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Chapter 91 | Cranky Lucas


"Awh, my poor babies!" Mia coos, strolling into my room in the early afternoon, followed by Grace, Aidan and Dylan. She pouts at the sight of Lucas and I curled up in bed and presses a hand to her chest as she leans down in front of the two of us. "How are you guys feeling?"

"Like shit," Lucas murmurs, brushing his sweaty hair out of his forehead before letting out a loud sneeze.

I moan, shoving him away from me. "Ewww."

"Don't ew me, you've been sneezing all over me this morning," Lucas retorts through a croaky voice, shuffling back closer to me and burying his head on my shoulder.

"Well you deserve it." I joke, "You're the reason why we're sick."

It had been inevitable that Lucas and I would catch a cold the moment we had stepped into the car after pulling a runner from the fancy restaurant at the beach two days ago. Even with the heat on blast and pulling on a bunch of hoodies Lucas had collected in the back seat, we had feverishly shivered the whole ride home and by the time we had finally reached our houses, the two of us had become a sneezy, sniffly mess.

Two days later, we were still feeling the aftereffects of running into the freezing cold sea half naked, in the middle of the storm.

Lucas had stayed with me in my house, in my bed the past few days as abuela had helped take care of us, babying the two of us and feeding us her magical soup to help us get better. Her swaddling and coddling had slowly been working and today Lucas and I were feeling significantly better albeit still feeling a little gross and stuffy.

Dylan shoves past Mia, breaking up Lucas and I's bickering by gesturing for me to budge over. "I'm so tired," he whines, lifting up the covers before I can even move an inch and crawling into bed with us. I let out a muffled groan as he half smothers me with his body and pulls my pillow out from under my head and laying his own on it instead. "I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, I was on call with Leo until 5 in the morning."

"Woah, until 5?" I repeat, trying to wriggle out from under him.

Dylan nods, shuffling away to free me before burying his face into my pillow to scream.

A sympathetic expression crosses Grace's face as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "Long distance huh?" She pats his leg comfortingly.

"It sucks like a bitch." Dylan sighs into the pillo, his voice coming out muffled. "Mia I don't know how you're gonna do it when Sammy goes off for college in a couple months."

"I'm deciding to focus on the positives babe."

"Well, please list them for me Mi, because at this point I can't think of a single one."

"Okay..." Mia begins, flicking a strand of her hair over one shoulder and starting to count on her fingers. "One, Dyl pickle, phone sex is kind of great-"

Lucas groans, cutting her off. "Ugh, Mia you're gonna make me more sick." His words follow yet another sneeze.

"Shut up." She straightens up, grabbing the tissue box from my bedside table and chucking it at his head. It bounces off Lucas with a boink and I snicker as he yelps out in pain.

I earn a jab to the ribs in retaliation for laughing.

"Now let me continue," Mia rolls her eyes before lifting another finger. "Two," she counts before trailing off and pausing for a beat. She goes silent, her face scrunching up as she thinks for a moment.

We all wait anticipatingly for Mia to tell us number two.

"Um, Mi, what's the second positive?" Aidan prompts after a good 30 seconds have passed and Mia has yet to continue speaking.

Mia frowns and dejectedly lowers her second finger. "Phone sex is all I've got," she returns in a quiet voice.

Dylan twists his head to look at her. "Oh," he copies her frown. "Well...uh, phone sex is pretty great."

"Oh! Would you look at that, my temperature has risen a trillion degrees!" Lucas grumbles, rolling his eyes dramatically.

Aidan pulls a face. "When did you become so anti-horniness Lucas?"

"It's a symptom of his sickness." I answer for him, sitting up slightly when my neck begins cramping. "Literally, he hasn't even tried to make a grab for my boobs once this entire day and he's laying right next to me."

"Oh my." Grace gasps, pressing a hand over her heart. "That is tragic."

I nod my head before turning to glower at my boyfriend. "I know."

Lucas huffs and pulls the duvet up over his head. "Leave me alone. You guys are bullies."


We spend the rest of the afternoon holed up in my room watching the princess diaries trilogy. Dylan moves to lie on the foot of my bed right in front of the laptop where the movie is playing and Mia takes his original place next to me. Lucas budges up so Aidan can sit on his other side and Grace practically sprawls across Aidan.

Half of the watching of the movies is spent shouting at Dylan when his head gets in the way of the screen, Mia ends up falling asleep within the first 20 minutes of the first movie, drooling all over my shoulder and Grace and Aidan spend the entire second movie making out with each other as Lucas sits beside them in disgust at the slobbery smoochy sounds emitting from the two of them.

Regardless, it's a really nice, chill afternoon with everybody.

As the third princess diaries movie comes to an end, the door to my room is pushed open with abuela peeking her head around the door.

"Hello my darlings," she grins, shoving the rest of the door open using her hip. She strolls into my room, setting the tray of soup onto my dresser before making a gagging noise and covering a noise with her hand and waving the other through the air. "It smells like someone died in here!" She exclaims, "who farted?"

We all immediately point fingers at Dylan who blushes pink. "Sorry abuela, I ate something bad yesterday and my stomach's been crazy."

Abuela tuts, nagging her finger at him. "Why did you not tell me when you came carino? I have something for that!" She scolds, pulling my window wide open to let more fresh air into the room before returning back to pick up the tray of food and bringing it over to where we're all congregating on the bed.

Aidan snatches up one of the little bowls of tomato soup and begins slurping it down quickly just as Lucas tries to make a grab for the same bowl.

"Aidan!" He squawks. "You stole my soup!" He turns to abuela, eyebrows furrowed as he points an accusing finger at his friend. "Abuela, he stole my soup!"

My grandmother sighs. "There are 5 other bowls on the tray mijo."

"But I wanted that one!"

"You snooze, you lose," Aidan merely mumbles under his breath, wiping away soup from his upper lip.

"Wowww," Lucas shakes his head disappointedly. "You guys are so mean to an ILL person."

"Boy, your temperature is basically back to normal now, you're not that ill anymore." Aidan remarks, quirking an eyebrow.

Lucas shuts his mouth and narrows his eyes. "Shush."

Mia grins, butting into their mini argument. "Shush yourself."

"Why are you attacking me now?! This doesn't involve you Mia!"

"It's fun getting you riled up," she giggles, "you're so cranky when you're sick." Mia turns to me amusedly. "Has he been like this the past two days?"

I nod my head. "Yep, it's been torture."

"That's it," Lucas shoves Aidan out of the way as he gets out of bed. He crosses his arms across his chest as he stands, glaring down at all of us still on the bed. He looks funny just standing there angrily only in his rumpled t-shirt that covers his boxers. It looks like he's naked from the legs down and I fight back a fit of laughter. "I'm not talking to any of you anymore!"

"Hey what did I do!" Grace exclaims.

"You-you!" He points a finger in her direction but comes up short of an answer. "Just shush!"

Grace lifts her hands in surrender as he storms out of the room.

"Dios mio," Abuela shakes her head, following him out of the room. "I'll go get him another paracetamol."


this is such a short and...random chapter LOL but i just wanted to get something out there before i start school tomorrow (EW)

lots of love - mai x

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