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** chapter is not really edited **

Chapter 69 | Little them


"Why does he keep looking at you like that?"

"He found out I read smut and it's spooked him out so he won't stop staring at me like a creep."

Mia cocks an eyebrow. "Spooked out?" She asks, side glancing at Lucas who is standing a little further away from the both of us and in the middle of speaking to a teacher.

"Yeah," I snort, nodding my head. "He can't even make eye contact with me without burning pink," I pause to roll my eyes. "And at the book shop yesterday - the guy became a fucking broken record he would not stop saying 'you read porn'."

"No way,"  Mia's eyes flare in humour and she bites back a laugh. "He's that weirded out by the prospect of porn?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why? He's a teenage boy, he probably jacks off to it every night, what's his issue?"

"Exactly," I say just as Mia turns back to stare at Lucas, her head cocking to the side as she analyses him.

"No Bells...I think it's something else." Her eyes are narrowed as she says this and she begins shaking her head slowly.


"Yeah it's definitely something else."

I'm about to ask her to elaborate when my attention gets drawn onto Lucas who, at that moment, turns his head, undoubtedly staring right at my direction again.

He locks eyes with me for a fraction of a second before he quickly averts his gaze on realising he's been caught staring; his cheeks, yet again, flushing pink.

"Oh my God."

When I look back at Mia, I watch as realisation floods across her features and he mouth drops open to form an 'o' shape. She flits her eyes back and forth between Lucas and I fast and my eyebrows draw together as I eye her weirdly, wondering what she's thinking.

"Oh my God," she repeats in shock.

Mia looks at Lucas one last time before turning her focus back onto me. Her lips slowly tip into a smirk and a gleam begins to shine in her irises. She shoots me a knowing look and crosses her arms across her chest, suddenly looking smug as hell.

"What?" I ask again, eyebrows still knitted together, still feeling as confused as ever.

Mia jerks her thumb in Lucas' direction. "He so wants to fuck your brains out."

I don't know if she means to do this, or if it's just Mia and her incredibly loud voice, but her very frank and crude statement leaves her mouth in a decibel higher than what I would have preferred, attracting the attention of the people standing in our vicinity - adults, children and Lucas included.

My eyes fly wide open and I slam a hand over Mia's mouth before promptly dragging her further away from prying ears and eyes all whilst she begins to double over in laughter at her 'realisation'.

"What?" I hiss incredulously.

"He's so thinking about banging you mercilessly, that's why he keeps staring at you all weird and turning pink!" Mia squeals in between laughter, her words coming out muffled behind my palm.

"Mia!" I exclaim, eyes quickly scanning our surroundings. "You can't say things like that around here! There are children!"

I drop my hand away from her mouth when she licks my palm and a sheepish expression crosses her face.

"Right," she chuckles nervously. "I forget we were standing in the middle of the elementary school playground."

Mia then lowers her voice and inches her head near mine before winking at me in an exaggerative manner. "But yeah, Lucas is so thinking about S-E-X with you!"

I push her head away and throw my friend a flat look. "No."

"Yes," she claps her hands together and continues giggling with glee. "Oh this is rich!"

"No it's not! He is so not thinking about that!" I argue in denial. "Ew!"

Mia rolls her eyes. "He so is thinking that. I don't care what you say."

"He's not."

"Look at him!" Mia grabs my face, squishing my cheeks and turning my head so I'm staring back at Lucas. "Look at him closely!"

"Let go of me!" I wrestle in her grasp. "I'm looking!"

After smacking her arm away, I make a face and glide my eyes up and down Lucas' tall frame. I take in the outfit that he's wearing today; a white jumper paired with light wash blue jeans before my gaze then lingers on his face, taking note of his flushed cheeks and way he's chewing on the inside of his cheek. Then to the way he darts his eyes back in our direction and wincing at being caught looking again.

"I'm looking," I tell Mia through the side of my mouth. "But there's nothing to look at. He looks normal, albeit the red face."

"Ah but the red face tells us everything babe."

"You're reaching, maybe he's just feeling hot, the weather is...warm...ish today."

Mia throws me a look and points at the cloudy sky. "You said it yourself Bella, whenever Lucas looks at you, he turns red and that can only mean..."

She trails off, waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"He's malfunctioning?" I offer causing Mia to groan in annoyance.

"It means he's thinking about you two, y'know," she pauses to whisper so no one hears. "Bumping uglies."

"Or he's just weirded out that I read smut?"

"No. He's horny!"

"Nah he's just creeped out."

"No he's not!"

"Yeah he is!"




Mia growls. "You're impossible."

I flash her a grin.

