6- I babysit college kids

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Carin ☥

I lay on a cotton bed. Healing hieroglyphics floated around my head. To my right was a small bed table, a half empty glass of water sat atop it.

"Hey guys," I groaned as I turned to my left. Adam and Isa sat side by side on the other infirmary bed, lunches in their lap.

"That was quite a stunt you pulled off back in the training room," Adam said as he bit into his turkey sandwich.

"Um...it wasn't really much-"

"Nothing much?" Isa protested. "I swear, your dad was trying his hardest, and he was struggling! If I went up against someone like your dad, I would be sliced like the cold cuts on Adam's sandwich!"

"But I blacked out-"

"But you also fought one of the best magicians in the world," Adam mentioned.

I shrugged lightly, taking note of the dull pain that remained in my shoulders.

"Why don't you drink some more water," Isa suggested as she reached across my bed. She frowned. "Where did the water go?"

"Fear us humans!" A shrill voice shrieked. "You are no match for our trickery!"

I glanced over to a dresser on the opposite wall. Three shabtis, clay figures, stood on the dresser in triumph around my water glass.

"Shut up doughboy," Adam sneered as he tossed his plate on the dresser. "Why don't you actually do your job instead of whining about it?"

"You human scum! I am the Supreme-Force-Who-Crushes-His-Enemies! I shouldn't be doing your dishes, you should bow down to me!"

"Why did dad even remake you?" I groaned.

"Because I'm better than all of you!" Doughboy shrieked, puffing out his chest.

Adam rolled his eyes.

"Human scum! We shabtis will rule the world!"

And just like that, they disappeared. Gods I hate those guys.

"Carin, I have a favor to ask you," a voice called from across the room.

"Dad...What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I think you have enough strength back to walk around, do you think you can watch the anklebiters?"

The anklebiters were the smaller children who can't really do magic that well yet.

"I don't wanna be with them," I whined. "They're so immature and all they do is run around and draw pictures and eat things that they're not supposed to. It's boring!"

"You need to go Carin. They need to learn magic from someone, and that can be you."

You can also teach them how to make toast. Ra said. That's an important skill in life.

I threw my hands in the air. "But they're so disobedient!"

"Carin...I'll...let you take the next week off, okay? You can train some other kids."

Is he really going to do that?

"Yeah and-" my dad paused. "Do you hear that?"

"I don't hear anything," Isa cut in.

"'Me neither," said Adam.

I strained my ears, but I heard no sound.

"It sounds like an-"


I screamed at the ear-splintering siren. I looked at Isa and Adam who both had their hands against their ears.

"What's making that noise?" I yelled. But my voice seemed to have been swallowed up by the screaming siren.

"The first nome," Carter yelled. "Something's wrong."

"What do you mean something's wrong?" I yelled back.

"I mean something is probably exploding or being eaten or something!" Dad screamed as he dashed down the hall.

"Hey wait for me!" I yelled as I chased over him. Isa and Adam followed closely behind.

Other trainees flooded into the halls holding their ears. People were screaming everywhere. It was a complete madhouse. I pushed past them as Dad slipped into the control center.

I pushed open the door as Dad began frantically typing on a keyboard. Computer screens flashed "danger! Danger!" In bright red letters.

Ra do you know anything? I thought to him, hoping he would have some info.

Ra didn't answer.

Maybe he doesn't know, I thought. Or maybe this is really serious.

I bit my lip in nervousness. I looked back at Isa and Adam, they seemed just as confused as I was.

"SADIE!" Carter yelled.

The door swung open with a bang and Aunt Sadie pushed past us.

"What?" She asked as she glanced over at the computer screen. Her jaw dropped.

"We need to leave," Carter said.
Sadie nodded in agreement.

"Why do you need to leave?" I asked. They didn't respond to me.

Dad stood up from his chair and walked over to me. "Carin, we're leaving you and Adam to take care of everyone, just for a couple of days okay?"

He's never left me alone before.

"What? What about the older kids? What about mom?" I asked. Something isn't right here.


"Come on!" Sadie yelled.

"Good-bye," Dad said as he raced out the door with Sadie.

"Dad!" I yelled as I raced outside. It was pouring outside and my hair was already sopping wet. They were nowhere to be found.

"Dad!" I screamed out again but the sound of Brooklyn traffic and the pitter-patter of rain drowned out my voice. I shivered in the cold. Where could they have gone? Dad said something about the-

"Carin! Carin!" Someone yelled from behind me. "Indoors is insane. How do you shut the alarm off?"

I turned around to face Adam.

"Sadie and Carter went to the 1st nome," I told him.


"Yeah. They said something was wrong."


"Adam, I have to go after them."

"Carin are you crazy?"

Yes. But something inside told me that I had to do this.

"Come on I'm not an idiot. You saw how I did with my dad, I can defend myself."

"Carter and Sadie will be fine, and you blacked out," Adam protested. "Besides Zia is still here."

No she's not, Ra peeped. She left undetected.

"Carin, your not thinking this through," Adam continued. "When you get to the first nome, what are you going to do there? Your dad will be furious with you. You also have no idea what you're up against, plus I'm sure Carter and Sadie can defend themselves."

"Adam I have to go."

Adam took a step closer. His shirt was now soaking wet. "Well...at least let me come with you."

"No, you need to stay here and watch over everyone," I ordered.

"Why do you get to go and I stay? I'm older than you!" Adam complained. "Besides, you can't just go to the 1st home by yourself!"

"I'm fine!" I yelled.

"I can't let you go!" Adam yelled.


I can't deal with this anymore.

"Because if I let you go, you could die-"

"No I won't!" I protested.

"I can't have your blood on my hands!" Adam screamed.

"I'll die because of me! Not you!"

"So you're just willing to die-"

"No! You have to stay here! I have to go!" I hollered.

I sprinted towards the balcony. He can't come with me.

"Carin wait!"

But it was too late. My feet left the wooden railing and I plunged into the roaring James River.

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