stressful time.

"Do you mean resurrected?" Grace asks, leaning over the two of us. She giggles loudly before taking a large sip from my old red solo cup that was still clutched in her hand.

"Ooh yeah that." Mia wipes away the water from her face before outstretching her hands. I help her haul to her feet and quickly fling my arms around her.

"I'm so glad you're not dead!" I sob into her shoulder.

"Me too!" She pats my back before pulling me away and holding me at arms length. A wicked grin crawls up onto her face and Mia number two makes an appearance next to her, smiling evilly also. "Now less crying and more drinking bitch!"

"Oh yeah!" I slump my shoulders in defeat. "I lost."

"Yep you did! Now drink up!"

I nod my head before placing my hands on my hips and spreading my legs apart slightly, giving myself a powerful stance. "I'm ready...now give me a beer!"

When no one passes me a cup of beer, Mia screams. She points to her boyfriend who's perched on a chair by the table. "Sammy! Pass the lady a drink! NOW!"

Grace hauls me to an empty seat and plops me down on it, massaging my shoulders in preparation. Once I have a plastic cup in my hand I take a deep breath.

Everyone is watching me in slow motion, with their hands over their mouths and their eyes widened as I bring the drink to my lips. Well...I'd like to assume they were all staring at me with admiration but it was hard to tell in the dim lighting and with my hazy sight.

I chug the beer in one go, in record speed (in under 1 second I'm sure) and a loud cheer erupts from Aidan. He pumps his fist in the air in triumph as I finish swallowing the liquid and proceed to scrunch up the plastic cup. I throw it back at Sammy and he flinches as it hits him square on the head.

Smiling proudly, I stand up from the chair and dramatically wipe the residue from my lips. With a click of my fingers, Mia is by my side.

"I need to pee and you're coming with me!" I announce to Mia like she is the chosen one.

"Of course." She nods her head vigorously. "Anything for you champion."



"No." I tell the guy approaching Ivy. His smirk drops the moment he sees me and he briskly walks away, huffing in annoyance.

"Luke dance with meeee," Ivy whines, swinging her arms around my neck and pressing herself flush against me. I grimace at the smell of alcohol on her breath and inch my head away from her.

This only causes Ivy to lean all her weight against me and slowly slump down towards the floor. I briskly wrap my arms around her waist, steading her.

"Oook, I think it's time to go home now."

"Noooo not yet," she moans, resting her head on my chest.

"Yes babe it's getting late." I pull her over to the couch and set her down. She groans in annoyance before leaning her head down on the arm of the sofa and aggressively kicking off her heels.

I move my head just in the nick of time as a red shoe flies past me, almost taking my eye out.

"Stay here," I tell her sternly. She nods before curling her legs up on the sofa and getting comfortable, her skirt riding up completely. I peel off my cape and throw it on top of her, hiding her from prying eyes of the several creeps at this party. Who the hell are all these people Dylan invited? I'm pretty sure half the guys here are college students.

"Hey can you keep an eye on her please?" I tell this girl that I recognise from my maths class, Rosie I think, who is sitting on a chair by the couch Ivy is lying on, scrolling on her phone.

She nods and I send her a grateful smile before heading deeper into the party, past the crowd of sweaty people and into the garden. The last time I had checked, the girls, Dylan and Aidan were out here playing beer pong, so I peer around in search of them.

I glance across the sea of people and finally spot Dylan; face flat, arms spread out like a starfish on a large, yellow floaty, drifting around in the pool. He seems to be knocked unconscious but looks fairly comfortable in his state so I'm about to leave him to it. The water is fairly shallow so he probably won't accidentally fall off the floaty and drown. Right?

Flitting my eyes from the water and back to Dylan's sleeping state, I decide to be better safe than sorry and make my way towards the pool to try and wake him up and get him out.

