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A/N a long jam packed chapter, get ready hehehehe (shit goes down)

Chapter 59 | Christmas P2


"Wow Isabella," she gushes, pulling away from our hug before raking her eyes up and down my body. "You look...different."

I don't miss the condescending tone in her voice and try not to react to her words as I plaster on a smile.

"You too!" I force my voice to take on a cherry tone before cocking my head to the side. "Did you get taller? And...bitchier?"

"Yes and yes!" She laughs like I've said the funniest thing in the world. "It's the lip fillers, they give me a resting bitch face!"

"Ah," I nod my head and raise an eyebrow. "And here I was thinking you got punched in the mouth for being fucking annoying." My smile and cheery voice drops as does hers, her eyes narrowing instantly.

"Dios mio! Girls!" My abuela, rushes over to us, prising me away from my cousin as we both glare at each other. "It's been five minuets stop it!"

"She started it!" Maria exclaims immaturely and I roll my eyes, muttering a series of curse words under my breath, as a raging headache already begins to form in my head just from her presence alone.

I am convinced that everyone has that one relative in their family. You know the one; the snake. The ones who cause drama and the one who everyone hates.

For me, that bitch relative (or should I say relatives) is my cousin; Maria Gonzalez...and her mom Sara Gonzalez.

Maria and I have never gotten along. Ever. She's always been rude and stuck up - her and her mother both.

As kids, she would steal my dolls, break my toys and surprise surprise, make fun of the way I look, kick me, punch me and scratch me when no one was looking. I was terrified of her and absolutely hated visiting her family. Her mom was my dad's bitch sister so Christmases were often spent at her home or she would come to mine vice versa. She lived in the next town over and her father being some top shot lawyer meant they lived in a huge fancy house, her also being an only child meant she was spoiled to bits. She got everything she wanted when she wanted it and threw a tantrum if she didn't get her way. Her mom, my aunt Sara, believed her daughter could do no wrong so her tormenting went unnoticed. Tia Sara, if possible, was even bitchier than her daughter; she treated my mom like absolute shit and the two of them believed they were wholly better than my family just because they had money and would use that as an excuse to belittle us in every possible way.

It was safe to say I hated them. I don't care if they were family - they were the shittiest people I knew.

"You know," Sara's disgustingly obnoxious voice begins, breaking me out of my thoughts. "When Maria told me that you guys were apparently back in town, I almost didn't believe her. I mean, I would think us being family and all would know if you guys moved back but I guess not..." she looks down and my mom who narrows her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest.

"We didn't want you guys to know we were back," my mother responds blatantly.

"We guessed," Maria rolls her eyes. "For the record, we didn't want you guys back either."

"So why are you here then?" I snap, throwing my hands into the air exasperatedly. "You've ruined Christmas, my mood, given me a migraine and you've only been here 30 seconds."

Maria and her mom share a look. "We didn't want to come...but we thought it would be nice of us to bring you guys some Christmas food that our chef made," Sara makes up a half hearted excuse.

My mom's eyebrows immediately fly open and abuela sends daggers at my aunt.

"I get it," my mom nods in an understanding manner, a wicked smirk crawling onto her face. "Pedro went back to work didn't here and left you two alone for Christmas." She points her finger across the two of them who flush red, confirming her guess.

"Oh you're acting like you don't know what it's like to have a workaholic husband you hypocrite." Sara barks, flitting her eyes to my dad who is sitting on the couch, frozen and not knowing what to do with everyone arguing.

My mother scoffs. "There's a reason why he's my ex husband."

"Ah and that is why you've hauled your children back to the US to move back in with your mother."

Before my mom can explode and go ape shit crazy, my grandmother butts in. "That's it everyone SILENCE!" She rubs her temples and lets out a huff of breath. "Valeria, you in the kitchen, Sara don't utter another word and you two," she turns to Maria and I, narrowing her eyes. "Stop bickering like 8 year olds!"

I continue to glare at Maria as my grandmother yanks my mother by her ear and drags her into the kitchen as Sara rolls her eyes and takes a seat beside my father.

"God I'm glad you divorced that bitch."


I'm about to give my aunt a piece of my mind for cussing out my mom when from my peripheral vision I see Maria slowly turn around before freezing. I promptly spin around alongside her, watching as she quirks an eyebrow instantly once her eyes lock onto Lucas sitting on the sofa wide eyed. Shit, shit, shit. I forgot about him.