"Whatever, you know I'm right. I would say deep down, but I bet it's not even deep down. You know that he's lusting over you."

"No," I blink at her innocently.

"I bet you're lusting over him too," Mia smirks evily. "I see the way you look at him."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do."

I'm about to protest some more and continue to try and derail Mia from that accusation when she suddenly gasps and to my surprise says: "Maybe, you should let him apology bang you."

I open my mouth then close it again. "What?"

"You should let him apology bang you."


"Yeah." Mia nods proudly at her idea. "You know how he's making it up to you. Maybe one of the ways he can make it up to you is by fucking you hard and slow and giving you the best orgasm of your life to show you how truly sorry he is." She gasps and claps her hands together excitedly. "Wow that is a great idea."

"No...it's not."

"Er yes it is."

"No.." I gaze at my friend both curiously and incredulously. "You are such a weirdo."

Mia shrugs. "I take that as a compliment."

"I really wish there was a way to experience your thought process."

"My thought process and the inside of my mind is not for the weak," Mia replies seriously before slapping my arm. "Now stop changing the subject! You agree that my idea is a phenomenal one right?"


"See I knew you'd love it!"

Mia sighs and embraces me in a hug. "You should tell Lucas about my idea, I give you permission to take full credit of it." She pulls back and holds me at arms length just as I give her another blank stare and shrug her hands off of me.

"There will be no telling Lucas anything. He will not be 'apology banging me'."

Mia hums and completely ignores what I'm saying. "Oh look Bells, he's coming his way now, so you can tell him right now!"


"Hi Lucas!" Mia's grin is so wide it looks like it's about to split her face into two and she begins waving enthusiastically. "Bella has come up with a great idea that you should totally get on board with."

"Huh?" A deep voice says behind me and I gaze over my shoulder to see Lucas approaching us, fiddling with his rings as he manoeuvres his way past the children and teenagers congregating around to get nearer. At one point he almost tramples over some kid who is too busy gazing at the toy car clutched in their hand and has to dart his hand out and grab the kid by the crown of his head before he collides with Lucas' chest and goes flying backwards.

I nudge Mia in the rib to halt her from saying anything about her 'idea' to Lucas but my warning isn't enough to stop her from opening her mouth.

"Isabella has something really important to ask you."

"No I don't," I say through gritted teeth after stomping on Mia's toes.

"Ouch, yeah she does, ouch, don't listen to her, ouch."

"What's...up?" Lucas asks confusedly, flitting his eyes between Mia and I.

"Nothing," I respond quickly.

"No it's not nothing!" Mia responds even quicker.

"Okay..." Lucas says even more confused now. "Is it something important?"


"No!" I shoot Mia a glare.

"Is it something bad?"

"Yes," I nod my head.

"No," Mia shakes hers.

"Um..." Lucas scratches his head awkwardly.

Mia is about to protest some more but I turn to her and give her the nastiest look I can ever muster to shut her up. Mia turns to me and shoots one back and the two off us find ourselves facing a silent stand off, all whilst Lucas darts his eyes between the two of us and shuffles on the spot awkwardly.

Finally, after my eyes starts to go wary, Mia is the first one to break our eye contact and look away. She huffs and crosses her arms across her chest and that's when I know she's given up arguing with me.

My lips curl up into smug smirk.

"So is anyone going to tell me..." Lucas trails off, gazing at the both of us expectantly.

I'm shaking my head no, when I hear my name being called out from somewhere behind Lucas. The three of us turn and draw our gazes to the teacher standing at the front of the playground.

"Isabella Quintero," she calls out loudly once again, clasping a clipboard in her hand and eyes courting the mass of people in search of me.

"Okay well, I gotta go," I tell the both of them happily, jerking my chin in the direction of the TA. I then quickly turn back to Mia and send her a warning glare. "Don't say a word to him."

"I won't," she grumbles. "And because you were rude I hope your mentee is a snotty little kid who screams."

I snort and turn away from Mia but not before smacking her hand away when she gives my ass a hard slap to usher me foreword.

As I walk past Lucas, he gazes down at me curiously, undoubtedly still wondering what Mia and I were supposed to tell him. "Don't worry, it wasn't something important or bad," I assure him, tapping his chest with my palm. "It's just one of those weird ass ideas Mia has."

"Oh," he nods his head in understanding before his eyes drop to the hand on his chest and a suddenly begins to blush profusely. I fight hard the urge to roll my eyes when Mia begins to snicker behind me.

I drop my palm and begin walking towards the TA, trying to weave my way through the crowd and suddenly taking note of how the entire playground is literally swarmed with both kids and teens alike.

