17- Death by My Fist

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Carin ☥

Are you insane? Ra objected. You've never even summoned the fist of Horus before! You'll go up in flames!

"Yeah but my dad has," I protested.

When he was hosting Horus! Ra hollered.

"Uh Carin!" Leo called from the opposite side of the deck. "What are you doing?"

"Arguing with a god, thank you very much!"

"What?" Leo screamed as he shot fire out of his hands at the giants.

"Ra, I'm doing it whether I die or not."

Why? It's pointless. You're not saving the world or anything, Ra said. Your parents don't even know you left. Imagine what's gonna happen when they get back to the nome and no one knows what happened to you.

I just ignored him. I kept low, crouching beside the deck, as I slid past the monsters. The giants were even uglier up close.

You could easily see their hairy, but muscular legs, arms and chest. Their bodies were tattooed with idiotic phrases like "Joe Bob loves Lisa," and "Humen Eting 4 Dayz."

Under their sweaty white t-shirts and grey gym shorts, there was obviously some kind of leather armor. Although, I'm not even sure they needed the extra protection, Leo's fire didn't seem to do much damage.

Ugh, Ra jeered. These giants really need to brush their teeth, they're worse than Tutankhamen.

I glanced up at the giants mouth. Ra definitely was right. The giant's teeth were yellow and rotting, but they looked as sharp as knives.

The giants stopped throwing fireballs and swinging their metal clubs. The battlefield was completely silent, the only thing I could hear was my heart beating in my throat. They sniffed the air. All I could think was oh gods, they got me.

"We smell you, strange magic!" The nearest laistrygonian called. His voice shook the tree tops. Crows cawed as they flew away from the scene.

Just continue sneaking around them, Ra suggested. You're an unfamiliar type of magic, it'll be hard for them to completely sense you.

"But can't they still see me?" I whispered.

Ra was silent for a moment. Yes.

"Then how does sneaking help me?" I asked.

Just do it, you've already started. You've made it out of their peripheral vision range. They'll only see you if they turn around.

I sighed and continued to crouch and walk along side the deck. The butterflies in my stomach felt more like a swarm of bees as I crept past the monsters.

Leo kept shooting fireballs out of his hands and throwing...hammers?

The hammers did seen to be doing damage though. Each time they were thrown, a big bloody bruise was left on the monsters body. They must be encrusted with celestial bronze.

Finally, Leo swung a hammer, sending it flying in the air. It hit the giant on the right square in the chest.

It screamed in pain, piercing my ears, and fell backwards. It landed in the woods with a loud, ground-shaking thud. The trees shook wildly as dust stirred in the air. I covered my face and turned away as dirt flew everywhere. I glanced back at the monster, it fell on top of a tree that pierced his skull.

The sight made me gag. Imagine, a giant lying in your backyard, with a tree in it's skull. Blood oozed from it's wound, the wood was stained red.

The giants turned back around and faced Leo. "You murdered our friend, old man," one giant said. "Prepare to die."

The giants stepped forward.

Go now! Ra yelled. Step out and show yourself!

I ran out from the deck behind the giant and screamed, "Hey! Get away from my friend!"

The giants turned and grunted with satisfaction.

"What a little meal we have here!" One giant muttered excitedly.

"Young, juicy, plump-"


"You would make a fine meal!"

The giants licked their lips and stepped in closer.

Use it now! Ra screamed. Summon the fist!

"You're right, I would be a good meal," I boasted. "Why don't we start with...the fist!"

The giants inched in closer, their arms stretched out ready to pry the raw flesh from my body.

"What are you doing puny human? To scared to fight?" The first giant taunted.

Suddenly, I felt something strange in the center of my palm, it was like my skin was stretching and contracting.

I smiled slyly. Perfect.

"Are you scared?" I yelled.

"Little human!" The giant yelled. "You dare challenge me?"

"Yep," I said. "Cuz I have a fist two times the size of yours!"

The giants looked around confused as I yelled "KHEFA!" At the top of my lungs.

Bright blue energy hovered over the giants and quickly solidified into two gigantic fists, one for each giant.

Each fist coursed with blue energy, they both looked like beautiful creations of power, but now was not the time to admire the magic.

The fists slammed down on both the giant's heads, and they disintegrated in an explosion of yellow dust.

From the impact, a sonic boom echoed through the backyard, blasting me backwards.

I landed on my back, on the deck. I probably broke a few bones, but that didn't matter.

I could feel my body heating up, my feet felt like an inferno and the feeling slowly coursed up my body. I felt like screaming, my chest felt like fire, but I couldn't speak.

Carin... Ra said inside of me. But I knew why he was speechless.

I could see smoke rise up from my body. This was not good.

The fire inside was eating me alive. My insides felt like mush.

I couldn't take it anymore. I summoned all my energy and let out one more bloody, torturous scream before finally blacking out.

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