When Maria pulls her lips into a smirk and begins strutting her way over to him; I forget all about backing my moms name and briskly rush after her.

Although at this current moment I hate Lucas, there is is sudden desire to yank him out of bitch Maria's line of sight and an immediate sense of, what I think is, possessiveness washing over me. I shudder at the feeling. I do not like that.

"Lucas!" Maria beams and my mouth practically flies open in surprise when she calls his name. "Hi!"

She knows him?

My stomach begins to churn the moment I take notice of the recognition flooding through his features and when his eyes widen further.

Maria looks over her shoulder at me and on seeing my stunned reaction, an evil twinkle sparkles in her eye and she darts her tongue out to wet her lips before turning back to Lucas and reaching down to hug him.

The sight disgusts me. She wraps her bitch arms tightly around his neck and practically throws her self on top of him.

"Maria." Lucas' response is muffled and the churning only increases when he says her bitch name. I can't tell what his reaction is as his face is covered by a curtain of Maria's long bitch hair. I hope to God he isn't pleased on seeing her.

When Maria pulls back, his face has significantly flushed an unnatural shade of pink. I hope it's because her over powering perfume had been suffocating him and not because she had squashed her giganormous breasts against his chest when she had hugged him in greeting.

Wait why do you care? Let the two bitches get together. Let her suffocate Lucas with her bitch needy presence. That can be his punishment because dating her would be more torturous than everything I had experienced put together. That's how much of a bitch, puta, idiot, egg head she is.

Can you tell how much she gets on my nerves?

I clear my throat. "How do you two know each other." I say, pointing my finger back and forth between them and trying not to show how much it bugs me that they have met before this very moment.

Maria takes a seat beside Lucas on the couch, so close she's basically sitting on his lap and sits down with so much force her breasts jiggle. She so did that on purpose. It makes me snicker when Lucas doesn't even glance her way and scrunches his face up disapprovingly.

Haha bitch, he may have done things that led to give me trauma but at least I know he won't look that disgusted if he ever saw my breasts.

Maria grins cheekily and I want to punch her bitch face, specifically her mouth and burst her lip fillers so the fillers all fall out so that the money she spent on them gets wasted.

"We met at a party a while back," she takes a hold of his bicep and turns to look at Lucas, who is so pink his face is brighter than Maria's pink bitch skirt. "We had fun didn't we Luke."

"Er," Lucas stammers and I clench my fists at her little bitch nickname for him.

I then blink, trying to look unaffected and put a smile on my face, praying to God that it doesn't come out like a grimace. "What type of fun?" I ask innocently like I don't know what she's insinuating. If she confirms they had sex I think I'll throw up all over her bitch Gucci bag.

His poor, poor dick if he had to be in that.

"You know dancing and other stuff," she responds ambiguously, still keeping that bitch smirk intact on her bitch face.

"We just danced and talked," Lucas confirms, subtly shrugging Maria off of his arm. "My dad called asking where I was when we were in the middle of dancing so I came home."

My eyes fly open. "Oh is this when you got in trouble for going to Aidan's cousin's party after the celebration dinner after you won the finals and then got into a fight with your parents and then you came to my house and we had a sleepover where we did face masks, painted each other's nails, watched a k-drama and fell asleep cuddling."

Lucas furrow his eyebrows at my very specific reply. "Er yes, that one."

I nod, before taking a seat on the other side of Lucas, crossing one leg over the other. "Cool cool."

I catch Maria's gaze and inwardly smile when I see her jaw ticking in annoyance.

"So Isabella, how have you been?" She asks in a sickly bitch sweet manner. "I haven't seen you in what? 6 years?"

I nod, grinning broadly. "Yeah, those 6 years were so peaceful without your presence in them." I mean, that's a lie, those 6 years were anything but peaceful but it was somewhat nice without Maria bothering me.

"I can't believe how much you've changed," she raises both of her perfectly manicured eyebrows and lets out a fake little giggle. "I mean, you wouldn't have even fit in that dress if you wore that the last time I saw you."

I continue to smile, trying not to let my lips drop into a sneer.

"I really need to know how you did that." She continues, batting her eyelashes innocently at me as I try and keep my facial expression impassive. Oh, she knows exactly about how I went about doing it, my father had told her mom, much to my displeasure, two years ago.

I wave my hand dismissively. "Oh you know..."

"No I don't know, you should elaborate-"

"You know you guys look eerily similar."

