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Chapter 53 | Leo is annoying


The air is frigid as I step outside, a shiver coursing through me as I begin to run down the sidewalk towards the park, Taylor Swifts 'You belong with me' blaring in my ears through my air pods. Don't judge me. We all needed to listen to Taylor Swift's old songs once in a while and her tunes have been my only source of serotonin these last few days.

Going on a daily run has been a way to clear my head this past week, my parents think I'm stupid for going outside in this deathly cold weather but as always I ignore their 'concerned' remarks.

Running has been good way to collect my thoughts and my thoughts urgently needed to be collected from the way my mind had been racing these last few days.

Since that day at my house, as cheesy as it sounds, it feels like a small part of me is missing. I find that my days at home are monotonous - well more monotonous than usual.

I'm still grounded and with no escape to Isabella's house - there is absolutely nothing to do.

It has also made me realise how much time I actually spend at the Quintero household. I used to be there at least twice a week and I find myself missing the bustling warmth of their home, how noisy it is all time; whether it be abuela's loud voice booming throughout the house or the patter of Sofia's footsteps as she runs around or even Isabella just shouting at me. I miss it all.

It hasn't even been more than 7 days but it feels like years since I've last seen Isabella. I've been through longer periods of time without seeing her but just remembering how bad of a note we had left on makes the distance seem much harsher.

And as much as I miss Isabella; I miss abuela's cooking more.

The distance however, has left me lots of time for thinking. Well, more time for chastising really. I continue to kick myself for going through her things and pushing her buttons; I seriously don't know how to respect her boundaries and that's something I need to work on if I want to make it up to her somehow.

I don't know if Isabella will ever forgive me for what I've done. Hell, I don't even fully know what I've exactly done to even be forgiven over in the first place (except the whole being annoying and stealing her diary shenanigan).

My first step in soughting out forgiveness has been to give her plenty of space, which I am planning to do for quite a while. I have to let her cool off.

The second, as I got more impatient, had been throwing Mr Bellucas through her window as a way to show that I was sorry. I don't think that particularly worked however as from that exact moment on, she had shut her curtains and windows permanently. She had shut me out permanently and that little gesture was like a kick to the balls.

Aidan and Dylan had been over to visit Isabella, because Grace had told them that she was sick, and I had pestered them into telling me how she was. From what they had said however, it wasn't good.

"She looks really sick," Dylan had said. "She only has a cold but she looks like she's on the last stage of the plague."

Aidan had smacked Dylan at his description.

"Don't be rude Dyl," he rolled his eyes. "...But yeah, Dylan is...somewhat right...she looks really sick, the cold must've really gotten to her."

I told her not to go out into the snow.

Putting my thoughts on pause, I halt just as I reach the road just opposite the gate of the park, my palms pressed against my knees, leaning forward as I try to catch my breath, the air I'm exhaling coming out as a puff of white smoke from the cold.

The street is fairly deserted; no surprise here, with the horrible weather and Christmas approaching in two days, everyone is at home, cozied in the heat with their families.

The sun is slowly descending in the sky and despite the grey clouds, golden orange tints the skyline.

As I straighten back up and look left and right before walking across the crosswalk, I suddenly hear a familiar loud voice and for a second I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me but then I spot a familiar head of blonde hair standing by the gate leading into the park.

Realisation dawns on me as I see Grace and Mia before my eyes then glaze over Sammy who is standing beside them, clutching a soccer ball in his hands.

If they're here...then that means...

My heart skips a beat before drumming against my chest 2x the speed it had been going before as my gaze falls upon the girl who has been the source of my misery these last few days.

She is standing a little further away but still in close vicinity to them and I feel more winded just staring at Isabella's small frame than I had felt during my entire 20 minute run.

My stomach only drops further when I realise she's not alone.

Standing dangerously close, right in front of her is a tall, hooded figure, who I soon recognise as non other than Leo himself...that motherfucker.

What is he doing with her?

