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TW: slight mentions of assault.

Chapter 78 | Maria


I rush down the stairs in a frenetic mess, patting down my hair and trying to smooth out the mess as Lucas briskly follows behind.

He's equally trying to get himself together as we cross the foyer and head towards the kitchen leading into the garden. His dark hair is disheveled, his already plump lips are swollen and a slight redness pinches his cheeks - the aftermath of our make out session.

If I wasn't so overwhelmed with fury as of now, I would've stopped to appreciate how good he looked all ruffled and mused but unfortunately, I was bubbling with rage.

How dare she.

Is all that loops around in my mind like a broken record.

How fucking dare she.

Maria has got major balls showing up here, especially since Mia has been waiting for the chance to beat her face in and she's very aware that I won't even hesitate to give her another pummelling. The fact I now know that she fucking assaulted Lucas as well doesn't help her case at all, it just increases my anger towards her by a gazillion.

My fists clench and unclench at my sides as I recall what Grace had informed me in her flurry of text messages. Maria had apparently showed up here with Angie -  Zak's girlfriend. Angie had unwillingly brought Maria after trying to persuade her not to come and had allegedly given up trying to come herself, so that Maria wouldn't either, but Maria that bitch had forced poor Angie to come anyways, so that she could invite herself and essentially fuck things up - like she always did.

God, I fucking hated her.

I enter the garden in a vexed daze, eyes scouring the vast perimeter in search of that fucking puta. My gaze lands on the group huddled a little distance away, Maria is stepped to the side, arms crossed across her chest looking quite smug for someone who is about to get screamed at - okay scratch that, is getting screamed at. My gaze switches to Mia and Grace who are standing a few meters away from her, Dylan holding the two of them back as they hurl very crude insults at my bitch cousin.

I cross the garden and head straight towards them but I've barely made it half way when Lucas grabs my arm, halting me.

He spins me around so that we're face to face.

"Stay here," he tells me, "I'm gonna have a word with her."

His jaw is clenched so tightly it looks like his teeth are gonna break and a dark expression clouds his features. Again, if we were not in this situation, I would have so been lusting over how hot he looks right now-

Jesus, get it together woman, you have a bitch to beat.

I shake my head. "No, you stay here, I'm gonna go talk to her."

Lucas narrows his eyes. "Fuck no you aren't, I don't want you anywhere near that bitch."

"I don't want you anywhere near that bitch," I glower at him in return. "I mostly want to speak to her, I'll try not to get fists involved because it really hurt my knuckles last time and I'm not really in the mood to get my dress dirty, but I may kick her if she pisses me off a lot."

"I don't know," Lucas rolls his bottom lip into his mouth. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't, I won't let her touch me." I assure him, levelling him with a look when he continues to gaze down at me warily.

After a beat, Lucas lets out a breath. "Fine," he says, squeezing my arm gently with his hand. "But only because you're good with your hands."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why does that sound dirty?"

Lucas nods almost solemnly. "Because I intended it to sound dirty."

"Of course you did," I reply, sighing in mock annoyance and causing Lucas to grin and squeeze my arm again.

"Alright Izzy, be quick."

I nod. "I won't take long."

"Good, because I want your lips back on mine pronto."

I choke on my spit in surprise and immediately feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

Lucas' smile widens at my reaction and I pause, suddenly turning shy and not knowing exactly what to say before just opting for a brief nod and turning around so that I refrain from becoming a blubbering mess. Saying nothing at all is better than saying something embarrassing.

I hear Lucas chuckle lowly behind me at my flustered state.

My flustered state that does not last very long however, as the moment I'm facing away from Lucas, the calm that had briefly settled through me as I had been talking to him dissipates almost immediately as my eyes draw back onto Maria's bitch face.

Shyness and butterflies wilts away into irritation and a ticking jaw.

I press my lips into a thin line, warmth rising to my face that now is not from Lucas' existence as I continue storming over to where she is, my fists clenching and unclenching again.

Alright, time to deal with this bitch.

The moment I am near, as if sensing my presence, Maria turns around slowly to meet my gaze. Fixing me with a smug look as she takes in my pissed form, her mouth curls up into a smirk (her lips struggle with the movement may I add).

"Hey cuz'," she greets in an overly enthusiastic way, clasping her hands together and bringing it towards her chest.