We both snap our heads to Lucas who is sitting between us (again, I completely forgot about him) his eyes flitting back and forth between Maria and I. "Same facial features except for the er...lips, but you guys have the same eyes and nose."

Maria grimaces like he had just her she looks like a troll and although I sigh a breath of relief that he's changed the subject, I also scrunch my nose up in offence.

"Isabella is more...plain looking," Maria snorts, waving her hand in my general area. "And freakishly short."

"Okay and your lips look like they're about to burst any second."

She glares at me and I glare right back. Lucas shuffles uncomfortably between us.

"So..." he begins, trying to break mine and Maria's weird staring contest and trying to ease the tension between us. "Maria what did you get for Christmas?"

Maria drops her eye contact to look at Lucas. "Oh, I got a new phone, laptop, two Louis Vuitton hand bags and also a new car!" She brags excitedly. Of course.

"Oh wow-"

"Anyways that was just from my dad, my mom got me new shoes, a cartier bracelet and," she pauses to shuffle closer to Lucas and smile seductively at him. "A couple of new lingerie, a white and pink set-"

"I got Isabella a bracelet," Lucas all but screams at her, cutting her off. He tries to shuffle away from her as I flinch at his sudden yelling and my dad and aunt lift their heads up in shock for a moment.

He chuckles nervously, still continuing to move away from her and closer to me to the point where his large body is squishing me right on the edge of the sofa.

"Bella why don't you show her your bracelet," Lucas turns to me with pleading eyes. I can't help the smile that breaks out onto my face when I realise he too isn't enjoying Maria's bitch presence.

With a sigh, I lean forward and grab the box from the coffee table before prising it open.
"Yeah this is what Lucas got me." I turn the box towards my bitch cousin so she can take a better look.

"Nice," she says, barely glancing down at the gift before rolling her eyes. She pushes the box away from her view before continuing to speak and inching closer again towards Lucas, either oblivious to the fact he doesn't want her near or completely ignoring it.

"Okay let me finish telling you about my presents, so the first set is lacey..."

As Maria continues to describe her lingerie, I watch as Lucas grows more and more uncomfortable.

His uneasiness causes the grin on my face to widen and I decide in that moment to take my chance to escape.

"Where are you going?" Lucas looks up at me with alarm flaring in his eyes and panic laces his features as I stand up and begin to retreat towards the door.

I smile, pointing a thumb over my shoulder. "To the kitchen and see what the ladies are doing."

"Are you sure-"

"Yes," Maria interrupts. "Bella go, see why dinner is taking so long."

I nod my head on seeing Lucas' discomfort. "Gladly."

I leave the two behind in the living room and spend the next 20 minutes or so in the kitchen with my mom and grandmother, Sara and my dad join us shortly after and my mom somehow manages not to pounce on Sara or throw a bowl at her head as she begins to matter on about her new automatic washing machine or some shit. I don't know, we all zoned her out.

Dinner is close to being ready. The aroma of the turkey and potato's fill the air just my stomach lurches at the smell. In these past 20 minuets I've been trying to rack my brain for an excuse as to why I should skip the Christmas dinner. I would have been able to eat a potato or something and dip if Lucas, Maria and Sara were not here but now I was not entirely sure what I was going to do.

As I finish setting up the table, my abuela calls me over. My mom takes the turkey onto the table whilst my father places the potato's and various other dishes alongside it. Aunt Sara and her useless ass, of course, stays seated on a kitchen island stool.

"Bella go tell Lucas and Maria that the food is ready," abuela tells me and I nod before promplty exiting the kitchen. I come to the realisation as I'm heading over to the living room that with my aunt and father having joined us in the kitchen, the two have been left alone.

After seeing how Lucas seemed rather distraught by Maria's presence and not at all interested in her, I had been willing on leaving the two alone together. That random feeling of jealousy and possessiveness that had washed over me had long gone disappeared by now and for the better as well. I had no right to be jealous.

I push the door to the living room open, intending to announce that dinner is ready. Instead, I can't seem to manage to get the words out because the only sound that manages to escape past my lips is a scream. Yes, scream. A very loud scream at that.

"OH MY-" I stumble backwards, slapping a hand over my mouth, my eyes immediately burning at the display that befalls me. Bile immediately rising in my throat at the horrific sight that is Maria on Lucas lap, grinding her hips down on his body as she kisses him passionately, her hands under his t-shirt, grazing her palms across his chest.

