Bonus Chapter 01 | Peen enter vagene*

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A/N  the closest thing to physical contact i have had with a m*le was when i was forced to hold hands with one for a group activity in year 7 orientation, 6 years ago, so of this is unrealistic i'm sorry 🙄✋ also it's wattpad so lucas has a big dick duh, (so no complaints) xx

Bonus Chapter | Their first time


6 months after they get together...

The tension in the air is thick, the atmosphere buzzing with heat and charged with desire. Moving away from my lips, Lucas kisses his way down my jaw and my neck until he finds that sweet spot right beneath my ear, he nips the sensitive skin there, softening the harsh sting with a flick of his tongue and I groan at his touch, loving the way his hands are roaming all across my body as he kisses me in that one spot. It's intoxicating, the way he can make me feel with one measly touch. One featherlight kiss from Lucas can ignite a whole fire inside of me, so him kissing me like this is a whole other level.

Warmth surges through me as Lucas continues making his way down my body, undoubtedly leaving marks all across my delicate skin. He's acting like starved man, kissing my body like he can't get enough of me.

He runs his finger on the underside of my boob, toying with the wire of my bra before gazing up at me, asking for silent permission to take it off. I nod, allowing him to unclip the back and free my breasts from the confines of my bra, he chucks it somewhere across the room and his eyes further zero in on my body.

Pulling back slightly he slowly draws he draws his gaze down my almost naked frame, sans the pair of lace black panties I still have on. Pure hunger and adoration flickers in his hazel eyes, the hazel eyes that are more prominently green with lust as of this moment and he lets out a guttural groan at the sight of me.

"Fuck Izzy, you're so beautiful," he murmurs, continuing to take me in appreciatively.

It's crazy how at ease I feel with being able to bare my body to Lucas; it's definitely taken some time but I've come a long way. It also helps that the only thing I'm feeling as of now is pure and utter need for him; it's all my thoughts are revolving around.

Before I even get to reply or begin to squirm under his intense stare, Lucas swoops down and pulls me into another passionate kiss, his hands holding my face as he kisses me slowly and teasingly. His rings press into my cheeks, feeling cool against my face and Lucas presses his body flush against mine. Arousal pools between my legs as I feel his hardness nudge against me and automatically, my thighs spread further apart to make more room for him.

Lucas moves his hips slowly and teasingly against me as we continue kissing, the friction of his jeans rubbing against me in the best possible way. After a while however, he pauses.

"Let me make you feel good, yeah?" Lucas asks against my lips, his voice deep and several octaves lower. "I wanna show how beautiful I think you are.

"Please," is all I can say in response, breathlessly at that, before latching my lips back onto Lucas.

He presses one last haste kiss against my lips before he journeys his way back down my body. He kisses the inside of my thighs and butterflies swarm my lower stomach as he gets closer and closer to my heat. He presses an open mouth kiss over my panties and I immediately buck my hips and let out a quiet groan.

He looks back up at me and I nod, allowing him to pull down my underwear, removing the final piece of clothing to my body.

His eyes dilate the second he takes me in, a string of curse words leaving his mouth as keeps my thighs nudged open with his hands.

"Stop staring," I grumble. "This is weird."

"Shut up," Lucas returns and with those two words, leans down and with a flick of his tongue, presses against my swollen clit.

His eyes shut close at the first taste and the immediate sensation that shoots through me as he teases me with long, languid flicks of his tongue is heavenly. It only continues to get better the moment he presses a long finger of his (one of the ring-less ones) down my slit, collecting moisture before pushing inside of me completely. My hips buck of the bed as he slowly begins to pump in and out of me and I feel my inner muscles clamp around him tightly.

"You're doing so good baby," Lucas praises, his voice vibrating against me. "I'm gonna add another finger now, is that okay?"

I nod my head eagerly.

"Use your words Izz."

"Yes, fuck, yes, please Luke."

Immediately I feel myself stretch out as he inserts another finger into me and I moan into the pillow, arching my back as he curls till he's touching my g-spot, sending another wave of pleasure through me. He continues to suck on my clit, swirling his tongue around the bud as he works me with my finger and it's not long until I feel my spine tingle and begin to reach my high. When I get close, he switches his fingers for his tongue and his tongue for his thumb. His thumb rubs my clit in circles as his tongue plunges inside of me and this change of movement sends me over the edge. Lucas works me all the way until I come down from my climax, not even stopping for a moment as my body convulses and my eyes shut closed he over stimulates me over and over again.

My breathing is laboured and a sheen of sweat layering my entire body is the after math of my orgasm. With the way my legs feel so worn out, you'd think I just ran a marathon. That was good. Very good.

"Bro that was amazing," I wheeze, trying to catch my breath. "That thing you did with your tongue," I gesture lazily with my hand. "Magical."

Lucas blinks. "Seriously?"

