Ch. 9

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No Audio...coming soon...


Also, my work is finally showing up on Images so I'll be updating those chapters with the fanart as they come...

*Sarah's POV*

I dropped them off at their interview and headed back home. I knew if I were seen at all then I would definitely be in trouble but I wished them off as they exited my car. I was mostly worried about Wilford being that he was extremely trigger happy... but if they were together then they would be fine. I was also worried about the electromagnetic forces but Google said that it shouldn't effect them depending on their intent...I was just hoping that that would be the case.

By the time I made it back home it felt...pretty lonely. 'Oh yeah, this is the first time I've actually been alone since they came...' It felt weird. Like I was still cautious of Wilford's paralyzers but it was obvious that they weren't there.

I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. 'I don't actually...miss I???' No no... Of course not. They are going to have to leave eventually though and it's not like I can exactly keep them.

I let the thought go and proceeded to grab my laptop, downloading the presentations and proceeding to take notes.



*Google's POV*

I was only slightly worried about the situation, especially when they promoted that we should all be seen separately...this could either go well or terribly wrong. But, I'm here now so time to see what they will ask.

"So...Gerald, correct?" I nodded. Wilford was the lucky one that had an actual name so Dark and I had to choose our own. I went with Gerald Fischbach since I've always felt a connection to the name. The interviewer was a rather tall man with a sense of caution about him but also curiousness, his glasses nearly just reflecting over me. His name was Steven from what he told me but I was already running his face through my system to get to know more about him. "What do you mean you've been a researcher?"

I brushed it off. "I've been researching the movement of the human race."

"I what does this exactly-"

"Ranging from ways of communication to the entertainment design of the eras to learning of our history to even learning of the new ways of the world."

"List something for me."

I grinned. "Well, what would you like to know?"

"Hmmm...give me some facts about the social media affair and whether it has improved or degraded the population."

I felt my grin deepen and commented, "How many facts would you like to know?"


*Wilford's POV*

"Hi there Mr...?"

"Wilford, Wilford Warfstache," I greeted gently, making my way to kiss the lady's hand.

"O-Oh." She retrieved her hand once more and a light blush was on her cheeks. "My name is Kayla." She had a nice face, her skin a shining color almost but still soft.

I opened her seat and let her sit and followed to sit next to her. "So, what would you like to know~ I'm an open book ya know..."

"Oh, y-yes of course...So, you were a reporter at one point?"

"Oh-ho yes! That had to be the highlight. See, I had my own show and I'd feature stars and would even go out after those that were often seen as dangerous...I could tell you hundreds of stories-"

"Why aren't you still doing that?" she asked curiously.

'...she interrupted me...' I let it slide and sighed. "Well, I will be opening it back up soon, but things take time and I must always be trying to find the 'next big thing' in a sense if ya know what I mean."

"Ah, ok. Well, what do you feel you can contribute to our company?"


*Dark's POV*

I entered the room to find a man standing at ready, like a soldier almost. "Ah, Dexter correct?" I nodded and shook hands with him. "Name is Alex. Come, take a seat, we'll start in a few minutes. Do you happen to have your-" I took out the papers and handed it over to him. "Ah, excellent. So, you were an operator of a...unit?"

"Well, by unit it was more of a leadership operation in a project called 'Taking Control for the People.'"

"Really? I haven't ever heard of that, what exactly did you contribute to that cause and what did it stand for?"

"Well, I was mostly the leader of the operation and we were trying to..."


*Google's POV*

"Why don't I see a recommendation list here? You couldn't have been able to be self sufficient," he commented, looking through my papers once again.

"Well, I never had a particular boss. I was my own boss since it was my idea to pursue this and I would make money off of whoever would want to listen," I replied casually.

"You couldn't have made all that much though, right?"

I believed he was purposely trying to push me to go over a hill or something as he was staring adamantly at me. But what he didn't expect was that I wasn't human and these efforts were simply passing over my head. "I made enough to live. But now I am in my next phase of the operation, which is interaction."

Steven tilted his head. "And I'm guessing that is why you find yourself applying here, correct?"


*Wilford's POV*

"I see that you have quite a charismatic energy about you, do you often find it easy to connect with others through this?"

She. Was. Asking. Boring. Questions. "Yes I do. This feature often helped me in my efforts to bring the story to the people-"

"Awesome. Let's see..." '................someone kill me..........or kill her.........' "What can you contribute to us exactly?"

