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Chapter 86 | Reading book porn together


"I made this for you," I say, extending my hand, the beaded bracelet I had just made sitting in my palm. Isabella glances up at me, my voice breaking her concentration as she pauses to smile, her eyes flicking down to the blue, purple and pink bracelet clutched in my hand. With the expression on her face you'd think I just offered her the moon and my heart catches in my throat at the sight of her, the wind deciding to brush through her hair at the exact moment she reaches forward to take the bracelet out of my palm.

"And I made this for you," Bella copies, grinning up at me again once she's slipped my bracelet onto her wrist, wiggling the pink and yellow bracelet she's holding between her fingertips, "but it's not done yet."

"You're so slow with making this," I quirk an eyebrow gesturing to the two other bracelets sitting on the picnic blanket beside me, "I've made a bracelet for you, myself and abuela and you're still on your first."

Isabella narrows her eyes at me, "Well it's not my fault you're abnormally fast at making bead bracelets." She pauses to cock her head to the side. "I honestly can't wrap my mind around it, especially with those fat fingertips of yours."

"Hey! I do not have fat fingertips," I gasp, narrowing my eyes as I lift up my hands to inspect them before meeting my gaze back with Isabella's. "They are perfectly normal sized."

"No." Bella states pointedly and turns her focus back onto her bracelet back in hand and begins beading a yellow coloured bead onto the elastic thread.

My eyes narrow further. "Excuse me Izzy, what do you mean no?" I lean forward and grab one of Isabella's hands. The force causes her to drop the bracelet and a couple beads fall off the thread. An annoyed exhale escapes her lips and she looks up to glare at me.

"You made me drop my bracelet!" She whines as I bring her palm up to mine.

I ignore her and line up our hands. "Look," I say, "I don't have abnormally fat fingertips, you just think so because your fingertips are abnormally small."

"Hm, I disagree," she pulls her lips into her mouth and shrugs her shoulders but I catch the playfulness in her eyes.

I shake my head and grin, linking our fingers together before tugging her forward so we're barely inches apart. Isabella's still sitting on her knees but my pulling has caused her to lean toward me slightly meaning I get a lovely view down her front. A lovely, lovely view might I just say. The pendant of the chain she's wearing dangles between her breasts and that sight alone has me salivating. Once I'm done ogling for a hot second, I re-meet Isabella's amused, that is now slightly charged with heat, gaze and it reminds me of what I was about to say. "Whatever," I grin, my voice dropping slightly seeing as she's so close, "you know what they say, big hands equals big-"

"Yeah, don't finish that sentence," Isabella interjects, not even giving me the chance to continue speaking when her other hand cups my cheek and she presses her lips against mine.

"-dick," I ignore her although the word comes out muffled against her lips. In reaction, Isabella kisses me harder to get me to shut up and I happily oblige, relishing in the taste of her mouth as our tongues mingle together; Bella tastes like blue raspberry slushy and I firmly conclude that it is now my most favourite taste ever.

But much to my dismay, Isabella pulls back before I even get to fully appreciate the kiss and pats the side of my face before sitting back down in her seat and continuing making her bead bracelet without a second thought, like she hadn't just been eating my face half a second prior.

I don't share the same post reaction as her because whilst Isabella goes back to making beaded bracelets, I stay rooted in my place, immobile, my thumb finding my bottom lip and rubbing it subconsciously as I wait for the daze that follows everytime Izzy kisses me to pass.

Said girl however, does glance up at me a moment later to smile at my state almost cockily, shaking her head like she knows damn well the effect she has on me and I see her enjoying seeing me all frazzled because of her.

I finally snap out of it and blink a couple of times. Jeez, this girl will actually be the death of me.


The hours we spend on that activity picnic blanket fly by, Isabella finally finishes making the bracelet for me which I promptly wear on my wrist as she wears mine. We paint mugs that turn out to be surprisingly more fun than it seems as well as painting the canvases. Whilst I paint a frankly ugly smiley face on the mug and an even more ugly painting of Isabella on the canvas due to my lack of creative skills, Isabella paints a light blue cow print across the ceramic mug and a pretty sunset on the canvas.

When we show each other our paintings, Isabella gasps, terribly offended at my drawing of her and promptly orders me to chuck it in the bin - well she actually tells me to burn it. I laugh sheepishly and throw the canvas away and stick to making more bead bracelets and taking pictures of Isabella as she's immersed in her painting on the disposable cameras instead of using my artistic skills.