The local elementary school had opened up a mentoring programme for the students at our high school to volunteer and help the children with reading or math or a project of some sort and Lucas, Mia and I had signed up to be reading/project mentors. We wanted to rack up extra credit and get more volunteer work in for college applications seeing as we were all lacking in that department. Last week the three of us had decided that we would be postponing college applications until next year because we didn't really have much extra curriculars as others, such as Dylan, Grace and Aidan had and were not entirely sure where we even wanted to apply to either.

We all had our top choices; Mia's was NYU and both Lucas and I want to go to Washington, but as for other options - we were not entirely sure. Alongside volunteering, the three of us were picking up language courses, Mia and I were taking up Italian and Lucas was taking up Spanish - which abuela was so excited for. Also, as of recently, Lucas had picked up a job at a pharmacy or something else medical related which he worked on weekends and after school. Overall, with exam season coming up shortly as well, it was obvious that the next couple of months were going to be pretty busy. Ugh, school.

Anyways, that is why Lucas, Mia and I were currently standing in the middle of an elementary school at 4pm on a Monday. Today was mentor-mentee introductions and all the volunteers were just all currently waiting to be matched up with the little kids. I really hoped this wasn't going to take much longer - I was tired and missed my bed.

I wave my hand as I get closer to catch the teacher's attention. When her gaze meets mine, she flashes me a kind smile.

"Hello, you must be Isabella?" She asks, glancing up from over her glasses.

"Hi, yes that's me."

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Ms Prescott," she introduces herself. "So today all that's going to happen is introductions as you should already know from the email we sent out Friday evening. It's just a chance for the kids to warm up to their mentors and so on," she tells me and I nod my head to show that I'm listening. "You'll get about 20 minutes with your mentee and then I'll come by to dismiss you, does that sound good?"

"Yep," I nod my head.

"Okay well this is Imani," Mrs Prescott gestures to the little girl standing a little distance away and ushers her to come closer. "Your mentee."

The little girl shuffles closer, her gaze directed onto her shoes. She has her brown hair pulled into two bunches and adorable little cherub cheeks.

"Hi Imani." I greet the kid softly, taking notice that she seems a little shy.

"Hi," she replies shyly, her hello barely audible and her eyes still trained to the floor.

"Imani, sweetie, this is your mentor!" Mrs Prescott says to her. "Her name is Isabella and she's going to help you with reading!"

Imani nods and Ms Prescott continues glancing down at her as she speaks warmly. "You two get to know each other, so why don't you take Isabella to that bench over there and tell her about the new book you're reading! Is that okay dear?"

"Um yes Ms."

"Alright then, I'll see you at the end honey." Mrs Prescott straightens up and directs her attention back onto me as Imani, turns around and begins walking in the direction of the benches, holding onto the straps of her hot pink rucksack that is bigger than her small frame as she walks. "She's a little shy at first but she'll warm up soon," she tells me and I nod and take that as my que to follow Imani after thanking the teacher.

I spot Imani sitting at a brown picnic bench at the end of the playground, beside a big oak tree, swinging her short legs as she waits for me. I slide into the seat opposite her a moment later and plaster on my kindest smile to make her feel more at ease.

It takes a couple of minuets for her to warm up to me but after she gets comfortable; Imani completely transforms into a chatter box. She speaks animatedly about her book, her friends, her crush (who is a complete ass by the way), her favourite shows, her family and off the bat, reminds me a little of me. Especially young me. From the colourful sun dress she is wearing, to her cute little chubby frame and to the big, brown eyes she has when she gazes up at me and lastly to her personality.

"How old are you?" Imani, asks me once she takes a breather from all her rambling. "Are you 12 like my sister?"

"No," I shake my head and stifle a laugh, not knowing if I should be offended or not that Imani assumed I was 12. "I'm 16, almost 17."

"Wow that's old!"

"Yeah," I giggle. "How old are you?"

"I'm 8 years old, almost 9!"

"Wow, that's old!"

"Yeah, I know," Imani sighs wistfully, resting her chin in her hands, her face smooshing together. "I don't want to be 9. I'm perfectly fine the way I am being 8." She then breathes out another loud sigh. "So do you have a crush?"

"A crush?" I repeat raising my eyebrow. That came out of no where.

"Yeah, like I do on Landon."

"Do celebrities count?"

Imani giggle like my answer is the most ridiculous thing she's heard. "No." When she shakes her head, both her bunches shake along with her. "A real person crush."

"Well I don't have a real person crush." I mirror her position and let me cheek rest in my hand.

Imani narrows her eyes at me slightly, pausing for a beat before saying something else. "I don't believe you."

