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A/N guys i have like -0.5% knowledge on how American football works so everything I wrote in this chapter is basically made up LMFAOAOAOAO sorry about that 🙏

Chapter 40 | My jersey


The game wasn't...going so well.

Our defence was lacking and we were approximately 5 points behind the Bears.

Our team was stressed, I could feel it, from the way Ben kept flitting his eyes back and forth from each member of the opposing team, to Jeremy who's typical steady arm shook a little as he threw the ball across the air.

We weren't significantly behind however, the second half of the game looked sort of promising, Aidan had managed to score a touchdown, racking up out points a little but we were still behind and time was running out.

The Bears hadn't won a game against us in nearly three years, if they won now, we would never hear the end of it. Especially from that bastard Jake. I grimaced at the thought.

I hated Jake Nguyen. He was the team captain of the Baskerville Bears and was a dick. An arrogant, self absorbed, egotistical, dick.

His entire presence made me want to hurl, that is how much I loathed the guy. We had never been on the best of terms, had never gotten along, ever since freshman year, the first time we had met, our personalities had just clashed.

He was rude, believed he was better than everyone else and treated women like shit. That is what he was literally notorious for; not for being a good team captain of his football team, but for being a manipulative ass that would do just about anything to get into a girls pants.

I shake my head, snapping my self out of my thoughts. I was getting distracted and to be quite honest, I had been for majority of the game.

There was a lot weighing on my mind.

From the events on thanksgiving where I had found Ivy cheating on me, to my grandfather's death anniversary that was coming up, to my parents who had called me yesterday evening saying their return home would be extended for another three weeks and from the events at the part on Sunday where Isabella had shown up to the party. Oh God. The events on Sunday. I shuddered at the memory, it was awful, I couldn't even look Isabella in the eye anymore.

To be fair, I couldn't for the love of me even remember what exactly our conversation at the party had been about. I had been quite drunk and high at the time. All I really remember was Isabella seeing my penis and her shouting how she needed to boil her eyeballs to clear out the image.

Was the view that bad?

I mean Lily didn't have a problem with it and actually rather seemed to be quite in awe over the view, so maybe there was no reason to get self conscious.

Anyways, since then I had decided to stay clear of her and had been for the past week because frankly, every time I saw her I was reminded of her absolutely mortified expression when she had saw my...you know.

Do I really have to keep repeating it?

I was just waiting for things to get a little less and awkward, then things could get back to normal.

Whatever normal was anyways, things with Isabella never truly seemed to be normal.

Okay, I'm getting distracted again.

I gaze up at that moment, lucky for me, as the moment I snap out of the daze, I see the ball flying towards me. After a moment of shock I quickly run forward, reach out and catch it before turning and swiftly throwing it to Dylan who throws it to Rio, who then throws it to Aidan who is barrelling down the field.

It's when Aidan catches the ball when I realise holy shit, we might actually have a chance of winning this thing.

We're only 5 points behind which means if we manage to score a touchdown in the next, shit, three minutes, we'll be able to exceed past how many points the bears have and actually win.

At that thought, I quickly scour the field. I notice that the Bear's defence is a little lousy, worse than ours. If we manage to get down to that side of the field, it would be easier for us to win.

As if hearing my thoughts, Aidan throws the ball in that direction. It glides down the field and I run trying to catch it before Jake the bastard bitch does, which I do of course and I shove Jake out of the way. I throw the ball across the empty part of the field and Toby rushes in to catch the ball who then passes it along to Aidan who has run, in what I'm certain is the speed of lighting, to that spot who then, well, scores the touchdown.

Holy fucking moly.

The crowd erupts into cheers and the horns blare signifying our victory.

Holy shit we did it, we actually did it. We won the semi fucking finals.

There's a scream that is louder than the rest and my head snaps in the direction it came from. I see Dylan jumping on Aidan's back in victory, our team members slapping each other on the back and a large grin breaks out onto my face as I run towards them.

As we're revelling in victory, I notice some of the people from the stands have made their way toward us on the pitch - which they're not allowed to do except for on the homecoming game. Damn the security is shit here.

My face does light up however, the moment I see abuela speeding towards me, shoving people out of the way with her hip, Sofia bouncing in her arms wearing what looks like a miniature purple jersey, very similar to mine.

"Oh my God," I breathe, my grin so wide it's threatening to spit my face into two, as I haul the baby into my arms but not before pulling off my helmet. "She's wearing my my name!" I gush, peering at the back of the little purple top Sofia is wearing.

"You like it then?" Abuela smiles, clasping her hands together. "I made it myself!"

"Like it? I love it abuela!"

Sofia coos in my grasp and I swear my heart melts.

"Isabella is here to congratulate you," abuela states, stepping to the side and pushing forward her granddaughter who has her arms crossed across her chest. Abuela pokes her ribs with her elbow. "Congratulate him then," she hisses."

"Congratulations," she murmurs, her eyes trained to grass on the ground like it is the most interesting thing she has ever laid her eyes on. She is refusing to meet my gaze which is fine by me, seeing her has just hit me with flashbacks from Sunday once again.

"Thank you," I respond, keeping my gaze of Sofia.

None of us say anything for a while, Isabella and I still don't meet each other's eyes.

A moment later however, Isabella takes this awkward silence as an excuse to get away.

It's when she turns around so she can meet Grace and Mia further down on the pitch where they're congratulating Aidan and Dylan when I flit my eyes back up to her and my gaze latches onto the back of her shirt.

My eyebrows raise in surprise and abuela reaches out to grasp Isabella, halting her.

Bella slowly turns around and I see her shoulders tense. I think she's realised I've caught her wearing my jersey.

"My mom forced me to wear it," she quickly spits out but her excuse isn't enough to remove the smirk from my face.

"You're wearing my jersey," I state smugly, raking my eyes up and down her body, the little slither of her tones stomach catching my eye. She tightens her arms across her chest.

"Yes," she grits out like she's in pain. "I was blackmailed."

"You're still wearing my jersey."

"So?" She sighs exasperatedly, agitation lacing her features. "Why is that so fascinating to you?"

"I don't know," I answer truthfully. "But you're wearing it."

I like how it looks on her.

She rolls her eyes and turns around to leave once again and I can't help my notice the slight flutter in my chest.

She's wearing my jersey.

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