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chapter inspired by ExpectoPatronum06  's idea :)

Chapter 65 | Transformation


"LUCAS IT'S 6:30 I SAID 7:15!"

"My clock is fast."

"Lucas," I groan, shoving my head into the pillow.

"C'mon Isabella," he urges and I hear rustling on the other side. "Just get up, trust me you're going to want this day to last as long as possible."

"Please just 5 more minuets."

"Izzy get up."

"5 more minutes."

"Get up."


"No, get up."


"Yes, now get up."

I reply with an incoherent mumble and shut my eyes closed again hoping that he'll somehow just give it up and when silence follows for a beat I'm convinced he has.

I nestle back down in my covers and appreciate the quiet for a moment.

Well, I try to anyways.

I get to cherish the silence for about a fraction of a second until Lucas suddenly shrieks into the phone and my soul jumps out of my body in shock.

His yell causes my ears to ring from the loud noise and my heart to begin thrashing like crazy inside my rib cage and I scream in surprise.

"I hate you," I cry, sitting upright in bed as Lucas giggles like crazy on the other side. "This is worse than you calling me names."

"Oh don't be dramatic," Lucas continues chuckling, his voice husky and several octaves lower from the fact he probably woke up only moments before calling me. (The only perk of Lucas phoning me at a ridiculous time of day).

"I'm not being dramatic."

Although I can't see him, I know he's just rolled his eyes. "Fine, you want me to call you names?" He continues as I grunt in reply, running a hand through my tangled hair and listen as he clears his throat.

"Wake up you sexy bitch."

"I'm hanging up."

"I'll just call you again."

"FINE!" I practically scream in exasperation. "I give up! You've already given me fucking ear damage. I'm getting out of bed now."

I hear the smile in his voice. "Atta girl," Lucas says proudly and I feel that straight in my vagina.

Chucking the duvet cover off of my body, I'm immediately hit with cold air as I shuffle my way across the room. I grab Harry Style's and stick the picture of a middle finger that I had pritnted out a while back onto his cardboard cut out hand and drag him (gently of course) to the window.

I yank the curtains open to show him that I've gotten out of bed and position Harry is front of it so that he's directly facing Lucas' line of sight.

"That's not very nice Harry," Lucas frowns. "Why do I get a middle finger sign when your one is nice."

My eyes move to the sign he's gesturing to, the one that's plastered to his window. It's a poster that has an animated mint leaf named 'encourage-mint' saying 'you can do it! you've got this' and Lucas is standing beside it, still in his pyjamas (aka a plaid pyjama pants and shirtless combo), with disheveled bed hair, holding his phone to his ear.

"Harry says suck my dick."

"Gladly." Lucas raises an eyebrow and I blink.

"It's Harry Style's dick we're talking about here, it'll be an honour to suck it," he clarifies, like I'm stupid for not realising that already. I merely blink again although I want to nod my head in agreement.

He sighs at my lack of reaction. "Okay now that you're out of bed, chop chop and do the rest of your morning routine, I'll be over in 20."

"Wait what do I wear?" I quickly ask before he can hang up. "You haven't even told me what we're doing today."

"Still a surprise," Lucas wiggles his eyebrows. "But just wear something comfortable," he tells me, pausing for a moment in thought before adding: "but something a little out of our comfort zone."

"Okay see you in a bit then."

"See you," he repeats. "Make sure to write about how hot I am in your journal."


"Why not? I promise I won't read it this time."

I shoot Lucas a blank stare through the window. "I'll see you in 20."


By the time Lucas comes over I've finished doing my skincare, meditation and affirmations. I've also finished journaling (no I didn't write about how hot Lucas is), gotten dressed and even managed to eat half of a breakfast bar.

I'm in the midst of doing my hair and makeup when he strolls into my room with a suitcase in hand.

"Hi," he greets as I pause on blending my concealer.

"Hi...why do you have a suitcase?"

"Finish getting ready and I'll tell you," Lucas grins, taking a seat on my desk chair and peering down at me from where I'm sitting on the floor beside him in front of my mirror. "And keep your make up out once you've done."

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow, my curiosity piqued.

"I'll tell you everything when you're done."

"This is gonna take time to do," I gesture to my face and hair. "So you might as well kill two birds with one stone and explain as I'm finishing up."