I stare back at him. "What?"

"Only you would bro zone me after my face had just been buried in your pussy," he states blankly.

I chuckle sheepishly as Lucas shakes his head amusedly causing my grin to widen, he wipes my arousal from his chin with his thumb before then crawling back up my body and pressing a kiss back to my lips.

I pull back after a moment and furrow my eyebrows, tugging at his shirt. "Hey, that's not fair. Why am I buck ass naked and you still have all your clothes on?"

Lucas looks down at himself like he's just noticing this for the first time. "Oh right," he says in realisation before sitting up slightly and with one swift motion pulls off his shirt. He stands up straight and I watch as he tugs his belt off, the action seeming very attractive to me. Next come off his pants and when he's left in only his tight, black boxer briefs; my breath hitches.

"Christ," I groan before waving my hand in the general area of his crotch. "I could go fucking camping in that tent."

My comment causes a rumble of laughter to ripple out of Lucas and that causes my lips to tip up into a smile again.

I take the time to admire how gorgeous Lucas looks as of this moment. From his messy hair and flushed face, his lips that are swollen and perfectly pouty, his broad shoulders and narrow waist, all the dips and edges of his chest and abs, the deep cut of his v-line. Wow, he is completely and utterly gorgeous.

"Wanna do the honours?" Lucas questions, gesturing his hand to his boxers and causing me to snap my gaze back to meet his eyes.

"Sure," I say and then shuffle forwards so I'm sitting on the edge of the bed with Lucas standing directly in front of me. He kicks away his pants that are on the floor and my fingers tentatively grip the waistband of his boxers. My fingers end up brushing the skin of his hipbone as I do so and it elicits a sharp intake of breath from Lucas.

I look up to catch his gaze and my heart skips a beat at the sight of Lucas already staring down at me with both heat and pure love in his eyes. His hand comes up to cup my chin so that my eyes are locked onto his and his thumb grazes my jaw ever so slightly.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He asks, eyes searching my face for any hesitancy on my part. Hesitancy that he will not find.

I nod my head. "Yes," I assure him. "I do." My face then softens. "Do you still wanna do this?"

"Of course." Lucas' lips curl into a smirk and he brushes his thumb against my jaw again. "Been dreaming about this for ages Izzy."

"Of course you have," I mock roll my eyes before bringing my gaze back down to my hands that are still gripping his boxers. I pull the material down an inch before snapping my eyes back to Lucas' face. "I'm excited to see your boxy ass cheeks," I tease to which Lucas groans like he's in pain.

"Take the damn boxers off Izzy, you're killing me here woman."

My shoulders shake with laughter as I continue tugging down the material of his Calvin Klein's.

My laughter however, does soon cease when I'm greeted by Lucas' now fully naked frame. His boxers pool at his feet and my tongue darts out to swipe my bottom lip as my eyes zero in on his dick.

Lucas is thick in the best way possible and pretty endowed; he's an average length but has a wider width and just staring at him I know he's going to stretch me out good.

"Isabella," Lucas breathes when my fingers grip him experimentally. My hand is pretty small as it is but it's still surprising to me when I can barely wrap my full fist around his length. "Fuck, Bella."

It is a little bit of a kick to my ego watching Lucas already fall apart just from my mere touch alone. His pretty mouth parts open and his breath comes out in ragged puffs as I slowly begin stroking him up and down.

"Um Luke, how exactly will you fit?" I ask a little concernedly the more I take in Lucas' size as I continue stroking him.

"Uh, it'll fit baby," he swallows, his eyes glued to what my hand is doing to him.

I swipe my thumb across the slit at the head of his dick to gather the pearl of pre-cum and use that to lubricate his cock as I continue rubbing and stroking him. To be honest, I'm free styling whatever it is that I'm doing but Lucas seems to have no complaints, especially when a shuddery moan escapes his lips a moment later.

My movements get faster after this but just as I get into the gist of whatever technique it is I'm using, Lucas grabs my hand to halt my movements.

"Huh?" I look up at him as he swallows once again, his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he does so.

"You gotta stop Izzy," he tells me gravelly, his cheeks flushing a deeper red as he clears his throat. "Um...if you continue, I won't be able to last."

"Oh..." I nod my head understandingly before a smirk settles on my lips and I quirk an eyebrow. "Okay in that case, just get in me already."

Both of his eyebrows raise and his slight embarrassment is replaced by his typical egotistical confidence again. "Yeah?"

I nod my head. "Yeah."

"Get back against the bed then," he smirks, and I happily oblige, watching as he rounds the bed to reach into his bedside table drawer to retrieve a condom.

I watch intently as he rips open the condom and rolls the rubber onto his hard length, slowly, teasingly, before he gets back on the bed and leans over me again, pressing a hot kiss onto my mouth before pulling away.

I feel wetness pool again in between my legs at the sight of him hovering above me, all flushed and ready.