"Huh?" I say amsuedly. "Why not?"

"Because you look like a person who would have a crush."

"Really?" I cock my head to the side. "How so?"

"I don't know," she shrugs her shoulders. "But I was hoping you had a crush on that boy with the white sweatshirt."

"What boy with the white sweatshirt?"

"Oh y'know," she pushes the hair escaping her two ponytails away from her face dramatically. "The boy with the white sweatshirt. I saw you guys standing near each other and when I was walking past with my mom, I saw that he kept looking at you," she pauses to cup her tiny hands around her mouth. "And he was blushing! I think he has a crush on you."

"Do you mean Lucas?" I ask incredulously which is stupid because Imani won't know his name.

"Is that his name? Lucas?"

I slowly nod my head. "Oh sweetie, I don't have a crush on Lucas and he definitely doesn't have one on me."

"Well I think he does," Imani argues. "And I think you should believe me because I'm always right with these sort of things. I said the same thing about my sister and this boy in her class called George and guess what! They had their first week anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend yesterday!"

I bite my cheek to refrain from laughing. "Really?"

"Yep," she responds, popping the p. "So you should totally believe me."

I wrinkle my nose playfully. "Should I?"


"Okay," I say slowly with a shrug of my shoulders. "I believe you then."

I tell her that, merely for the kids own satisfaction.

"Good." Imani smiles smugly and shuffles in her seat. "Next session (she pronounces it like sheshon) I'll bring you a really nice card that I'll make so that you can give to Lucas when you ask him to be your boyfriend."

I can't hold back the laugh that escapes my lips at Imani's statement.

"Alright enough about me," I say in between laughs, directing the conversation back to her. "Tell me more about Landon, your crush."

Imani lets out a high pitched giggle and her eyes light up before she begins nattering on about her crush.

"Well he's super cute and funny..."

I continue to nod and and listen intently to how she describes his appearance, impressed by the very poetic sentences she uses.

The look in her eyes however dims slightly and the smile on her face drops into a frown as the begins to talk less about his 'beautiful face' and more about the way he treats her.

It has Imani sighing and shaking her head disappointedly every time she talks about everything stupid he's done, specifically to her.

....All the tormenting, teasing and bullying Landon has done to her.


By the end out our session, Imani and I have undoubtedly have become the best of pals and she even gives me a hug goodbye before she runs off to Mrs Prescott and her mom who's here to take her home.

I follow Mrs Prescott's directions out to the front of the school where I wait for Lucas and Mia to finish their sessions.

I've just shot them both a text saying that I'm waiting out front when Lucas rounds the corner and spots me standing by the gate.

"Izzy!" He calls my name before doing a full sweep of my body as he approaches me. I give him a wave and his ears tinge pink as he quickly re-meets my gaze, stumbling over his words slightly before he begins to continue speaking.

"You'll never believe this but I think I've just experienced karma!" His exclamation follows the widening of his eyes and he presses both of his large hands on my shoulders and gives me a little shake for emphasis.

"What do you mean?" I ask amusedly. Lucas has an almost bugged out look laced across his features.

"I mean my mentee, guess what he needs mentoring for!?"

My eyebrows draw together. "...Reading, math or a project," I reply slowly. "All the kids are getting mentored for reading, math or a project."

Lucas waves his hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, he's in it for a project but guess what his project is?"


"Bullying!" Lucas cuts me off before I even get to reply and levels me with a 'can you believe it' look.

"Bullying?" I repeat confusedly, eyebrows furrow together. "Okay? Why are so startled about that-"

"Because I have to help him make some apology project for the kid he is bullying!! Can you believe it!"


"He's been teasing this little girl repeatedly and making her cry-"

"Wait a second," I quickly interject before Lucas can begin rambling again. I process what Lucas had just said and my mind immediately flickers back to the conversation I just had with Imani. "Back track a little....he's bullying a little girl?"

"Yeah," Lucas nods his head enthusiastically.

"And what's the kids name?"


"Landon?" I repeat.


"He has brown hair that looks softer than clouds, green eyes like leaves in the spring and a yummylicious face?" I list of the description Imani had provided me of her Landon.

Lucas gazes at me wierdly. "Yeah...I guess."

"Oh my God," I breathe. "Is the kid he's bullying called...Imani?"

"Yeah," Lucas' face lights up. "How did you know?"

I poke a thumb to my chest. "My mentee is Imani, the girl who is getting bullied."

Lucas' mouth falls open then shuts closed again. "No. Way."

"Yes way," I laugh.

"The same Imani who has chocolate brown eyes and really pretty hair?"