He mulls over my suggestion for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. "Alright," he smiles, reaching into the pocket of his sweats and pulling out a folded sheet of A4 paper which he promptly drops in front of me. "This is the agenda of what we're doing today."

I place my beauty blender down back in the bag and pick up the paper, skimming my eyes across it. It is a list with a number of different activities or places in town written on it.

"We're going on an elaborate day out," he answers before I get to ask the question. "We're going to the local aquarium, the book store, an indoor ice rink and any other super public places we come across if we have time."

"Why?" I ask for the umpteenth time, cocking my head to the side before resuming on doing my makeup.

"It's gonna be funny," Lucas clicks his tongue, reaching over and tugging the suitcase towards him before laying it flat on the ground and zipping it open. "When I'm going to be walking around wearing...this."

I almost choke on my spit when I glance down at the open suitcase and take note of what's inside.

Multitudes of overly frilly and bright and rainbow coloured clothing items lay inside. From tiara's and sparkly jackets and bedazzled head pieces and tutus and feather boa's - it looks like a unicorn threw up in here from the amount of fluffy and glittery and colourful items I can see.

"Where did you get this stuff?" I gasp, smiling in amusement as I reach inside and pick up a yellow tutu that looks like silver glitter exploded on the material.

"I asked Grace to ask Lucy if I could steal clothes from her Jojo siwa collection."

"No way," I laugh in disbelief, running my fingers along a silver plastic tiara. I look back up at Lucas. "Let me guess you had to give her a lock of Dylan's hair for her to agree."

"Close," he grins. "I had to bribe her with a hanker chief that has Dylan's cologne spritzed on it."

"Oh my God," I slap a hand over my mouth as I laugh. "Are you actually going to wear this shit?"

"Yeah," his grin broadens, as he leans down, resting his elbows on his knees that are spread apart, a dark curl falling onto his forehead as he moves. "I'm going to humiliate myself for you today."

I raise an eyebrow as Lucas begins to elaborate.

"You know how I...I made fun of you when we were younger," he says and I nod. "Well...I'm going to dress up and let you and other members of the public make fun of me by walking around town in a weird ass costume that you choose."

"Really?" I gesture to the Jojo siwa wardrobe in the suitcase. "You wanna do this?"

"Yeah." Lucas nods and sits back up, his smile dropping slightly. "But the idea seemed more better in my head."

"No, I like where this is going," I reply excitedly. "And I get to do your makeup? Like real ugly?"


"You're sure you really wanna do this?"

"Yes Bella," Lucas assures me, interlinking his hands together and placing them at the nape of his neck. "Think of it as...semi-revenge."

"Well if you're sure," I smirk before rubbing my hands together evily. "Then I'm going to have a lot of fun with this."

"Good," he smirks right back. "Now how long is it going to take for you to get ready? We have a long list of things to do and time is ticking."

"Not long," I reply, lifting up my beauty blender and waving it. "Just gotta finish my makeup then I'll start on you."

He nods and plucks the sponge from my fingers, squishing it curiously. "Why do you have an egg?"

"It's a beauty blender," I explain amusedly.

"Wow cool," he squeezes it in his palm. He looks up at me after a moment. "Can I play with it whilst you do your makeup?"

"Yeah, sure," I snort, turning back to the mirror and resuming doing my makeup routine as Lucas leans back in my desk chair, still squishing the pink sponge like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

It doesn't take much longer for me to finish off seeing as I don't do much else after putting on concealer except applying mascara, filling in my eyebrows and putting on lipgloss. My hair doesn't take that long either so I end up finish getting ready in about 10 minuets or so.

"I'm done," I announce and Lucas glances up at me from his phone as I stand back up from off the floor, brushing my hands on my jeans. He places the beauty blender on my desk, his eyebrows slightly raised as he glazes his eyes down my body.

"Woah," he says his tone almost awe like. "I like your outfit. You look really pretty."

"Thanks," I smile, peering down at my clothes. I had chosen to wear black baggy jeans and a tight long sleeved top that had a blue marble design on it. "It's not really that much out of my comfort zone but the shirt is tighter than what I'd usually wear and my hair is done a little different."

"Nah its fine," Lucas waves his hand dismissively. "I just wanted you to wear something slightly different from normal so that I'd look a little weird standing next to you but you look nice."