As I stroll past the people sprawled across the grass or the people lounging on a couple of chairs that were dotted around the garden, I keep my eyes peeled in search of the girls whom I'm supposed to be taking home soon but I can't spot them. All I can really see in my line of sight are people flat out drunk and passed out on the floor, people smoking at the back and others shamelessly making out. As I approach closer to the pool however, I walk past one couple in particular that catches my eye as the girl kinda resembles Grace. I continue to approach them to get a better view, as it's hard to tell if it really is Grace or a random blonde due to the fact she's currently getting her face eaten off by someone. Now that I think about it, someone who looks awfully similar to-

"AIDAN!" I gasp, my eyes widening as the two people pry away from each other, revealing that my suspicions were correct.

Aidan squints his eyes, trying to spot where the voice came from and when his eyes land on me, a silly, lopsided drunken smile breaks out onto his face.

"Hello," he snickers as Grace briskly spins her head around. She waves awkwardly at me and I wave back slowly, still trying to process what I had just witnessed.

"Grace and I were just doing...CPR!! That's right CPR!" Aidan adds, looking quite triumphant with his excuse. He sends Grace a wink and she promptly flushes red.

"That's right." She nods her head vigorously. "We're practicing the, er, fire drill." Her eyes flit back from my face onto Aidan's swollen lips and her gaze stays there for several beats. "Now if you'll excuse us we have to get back to practice!"

Before I have the chance to reply, the two begin feverishly attacking each other's faces again and instead, I blink slowly at them; both kind of disgusted and kind of in awe.

I knew something what bound to happen between the two of them...even if it is just a drunken kiss they'll probably forget about tomorrow.

I'm stood watching the two 'making out' for a couple of seconds, frankly confused if I should stop them or let them continue.

Knowing the two of them, it'll be hella awkward the next time they see each other and I don't want them to ruin their friendship by this.

But then again time...this could possibly be the factor that causes them to finally get together.

At that thought, I decide to let the two continue sucking each others lips off. I pause for a second trying to remember what I had been planning to do before I spotted Grace and Aidan, but a large splash quickly reminds me.

I slap a hand to my forehead and run over to the pool. Leaning over the edge, I grab Dylan by his arms, trying to haul him out of the water where he's thrashing about in shock after being awoken from his sleep.

"Fucking hell," I groan, struggling to pull Dylan out of the pool. He weighs a ton.

After struggling for a little while, I manage to get him out and he lays flat on his back on the grass, trying to catch his breath.

He blinks rapidly, trying to get the water out of his eyes so he can see more clearly and when his eyes lock onto mine, he slaps a hand over his mouth.

"Lulu! You saved me!" He cries, scrambling up from the floor and throwing his arms around my neck. I stumble back from his weight and push his head away with my palm as he begins to get my clothes drenched by his embrace.

He pulls away not long after and sends me a a large grin before placing both his hands on the sides of my face and giving my cheeks a squeeze.

"Okay," he slurs, patting my chest before attempting to walk away. "I need to change my clothes they're all soaked!"

He had put on a white t-shirt after 20 minutes of lounging around the party in his golden sparkly shorts as the cold had gotten to him so he begins to peel that off as he stumbles back inside.

His hands reach to the waistband of his golden shorts and is about to tug them down before I quickly run over to him and stop him.

"Not here!"

After making sure Dylan has headed inside without flashing anybody, I continue on my search for the remaining two girls. After checking the kitchen, the living room and upstairs, I find myself back in the garden, still looking for Mia and Isabella.

I run a hand through my hair and make my way over to the cooler situated in the middle of the garden, deciding that I need a short break and pull out a cola and take a large sip of the cold, drink. I take out my phone from my pocket to check the time and see that it's nearing 1am. Shit. I had promised Valeria that I would bring all three girls to Isabella's house before 2. I quickly pull up contacts and begin dialling Mia's number when two shrill voiced catch my attention.

"LUCAS LUCAS!" They scream I turn to see Mia and Isabella hurdling towards me, both stumbling over their own feet. Oh good I found them.

"Guess what we made a friend in the bathroom!" Mia squeals and Isabella giggles in response. "Yeah her name was..." She trails off, looking quite confused. "Bella what was her name?"

"Hm," Isabella taps her chin, thinking thoughtfully. "I think it was...ohmygodtheyrehavingsex!"