"Well, I was hearing that you sell loans to members to help get a better rate, correct?" She nodded. "Well, I'm a pretty good sales person and I'm pretty quick with the tongue."

"Oh really?" I nodded. "Prove it." She handed me a piece of paper that had details on loan products there. "See if you could me to take it home." 'Oh I'll be sure to make you want more than to just take it home sweetheart...'


*Dark's POV*

"How far does your patience run?"

"It runs pretty far."

We were now head to head.

"When you find that a member is constantly trying to get you to go against code, what do you do?"

"Go with the code unless it is something of moralistic stature."

"When you are met with a conflict, do you-"

"I make sure to handle it to the best of my abilities." It threw him off but I read his thoughts before he could utter them out.

"Sell me a loan."


*Google's POV*

"Sell me a loan." He was about to hand me the papers when I rejected them and began with, "Hello Steven, how are you doing today?"

He seemed slightly conflicted but then grinned and replied, "I'm fine, I just wanted to do a withdraw."

"Certainly. While I am doing this, could I possibly interest you in one of our loan apps? If you have a loan elsewhere then-"

"I'm in a hurry, just do the transaction."

"Ah certainly. But we could offer you low rates here, lower than the one that you are currently located at likely. If you fill that out then we could check it out to see-"

"No thanks-"

"Alright, but it could help you save a good hundred or two every month but, who cares about saving right? It's not like you don't have any trouble with bills or paying for school supplies." I shrugged and asked, "How would you like it back?"

"...Tell me more about those rates." I smiled lightly and began to go into depth as I pretended to gather the money for him.


*Wilford's POV*


"Hmm? At least take it home, muse over it maybe. It could help you save so you can do much more and you'd be that much smarter in your decisions."

She was blushing already as my smooth talking had likely had her turned all topsy turvy. It was quite amusing really and I grinned as she was getting mixed up with feeling and fact. "I-I guess I can look over it-"

"And um, when you do get a chance to come back, come by and drop it off or, if you have any questions, here is my number." I grabbed the loan app once more and placed in a few digits. "Alright ma'am, have a wonderful evening."


*Dark's POV*

Alex kind of blinked and looked around, trying to get out of the trance that I had placed him in with ease. "Alex, did I pass?"

He glanced over to me and then at the filled out loan app that had his information on it along with his signature. "I...I can't even..."

"Remember?" He nodded. "Well, you didn't really need to remember, all I had to do was to sell you one and I did it with ease. I could do it again if you'd-"

"No, no that is fine." He seemed really frazzled and I felt a smirk playing on my lips. "We'll...we'll give you a call soon, alright?"

I nodded and got up, shaking his hand. "It was nice to meet you Alex; hopefully we'll be working together."


*Google's POV*

I watched as Dark exited the room and shortly after, Wilford with quite the grin on his face. "I'm guessing it went well?" I asked.

He nodded. "I'll tell you all about it later." I saw a lady leave the room with a thick blush on her face and a little bit dazed and following after her was a man that exited from Dark's room that his rocker in a sense.

I glanced over to Dark and he shrugged. "He told me to sell a loan to him..."

I sighed and began to dial Sarah through Google Hangouts, which I had downloaded onto her phone when she had went to the restroom. "Hello?"

"Hello Sarah. We're ready."

"Really? Also, did you install this?"


"Alright, on my way." She hung up and we hanged out in the lobby till she arrived.

When we got to the car, she asked, "How did y'all do?"

I glanced over to my brothers and they shrugged. "I f-feel we did well."

"Good! They are great people right?"

"Very interesting I'll admit," Dark commented, now proceeding to stare out of the window.

"But they asked borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring questions," Wilford commented.


"Yes! And she kept interrupting me! I was just trying to talk about my talk show that I had and she didn't even bat an eye and-"

"Ar-re you sure that you weren't th-the boring one?"

Wilford looked over to me across the way. "Yes Google, I'm sure I wasn't the boring one. I am amazing!" 'Keep telling yourself that...'

"So what did you do while we were away?" Dark asked casually.

"Oh well, I looked over the presentations I've been missing....aaaand that's all I had time for."

"Really? We were gone for a good hour though..." Wilford commented.

"Well I missed a lot of presentations!!!"

"H-how long does it t-take you?"

"Well, considering I don't have an instructor it does take me a bit of time. I'm probably gonna have to say goodbye to my weekend..."