She moans loudly against his lips and doesn't budge from sucking his face off even after my loud shriek but Lucas on the other hand, tries to wrench his mouth off of hers. His head flies to look at me where I am standing in the door way absolutely horrified, his hair all ruffled and sticking up in odd directions, his swollen lips parted, his cheeks flushed and horror and...relief? flashing in his eyes.

Maria turns her head to gaze at me, cocking her head to the side and a smug expression resting on her face. Her bitch lipstick is smeared and her eyes gleaming with delight at my stricken expression.

"Oh...you weren't supposed to see that," she says innocently, patting down her messy hair and getting off of Lucas' lap.

Finally the words that I had come to announce leave my voice box. "DINNER" I shout before swiftly turning around and rushing back to the kitchen, trying to figure out if I should gauge my eye balls or pour bleach into my eye sockets instead on my way.

"Bella!" I hear a pattering of footsteps behind me and Lucas' deep voice call my name. In haste and not wanting to look at him after his tongue had been fondling with Maria's, I quicken my pace and make a dash into the kitchen.

"Is everything alright? We heard screaming." My father asks me as I step inside, his gaze promptly raising to look at Lucas standing behind me.

Before Lucas can speak, I interject. "Yes, sorry, that was Maria, you know how excited she gets over Christmas dinner-"

"Yep my apologies," the bitch speaks, strolling into the kitchen, her face now lipstick smear free. She squeezes Lucas arm affectionately before she makes her way over to her mom. He flinches at her touch.

"I couldn't help screaming, I just adore Isabella's grandma's cooking y'know."

"Okay well everyone take a seat then," my dad ushers, glancing across the three of us weirdly. Especially Lucas who probably still looks like a hot mess. He urges us all to sit down around the table where all the food has been laid out.

I subconsciously take a seat beside my father and Sofia's high chair, my mom sits on one end of the table and my aunt on the other, Lucas and Maria sit directly in front of me and abuela beside Lucas.

I keep my gaze trained on my plate in front of me and not at the two right opposite as I fiddle with my cutlery.

I don't even notice the food being piled onto everyone's plates, I'm too busy trying to remove the disturbing image of Maria and Lucas dry humping from my brain. But when my plate, which I hadn't even realised had gotten removed, arrives back filled with potato's and turkey and little mini sausages, my brain suddenly jolts into action and the image stops playing on a loop in my mind. Instead, panic suddenly riles up inside of me as I realise I had been too distracted to make an excuse to escape dinner.

There is awkward small talk around the table as everyone eats. I take a sly peek at everyone else's plates and notice that my portion is significantly smaller. Even Sofia has more food than me. I inwardly thank my mom for not giving me too much food and decide to at least try and eat something. My excuse for my troubled mind being that it is Christmas. I poke around with my food for a bit before bringing a parsnip to my lips and taking a small bite.

"So Isabella," my aunt speaks up as I'm chewing. "How is school going? What grades did you get on your end of semester exams?"

Before I even get to respond she continues speaking, a prideful smirk settling on her lips.

"My Maria got all A's."

"Well, my Isabella, got all A*s," my mom shoots back, before taking a large gulp of wine. "Didn't you hon?"

I pause on my chewing. "Er yes."

Sara throws me a tight lipped smile. "Well done Bella."

"What about you Lucas? What did you get?" Maria smiles, peering up at him under her long false lashes. She could fly away with those.

Lucas clears his throat. "Er, the same as Bella."

Sara makes a sound of approval. "Ooh, you're smart." She places her fork and knife down. "Tell me Lucas, what do you want to be when you're older?"

"Erm a doctor."

"Ooo you would look so good in scrubs," Maria gushes, placing a hand on his arm. Her tries to subtly shrug her off but Maria doesn't budge. Seriously this girl doesn't know the meaning of boundaries.

Sara nods. "So Lucas do you have a girlfriend, or someone special in your life?"

For a moment, Lucas meets my gaze from across the table before flitting his eyes back to my aunt. He shakes his head. "No, I just got out of a rel-"

"Oo goody, because my princess is also single and I think the two of you-"

"Sorry that won't work," abuela swiftly interrupts, taking a large bite of turkey. "Because Lucas has this thing with our Bella."

I choke on my water. "What?" My eyes widen and I throw my grandmother an incredulous look.