"Isabella, just say the word and I'll fly kick this bitch to fucking mars!" Mia hollers, her eyes narrowed and every word she says laced with absolute venom as her eyes flicker from my cousin back onto me.

"I'll help!" Grace adds angrily.

I shoot my two friends the briefest smile to show my gratitude. "It's alright girls, I'm just gonna have a word with Maria." My tone of voice is a contrast to how I know my facial expression is set. It comes out sickly sweet.

"Talking?" Mia quirks an eyebrow at me, pausing and going limp in Dylan's arms."I see."  She nods her head knowingly. " Just talking hmm?"

"Yup," I return with a curt nod.

"Great," Grace replies. "You two talk and Mia and I will stand bodyguard." She steps away from Dylan and stands tall, crossing her arms across her chest and pulling herself into a stance that actually somewhat comes off as intimidating. 

Mia does the same and gestures with her hand. "Go ahead."

"Actually could you guys give us some space?" I ask. "I want to speak to her privately."

"Are you sure?" Dylan's eyes narrow as he glances at Maria warily.

"I'm sure," I nod, before making a shooing gesture with my hands. "Go start the barbecue, all the guests are arriving."

At my response, Dylan glances over his shoulder at the people beginning to file in into the garden from the back gate before turning back to me.

"It's fine guys, you know I can protect myself," I then add as I still note their continued confliction.

They're all still waiting for the 100% confirmation that they don't need to maul Maria 6 feet under the ground for me and their hesitant stares bring the smallest smile to my lips.

Man, I love my friends, they'd all beat a bitch for me.

"It's fine guys honestly," I continue to assure when no one has budged.

Mia continues staring at me before slowly nodding her head reluctantly after a beat has passed. "Fine," she at last agrees, sighing. "But just scream if you need me to rip her tits off for you."

"Will do," I bite my lip to stifle a smirk and watch as she drags both Dylan and Grace away as well as gesturing to Zak, Angie, Aidan and Leo to do the same.

Lucas stays rooted in his place momentarily before very very hesitantly following the rest of them as they move away, trudging his feet along the grass.

He throws me one last look over his shoulder and I lift my chin at him in response to show him that I'm okay.

When they're all finally a good distance away, I turn back to my dear cousin. My jaw sets once again and fury flares in my eyes.

Right. Lets begin.

There is not even a moment of hesitation before I speak.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quickly, simmering with rage but trying to keep it contained as I drag my eyes down Maria's bitch form. She's dressed in a short, red mini dress; an outfit more suitable for a club rather than a family barbecue birthday party.

It is a nice dress though-

Ugh. Shutup inner me.

Maria shrugs. "I came to the party."

"No one invited you."

"Angie invited me."

"Sure she did," I roll my eyes, already getting more annoyed as every second passes being in Maria's bitch presence. "I know you forced her to come Maria."

"It's not a big deal," she scoffs in return. "I've met what's his name," she pauses to gesture vaguely in the direction Aidan is now standing further away, "Lucas' friend and I used to play with Gracie when we were younger."

I ignore her sorry excuse of an excuse.

"Maria, what are you really doing here?" I repeat, eyes narrowing into little slits as I glare at her.

"I told you, I've come to the party."

My glower deepens at her reply and I take a step forward towards her.

Maria takes a step back and then winces as she realises she's let her guard down and has showcased that she's not as confident as she's put on.

That causes me to smirk as a smug expression crosses my face knowing that she's somewhat scared of me.

I take another step forward in response.

"Don't come any closer or I'll report you!" Maria practically yells at me defensively causing me to raise an eyebrow in an "are you bloody serious" manner.

"You'll report me?" I repeat.

"Erm yes."

"Really?" I snort, crossing my arms across my chest, eyeing Maria almost disgustedly. "Shouldn't it be the other way with me reporting you."

Maria shakes her head, her eyes narrowing. "Why would you report me? I did nothing wrong."

"Jesus, you did nothing wrong? Are you kidding me?"

"Um you're the one who frickin' assaulted me if I recall correctly-"

"Please assault?" I cut her off almost immediately. "You have no right to be talking about assault."

"What are you saying?" Maria's eyes narrow further and she stands up straighter.

"Christ Maria, you fucking assaulted Lucas," I snap, every word I now utter dripping with anger.

"No I did not!" Her mouth drops open in disbelief.

"Yes you did!" I repeat incredulously. "Don't tell me you actually think what you did isn't wrong?"

