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Chapter 30 | Where Isabella tells Lucas...almost


Exactly a week has gone by and I have yet to find out why Isabella has been ignoring me. Honestly, it's doing my head in trying to figure out why she is acting this way, especially because I have no fucking clue what I had even done or even if I had done something in the fucking first place.

"Why do you think she's ignoring me?" I ask the guys, voicing my thoughts. Dylan who is in the midst of shoving a burrito into his mouth merely shrugs.

"Have you tried asking Mia or Gracie, maybe they would know?" Aidan offers, looking up from over his phone from where he had been probably texting said Grace.

Since the two had begun dating, they have been attached to the hip, constantly together and when they weren't by each others side, they would be texting or calling non stop.

Yes, they were that couple.

As annoying (and sort of cute) as it was, I didn't actually mind trailing after Aidan when he was in search for Grace after lesson or during lunch, it meant that we were spending more time with the girls which also meant more time for me to continue to interrogate Isabella.

I don't think she was as pleased with that prospect as I was however.

I nod my head solemnly. "Yeah I asked but the two are as lost as I am."

Dylan finishes chewing his food before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand causing me to grimace. "Just keep pestering her, I'm sure she'll come around," he says. "Isabella isn't the type to hold grudges." He then looks up at Aidan for a split second and smirks and Aidan returns the gesture.

My eyebrows draw together in confusion. "What?" I ask flitting my eyes across the two of them. "Why are you guys giving each other weird looks?"

"Oh it's nothing." Aidan waves his hand dismissively. "I just think Dylan's idea on continuing to pester Bella is a good idea."

I narrow my eyes at him. "...Okay," I begin warily. "You guys gave me that same advice before already."

"And did it not work?" Dylan cocks an eyebrow before taking another bite of his burrito.

I pause. I mean it did kind of work last time. We did end up having that moment in the treehouse, so maybe the guys' tactic was sort of effective.

"Okay," I nod, letting out an exasperated breath. "I'll give your idea another shot."

"How about testing it out now?"


"Test it now," Aidan repeats nodding his head to something behind me. "Look they're over there." I turn around to see the three huddled around the water fountain near the canteen doors as Mia refills her bottle. "Come let's call them over."

Before I can protest, Aidan promptly stands up and rushes over the girls. I watch him swoop down to plant a kiss on Grace's lips and Isabella inch away from the two as they begin to make out ferociously. As Mia pulls way from the water fountain and begins screwing her water bottle shut, I wave over to the both of them, indicating that the two should come over here. Isabella avoids my gaze and acts like she hasn't seen me but Mia waves back and briskly loops her arm around Isabella and begins dragging her over to our table.

I can see Isabella muttering out in protest and trying to haul her arm away from Mia but it's no use, within seconds Mia has barged her way over to us and shoves Isabella onto the seat next to me.

"Hi," I greet her, smiling brightly and making sure my dimples pop out. Girls tend to love when I do that. Isabella however seems unaffected and merely nods her head in acknowledgment. She presses her lips into a thin line and directs her attention onto the frayed bits of the rips on her jeans.

One thing I have noticed about Isabella was her love for baggy clothes. She has nice style yes, but other than the dress she wore to homecoming her outfits merely consist of baggy jeans, oversized sweatshirts and huge graphic tee's that practically swallowed her body whole.

"So how's your day been?" I ask, drumming my fingers across the table. I catch her glancing down at my hands a second longer than it's deemed accidental which brings a smirk to my face.

"Do you like my new rings," I say, flexing my hands once she hasn't answered my question. The light catches onto the one on my middle finger. It's a simple silver band with a little star engraved in the middle. It's the most recent one I had got and I had bought it from a guy called John who runs a small jewellery vendor at the mall.

She shrugs her shoulders after briefly glancing down at the ring.

Okay...we seem to be getting no where.

As silence settles over the two of us and we sit watching Mia and Dylan converse and Grace and Aidan continue to suck each other's faces off I get slightly annoyed.

"Right if I've done something to make you mad can you tell me." I blatantly ask her, my tone much sharper than I had intended it to be and I turn around in my seat to face her. "Because it's fucking killing me trying to figure out what's wrong with you."