My mom nods. "Yeah, aren't you two dating or something because Lucas' mom said-"

I shake my head so vigorously that I feel my brain rattle inside my head. "No that is not true, we're not dating-"

"My daughter is two young to date," my father interrupts, before narrowing his eyes at Lucas. "Stay away from her until she is 25!"

Lucas raises his hands up in surrender, mid bite of his roast potato.

"Lucas would suit much better with my Maria, Bella looks..." Sara rakes her eyes up and down my body in that condescending way of hers and I want to shrivel up into a ball away from her snake like gaze. "Well..."

"How about we let the boy decide Sara," my father shakes his head dissaprovingly. "Let him be."

"Thank you," Lucas mutters under his breath before clearing his throat and turning to my Tia who has her arms crossed across her chest and a stubborn expression on her face.

"You're daughter is a....nice girl, but I just got out of a relationship so-"

"How about we just be together for other things, y'know nothing too serious," Maria boldly asks, batting her lashes, the corner of which is peeling off her left eye.

Everyone else chokes on their drink or food. Sofia included who looks disgusted at what Maria said like she understands.

"Maria we are eating!" Abuela scolds, looking disgusted. Maria simply shurgs her shoulders and gets back to eating.

Silence falls across our table as everyone continues to much on their food. With everyone silent, the voices in my head appear 10 times louder. I try to eat as much as I can but I am honestly struggling.

It's okay. I repeat to my self like a mantra. It's Christmas, I'm allowed to eat today. I need to eat today. I don't want to faint again. I don't want to cause worry again. Not on Christmas. Not today.

Even with this mantra playing on loop in my mind, by the time everyone at the table is almost doen eating, I've still only managed to stomach down 2 potatos and a parsnip. Disappointment floods through me as I then try to eat some of the turkey which has still been left untouched.

"Hey mija are you alright," my dad whispers, gazing down at me concerningly. "You haven't touched your food nor did you eat lunch or dinner yesterday night."

See, just eat, you're already worrying others.

I'm about to nod my head and show that I'm fine eating by shoving another potato in my mouth when Maria's loud screechy voice booms from across the other side of the table cutting me off.

I'm already rolling my eyes as she begins to talk; every time she opens her mouth it's like a nail to a chalkboard and to make it worse everything Maria says is just plain dumb so her just merely opening her mouth to speak gets on my nerves.

"God Bella, you're such an attention seeker," she begins, annoyance lacing her tone. "Are you still on that whole eating disorder, anoreixa shit, you're literally skinny now, jeez."

Every time my dear old cousin says something, I wonder if it is just hollow inside of her skull. I've known for her to say some pretty stupid shit because Maria simply never, ever, thinks before she speak.

But nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for that sentence that had just left her mouth.

I instantly flinch like she's slapped me across the face, my blood immedietly running cold. The entire table falls quiet as I slowly look up to see everyone frozen in place with horrified expressions drawn across their features. Even Sara looks shocked and Maria's smirk drops immeditely once seeing even her mom is appaled. I feel my hands start to tremble.

"What...did you just say?" My voice comes out surprisingly steady, a contrast to the way my entire body is shaking.

Maria's stays silent, her eyes widening.

"Go on, say it again, what the fuck did you just say?"

She shrinks down in her seat, regret immediately flaring in her eyes.

"I-" Maria begins but I don't even hear what lame excuse she spits out because as she speaks, something clicks in my mind and my gaze suddenly shifts to Lucas who sits beside her, his face paled with his hands holding his cutlery frozen in the air.

The room begins to spin.

Oh no no no no.

I stay watching as the cogs reel in his brain, as he puts the pieces together and as realisation floods through his features.

This is not how he was supposed to find out.
This is not how he was supposed to find out.
This is not how he was supposed to find out.

His eyes lock onto mine and everything around us fades away. His mouth parts open and I watch as his face pulls into an expression of absolute mortification. Absolute mortification.

Please tell me this is a dream. A nightmare, anything, this can't be happening. Jesus, this can't be happening.

However, one look back at Lucas and at everyone seated around the table, holding their breath, frozen in place, confirms that this is not a dream but is very much real life; that my fucking bitch of a cousin just fucking exposed the one thing that I had been hiding from Lucas, the one thing I was slowly growing courage for to tell him myself.

My stomach churns and something inside of me snaps.

I don't even realise that I've hurled my entire plate across the table at Maria until there is food splattered all across her clothes and pieces of china smashed across the floor.

