Bonus Chapter 05 | Date nights

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15 years later

"Lucas," I tug on my husband's arm, trying to prise him away from fawning over our child. "Let them be."

"I will not," Lucas grumbles, narrowing his eyes and pointing an accusatory finger at Aidan and Grace's 4 year old. "Stay. Away. From. My. Daughter."

"Lucas," I sigh exasperatedly, "you can't threaten a toddler!"

"I can and I will." Lucas crosses his arms across his chest. "Enzo keeps trying to hold hands with May!" A horrified expression crosses his face. "She's too young to have a boyfriend!"

"They're children! They're just playing." Shaking my head, I tug on his arm again. "C'mon, we need to leave now or we'll be late to our reservation."

Lucas glances at me with a pained expression. " baby. I don't want to leave her."

I raise an eyebrow. "You're the one who wanted Aidan and Gracie to babysit her so we could go out on a date."

"Yeah, but that was before." He gestures to our daughter who has completely forgotten about Lucas and I and is preoccupied with showing her new doll to Enzo. "Look at her, she doesn't want to leave me, she's practically begging me to stay."

"Really?" I point to our daughter, "she doesn't even care that you're here."

"Yes she does."

I let out another sigh. "Let's ask May what she would prefer then, okay?" Crouching down, I catch my daughter's attention. "May, sweetheart, do you wanna hang out with daddy tonight or Enzo?"

There is no hesitation before the 3 year old bursts out with an excited, "Enzo!"

I throw a pointed look at Lucas.

He frowns. "I'll go to the car."


"You said we'd be late," Lucas grumbles as we end up pulling up in front of the restaurant 45 minutes before our reservation time.

"I thought there would be traffic," I shrug, unbuckling my seatbelt and turning to face him. "Look it's alright, there are some shops down there," I point outside the window behind his head to the row of stores, "we can just go in to kill some time."

I unlock the door and attempt to step out the car but before I can even get a foot out, Lucas immediately rushes over to my side to grab my hand and help me out. I thank him whilst he closes the door behind me, straightening the skirt of my dress.

Both Lucas and I are dressed pretty formally seeing as our evening dinner is at a fancyish restaurant. I'm wearing a long black, satin slip dress with a low scoop back which I paired with gold jewellery and black heels with gold straps. My long hair is curled and thrown into a half up half down hairdo. Lucas is matching in his black dress pants and white button up. His dark hair is ruffled with product to give it that effortless wavy look and his face is clean shaven.

"I sort of miss your stubble," I say to Lucas and we walk up the pavement hand in hand. Usually Lucas preferred a clean face but over the last week he'd let his stubble grow and it was something I quite liked on him.

Lucas raises an eyebrow. "Really?"

I nod. "Yeah, I liked how it felt."

"Liked how it felt where?" The corner of his lips tip up into a mischievous smile and he leans his head closer to mine. "Between your thighs?"

"Lucas," I feel my cheeks heaten as I swat his chest with the back of my hand. "We're in public."

"So is that a yes?" Lucas continues, his grin only growing. "Because if it is, you know I won't shave it off next time."

I don't say anything but I can feel myself blushing profusely which caused Lucas to laugh. 15 years into our relationship and 3 years into marriage and Lucas still manages to make me flustered.

A bright red sale sign on a shop we walk past manages to distract Lucas from his teasing and he ushers me into the store. We browse around for a bit but not for long seeing as we don't find anything we like and then we're back onto the street looking inside the windows of each store to see if anything else catches our eye.

The streets are busy, seeing as it's a Friday night, with people leaving offices and groups of people heading into bars and restaurants all dressed up, finally beginning their weekend. I keep close to Lucas, my hand holding onto his bicep so I don't get lost behind him amongst the swarms of people.

After walking up the main street for a bit longer, I'm about to pull Lucas into a clothes store when he decides to pull me back a couple steps and pull me into another.