After a while, I pick up one of the porny books Mia had picked out for us to read and Isabella takes her turn with the camera. We end up filling two of the disposable cameras as Isabella drags me out of my reading to snap a couple of selfies of us two together as well as taking pictures of me by myself.

"The smile you have on your face whilst reading smut," Bella shakes her head humorously as she brings the camera down from her face, "you little perv."

I bring up the book and turn the page so it's facing her. "She's sucking his dick!" I exclaim, before pausing and clearing my throat as I take note of the frankly embarrassing excitement in my voice, "and it's in so much detail!"

"Amatuer," she grins before shuffling forward and moving to sit beside me, her arm brushing mine as she tries to peer over at the page I'm currently reading. "But ooh lemme see."

I move the book so it's sitting in the middle of the two of us and Isabella's eyes begin to skim the page once the book is in her line of vision. Bella subconsciously mouths the words as she reads and I watch her reaction as she takes in the scene playing out in front of us, a flush crawling up her neck to her cheeks and ears.

Once she's read both pages, she turns back to face me with widened eyes and one eyebrow quirked in intrigue. "Wow, it is in a lot of detail," she gushes.

"I know!" I nod my head enthusiastically, "I can really envision the scene in my mind right now."

Isabella's head copies my enthusiastic nod. "Same," she agrees, "now let's continue reading!"

I waste no time in flipping the page and Isabella huddles closer to me as we both begin to read at the same time.

"Can I turn the page?" Isabella's voice cuts through my concentration for what feels like half a second later.

"Erm no," I exclaim, side glancing at Isabella incredulously, "I'm still on the first page."

"What? Only?" She groans. "You're such a slow reader."

"How the hell did you manage to read 2 pages in the time I read 3 lines?"

Isabella cocks an eyebrow at me. "Because you're a slow reader."

"Am not," I grumble, before glancing down at the text again.

"Are too," Isabella returns immaturely before tugging the book out of my line of vision before my eyes even get to skim half a sentence. "Okay, I have an idea."

"Hey!" I glance down at her with narrowed eyes and a glare. I'm about to protest for stealing the book Isabella cuts me off by continuing to speak.

She raises her hand. "Luke, hear me out, how about I just read out loud for the both of us?" She offers with a shrug of her shoulders. "That way I don't have to wait for your slow ass and you can sit back and enjoy listening to the melodic sound of my voice talking about sucking dick."

I pause for a second, shutting my mouth and weighing her offer in my mind before my glare wilts into a huge, toothy, dimpled grin.

Isabella talking about dick?

"Great idea Izzy," I say, with an encouraging nod of my head as I kick my legs out in front of me and lean against the tree we're sitting in front of, arms behind my head. "You can read to me."

Isabella giggles and shuffles back so she can mirror my position beside me. "I knew you'd like that-" she begins to say but is cut off with a surprised yelp when, before her ass even gets to touch the ground, I've grabbed her by the waist and with one smooth move, situated her between my stretched out legs.

"This way I can follow along with the words as you read," I explain as she settles against my back with a contended exhale, her hair tickling my chin as my arms wrap around her and tug her closer to me.

"Good idea," she hums in response before flipping the page onto the next. My fingers subconsciously play with the beads of the bracelet on her wrist as she clears her throat in an exaggerated manner and begins to read.

As you can imagine, I listen very intently as she voices the words on the paper, encouraging her to read a little louder when her voice quietens every so often and in return receiving a 'shutup Lucas' because the reason why she's quieted is due to the occasional people and children walking past.

I feel the vibrations of her laughter against my chest every time she basically bursts into hysterics as she speaks the words of the dude 'growling' very filthy things into the girl's ear as he 'pounds into her.'

"You know you don't have to imitate the guys voice," I say, cutting Isabella off from speaking the very long monologue of the guy listing all the things he's about to do to the girl.

"Why not?" She replies, "I want to read it accurately."

"You burst into laughter every time he says the word pussy."

"It's funny! This guy growls so much I can't take him seriously."

"That's how I feel about the girl when she keeps purring, she's not a cat."

Isabella turns her head to glance up at me and I grin down at her. "Alright, if you're gonna do the boy voice," I say, "can I imitate the girl?"