"..." I considered the option of teaching her myself but...why? There would be nothing to be gained from it...then again, there would be nothing to be lost from it either. We're sort of sitting ducks here in a sense...besides, it could be interesting.



*Time skip*

*Sarah's POV*

"Ok and here is how the equation i-is supposed to go." He began writing in his computerized chalk board, since I told him that I was more of a visual learner. I was surprised he had even offered to do this for me and I was actually understanding the curriculum a lot better now that someone was actually talking to me. Maybe it provides an outlet? I wouldn't know.


"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine. Did you get th-this information?"


"Good because I'm about t-to erase it." With that, he proceeded to erase it.

"Hey are you two almost dooooone? I'm sooooooo bored!" Wilford whined from the spare room.

"Almost, j-just this last section." Google replied. "N-now go before I make you take notes."

"Noooooooooooooooooooo!" He quickly closed the door.

You're probably wondering why Dark isn't here either. He said he had a headache and went to go chill out in the room with my books, saying reading something makes him calmer. I wish I could help him...maybe I'll give him some painkillers.

Google was already headed into the next part and I wrote it with ease onto the page in front of me.

By the time we finished, it was already 8 PM. "Whoo! My weekend has been taken back! Thank you Google!"

"N-No problem," Google chimed back, smiling gently.

Wilford ran out of the room. "Did someone say that they were done with the rubbish?!"

I giggled. "Yes Wilford, we're done."

"Thank god! I was just about to begin talking to myself. So, what are we going to go and do??"

"Um...well, we can't really go anywhere...I have work tomorrow, and they texted me and said they needed me to be in for the morning shift too so..."

"Awe come onnnnn, why?"

I shrugged. "Maybe cause I've been out for three days and I need to get back to it to keep my job??"

"Oh...right." He sighed and sat criss-cross applesauce. "Gah then tonight is just going to be borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring."

"I c-can give you a rundow-own on the history of Germany-"

"NO!" Google chuckled as he began to follow Wilford mercilessly around the house.

I laughed and then remembered about Dark. I went over to the restroom and grabbed some Advil. Then I went to grab some water. Then, I approached the room.


*Dark's POV*

I read over the pages of A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book One: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. It was a rather short book but the contents were...grave. In the part I was reading currently, the girl named Violet is being forced to marry Count Olaf, a man that was their...what was it, uncle or cousin 2nd time removed? Some relative simply after their fortune gained by them since their parents were killed in a fire. It was insanity what they had to go through but it was at least keeping my mind occupied for the time being.


'Not now...'

'But when? I want out.'

I felt a reverberation in my head and I seethed, dropping the book and holding my head. 'Agh...'

'I'm tired of waiting for you Dark. I want a chance to play.'

I felt my vision was fading and my muscles wanting to lose control. 'No!'


I snapped out of it and looked up to Sarah. 'Dark-'

'Saturday. You can take control Saturday. Just...just don't hurt her.'

I felt a chuckle reverberate in my head and he let go. I breathed and looked up to the confused Sarah. "Are you ok?"

I nodded and got up. "Um, why are you here?"

"Oh, well, I had wanted to give you some Advil, it might help with your headaches."

I stared at her. Here she was in a situation inevitable and yet...she still treats us like we are humans. If only she knew...we could never be human. I took the bottle of Advil and grabbed a couple of tablets and then grabbed for the bottle of water. "Thanks."

She smiled. "No problem. I hope you feel better." She glanced down to where I was and saw the book. "Oh, A Series of Unfortunate Events caught your eye?"

I looked over to the book that seemed like ages since I've read it, even though it was only a few moments ago that I had stopped. "Yes."

"Heh, I remember reading that series in middle school. I read it out of order though because my school didn't have it. But it was still a great series...what part are you on?"

"Err, the part where they are about to have the marriage in order for Sunny not to get hurt."

"Ooooooh I hope you've been paying attention then because this next part is gonna be awesome!"

"...But they are about to get married, how is that-"

"You'll see! Agh, if you didn't have a headache I would suggest you read it now but I'm not sure which is worse, not knowing and putting it off or knowing and then be left like that."

"...I'm confused now."

"Just read it, ok? When you can. Alright, going now, bye!" She exited out of the room and once again I was left to my own thoughts.

I had time to think about the possible mistake I've created.

I glanced over to the book and picked it up. 'Maybe it would help me sleep better if I knew what happened to these kids...'

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