I just about catch a glimpse of the shop name as I'm dragged inside and it takes a second to register the kind of store we're heading inside.

The leather club.

"Lucas," my mouth drops open as I squeak out a surprised yelp. "This is a sex shop!"

"I know," Lucas looks over his shoulder at me and laughs, beckoning me forward from where I'm standing stricken in the doorway. "C'mon."

As I walk warily around the shop, Lucas practically runs around, like an exicted child at a candy store. He begins looking around the shop, scouring all the various types of sex toys from whips and chains and dildos, picking up the items and shoving them in my face. At one point he has his fingers in some sort of sex toy for men and is waving it about when a worker approaches us.

"Hi," she says with a smile, "do you need help with anything."

I'm about to politely decline her help when Lucas chimes in.

"Yes," he nods, responding seriously, "we're looking for something like a cage, with lots of chains etc. My wife here," he points a thumb at me, "likes to tie me up and I'm into animal play."

I make a 'what the fuck' face at Lucas but when the workers eyes slide to mine my expression changes quickly. "Yes," I nod enthusiastically.

"Well we do sell cages," the worker replies, turning back to Lucas, "but I'm afraid we just sold our last handcrafted cage that would fit someone your size."

"Aw," Lucas pouts, "what a shame. Sorry babe, we'll have to make do with that old box we use and that old dog toy we stole from our neighbours garden." He turns to the worker, "thank you, we'll look at some other items instead."

"We do have an excellent chain selection," the worker continues, pointing to an area in the shop, "would you like to see it."

"Sure," Lucas replies and the two of us turn to follow her as she walks to the display.

"What're you doing?" I whisper to Lucas as we follow the worker.

"Looking at chains," Lucas replies with a raise or his eyebrows.

"Are you actually gonna buy any of this stuff?"

"No, I'm just looking around." He nudges me with his elbow, smirking. "Why do you want me to buy something?"

I shake my head, poking him back with my elbow.

"So this is our chain display," the worker cuts our conversation, drawing our attention onto her as she gestures to rows and rows of endless type of chains.

"Interesting," Lucas moves forward, running his fingers across the different type chains, showing mock interest. "Izzy do you think of these? Would I look good in them?"

I tap a finger on my chin in mock thought. "I'm not sure, why don't you try them on?" I turn to the worker, "if it's okay to do so."

"Yeah sure," she smiles, "go ahead."

I grab Lucas's hand, pulling him into position and put his hands behind his back. I then grab one of the thinner chains and wrap it around his wrists, bounding them together. Then I grab a thicker chain from the shelf and with the worker's help, wrap it around his waist, then I do the same to his legs and ankles until Lucas looks like he's a chain burrito.

"Yeah babe," I grin, looking at the final product of Lucas wrapped head to toe in chains except for his face, "you do look good!" I pull out my phone from my purse and prop open the camera. "Okay, say cheese." I tell him and Lucas grins and poses the best he can as I take a bunch of photos.

I send some pictures to abuela as a reply to her "hope you're having fun on your date" text.

She replies with: "My mijo looks so cute" and "I ❤️ sex shops."

I smile at the first text whilst being thoroughly disturbed at the latter and put my phone back into my purse once I see Lucas struggling in his chains.

I untie him and put the chains back where they were displayed as the worker turns to tend to another customer.

"This is fun," Lucas laughs once he's free out of the chains, making a grab for my waist. "We should come back again."

I raise an eyebrow. "And what's the next kink you'll tell the workers."

"Hm," Lucas taps his chin in thought, "I'm thinking something to do with whips."

"Okay, next time." I laugh. "We better head out now if we're gonna make it on time to the restaurant, it's almost 7:45."

"Wait, I'm gonna buy something," Lucas replies, "I feel bad we made the worker help us so much and we're not actually getting anything."

I nod. "What are you gonna get?"

"I saw some dick shaped lollipops near the counter," Lucas responds with a shrug, "I might get those seeing as Mia's birthday is next week."