I nod before my smile widens. "And you're going to look even better!"

He gives me a fake laugh, his mouth stretching into a grimace. "Yep."

I grab the suitcase and yank it towards me, crouching down to ruffle through the various number of items inside excitedly. "Hmm what to choose?" I mumble to myself as Lucas watches me choose an outfit for him.

"Something not so...sparkly please."

"Nah I think the more sparkles the better."

Lucas groans, shutting his eyes and bashing the back of his head into the wall behind him. "Great."

After rummaging through the suitcases for a short while, to see what's the most colourful-est, brightest and ugliest outfit I can put together; I decide on a huge pink tinsel skirt paired with a yellow boa, a HUGE green bow, a silver bedazzled, sleeveless jacket and rainbow coloured sunglasses for Lucas to wear.

I collect all the clothes in my arms and straighten up again, presenting the pile to him. "I've picked what you're wearing out."

Lucas picks up the sparkly jacket with his index finger, peering at it warily.

"Too shiny," he mumbles peering at it before poking an arm through the arm hole of the jacket. When it doesn't get past his elbow he hoots. "The jacket won't fit on my muscles," he boasts, looking up at me before flexing his right arm.

I roll my eyes in an unimpressed manner and yank the jacket back from him.

"Fine," I retort, crouching back down and picking up a purple boa before chucking it at his face. "You can layer up with this then. Now get on the bed."

He catches the boa swiftly in mid air and smirks before wrapping it around his neck. "Oo okay," he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. "You want me to get naked at that too?"

"No," I hum, strolling over to where my vanity bag is sitting beside the mirror on the floor. When I look over my shoulder and see that he still hasn't budged, I quirk an eyebrow.

"Move it," I usher him.

"Say please or make me," Lucas retorts back immaturely.

"You want me to make you hm?" I cock my head to the side before slowly lifting up an eyelash curler in a threatening manner and press it aggressively. "I can, but I'll have to use this device on you?"

Lucas' smirk slowly drops. "What the fuck is that?"

"Trust me," I shake my head solemnly, still clicking on the curler so it opens and closes. "You don't want to find out."

"O-okay," his eyes widen and he silently takes a seat on my bed, looking quite scared as I smile smugly, grab the makeup bag and bring it to where he is sitting and place it down next to him; the eyelash curler coincidentally falling out of the bag and landing beside Lucas' leg.

"Get that shit away from me," he flicks the curler onto the other side of the bed and shivers. "That's some scary looking shit."

I bite my lip to stop a smile from peeking out. "Yeah," I respond. "It is."

Lucas spreads his legs apart slightly so I can stand between them to give me better access when doing his makeup. His hands fiddle with the chain belt around my trousers as I begin brushing his hair back with my fingers to get it out of the way.

"Your hair is so soft," I compliment I run my hands through the dark locks. "Feels like clouds."

"Thank you." Lucas chuckles as I pick up some of the hair dye chalk that I found in the suitcase and prising open the little pallet.

"What colour hair do you want?" I ask him.

"I don't know," he shrugs. "You choose."

I nod and briefly glance over each of the colours in the pallete. There's red, orange, purple, green, yellow, pink and blue - all shimmery and neon.

I end up deciding just to go with all and decide that I'll pick whichever one stands out the most.

I press his hair into the chalk but barely any of the colours end up showing because his hair is so dark, except the blue and the pink, so that's the colours I mainly use on his unruly strands.

When I'm satisfied with how much colour is in his hair, I pin back the front couple strands with the huge green bow and clip other donut and rainbow clips into other various other parts of his head.

Then I begin on his makeup.

I paint really ugly yellow and green and red eyeshadow all the way up to his eyebrows - his eyebrows which I had filled in really dark and thick and put bright pink blush all over his pale cheeks. On his lips I apply on black lipstick and make him smack his lips together afterward, then hold his face steady as I draw really thick blue winged eyeliner on his eye lids.

"So what did Dylan say when you told him you needed a handkerchief with his perfume spritzed on it?" I ask when I'm almost done with the look.

Lucas snorts. "You think I told him?"

I pause on his eyeliner and look down. "You didn't tell him?"

