10- We Meet a Freak

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Carin ☥

"I don't believe you," Dylan said, crossing his arms. "I mean gods, they aren't real right? Is this some kind of joke?"

This guy has got to be kidding me.

"You controlled water," I challenged. "Percy controlled water too, according to my dad. You're a Greek Demigod, no doubt about it."

Dylan shook his head. "I still don't believe you."

I shrugged. "Fine, go ask your parents about it. See you around."

I have no time for idiots like him.

I began to walk up the stairs when Dylan stopped me.

"Wait!" He yelled.

"What?" I asked. "I thought you didn't believe me."

"I actually don't know where my parents are..." Dylan said, hands awkwardly shoved in his pocket. The boy was hunched over making him look quite cowardly. It almost seemed like he was scared to talk to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So you're an orphan?"

Dylan shook his head quickly. "No!" He nearly shouted. "They told me to go to my Uncle Leo's while they go fix a problem at this camp they went to when they were teenagers."

"Where is this camp?" I asked.

"Somewhere in Montauk," Dylan answered. "But I've never been there."

"I'm sure we'll find it," I said.

"We can't go there," Dylan protested. "My parents will freak out if they catch us."

"Maybe your Uncle Leo knows something."

Dylan grinned from ear to ear. "That's a great idea!" Then he frowned. "But how are we going to get there? There are no more trains to Brooklyn."

"Brooklyn you say?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I know my way around that city, I'll help you out. Let's just hope my friends don't find me."

"But how are we going to get there?" Dylan asked again.

"Trust me," I said. "I know a freak."

Dylan frowned. "That's mean."

I let out a small laugh. Maybe I could use this guy for comic relief. "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" I asked.

"Nope," Dylan said shaking his head.

I heard voices coming from the stairs. The sounds of footstep echoed off the damp stone subway walls.

"People are starting to arrive," I warned. "We need to leave now."

My staff transformed back into a three foot rod. I grabbed Dylan's hand and led him up an empty stairwell.

There was a 90% chance that those people coming down the stairs were enemy magicians. Any strange magic activity seems to attract them like a month to a light. And if they found me, that would be bad, very bad.

Dylan and I ran out of the train station into a large alley.

"Why are we here?" Dylan asked panting. "And why did we have to run? I'm not in very good shape."

"Enemy magicians," I replied.

"Wow, what did you do to make them mad?" Dylan asked.

"Nothing," I replied. "They just hate my family."

"Why would they hate your family?" Dylan asked.

"Let's just say my family wasn't exactly the best at following the rules."

Dylan sighed. "I'm working with a criminal...great."

I slapped his arm. "I'm the only one who can get you out of this mess! And I'm not a criminal either. Criminals don't help innocent people out."

"Well maybe you're just helping me out because you owe me one-"

"I have my own agenda too!" I yelled. "I don't care about owing you one-"

"So what was that cat in the subway? And why were you chasing it?"

I sighed. God does this kid ever stop asking questions?

"Ancient monsters tend to roam the streets. Mortals can't see them because a mist fogs their vision. That cat was actually a Serpopard who happened to be in the way of my portal to-"

I stopped. I didn't fully trust this kid yet. I couldn't give him specifics about my family, not yet.

"-A location. Anyway, I missed the window to travel and it's not opening up again for a couple of hours. So I might as well help you out. Anymore questions you want to ask me?"

Dylan looked up at me. "So why are we in an alleyway?"

I groaned.

"So no one can see us," I confirmed.

"Doing what?" Dylan asked.

"Just be quiet for a second," I ordered. "I'm gonna call my ride."

I took a deep breath in and then hollered at the top of my lungs- "FREEEEEEEEK!"

We were both silent for a few seconds. I listened for freak, but the only sound was the Manhattan traffic.

"So you don't want anyone to see you? But you want everyone to hear you?" Dylan protested.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's not the point, just wait a bit."

"FREEEEEEEEK!" A screeching hawk call echoed through the skies. Even I had to cover my ears.

"Oh my god," Dylan groaned as he held his hands tight against his ears. "What just made that noise?"

"My pet griffin," I replied, smiling.

Overhead I saw a large animal with golden wings soaring high above the skyscrapers. An Egyptian reed boat attached to the back of it.

"What IS THAT THING?" Dylan screamed.

"I told you," I replied. "It's my griffin."

"I thought you were kidding."

Poor kid. He looked shellshocked.

The griffin circled a couple of times before landing (and barely fitting) in the alley.

Dylan gasped. "Oh. My. God."

"Pretty cool right," I smirked. "His name is Freak. He's a sacred animal of Horus, the war god, I feed him frozen turkeys sometimes. It's his favorite snack."

Dylan's eyes were wide. He seemed to stunned to speak. "F-f-frozen turkey's?" He sputtered.

I hate to admit it, but this griffin is probably my best bud. I mean sure, the only thing he says is "freak," but he's pretty cool. And he scares the ankle biters away, which I love.