"Oh my God yes," Isabella nods enthusiastically, her mouth curling into a grin to mirror mine, "please do."

"Okay," my own grin widens and I turn my attention back onto the page. "Where are we?"

She points at a line near the bottom of the page. "Here."

I promptly clear my throat and begin.

"HARDER, YES HARDER DADDY, RIGHT THERE" I read out loud in a poorly coordinated woman's voice, my voice raised several octaves higher. "GOD, YES, YES. YES RIGHT THERE THAT FEELS SO GOOD-"

Isabella twists her head around so fast I'm surprised her head doesn't snap off her neck. She slams a hand over my mouth to get me to stop speaking. "Lucas!" She exclaims, her eyes widened incredulously before flying around our surroundings. "You're so loud!"

"Hey! I'm just reading it accurately!" I respond, although my voice is muffled from speaking under Isabella's palm. I move her hand away and point to the page. "It says right there that the woman is being very loud."

Isabella blinks at me before snatching the book and hugging it to her chest, she tries to stand up but I tug her down and she falls back onto my lap. "Okay, no more reading, it's nearing 6, I think we should pack up and head back to your car."

It is? I frown and look down at my watch to check the time. Damn, time went fast. It's been almost 4 hours that we've been sitting out here.

My attention snaps quickly back onto Isabella as she begins squirming in my lap and tries to get up, struggling quite a bit due to my grasp around her waist.

"Alright Izz, you might want to chill out with all the wiggling before there's a problem," I quickly state, a fast exhale leaving my nose at the feel of Isabella's ass moving against my crotch.

Oh Jesus.

Isabella immediately halts any movement at my words and stiffens, like my cock that's currently growing by the minute and pressing against her ass.

"Oh," she murmurs under her breath before grounding her ass into my dick one last time and standing up off my lap, pushing my arms off of her. I narrow my eyes at her back knowing she did that just for my own torture.

My suspicions are only proved correct when Isabella quickly glances at me from over her shoulder, mischief flaring in her eyes as she smiles back at me innocently.

I roll my eyes at her and stay rooted in my seat for a second as I watch Isabella turn back around, wiggle out her legs and begin to slowly pack up things.

Her dress is slightly crumpled from sitting on the ground, her hair a mess, the braid falling apart and. Isabella's face is pink, which I'm assuming is partly from the heat of this sunny day and mostly from being flustered and slightly sexually frustrated from the book we had been reading together and my dick situation a second prior. The sight causes me to smile. I love horny Isabella.

"You know Izzy, book porn is the best form of entertainment," I state, as she picks up one of the painted mugs and gently places it inside the basket. "Like my dick didn't even stand up much, this was just funny to read."

"Liar," Isabella raises an eyebrow at me from over her shoulder. "That was not just your keys digging into my ass half a second ago."

I grin. "Yeah, but not because of the book."

Isabella shrugs but her cheeks grow pinker by the minute. "Well speak for yourself, my hormones are like all over the place right now." She waves her hand in my general direction vigorously. "If we were not in public I'd be jumping your ass right now."

Both my eyebrows raise in interest as I lean back on my hands and take note of Isabella's lust filled eyes. "Oh, is that right?"

"Yep." She stands up tall and crosses her arms across her chest, nodding her head. That little motion pushes up her breasts and my eyes immediately, as if they have a mind of their own, glue onto her tits.

Damn, I think I've found my kryptonite.

Said kryptonite, also doesn't help my situation down south.

Get it together Lucas! You're in a park!

Isabella grins at my reaction and shakes her head before turning around and continuing with packing. After I adjust my pants, I get up and also begin helping her tidy all of our belongings, all whilst thinking about random things to help deflate my erm downstairs area: Abuela. Abuela petting a dog. Mia making out with Sammy. Sofia with boogers coming out of her nose.

Once I'm all sorted and the picnic is all packed up, I take a glance back down at my watch, taking note that it's now minutes away from nearing 6pm and Mia and Grace will be messaging us soon about the last chapter of our date.

I'll be honest, this picnic they had sent us on has been very fun, I've loved spending the entire afternoon in Isabella's presence, talking but for the most part just sitting in silence and doing our own thing together, (also getting hard), it's incredibly peaceful, (minus getting hard), I'll have to give the two girls credit for that.