"You still wanna go through with this?" He asks one more time, brushing a strand of hair away from my face.

I nod eagerly and smile. "Yes."

Lucas nods once and slowly nudges my thighs open before settling in between them, the heat of him almost searing through me. Meeting my eyes again, he dampens his bottom lip with his tongue. "This is gonna hurt a bit alright," he tells me truthfully, softening his statement with a smile, "but try to relax."

I nod again and mirror his tiny grin. "Okay," I return, providing Lucas the green light to continue and then watch as he slowly and gently eases the tip of his cock inside of me.

I'm met with a slight burst of pain as I feel myself being stretched out and filled, but it's not too overwhelming. It helps that I'm wetter than the fucking ocean.

"Fuck, baby," Lucas groans almost immediately at the contact, reciting a bunch on incomhermirble phrases after his initial reaction.

After Lucas slowly, to the point where it's almost agonisingly slow, pushes himself fully into me, he pauses to allow me to adjust to him and does so with extreme difficulty. A bead of sweat runs down from his hairline and neck and his chest heaves up and down from his struggle on trying not to move.

Lucas rests his forehead against mine and I feel the hot air of his breath against my face as he speaks. "Fucking shit, you're tight," he mumbles, continuing to breathe heavily.

"Mhm," I return, gripping Lucas' shoulders tightly and pulling my lips into my mouth as I wait for a sting of pain to subside.

Lucas presses a soft kiss onto my forehead, willing me to relax a little bit more and I do, as I melt under his touch.

"You can move now," I say breathlessly after I feel like my body has adjusted to the length of him a moment later.

Lucas nods before slowly pulling back out of me and then easing himself back into me again. "Fucking, fuck Izzy." Lucas bites on his bottom lip hard, squeezing his eyes shut before going through with the motion again.

"Mierda," I curse when Lucas does this a handful more times and the burst of pain wilts away into bursts of pleasure. "Ah, fuck Lucas that feels good."

"Mm," he hums pressing his lips onto mine again. This kiss is messy, a clash of tongue and teeth but I moan all the same.

Lucas speeds up the pace a little, his fingers coming down to roll my right nipple in between his fingers before alternating with the left and I arch my back at the added stimulation before pulling my arms around his neck and tugging him closer to me.

"Baby, you feel fucking amazing," Lucas murmurs against my mouth, his voice husky and gravelly and my eyes shut closed at his words.

The sound of his skin slapping against mine and our breathless moans fill the air as Lucas continues rolling his hips rhythmically against mine. My nails dig into his back, to the point where it probably hurts for Lucas, but if it does, he fails to show any sort of pain. In actuality his moans grow louder the more I drag my fingers down his back.

"Open those eyes Izzy, look at me." Lucas grunts, as he orders me to pry my eyes open again. "God, baby, look at what you're doing to me."

His eyes are completely dilated and hooded as I meet his gaze again, his forest green irises prominent, the brown typically swirling around  in them completely disappeared as he's overcome with lust and love for me.

God, for me.

I swear I literally almost finish at the continued sight of Lucas with his cheeks flushed pink, his lips swollen and his hair falling atop his forehead messily, an expression of pure bliss drawn across his face as he continues moving against me.

"Lucas I'm close," I groan against his mouth a moment later, the feeling in my stomach growing more intense as his thrusts get sloppier as do his kisses as he latches his lips against my mouth again - an indication that he's close too.

"Mm?" He murmurs against my lips before pulling away and grabbing a hold of my face so that I'm making eye contact with him again. "Do you think you can hold out a little bit longer baby?" He grunts, picking up the pace a little again. "I'm there too but I want us to finish together."

I reply with a breathless moan and wrap my legs around Lucas' waist, yanking him even closer if that's even possible at this rate as he continues to pummel into me.

When I'm at the brink, Lucas' hand reaches down between us and his thumb presses down on my swollen bud, swirling it around and that extra pressure is enough to send me over the edge.

"Fuck, Lucas," I all but scream as he swallows my loud moans with his mouth. I shut my eyes as I reach my high, fucking seeing stars and shit behind my eyelids, my body convulsing and my head thrown back against the pillow all while Lucas continues to thrust inside of me, making me an overstimulating mess.

I feel him stiffen a second later, his moaning getting louder as well and after I've come down, he collapses on top of me, both our  breathing laboured as we come down from our highs.

"Jesus, Izzy," Lucas exhales, his chest heaving up and down as he burrows his head into my shoulder.

"I," I let out another breath. "I have no words."

Lucas lifts up from my body and grins down at me. "Good enough for your first time?"

I pause before wiggling my eyebrows at him and swinging my arms back around his neck. "Better than good baby."


i swear i almost went into cardiac arrest from cringing when writing this chapter but lowkey it's better than i thought it would have been 🤔


lots of love - mai x

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