"Oo smart. She'd like those."

I wait for Lucas to finish his purchase by the front door of the store, using the window reflection to fix my hair and reapply my lipgloss. Lucas returns shortly after and we head back outside and down the main street towards the restaurant.

It's sunset time now and the sky is a gorgeous mix of pinks and oranges. Lucas pauses me on the sidewalk to take a few pictures of the sky before forcing me to pose so he can take a few shots of me as well before we continue our walk.

Once we get to the restaurant and give the host our name for the reservation, a server shows us to our seats. The interior of the restaurant is very classy; lots of gold accents and pretty chandeliers. The lighting is dim and romantic, candles and flowers dotted on every table.

I gaze at Lucas over the flicker of our own candlelight as he looks down at the drinks menu, appreciating the way the light shadows parts of his face and accentuates the other parts.

Lucas is one of those people whose looks have only been blessed with age; at 31 the youthfulness of his appearance has long disappeared, replaced by slight crinkles in the corner of his eyes and around his mouth as he smiles. He is honestly still as handsome as ever.

A second later, Lucas glances up from the menu and catches me staring. A smile lifts on his face and the smile already on my face widens.

"You ready to order Izzy?"

I nod and the waiter comes and takes both our drink and food orders and Lucas and I fall into comfortable chatter for the rest of our dinner as we eat.

Once, we're finished I pat a hand on my stomach that is stretched out from the food. "What should I name my food baby?" I ask.

"Lucasina." Lucas replies quickly.

"No!" I exclaim, "Lucas, we can't name every baby of ours Lucasina."

"Why not?" Lucas scrunches his eyebrows together. "It's such a cute name."

"No it's not!" I shake my head. "We're not doing this argument again."

"Fine," Lucas huffs. "Does the food baby want a twin? Do you still have room for dessert?"

"Yep." I nod, "I need to try their chocolate cake. I looked at pictures before we left and it has great reviews."

"Alright," Lucas scooches his chair back and I'm thinking it's so he can reach forward for the dessert menu but instead he gets completely out of his chair and stands up.

My eyes follow him confusedly. "What are you doing?" I ask as he rummages in his pant pockets for something before he bends down and settles his knee on the ground. "Lucas?" I repeat.

"I'm getting us free dessert." He whispers before clearing his throat. "Isabella Quintero," he smiles, "will you do the honour of making me the happiest man alive and marrying me."

My gaze falls to his fingers where he is clasping a ring. Not just any ring however; a dick themed ring. It's a peachy colour with a teeny dick as the "diamond", something I had seen on display at the sex shop we were just at.

My eyes fly back to Lucas who is struggling to contain laughter, his face growing beet red from the effort. My own hand covers my mouth as I struggle to contain my own laughter also.

After I manage to compose myself a little I nod. "Yes!" I say enthusiastically, "I will marry you!"

"She said yes!" Lucas cheers, drawing the attention of people around us who begin to clap and cheer also.

He stands up and grabs my hand, pushing the dick ring on to my finger that already has my wedding ring. Lucas then kisses the top of my hand and lifts it triumphantly. "We're getting married!"

I giggle and pull Lucas down for a little kiss. When we pull back and the atmosphere settles, we sit back down in our seats to see a waitress approach us with a free slice of cake.

"Well that was a success," I grin as Lucas and I dig into the cake. "I love the ring."

"I have something else for you that you'll love," Lucas smiles, as I'm taking a bite of the chocolate cake. He turns my other hand that's resting on the table over and slips a piece of paper in it before lifting it and kissing the wrist.

Excited, as always, I drop the fork and pull out the paper, which is heart shaped for once, and open it up, my eyes scanning the oh so familiar writing as I read.

I melt at the message, my smile growing until my mouth hurts.

"Likewise Lulu," I grin, "likewise."


Omg this chapter is actually ass because I haven't written in months 💀💀 But I missed my babies :,) I missed you guys as well, how are you all doing? Update me!!

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