I grab one of the disposable cameras from the top of the basket as Isabella places the handle up one of her arms before looping my arm around her waist causing her to pause from walking as I pull her into my side. Her eyes drop to the camera I'm lifting up to our faces.

"Oh God no," she scrunches up her nose and tries to cover her face with her hands. "I'm a disgusting sweaty mess right now."

"Yeah my disgusting sweaty mess," I grin, pulling her hands away from her face and smooshing the side of my cheek against hers. "Now smile, you look great."

She obliges, albeit a little reluctantly and I snap a couple of pictures of us. After the first couple shots, Isabella finally warms up and smiles a little harder, sticking her tongue out and mirroring some of my poses. It's hard to see if both our faces are even in frame but regardless I end up using all the film left in the camera before we finally begin retreating back to my car.

Isabella is strapping her seatbelt in and chucking the camera into the basket in the backseat when I suddenly get a call on my phone.

One glance at the screen tells me that it's Grace calling and I tell Isabella this before clicking the answer button.

I barely get to say hello when Grace's voice carries through the phone.

"Lucas, if you're on speaker can you turn it off? I gotta tell you something."

Isabella shoots me a confused look as I do to her.

"Okay...." I reply warily before turning off the speaker like Grace had just tasked and press the phone against my ear. "What's up?" I ask her, "Is everything okay?"

"Yep," she says and I hear a smile evident in her voice which allows me to calm a little bit. "I just want to keep this a surprise for Isabella."

"Oh," I breathe, "okay. What is it?"

"I'll be honest and just cut to the chase," she begins, "Mia and I feel bad for basically controlling this date for you guys."

Mia's resounding 'Yeah' travels through the phone in the background causing me to snicker slightly.

Grace continues, "So initially we were just supposed to give you guys the ideas we had but we errmmm...got a little controlling-"

"Yeah, no shit," I snort.

"Sorry about that," Grace's voice holds an apologetic tone, "you know how the two of us get, so because of that, for the last part of the date, we decided to hell with the folder and just to let you guys do the rest of date how you were supposed to do it."

"Wait?" I ask, perking up slightly, "As in my idea?"

"Yeah," ahe answers, "I hope at least in this way it'll feel more like your guys' first date than some crazy day out Mia and I sent you on. You haven't told Isabella what you were planning to originally do on your first date have you?"

"No, " I shake my head despite the fact she can't see, "only you guys when you asked."

"Great okay, well under the seat in the back there's a bag, get it out but don't show Bella."

"Erm alright, hold on," I press the phone against my shoulder and ear and unbuckle my seat belt before leaning over to the back seat, stretching my arms until I find a white bag under the seat. Isabella stares at me quizzically as I pull it out.

"What's that?" She asks.

"A secret," I flash Isabella a grin before looking inside. I briskly pull the bag away when Isabella tries to sneak a peek and shoo her back into her seat with my hand.

"I have the bag," I say back into the phone.

"Amazeballs," I hear her smile in Grace's voice, "well you know what to do now, you guys better be off if you wanna make it on time."

"Alright then-" I begin to say my goodbye when Mia's shrill voice suddenly carries through the phone and I wince, bringing it away from my ear, as does Isabella. That's how loud she screamed.

"DON'T WORRY, I'M BURNING THE FOLDER!" Mia yells and I hear her wrestle the phone with Grace. "HAVE FUN. USE CONDOMS, BYE!"

"Will do," I return at a normal voice level, chuckling at her crazy antics, "Bye guys."

"BYEEEEEE," Mia and Grace both squeal before I click decline and my ear can begin ringing.

"What was that about?" Isabella wastes no time in asking as I chuck my phone into the console beside me, still holding a vice grip onto the white bag before Isabella can snatch it out of my hands and ruin the surprise for herself. From my peripheral vision I can see her hands itching to do just that.

I look at Isabella before I glance at the bag. "It's a surprise," I smirk, my eyes undoubtedly sparkling with excitement. "But you'll find out soon enough."


the picnic scene was supposed to end 2 chapters ago but i keep coming up with new ideas LMFOAOAO, oh well, i guess you guys are getting more chaps before this story ends :p NO SHUTUP STOP I DON'T WANT THE STORY TO END BUT I DO BUT I DON'T :(

lots of love - (now sad) mai xx

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