"Holy fuck."

I wave my hand dismissively. "Anyways what we're you saying about karma?"

"Are you not thinking what I'm thinking?" Lucas quirks an eyebrow.

"Huh?" I gaze at him confusedly. "What should I be thinking?"

"Teasing, tormenting, bullying. Their names start with I and L. They're fucking 8 year olds..."

Lucas trails off and there's silence for a beat. Then it clicks in my mind and I gasp.

"They're the reincarnation of little us!"

"Yes! They're they even have the same fucking initials as me and you."

"Imani sort of looks like me too," I say excitedly.

"Landon lowkey looks like me as well."

"Holy shit that is so weird." I shake my head, frankly a little in shock. "What a coincidence!"

"Coincidence my ass," Lucas exclaims. "Don't you see Izzy? This is karma or whatever. This is like my second chance or something. I have to make sure Landon stops his bullying!"

My mouth drops into an 'o' shape.

Lucas uses his hand to tip my chin up to close my mouth.

I shake my head to rid myself of the momentary shock thats struck me. "Yeah, you actually better fix him up," I nod my head. "He's such a little dickhead! He proper teases Imani, chases her around the play ground and makes her cry."

"I know." Lucas grimaces. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that apology Imani gets is the best apology ever and I'll make sure Landon never dares to say anything rude to her or anyone ever again."

"Did you know she told one teacher before about the teasing," I tell Lucas, my face forming a look of annoyance. "And they told her that bullshit about 'boys will be boys' and Landon that asshole didn't even get told off."

"What the fuck really?"

"Yeah," I glower. "Then after a couple of weeks another teacher found her crying in the bathroom and she told them what happened, then finally he got a sanction and got told off before being sent to this mentoring scheme." I shake my head. "She has a huge crush on him as well."

"Yeah," Lucas nods. "He has a crush on her too and I was like why are you bullying her then and then he was like his dad told him to show that he likes her by tugging on her pigtails and chasing her around the playground, which he did and so much so that it got to the extent where he was constantly making her cry."

I groan in irritation. "Ugh what the hell."

"Yeah I know! Then at the end his dad came to pick him up and I spoke to him."

"What what? You spoke to his dad?"

"Er yeah," Lucas nods. "I told him what Landon told me and told him that his little tactic isn't something he should be teachng because its causing major problems...but like politely of course."

"What his dad say?" I ask, my eyes widening slightly.

"His dad apologised and said he'll explain to Landon when they get home that its wrong what he's doing. He also told me that he hasn't gotten notified on what his son is doing, just that Landon's been put into mentoring for behaviour problems," Lucas scoffs. "I'm surprised none of the teachers spoke to his parents about the bullying."

"What the heck." I shake my head. "That's messed up."

"I know," Lucas sighs.

A beat of silence passes between us before Lucas swings his arm around my shoulders and  a smirk transforms his face. "Anyways enough about little us," he tells me, glancing down at me before jigging me beneath his shoulders. "Let's focus on big us. I have another note for you."

"Yeah?" I grin, my heart warming at the boyish smile on his face the and twinkling look in his eye as he stares down at me.

"Yeah," he digs into his jean pocket before pulling out a little slip of paper. He presses it into my palm before doing his little ritual.

This time however, when his soft lips press a gentle kiss to the inside of my wrist right where the pulse is, a fluttery feeling courses through me. I try and push it away and wait for it to subside but when I gaze down and read what Lucas has written inside, the feeling only intensifies.

"Whenever I spend time with you," I say out loud. Happiness washes over me so completely that I feel it deep down in my soul. You bring so much light into my life and I am so unbelievably proud of everything you have achieved these past few months."

Oh my God.

I gaze back up at Lucas straight after I've finished reading out loud, my face softening and my pulse picking up instantly.

Staring further into his hazel eyes, that are more on the greener side as of now, sends a rush of warmth through me and my heart begins to pounds so hard it feels almost painful.

"Do you like that one?" Lucas asks me, when I've yet to say anything, his voice almost in a hushed whisper. "Sorry it's a little cheesy-"

I cut him off by pressing my finger to his lips. "Lucas," I say with a shake of my head, clutching the slip of paper to my chest. "I love it."

"You do?" He grins.

"Yes," I nod my head. "That was so beautiful."

"Like you," Lucas wiggles his eyebrows suggestively before gripping my hand a pressing a kiss to my fingers.

I swat his stomach and roll my eyes playfully before moving my hand from his grasp. "Now that was cheesy."


school basically starts tomorrow KILL ME NOW 💔 i'm not ready to go back

love you all, sorry this chapter is a little all over the place - mai x

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