3: Six Know the Truth

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WARNING: from now on this story will contain spoilers for both Age of Ultron and the season two finale of Agents of SHIELD. Read at your own risk.


Tony walked in on two junior agents being told stories about Budapest by their SO. Much like with The Calvary, Clint and Natasha had a reputation. Only six people knew what truly happened in Budapest, everyone told their own version of the story...Tony knew the truth, he and Bruce were there.

It was rare for him to visit the new version of S.H.I.E.L.D., but desperate times called for desperate measures. Everyone was pissed about the whole Ultron fiasco so he decided to pop by and explain it. It was mostly Pepper's idea—she told him he needed to apologize for being an arrogant asshole and almost destroying the world, even though he helped save it.

He had to admit, he was surprised to see Coulson up and kicking when he entered the director's office. He was a little less surprised to see him missing a hand. After dying losing a hand didn't seem like much of a sacrifice.

"I guess I'll be seeing you more often now that you're not dead."

Phil did that strange half-smile of his. "Sorry about not saying anything, but it had to be kept on the down low."

"Maybe Pepper will invite you over for dinner sometime." Tony stood there awkwardly for a moment before giving Phil a quick hug. "Guess I can't call you Agent anymore, Director." He paused, "That's weird, gimme a day or two to come up with something better."

"I'd think you'd be able to do it on the spot, Stark." Phil smirked.

"I'm out of practice...that and no one has slept for the last week."

"Understandable." He nodded and glanced at a clock on the far wall. "I hate to cut this short, but I have a debriefing to get to."

"No biggie. Pepper and I are building a new place, she probably wants me back so we can check up on things."

"I'll walk you out." They left Phil's office and made the long journey down the hall to hanger were one of Tony's suits stood waiting. "Stark, you can't tell anyone."

Tony turned to look at him. "What?"

He looked apologetic, "None of the Avengers are part of S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore. They can't know. Pepper can't know. I'm sorry about this, but it'll keep everyone safe. I know you're not the greatest at keeping secrets, but this one needs to be kept."

"So much for dinner."

Coulson did the half-smile again. "I'm afraid so. Fly safe, Stark."

JARVIS opened the suit up and Tony stepped inside, not letting the helmet close yet. "Safe isn't really in my nature, it's not exciting enough."

"It never has been."


He walked into the training room of the base, deciding not to bother Pepper quite yet. Natasha was there punching away. Shit. He would have settled for either of the scary assassins, but Natasha seemed to hate him a little bit more than the Hawkguy. "Everyone's still telling stories about you, Red."

She didn't so much as glance at him. "Let them."

"Some are getting closer to the actual thing." He noticed her hesitate for a split second so he continued. "One I heard today even involved me...then fucking."

"Excuse me?" She stopped and glared at him.

"You and Barton. Nothing about a three-way, though that would be interesting, I'm sure someone's covered that by now. It's been nearly five years right?"

Natasha started unwrapping gauze around her hands. "I don't want to talk about it, Tony. Especially after you pulled that Ultron shit."


Was he just imagining it or were her eyes getting glassy? She cleared her throat. "Hmm?"

He stepped close to her, "You don't look so go—"

"I'm fine!" Natasha jerked the other way.

He knew she wasn't okay. She hadn't been the same since Budapest, probably never would be. No one should have to go through that. He has sympathy for her time in the red room—everyone did even though she didn't want them to—but nothing was worse than what happened in Budapest.

"I know you hate me and all, but you could always talk to Pepper." She glared at him. "She knows how to keep a secret, she had to if she wanted to work for me. Just because you're a spy doesn't mean you have to keep everything to yourself, it'll eat away at you."

"I do talk about it."

Tony watched her frantically rummage through her duffle bag. "Clint doesn't count. You need to talk with someone outside the situation."

"Do you know when he'll be back?" She kept her head down, refusing to show him any sort of emotion that was surely there.

"Probably soon. I think losing Pietro hit him harder than we thought." Tony could take a hint. The way she was avoiding him more than usual meant she was more hurt than he originally thought. Unfortunately, he was in a generous mood. He cleared his throat, "you wanna go a few rounds? Pepper doesn't need me back yet and yet and have a feeling you'd beat me senseless if I sat here and watched you."

"With pleasure." Natasha spoke alluringly and smirked in that sexy yet maniacal way of hers that made him want to punch himself. He pulled off his leather jacket and tossed it aside, following Romanoff to the mats. "You're fighting in that?"

"Why not? You wear a skin-tight leather catsuit for christ's sake."

"Not right now, I'm not."

"Yeah, but shouldn't I learn to fight in anything."

"Suit yourself." She did it again, damnit. In less than three seconds her legs were wrapped around his neck as he was pinned to the ground.



So obviously I'm making this story where Clint never met Laura and got married to her and all that fun stuff. I was really pissed when she showed up...CLINTASHA OR ROMANOGERS I'M OKAY WITH. NO BRUCENAT OR CLINTURA!

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