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IMPORTANT: please go back at read chapters 14 - 18

I have completely re-written them! There are new concepts such as homecoming, a bet between Lucas and Bella and so on, so please read those chapters if you haven't already!

Chapter 29 | Avoidance.


Every time I look at him, the swirling feeling of unease at the pit of my stomach re appears, so I continue to do what a I do best.

Completely ignore Lucas and run screaming in the opposite direction if he even comes 10 meters near me.

Exhibit A:

On Tuesday, I had woken up late and after a very stressful morning, rushing around, trying to get on time, I had concluded that I was going to miss the school bus so I had trecked downstairs to ask my mom if she could drive me to school. However, luck was not on my side that day as my mom had been in a rush of her own, running late for yet again another interview so had asked me to ask Lucas for a ride to school and to tell him that she would get him a plate of abuela's cookies as compensation if he did drive me to school.

Let's just say he never got those cookies.

I had left the house only minuets after and proceeded to walk 45 minutes to school in the freezing cold. I was late and yes now I have a nasty cough, but it was better than being stuck in a car with the boy that currently was the reason for my nauseous feeling.

Exhibit B:

At lunchtime on Wednesday, they boys were scheduled to sit with us at lunch like they always did every Wednesday and to avoid he-shall-not-be-named here, I spent the entire lunch time in the toilet. Yes, Mia and Grace had gone on a huge search for me and once they had found me curled up in handicap toilet stall they asked me if I was ok with concern laced in their voices. I had hastily nodded and said I had a stomach bug and the two gullible idiots believed me. Mia even went to extents to recommended me some random medicines to help curve this 'bug'.

Exhibit C:

Thursday had not been my day at all.

I had spotted Lucas and the boys approaching us in the hallway before homeroom in the morning and I had fled in the other direction down the hall.

Then in PE, I was left with another resulting injury from Mia (of course) and on our way to the nurses office (yet again), we had spotted Lucas and some of the other boys in his PE class walking towards the fountain to get water. Mia had called him over and as he got closer and closer to us I panicked and ran into the building. Mia followed suit after noticing my fleeing and promptly asking why I was running away. I had panicked again and made up some random reason that my leg had spasmed and began running on its own and this therefore causes Mia to begin to raise suspicion of the way I was acting and had brought it up with Grace and I when we were eating lunch later that day.

I had denied that there wasn't anything wrong and there was no reason was to why I was supposedly acting abnormal but Grace had begun to agree with Mia. She had taken notice of the countless times during those past three days where I had ducked under tables or hid behind her hall frame and the pair quickly put two and two together and had come to the conclusion that I was avoiding Lucas.

'Why though?' Was the inquiry that came into question now.

But they had yet to figure out the answer to that.

Also, I think it's key to note that Mia and Grace hadn't been the only ones who had taken notice of my odd behaviour.I also had come to the unfortunate discovery that my tactic was not completely faultless as I find myself in biology class the next day with Lucas boring holes into the back of my skull, trying to figure out what the hell is going on with me.

As our teacher begins to hand out some worksheets Lucas leans over his desk and inches his head right near my ear.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He whispers, his warm breath tickling my ear lobe. I'm not even surprised in the slightest that his breath smells like strong mint - he is always chewing gum.

I try not to react to the close proximity as I blatantly ignore him.

He goes to open his mouth to speak again but doesn't manage to get a word out as Mr Bailey intervenes, his loud voice booming from the front of the class.

"Mr Miller please sit back in your seat and refrain from flirting with girls in my class please, there is plenty of time to do that during break."

The whole class burst out into a fit of snickers and I feel my cheeks blazing red. However I am thankful for Mr Bailey's intervention as it stops Lucas from continuing his question prodding.

For the rest of lesson I can feel his gaze piercing into the nape of my neck and it's so fierce that I let down my ponytail to give myself someone protection from the intensity of his stare.

He doesn't however, utter another word the remainder of the class and I'm hoping it's because he's taken the hint that I'm avoiding him thus is choosing to respect my boundaries.

As the bell rings, indicating the end of the lesson, I fly out of my seat and make a dash for the door.

I've made it halfway down the hallway when I feel a large hand encase around my wrist and promptly drag me over to the corner of the hallway whilst I try to shake my arm out of their grip. My God are they strong. Their grasp around my wrist is like iron.

"What?" I snap, my eyes narrowed as I finally take notice of who it is manhandling me.

Of course it is non other than Lucas freakin' Miller. His eyebrows are drawn together in confusion and he doesn't say anything for a beat, just scours my face in silence.

"You are avoiding me," he finally states after a while.

I blink slowly at him.

"Are you gonna tell me why?" He prompts, his eyebrow raised. "Because Mia asked me yesterday if I did something weird to make you avoid me and act odd and I personally can't think of any fucking this I did recently to make you act this way."

Damn Mia and her fat gob.

He stares at me expectantly, waiting for my answer as I hold his gaze, thinking back to the diary entries and what had been written in them. A swarm of unwanted butterflies promptly fill my stomach.

I shake my head before before adjusting the strap of my backpack on my shoulder and turning around to begin to trudge back down the hallway and continue my journey to the canteen.

I hadn't even made it 2 meters away from him when he calls out after me.

"If you won't tell me then I'll find out by myself."

I ignore him and continue walking down the hall, disappearing into the crowd.

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