"No! That wasn't her name silly!" Mia laughs, playfully smacking Isabella's arm.

"No! Over there! Gracie is having sex!" Isabella gasps dramatically, bringing one hand over her mouth and gestures to Grace and Aidan with the other.

Mia briskly spins her head in the direction Isabella is pointing in. "No way!" She narrows her eyes. "Wait! They're not having sex they're not naked!" Mia pouts and Isabella furrows her eyebrows.

"They're having mouth sex."

"You mean kissing."


The two burst out into a fit of giggles, ending up on a head on the floor only moments after.

"Oh no...now she's throwing up." Mia grimaces, pointing to where Grace is hunched over with Aidan pulling her hair back, vomiting out her guts.

I grimace at the sight. "Right that's it! It's home time everyone!" I announce, clasping my hands together and Isabella breathes out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God, I miss my pyjamas."


After successfully getting all four girls into my car; which was an extreme struggle seeing as how Ivy had fallen asleep in the living room, how incredibly hard it was to get Mia and Isabella from off the garden floor and how difficult it was attempting to get Grace to detach her face from Aidan's mouth, I take a seat in the drivers side with a sigh. I put the AC on blast, despite it being minus degrees outside - that whole situation was a damn workout and I turn on the ignition.

I check the review mirror as I begin to peel out the driveway and snort at the sight of Grace, Mia and Ivy all sound asleep in the back seat.

I consider taking a picture of the three girls, especially seeing as how Mia had her head resting on Ivy's shoulder and Grace is drooling in her sleep.

I glance at Isabella in the passenger seat, hoping that she is also passed out too but alas she's not, instead she's gazing out the window intently, wide-eyed.

"That was fun," she slurs, her head lolling as she props it against the glass. "But I'm hungry." She points down to her stomach. "I think there's a whale in there 'cause it's making whale noises."

I chuckle. "We can pick up MacDonald's on the way home."

"Yay nuggies," she smiles drunkenly. "I haven't had MacDonald's in aggeeeeesss."

"You haven't?" I ask. "Don't they have MacDonald's in England?"

"They do," Isabella nods enthusiastically. "They call is Maccies over there." She stops nodding and begins to frown. "But I wasn't allowed to eat it."

"Huh..why not? Who didn't allow you to eat it?"

"My stupid brain." Isabella smacks her head hard with her palm repeatedly. "Stupid, stupid brain!"

My eyes widen and I throw her an incredulous look. "Belly stop doing that." I grab her arm as we pull into a red light.

"No! My head is so dumb! I wish it wasn't because I miss Nando's and I only ate Nando's once because I wasn't allowed Nando's and now we're in America I can't have Nando's even though I'm allowing myself to eat Nando's now because there is no Nando's here!" She pauses to take a deep breath. "America is even more stupider than me for not having Nando's."

"Okay," I reply unsurely, honestly having no idea what Bella is talking about. "How about I get you 20 nuggets instead of 10, will that cheer you up?"

Isabella pauses to think for a moment. "Okay that will cheer me up!" She smiles after a beat, glancing my way to look at me. After a while, from my peripheral vision, I noticed that her gaze has dropped down to my hand that's resting on the gear shift.

"I like your rings," she points out. "Can I try them on?"

I nod and she takes my hand in her small ones, fiddling with the rings on my fingers.

"You should paint your nails black it would look soooo cooool."

"I used to but Ivy doesn't like them when they're painted."

"That's stupid, I think it looks nice." She plucks the ring off on my middle finger and puts it on her own, spinning it around on her pinkie. "We should have a sleepover and paint each other nails."

"A sleepover huh?" I smile wickedly. "And will there be lots of pillow fights?"

"Yep." She peers at me again and her grin drops the moment she see's my teasing smirk. She lets go of my hand and instead smacks me on the shoulder. "Gross boy," Bella huffs, narrowing her bloodshot eyes at me.

"I'm only playing," I laugh, finally pulling into the MacDonald's driveway. "I don't think Ivy would appreciate me sleeping over with other girls."

"I wouldn't either to be honest," she replies. She stays quiet for a bit, seemingly lost in thought as I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for the cars ahead to finish ordering.