I feel a sudden overwhelming rush of possessiveness and jealousy rushing through me and I immediately try to push the unwanted feeling down.

I stay rooted, unable to draw my eyes away from them. Watching as she grins up at him and he throws one of his stupid smiles back at her. She then grasps onto his arm as the turn to walk deeper into the park and it's like a kick to the gut and I briskly snap my eyes away, shaking my head.

What am I doing? Standing here at the crosswalk staring like a creep?

I'm about to turn around and head back in the direction I came from, deciding against going to the park; Isabella looked somewhat happy and I didn't want to rain on her parade by making my presence known as I run past them by the gate, but as I'm stuffing my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, something urges me to look back at them one last time before leaving.

As I peer over my shoulder, for the second time in one minute, my heart skips a beat and a sudden gush of worry floods through me.

I feel my feet suddenly moving forward before my brain even processes what I'm seeing in front of me. And I find myself running across the crosswalk and towards the park.

As I'm doing so, I see Mia, Sammy and Grace hastily rush over to where Isabella and Leo and been standing, shock etched across all of their faces.

I don't know what's louder: their frantic voices echoing through the empty street or my heart beat as my heart thrashes against my rib cage almost painfully.

"Fuck we were just walking and she said she was feeling dizzy and then she just dropped." I hear Leo say, panic lacing his voice as he crouches over Isabella.

"And you never fucking thought to catch her?" Sammy responds just as Mia shoves the two of them, urging them to shut their bickering.

"That's not fucking important," she screams. "We need to get her to the fucking hospital!"

"I didn't bring my fucking car," Sammy groans. "Leo and I walked it here, I'll call an ambula-"

I cut him off. "My car is parked near here, I can drive us."

The four of them immediately snap their heads in my direction.

Leo looks at me like 'wtf where did you come from', but I ignore his useless ass, promptly rushing over to Isabella where Grace is bent down beside her. I crouch down on the other side, gently brushing her hair out of her face. She's still breathing but seems to be completely passed out and we still need to get her to a hospital if she's collapsed for no reason - as I'm presuming she has - in case something is wrong. You don't just faint for no reason.

I loop one arm under her legs and the other under her back and attempt to lift her up carefully from off the ground when a hand reaches out and presses on my arm, halting my motion.

"Bro it's okay I got this," Leo says and I narrow my eyes at him, mustering up my dirtiest glare and shooting it his way.

"Just let Lucas fucking pick up Bella, you don't need to show off your fucking masculinity saviour shit now Leo," Sammy snaps. He's hardly making any sense but I appreciate him getting Leo the fuck away from Isabella.

Leo's eyes widen and he steps back, holding his hands up in defence and allowing me to lift Isabella up slowly. I begin walking back down the gravel and towards the gates to where my car was parked, the rest of them following suit.

My parents had invited some friends over today, so after coming home from the supermarket, I had found that my parking space in the driveway had been taken up, forcing me to park all the way down here - the only place with free spots.

I had been annoyed at first but now I was glad that I was parked so nearby.

I look down at Isabella for a moment as I reach the car, her face is pale with dark circles under her eyes and her temple is bleeding, probably from the impact of her fall. She feels so fragile in my arms like I could break her at any second and she hardly weighs a thing.

"Mia could you get the keys from my pocket."

Mia nods, biting her lips in worry and reaches into my hoodie pocket, pulling out the keyring that had my car keys and house keys attached to it.

She unlocks my car and Grace opens the door for me and I allow Mia to get inside first before gently laying Isabella across the last two seats, her head resting on Mia's lap and somehow get the seat belt over her.

Grace gets in the passenger side and I promptly get into the drivers seat.

"We'll meet you at the hospital," Sammy tells us as I shut the door, put the key into ignition and the engine revs into life. I curtly nod before zipping out of the parking spot and down the road towards the hospital.

Grace immediately pulls out her phone and begins calling abuela and Valeria. The distress is evident in her voice as she begins telling whoever picked up first what happened and we're we going, as she speaks 100 miles per hour.