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Maria's eyes widen and her cheeks pinch red. "I didn't fucking assault him, don't go around accusing people of that what the fuck Bella!"

"Are you kidding me?" I return incredulously. "He told me himself that you kissed him without his permission and then wouldn't stop when he wanted you to-"

"Please, he wanted to kiss me!" She snaps, her face growing defencive. "He let me kiss him, he didn't tell me to stop-"

"Are you actually shitting me?" I cut her off immediately. "Did he kiss you back? No. Did he not try to push you off?-"

"Yes but-"

"Yes but what?" My anger heightens.

Maria suddenly grows silent and her eyes drop to the floor.

At her silence I scoff and continue speaking. "Exactly," I scowl. "Look, put yourself in his shoes, you wouldn't like it if some guy was kissing you and feeling you up without you wanting him to would you?"

Maria doesn't speak until a beat passes. "It wasn't like that," she begins but her tone is hesitant like she knows what she's saying isn't correct.

"Yes it was and you know it." I say sternly. "Don't pull that shit again, it's messed up."

Her eyes snap back to mine and her face hardens. "It wasn't like that," she repeats stubbornly. "I didn't assault him-"

"Listen," I interrupt her again, getting sick of speaking to her. "You're going to apologise to Lucas or you're going to get out the fucking party alright? We both know that you know what you did was wrong and if you're not going to suck it up and tell him you're sorry then you're going to leave."

"You don't get to tell me what to do," she scowls.

I take a step towards her menacingly. "Apologise. Or get. Out."

She stays rooted in her spot stubbornly. "No."

"Maria, leave now or I'll fucking make you. This isn't a fucking joke." Anger curls hot in my gut as she continues to stare down at me tenaciously.

"You're not laying a single finger on me Isabella. Got that?"

"And why would I listen to you?" I take one last step forward.

"Because I-"

"Because what?" My glare deepens and something equivalent to fear flashes in Maria's eyes as she keeps my gaze.

Ha, I've got her.

Maria scoffs and squares her shoulders, crossing her arms across her chest. "Whatever," she spits with a roll of her eyes. "I'll leave. Tell Lucas he's a fucking pussy for getting his little girlfriend to come tell me off instead of speaking to me himself."

"He's not a pussy and I'm not his girlfriend," I snap impulsively in reply. Idiot, there was no need to clarify the last part.

"Oh sorry, my mistake," Maria steps back again and presses a hand to her heart in mock apology and pouts before sending a flick of her eyes down my body. "And of course you aren't his girlfriend." She pauses to snort. "Go figure."

My eyes narrow.

Maybe I should just leave it. I mean, I pretty much have the last word. Not fuelling this new amo she now supposedly has on me would be easy if I don't reply, but...my curiosity gets the best of me and I...well...I stupidly reply.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask almost warily and instantly, as those words leave my mouth, I feel the upper hand I once hand, being handed over to Maria.

She rolls her eyes. "Please, are you stupid? It's pretty obvious there's a reason you're not his girlfriend, why would he wanna be with someone as high maintenance as you."

I knew replying was going to be a big mistake.

I stiffen. "I'm not high maintenance," I return defensively.

Stupid stupid girl stop replying!

"Sure you're not," she rolls her eyes again. "Someone who's depressed all the time and has kind of a lot of issues is so not high maintenance, so sorry for my mistake again."

"I am not high maintenance." I repeat through gritted teeth.

Maria grins sadistically. "Seriously, just think about it Isabella. Would you want to be like someone like yourself?" She pauses to raise an eyebrow. "Why would Lucas want to be with you if you're always moping about-"

"I'm not always moping about!"

Maria raises her palms up in mock surrender. "Okay, whatever you say cuz."

"Lucas likes me. I know he wants to be with me," I say determinedly but it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself that more than I am trying to convince Maria.

Maria scoffs. "Sure he does," she rolls her eyes. "I know boys like him, his feelings won't last. I bet all he has is a little infatuation with you, a little infatuation with you that won't last by the way, he'll get fed up with you soon enough when someone better and more normal with less baggage comes around, just wait and see."

"He won't get fed up of me. He won't."

"Sure, whatever, just don't burden him with your problems and I'm sure you two will be fine."

I pause.