Reddish-gold feathers glistened down his back. He twice the size of a lion and his tail was made of spiky feathers that were as sharp as knives.

"Welp," I said. "Get in the boat."

"What?" Dylan asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Get in the boat. Freak is going to take us to your Uncle Leo's house."

"Is it safe?" Dylan asked.

I narrowed my eyes. Of course this thing isn't safe. I'm a magician, my version of safe, is completely different than a mortals idea of safe.

Dylan shrugged and got in the boat. I sat infront of him and grabbed the reins attached to Freak.

"Grab on to me," I commanded.

"But won't that be awkward?" Dylan asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, enjoy falling off."

I yanked the reins and Dylan squeezed his arms around my waist so tight it almost made me gag. Poor kid, so scared. Well...he should be, I've never been taught how to fly a griffin....oops.

Freak soared in the air and the boat shook violently. I gripped the reins tighter as we increased altitude. I never knew this was going to be this hard. The Manhattan bridge was coming into view quickly.

"P-please tell me you've done this before," Dylan asked.

"O-of course I have, Dylan," I replied.

You've never actually driven Freak before, Ra pipped up from inside me. I shushed him. It's best to not scare Dylan even more than he's already scared.

"FREEEEEK!" Freak cried as he headed towards the Manhattan bridge.

"So I'm guessing riding Griffins happens a lot to you Egyptian magicians," Dylan asked.

I shook my head. "No," I replied. "Most magicians don't travel by monster. Most of them travel in a variety of ways- amulets, teleportation, storm magic, portals, turning into animals etcetera."

"This is confusing me. Tell me about these enemy magicians. And all this magic you do and what about that boomerang and stick?"

I sighed. "There is more to magicians than sticks, other magicians and griffins. There is also gods, the Duat, scrolls, hosting and hieroglyphics. Also, I don't know everything. I'll tell you all I know in time, but as of now, I don't want to make your head explode."

"Fair enough," Dylan said. "But can you at least tell me about these enemy magicians who may be hunting us down?"

I took a deep breath in. "The chief lector is basically the ruler of all the magicians. He is the most powerful magician in the world. The chief right now is my Great Uncle Amos. Many magicians don't like how Amos is the chief lector because he didn't always obey the rules. My family upset many Magicians as far back as when my grandpa was young. Those magicians who still hate my family are probably still hunting me. Magicians are known to hold grudges."

"What is the boomerang and the stick?"

"First off, it's a wand and staff. These help me do magic and practice the divine words which are powerful spells that the gods used. Oh, and that's another why people hate my family. Hosting gods and using the divine words were banned and highly illegal, however my family still hosts gods and uses the divine words."

"So basically you were doing illegal magic in the train station?" Dylan asked.

"Not just in the train station," I said. "I've been practicing divine words my whole life."

"FREEEEEEEK!" Freak called as he slowed to a stop.

Dylan gasped. "W-what? We were just at the Manhattan bridge, and now we're in Brooklyn. H-how did that-"

"It's called magic, my friend," I replied. "Now, which house is Leo's?"

"That one," Dylan said pointing to a house with a flat roof. The house puffed out more smoke from the chimney then any of the other houses.

"You heard him Freak," I said. "Let us down at that house."

Freak circled a couple of times before descending to the ground.

"I'm really nervous," Dylan said. "I mean if Percy is a demigod, then that means he's half-god. So that makes me quarter god."

He's making a big deal out of this Ra said. I'm full god and I happen to enjoy it.

"Shut up," I said.

"Excuse me?" Dylan asked.

"Not you," I said quickly.

You haven't been speaking to me in a long time Ra, I said inside my head.

Well you didn't want me to get into your personal business, Ra said.

I'm about to go into Leo's house, I said. Just be quiet.

But I've barely been talking.

Dylan climbed out of the boat and stretched his arms.

I got out and then faced Freak. "Okay Freak, you can go back to the Brooklyn House, I'll be fine here, and I promise Adam will feed you extra turkey's tonight at dinner."

Freak flapped his wings and then took off into the sky.

I turned around and saw Dylan already making his way up the stairs to Leo's house.

"Hey wait up!" I called out as I ran up the stairs.

Dylan knocked on the door and Leo quickly answered it. My first thought was there was no way Leo and Dylan were blood related.

"Thank God Dylan," Leo nearly yelled. "I thought you were dead!"

Leo glanced over Dylan's shoulder and then frowned. "Who are you?"

"Uh-uh." My face felt hot.

A little help Ra, I asked.

There was silence. I guess I was on my own.

"Um...I'm Carin, Carin Kane," I said swallowing. "And Dylan saved my life in the train station."

"Oh," Leo said. "Well would you like me to call your parents?"

"Actually no," I said. "We both figured out what Dylan is...and we both want answers. We think you might have them."

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