As we near the hospital she turns to me "They're on their way, they're gonna meet us there."

I nod, chewing on my inside of my cheek as I look up at the review mirror into the back.

"How's she doing?" I ask Mia.

"Still passed out," she sighs. There's worry etched in her tone but also hints of pity and even disappointment.

"Is there a reason she collapsed? Is it a regular thing-" I begin to ask before pausing as I notice the look both Grace and Mia shoot each other.


They both stay silent, not meeting my gaze. I grip the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white.

"Guys answer my fucking question! If there's something wrong tell me!" I snap as I see the large building of the hospital approaching. The stay silent until I finish hastily parking the car.

"Look we're here, let's get inside," Mia says, avoiding answering my question and changing the subject.

Grace scrambles out of the passenger side and I get out of the drivers, pulling the key out and shoving it back into the pocket of my hoodie before running a hand through my hair.

I then haul Isabella back into my arms, making sure she's comfortable and make my way up the steps of the hospital into the building.

That distinct hospital smell - the smell of cleaning supplies and chemicals - is like a blow to my stomach as I reminisce the last time I was here which had been the day my grandfather had his stroke.

The ugly egg shell coloured walls and florescent lights are a reminder of the day I lost my most favourite person on earth - the only person who truly cared about me.

I swallow down the tightness in my throat and continue making my way over to the reception, focusing my attention back into Isabella, my shoes squeaking against the shiny linoleum floor.

We tell reception about the situation and then a nurse, before stating that Isabella's parents are on their way before she gets wheeled off for checkups and Mia, Grace and I are directed to the waiting room.

Sammy and Leo promptly join after they arrive and soon after that, abuela and Valeria briskly come rushing down the hospital halls: abuela creating a racket as she curses loudly in Spanish, demanding to see her grand daughter.


"Isabella is fine, she just took a nasty fall to the ground. The gash on her head will heal pretty quickly, there was not even any need for stitches," the nurse tells the four of us with a kind smile and we all exhale a breath of relief. "She's awoken now and will be discharged in a couple of hours, we just have a few more checkups to run and a couple of questions to ask. You may head inside to see her if you wish, only 2 visitors at a time however please."

"You two go," I tell Mia and Grace. Standing up from my seat and brushing my hands on my sweatpants. Abuela and Valeria were already inside with Isabella.

"Are you gonna go after?" Grace questions me, smoothing down her hair that had gone a bit disheveled from the amount of times she had run her hands through it.

I pause for a second before shaking my head slowly. "No, I, er, think I'm gonna head home..." I swallow. "She won't want to see me."

Mia pulls her lips into her mouth. "You never know..."

"It's okay," I cut her off. "Just tell her I'm glad she's fine or something."

The girls nod warily and I roll my neck before turning around and heading towards the exit.

As I'm leaving however, I bump into Leo who is coming back from getting hospital coffee and I fight incredibly hard to not roll my eyes.

"Oh you're leaving?" He says in surprise before he takes a sip of the hot drink. Is he okay? Who the fuck drinks hospital coffee?

"Yes," I reply curtly.

"Oh you're not going to see Isabella?"



I don't even spare him another glance as I decide I've had enough of this conversation and continue walking until I'm out through the automatic doors.

I hear him calling me a douche under his breath and I finally roll my eyes.

God he is so annoying.


the big reveal will be coming up in 3-4 chapters get ready 😝😝 and there will be a fight (physical) between two characters, who do you think it'll be between? ;) (most of you guys are gonna get the answer wrong i just know it hehehe)

ALSO look at my aesthetic for my new book thats scheduled to come out after wyc i am so excited for this one it's a ceo fake dating enemies to lovers slow burn 😝


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

it's not a zayn fanfic btw lmfaoaoao he's just too sexc i had to use some clips of him and scenes from his mv just matched the idea i was going for 🙈

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