"Please, you've already looped him into everything?" Maria snorts with a raise of her eyebrow. "Way to ruin everything Bella." She then rolls her eyes again. "Whatever, this was a lovely conversation don't you think? I think I'll be off now, this party seems a little boring," she flicks her hair over her shoulder and waves her fingers in goodbye. "Adios Isabella, I'll see you in some family reunion like in 7 years from now."

I watch as she stalks out of the backyard, teetering in her heels that are barely 2 inches high, taking in what she had just told me.

The gate shuts behind her and I stay standing, trying not to let whatever bullshit it is that she had just said get to me but when what she had said has a little bit of truth behind it it's hard not to.

Every jab and point Maria had made whirls around in my mind and the more I think about it, the more I feel every insult prickle my skin before settling through me.

It's not exactly the first time I've thought about this too. I've questioned before if I'll ever be good enough for a Lucas but I've always just shoved it to the back of my mind, continuously reminding myself that my issues aren't all that there is to me, there are other aspects of my personality that Lucas seems to like about me but now Maria's words are shifting my perspective a little bit. I've never thought about the fact that one day my 'baggage' may overpower all the parts of me that he actually likes that he may get fed up of me.

Lucas is helping me now but what happens when he's tired of doing so? What happens when there are days when I want to be alone? What happens when he gets bored of my company?

I stay rooted in my spot for a couple more seconds or so - actually, maybe a few minutes or so, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm only snapped out of my daze when I feel the heat of a body behind me and a touch of a hand on my shoulder.

"Bella, is everything alright?" Lucas asks, and I turn around so I'm facing him. He looks over my shoulder in search of Maria. "Did you get rid of her?"

"Yeah," I force myself to plaster on a smile. "I got rid of her."

Lucas grins happily, his eyes flicking in between mine. "What did you say to her? You two were talking for quite some time."

"Oh nothing," I shake my head. "I was just telling her off for kissing you when you didn't want her to-"

"Wait you did?" Lucas asks me, almost shocked. "Bella, you didn't have to."

My eyebrows furrow together as I interject. "Yes I did," I respond firmly. "I couldn't let her get away with that."

Lucas ducks his head and nods slowly.

"I was trying to get her to apologise also but she wouldn't listen," I shake my head disgustedly. "God, there is something seriously wrong with her."

"Bella," Lucas stills the shaking of my head by cupping the side of my face, forcing me to meet his gaze. He strokes my cheek once with his thumb. "It's fine."

"It's not fine," my eyes soften sadly. "That wasn't fair for that to happen to you."

He scrunches up his nose slightly. "Okay maybe it's not that fine," he agrees quietly before brushing his thumb against my cheek again. "But thank you for talking to her anyways, Izzy. I'll be content if whatever you said to her sticks in her head and she doesn't pull that shit with anyone else."

I pause and let out a huff of breath. "Let's hope it does. She looked at least a little triggered by what I said so maybe it did get to her."

He nods. "Is that all you guys talked about?" Lucas questions and instantly I feel myself freeze up as I recollect the end part of Maria and I's conversation.

"Yes," I respond, swallowing the lump in my throat.

Lucas' eyes flicker back and forth between mine almost like he can hint something is off about me, but I downcast my eyes and turn away from him before he can analyse me further.

"C'mon, enough about Maria," I tell him and he drops his hand from my face, "let's get back to the party, we're missing out."

Lucas nods slowly, still eyeing me and tries to slip his fingers through mine as we begin walking but I briskly move my hand away and begin gazing around the garden pretending I hadn't noticed what he was trying to do.

I don't think I was as slick as I thought I was however, as from my peripheral vision, I see Lucas curl his fingers into a fist at his side. I clear my throat and begin walking a tad faster, creating a slight distance between us as we make our way to where the crowds are congregating near the barbecue.

I feel Lucas' gaze burn into the side of my head the whole way.

Fucking shit, what am I supposed to do now? I've just plunged myself into another phase of awkwardness with Lucas.

This is going to be fucking torture.


um i think i've experienced karma for posting this shitty chapter because yesterday, when i was editing a lot of this chapter, i found out that on my first day of exams (in 2 weeks) i have english lit, history and sociology all in one day which means 5 hours of exams pretty much back to back....:p

kay, until next time bitches, if i disappear for three years it's because exam stress has killed me, bye love u all <33

(p.s this won't last long I'm not that evil, the next chap / next two chaps is/are gonna be frickin awesome) BYEEE – mai x

i also have majority of the next chapter written so yay!!! will hopefully update tomorrow!!

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