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Chapter 35 | Drunk Lucas


"Excuse me," I mumble, standing up from my chair abruptly. The motion causes the three ladies to jump back in shock and my chair clatters to the floor behind me. I hear them call after me as I storm out of the kitchen and the patter off footsteps following as I shove my shoes on and walk out the front door, promptly slamming the door behind me.

My hands curl into a fists as I charge up the driveway and to my car. Anger pumping through my blood as I fish out my keys from my pocket and yank the car door open.

The drive to Ivy's house is a haze. I don't even remember the 10 minuets that go by before I find myself pummelling on her front door.

"Ivy," I yell, "open the fucking door."

I see her neighbour peeking out of her front window through the blinds in curiosity as I continue shouting.

I raise my fist to begin knocking again when the door finally flies open revealing fucking Trent staring up at me with a cocky little smirk on smug fucking face.

Absolute fury courses through me as he looks at me like he's just won a prize, shirtless and his blonde hair sticking up in all directions as he leans against the door frame.

"Oh hi Luca-" he begins but doesn't even manage to get that fucking sentence out when he is pushed back through the door and slammed up against the wall of Ivy's hallway. His smirk drops as I ram my fist into his cheek, blood immediately oozing out of his nose from the impact.

I think I hear Ivy stumbling into the hallway and beginning to start screaming but honestly I take no notice. All my senses are consumed by my anger, the image of fucking Ivy and Trent flashing in my mind as I continuously ram my fist into Trent's fucking face. My left hand is wrapped around his neck and I see his face growing increasingly red. It's when his entire lip is busted, his nose probably broken and his face turning almost purple when I finally let go of my grip on him and allow him to drop to the floor.

Ivy immediately rushes over to him, her eyes widened in alarm, tears streaking down my face. She looks back up at me, guilt flooding her features and I clench my jaw.

"Fuck you," I spit, my voice low as I shake my head and look down at her in a disgusted manner. "We're fucking done."

I storm out of the house and Ivy tries to follow me, screaming my name desperately but she stops short at the front door as she realises she's only in her bra and panties.

I don't look back as I get back in the fucking car and begin driving back home, blood oozing out of my bruised and busted knuckles as I grip the steering wheel. Pain soars through my hands at the deathly grasp I have on the wheel but I don't give two shits, all I'm focused on is getting home and getting a fucking drink.



There's a pounding at the door that scares the crap out of me. It's the type of pounding that sounds like someone is about to burst open through the door at any second and ki-

I stop that thought. Maybe it isn't the time to be thinking about getting brutally murdered when I'm home alone and someone is knocking at the door at 10 in the evening.

After our only guest had done a runner, thanksgiving dinner had gone to bust. All throughout dinner, my grandmother had been fretting over Lucas' whereabouts rather than enjoying the delicious meal she had made and because of his lack of of presence, the amount of food leftover was almost scary.

After dinner my mom had rushed off to meet Linh and Eve for a celebratory night out, in celebration for getting her new job. My grandmother had whisked away my baby sister and half of all the left-over thanksgiving food to meet her friend Bonnie on the other side of town. Bonnie had a grand daughter around Sofia's so had taken. So I was home alone. All alone.

Having had nothing better to do, I had decided to crawl into bed with my laptop and had spent about an hour on facetime with Mia and Grace discussing our plans for tomorrow. I was going on a 'double date' with Mia, Sammy and Grace by filling in for Aidan who had cancelled last minute and we were going to some brunch place across town that Sammy had been raving on about for quite some while now. After talking with the girls for a while, I had decided to nestle back under the cover and had almost been on the verge of drifting off to sleep when I had been jolted awake by someone knocking crazily on the front door.

When the pounding doesn't stop, I grab the vase that is sitting on the kitchen table and tread lightly to the front door.

I send a quiet prayer to the heavens and get on my tiptoes to peek through the little peephole and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see who it is. I place the vase down on the ledge beside the door and unlock it.

As the door flies open I narrow my eyes at Lucas who is sprawled across the front porch yelling profanities and pointing at the mini gnome that's sitting on the porch steps. "Fight me right here, right now, you little bastard-"

I clear my throat, interrupting him from his little tiff with the clay figurine. "Lucas, what are you doing here?"

His head spins around trying to locate where the voice is coming from and when his gaze lands on me his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You're not Trent!" He slurs, scrambling up from the floor.

He stumbles past me into my house and sits down on the stairs dramatically. "Belly where is Trent! I need to beat his ass." He looks up at me and I see that his eyes are bloodshot. He reeks of alcohol and I quickly realise that he's drunk. Very drunk.