I don't even realise that I've somehow gotten across to the other side of the table and have punched Maria square across the face until I hear a loud crack and blood gushing through her nose.

I don't even notice that I've straddled across her waist and am repeatedly slapping and punching and scratching her face, jaw and neck until a shooting pain soars through my hand.

I don't even know how long I've pinned her down to the floor like this and have been hitting her with no mercy until I hear her mom screaming at the top of her lungs for me to stop and someone strong has yanked me off of Maria and is hauling me away from the room.

I don't even realise that I'm crying until I taste warm salty liquid on my lips and my vision begins to blur from unshed tears.

I don't even realise that it's Lucas who has hauled me into the bathroom until he shuts the door closed behind him and turns around, his face still pale and every despairing emotion possible evident across his features, shock being the most prominent.

I don't even realise I've slid down onto the floor, my back against the bathtub until I feel the cold tiles beneath me.

I don't ever realise I'm throwing up until I'm hunched over the toilet seat with Lucas pulling my hair away from my face as I hurl up the contents of the Christmas dinner into the toilet.

I don't even realise I'm struggling to breathe until the bathroom begins to spin like crazy and it feels like someone is strangling me.

I don't even realise that I'm having a panic attack until Lucas has his arms wrapped around me, guiding me to breathe when it feels like there is a boulder stuck in my throat and something incredibly fierce pressing down on my heart.

Oh my God, oh my God, what just happened?

My breath continues to hitch and it feels like an out of body experience what I'm feeling right now. Like I'm watching myself have this hysterical breakdown. Never have I felt like my entire air ways have been clogged up or that my lungs feel like they're been compressed to stop oxygen rushing through. Never have I had my mind running or my heart beating this fast.

My entire body has broken out into a sweat and I'm trembling like crazy. I feel so hot, so hot, like my skin is burning.

"Breathe Bella breathe," I hear Lucas' soothing voice in the distance, helping me to breathe when my throat continues feels like it's closing up.

I follow what he is telling me to do, focusing on his voice that is deep and calm.

"There you go, you got this Bells," Lucas continues to repeat. He strokes my head soothingly, waiting for me to calm down as I bury my head into his chest. I am probably getting vomit all over his shirt but if he is grossed out he doesn't say anything, he just lets me lean against him.

"Bella Bella? Are you okay?" There's a loud knock on the bathroom door and I can hear my mom, dad and grandmother outside.

"Yeah she's alright, I got her," Lucas responds for me as I go limp in his arms, feeling too weak to move or speak for that matter.

They all speak back and forth between each other for a bit longer. I however, don't know a single word that has been uttered, it all sounds like an annoying buzz in my ear as I zone out.

I notice that chatter stops after a while when the buzzing stops and there is silence for a moment, except what sounds like the retreating of footsteps pattering against the floor.

Then all of a sudden, it's like I'm jolted back into reality, my brain feels like it's started back up again after shutting down for a few beats and that's when I begin to laugh. Yes, laugh. Like full on, head tipped back, belly clutching laughter.

I feel Lucas stiffen for a moment in surprise but then softens again, allowing me to have this mini hysterical episode. He just continues to stroke my hair tepidly until I've stopped.

What the hell just happened? What the actual hell just happened?

My brain begins recaps everything leading up to this moment, the whirlwind of events that had a just occurred as I chuckle like a maniac:

Maria told Lucas. I chucked my plate at her then fought her. Now I'm sprawled across the bathroom floor, in Lucas' arms, the boy I couldn't even make eye contact with two days ago, as he strokes my hair and helps me calm down.

Tears begin to stream down my face as I laugh. Lucas knows. He fucking knows and I wasn't the one to even tell him.

"You have an eating disorder." I feel his chest reverberate beneath me as he speaks, his voice remaining emotionless so I don't know what he's thinking. The way he verbalises that statement however, is more like he is telling this to himself rather than speaking to me.

"Surprise," I respond, mumbling against his chest once I stop chortling like a crazy person and begin sobbing instead, my eyes burning with tears. "Now you know."


fun fact my old R.E teacher called me Maria for a whole year because I was too scared to tell him that wasn't my name (my full name sounds like Maria kinda ish LMFAO)

anyways wow that was a fun chapter :o what did you think? ;)

( p.s my intention isn't to shame anyone that has lip fillers, you do you ofc! i just needed a comeback for isabella LOL )

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