Lucas shakes his head. "You think he'll ever shut up about it if he finds out he has a tween fan club? My God the things it would do to his ego."

"That's true," I giggle. "So how did you get the perfume?"

"I sprayed a little when he wasn't looking when I went to his house a couple days ago."

I snicker before twisting the cap back onto the eyeliner and adjusting the bow in his hair one last time so it's sitting at an angle I like.

"Okay I think you're done," I announce, stepping back and raking my eyes across his face and hair. "Gorgeous," I laugh, nodding my head appreciatively as I take in his appearance.

"Let me see." Lucas tries to make a grab for the hand mirror but I yank it out of the way before he can.

"No get completely changed first," I tut, thrusting his outfit in his arms. "I want you to see yourself only when you're in the completed look."

"Fine." He huffs and stands up from the bed, taking the bundle of clothes with him as I pick up the makeup bag and begin stuffing all the contents back inside. I zip it up and walk across my room to place it back in the drawer and when I turn around Lucas has stripped down all the way to his boxers.

He's in the midst of flipping the skirt so that it's the correct way round and my eyes glaze down his almost naked body, lingering on his abs and chest. Fuck.

Lucas isn't super muscly at all; his abs and pecs aren't that defined as they're more on the softer side.

During football season a couple of months ago, I remember that he had definitely been more toned but now that juniors have more priority with revision rather than training it makes sense that his body isn't the same as it had been before. However, he still looks good regardless. I like the softness around his stomach, it is sort of comforting that his body isn't always rigid and muscly all the time and makes me feel better about my own, slightly fuller lower stomach.

I quickly draw my eyes away before Lucas can sense me ogling and clear my throat, causing him to lift his gaze to meet mine.

"Why are you getting naked?" I ask, pretending that I hadn't been enjoying him getting naked only seconds ago.

"To put the outfit on," he responds in a duh tone, waving the tutu for emphasis.

"It's like 32 degrees outside," I point out. "Unless you want to freeze your tits off put the skirt on top of your jeans."

"But that'll look silly."

I give Lucas a blank look. "You're wearing a tinsel skirt and a silver tiara and have pink smeared all over your face, I don't think wearing jeans underneath will make you look any less sillier."

"Fine," he grumbles, picking his jeans back up from the floor and tugging them on again. "You're right."

I wait for Lucas to finish getting changed and clear up my desk, putting away various miscellaneous items in the mean time.

After a few minuets, he clears his throat to alert me that he's done.

The moment I turn around and my eyes fall on Lucas in his completed look; I break out into peals of laughter, clutching my stomach as I lean over and laugh at how ridiculous he looks.

"Oh my God," I wheeze, glancing back up to look at Lucas as he stares down at me with his hands on his hips. "Fuck you look so funny."

It literally looks like a clown, a chav and Jojo siwa herself threw up on him. From the bows in his hair, to the rainbow coloured socks on his feet; Lucas is a bundle of very bright colours, feathers and blinding sparkles.

"It can't look that bad Izzy," he throws back, mumbling under his breath as he walks to the mirror and I keep my eye on him, waiting to see him react to his 'transformation'.

When Lucas reaches the mirror, for a moment there is simply silence; he merely blinks at his reflection. Then after a beat, he runs his palms down the front of the skirt and turns his head to look at me, pointing his thumb at the mirror as he speaks.

"I deserve an award for still looking hot in this."

My laughter comes to a halt. "Really?" I groan in an exaggerative manner. "How are you still a cocky bastard, even when wearing fucking feather boa's and sparkly rainbow sunglasses."

"Because I still look good when wearing feather boa's and sparkly rainbow sunglasses." Lucas grins, dimples peeking out as he flicks the feather boa over his shoulder in an exaggerative manner.

"Fucking hell." I shake my head, throwing him a look of disbelief as Lucas strolls over to me, his grin only widening at my expression.

"Okay now that we're both ready. Let's get this day started!" Lucas cheers, ignoring my exasperated state. He shoves me gently in the direction of the door and grabs my phone and purse for me before wrapping an arm around my shoulders (and almost suffocating me with all the feathers he's wearing in the process). "We're going to have so much fun!"


if you're wondering why the two are already so friendly with each other, you'll kinda find out in the next chapter :)

also get prepared, next chap is probably going to be very long ;) lots of love - mai x

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