I cross my arms across my chest and glare at him. "Trent isn't here."

He gasps and attempts to stand up but struggles and falls back down in a heap on the floor. "Well I need to find him and beat him."

I sigh exasperatedly, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was be in bed right now, but instead I was dealing with this. "Why do you need to beat him up?" My gaze then falls on his knuckles that are severely bruised. "It looks like you beat something up already."

"Yeah I already did." He nods his head solemnly. "I beat up Trent already but I need to again because he is the dickturd that Ivy slept with." He squeezes his eyes shut and sniffles and for a second I think he's crying but only a moment later he stops and begins to punch the air frantically. If I wasn't still half asleep and processing what he had just told me, I would've laughed at the stupidity of his actions.

He stops beating the air and begins to cry for real. "Look," her mutters, pulling out his phone. After tapping for a while he turns the screen around so I can see what he is showing me.

It was a text message from an unknown number.

'Happy thanksgiving Lucas! How was dinner? I know mine was good ;)' it states and above that message is a picture. As I look closer I quickly realise that it is a picture of Ivy. A very naked picture of Ivy beside a guy with blonde hair.

Blinking slowly and trying to erase the image from my head, I take a seat beside Lucas who sprawled across the floor.

My girlfriend cheated on me," he mumbles, throwing himself across my body and crying in my my lap.

I gasp at the sudden contact but quickly compose myself and I stroke his hair, trying to comfort him as he cries. "Er...I'm sorry Luke."

We sit like this on the floor for quite a while and once he finally stops crying, he sits back up and wipes his tears and his nose with the back of his hand and I grimace. "I'm gonna bring you some stuff to help sober you up okay?" I say as I inch away from him and get up from the floor.

He nods and I leave him to go to the kitchen to fix up his food.

When I come back out into the hallway, balancing a cup of coffee in one hand, a plate of roast potatoes and another cup of water in the other, I see that Lucas has disappeared and when I call out his name, there's no answer.

I look into the living room but he's not there either so I decide to trek upstairs where I finally find him lounged across my bed, face first.

"Bro," I sigh, placing the drinks and the plate on my bedside table. "I know you're sad and drunk but can you please get your shoes from off of my bed."

When he doesn't move, I go to poke him on the shoulder. "Lucas."

He groans a little when I do so but ignores me and makes some incoherent noises after I poke him some more, before lifting his head from the bed. "Wha, Belly, I was sleeping."

"Get your shoes and jacket off."

He grumbles some more but does what I tell him to. After chucking his shoes and jacket in various places across the room he crawls to the top of the bed and begins wrapping himself up in my duvet.

Oh Lord. I guess he was staying here for longer than I expected.

I point at the glass of water I had placed on the bedside table and tell him to drink up.

After downing the glass, leaving the potatoes untouched and sipping on the coffee, he pulls the duvet up to his chin and squints his eyes as he stares at me. "Why are you in your pyjamas?"

"Because it's night time," I scoff looking down at my body. I'm wearing Mickey mouse pyjamas and they're very cute. "I was snuggling up in bed and watching Netflix but you ruined my plans."

He pauses for a beat. "Night time?" He frowns looking around the room as if just realising that it's almost 11Pm before turning back to me. "You can still watch Netflix and now you can snuggle with me!"

I stand at the end of my bed, staring at him reluctantly, wondering what the hell to do.

He notices the wary expression on my face. "Please Belly, I need-" he groans and grumbles some words that are indecipherable.

"You need what?"

"You," he murmurs, rolling around in my bed restlessly. "I need you."

I finally huff in agreement, only because I feel sorry for him, and crawl into the other side of the bed, dragging the laptop onto my lap. I'm planning to keep some distance between us but I guess Lucas has other ideas because instead he inches closer and wraps his muscular arms around my body before placing his head on my chest, his hair tickling my chin.

"Oook I guess we're cuddling," I mutter quietly, shifting a little so I can get more comfortable before draping the duvet over the both of us.

I load up Elite on Netflix and Lucas stares intently at the screen although I doubt he can even understand what's happening seeing as I am watching it in Spanish and he's probably too drunk to be able to read the subtitles, but he watches anyways.

He nestles his head into my chest and sighs and the episode comes to an end I hear quiet snoring and look down to see that Lucas has fallen asleep.

I try to wriggle my way out of his grasp without waking him up but the more I move, the more he clings onto me.

"Don't leave me," he murmurs softly, his eyes fluttering, still half asleep.

I exhale and stroke his hair, running my hands through his soft locks, as I give up trying to move and lay down on my pillow, Lucas holding onto me for dear life.


2 updates in a day whoop whoop

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote!
- Love Mai x

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