She snaps her head towards me with her eyes narrowed. I stare at her expectantly, waiting for her answer and she holds my gaze but when she allows the silence to continue to stretch over the two of us I begin to speak up again.

"For fuck sake Bella," I groan, running a hand through my hair frustrated. "Why won't you tell me? It's clear that I have apparently done something to upset you so why can't we talk this out like mature fucking adults so I can apologise or fucking something."

Isabella snorts. The first proper reaction I have gotten out of her during this entire week. "You're one to talk about mature," she mumbles. "You laugh when someone says penis."

I can't stop the giggle that escapes from my mouth and Isabella throws me a 'I told you' look. I promptly stop my laughter and snap my mouth closed.

"Alright stop going off topic!"

"You're the one giggling like a child!"

"Hey you're going off topic again!" I exclaim. "Now fucking tell me already or I'll...I'll come to your house for dinner everyday this week and keep bothering you until you spit it out!"

She raises her hands up in mock surrender and rolls her eyes. "You really want to know? Fine. I'll fucking tell you."

I let out an exasperated breath. "Fucking finally."

She gives me a blank stare and I shut up immediately. "Sorry I'm listening, you may continue."

She rolls her eyes again before opening her mouth and is about to begin to speak when well...my girlfriend appears.

I let out an audible groan.

"Ugh babe there you are," Ivy saunters her way over to me, seeming annoyed and Luna trailing after her like a lost puppy.

"Hi," I reply, forcing myself to give her a small smile. "Babe could you give us a moment please, Isabella has something important to tell me."

Ivy stops and does a once over to Isabella, as if just noticing her presence and her her lips curl up into a grimacey sort of smile. Her eyes then dart between the small space between Bella and I and then to where my knees are brushing against hers.

"You two are sitting awfully close," she says in an overly sweet manner, through gritted teeth, completely ignoring my remark and I briskly move my leg away. She then pauses to give Isabella a look so icy it could freeze hell over causing Isabella to merely roll her eyes...again. Huh she sure did that a lot around us.

My girlfriends gaze then turns back to me. "I thought I told you to stay 2 metres away from any girl you talk to and 4 meters when you're speaking to her."

"Bloody hell," Bella mutters under her breath. "Controlling much?"

"Mind your business Isabelle," Ivy snaps and my eyebrows draw together in annoyance. "Also can you like sit somewhere else, I need to sit with my boyfriend."

Isabella practically flies out of her seat. "Gladly."

"No no wait," I speak up. "Isabella you can't just leave me hanging with this!"

She shrugs. "Sorry I don't feel comfortable with telling you when she is here."

"How about later? Message me the reason or something-"

"God what is it that she has to tell you, you sound so desperate it's pathetic," Ivy interrupts.

I fight the urge to narrow my eyes at her. "It's something important," I reply, clenching my jaw.

Ivy scoffs as Isabella shrugs again before retreating from her chair and around the table we're all sitting around to the vacant seat between Mia and Aidan.

I watch as Ivy sends daggers her way and how Isabella promptly sends them back once she's seated again.

Throughout the rest of lunch, I'm half listening to whatever it is Ivy is talking about with me and Luna and to the occasional interaction she shares with Isabella from time to time which merely consists of the glaring of eyes and sending each other dirty looks and then it suddenly clicks in my mind.

I internally groan. How could I be so stupid? The reason was right there in front of my eyes.

I finally know why she's mad at me.


hiya, this is so random but this is
me introducing THEIR
(isabella & lucas') STYLE:

ISABELLA: streetwear style. lots of baggy jeans, sweatshirts and oversized graphic tee's (you will slowly see her style slightly change as the story progresses).

LUCAS: his style is a mix of skaterboy, streetwear, indie and basic. lots of beanies, bucket hats, sweatshirts
and hoodies.

ALSO, I updated their character aesthetics so go check them out teehee.

P.s I know this isn't the best chapter and is quite short but bare with me, one of the chapters that I've had pre-written for MONTHS now is soon to be published and I'm so excited hehehe. It consists of drunk & very emotional Lucas ;)

P.p.s don't forget to vote and have a lovely day!! Lots of love - Mai x

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