"Make sure to be a good boyfriend," Bella suddenly threatens me and I turn to look at her with a quizzical expression on my face. "Remember Ivy has trust issues!"

"Don't worry I will." I pause to smirk at her and wiggle my eyebrows suggestively. "And whoa look at you caring for Ivy."

"Drinking makes me do weird things," she replies solemnly, bowing her head and I let out a loud laugh. The car ahead of me moves forward so I begin to drive again.

"What can I get you today?" A muffled voice says through the intercom.

I open my mouth to order but before I get the chance Isabella starts screaming.


I slam a hand over her mouth preventing her from continuing her screaming.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly into the intercom. "Can I order a box of 20 nuggets, a portion of fries and an Oreo mcflurry please? Thank you."

Once I finish ordering, Isabella licks my hand and I briskly pull it away from her mouth, grimacing. I wipe my wet palm down the side of her arm.

"You're gross."

"And you're ugly," Isabella shoots back, sticking her tongue out childishly.

I narrow my eyes at her. "That's it I'm eating 15 of your nuggets."

"No you can't," she wails. "That's evil."

"Take what you said back then," I respond, driving up to the collection side. I pull up behind the car in front of me and turn to Isabella, smirking evilly.


"Okay, I'm eating 16 of your nuggets."






"Aw I'm not," I place a hand over my heart. "Aren't you sweet."

"No," she huffs, crossing her arms across her chest indignantly. "You're pretty."

I smile widely and roll down my window to pay the lady at the drive through. As I go to pick up the bag I hear Isabella whisper next to me.

"...pretty annoying."

"That's it 20 of your nuggets are gone!"


"I'm kidding!" I laugh before thrusting the bag onto her lap and beginning to drive out. "Now shut up and eat up."

"HEY DON'T TELL ME TO SHUTUP!" She opens the box of nuggets. "MMMM NEVERMIND, I'll shutup just for these lil nuggets."

"Oh how I missed you glorious nuggies," she moans, stuffing three nuggets into her mouth and spraying crumbs everywhere as she speaks with her mouth full.

She continues chomping on her food, finally giving me some peace and quiet until we pull up into our driveway. I lean back against the seat after turning of the engine. I go to reach out and steal a nugget from the box and Isabella promptly smacks my hand away.

"Stay away from my babies," she says menacingly, covering her hands over the box protectively.

I snicker. "Fine, but pass me my mcflurry."

The ice cream is slightly melted at this point but still fucking delicious. We eat for a while in silence as I devour my mcflurry and Isabella her nuggets and the two of us share the fries.

"Hey how about a trade," I suggest after a while, spooning another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

She narrows her eyes. "What kind of trade?"

"I'll let you have some of my ice cream...if you give me one nugget."

She pauses for a beat, thinking thoughtfully and weighing out her options like this is a life altering situation. "Okay fine," Isabella finally agrees.

We exchange and as I'm chomping away on my nugget, Isabella turns to me looking quite disgusted and distraught.

"You know we technically kissed right now before you used the same spoon as me."

I quirk an eyebrow. "Huh I guess we did."

She grimaces. "Ew that is so gross." Bella chews thoughtfully on a fry for a second, continuing to look disgusted until her mouth falls open and she drops the fry onto her lap. "Ewwwwww that technically means I also kissed Ivy too." She fakes a gag. "Thanks a lot Lucas now I have Ivy germs inside me for 6 months."

"6 months?"

"Yeah," Isabella nods her head vigorously. "After you kiss someone their DNA stays inside you for 6 months."

I blink slowly. "How do you even know that?"

Smiling proudly, she sends me a wink and taps her forehead with her index finger. "I know a lot of things in this lil brain of mine."

"Okay I think it's time for you to go to sleep."



Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote! Love you all - Mai x

hands 😍🥰😼🥺🤩😌🤚

ALSO OMG #8 IN BADBOY PLEEEASSEEE I'M CRYING SJXKAJXKKWDHAKZJ (I mean Lucas isn't even a 'badboy' oop (sorry for the clickbaiting) 😳🤚)


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