"What You Need"

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The silence grew ever louder as the group carried on. Walking through the  trres and shrubbery. They gave each other strange looks but said nothing. They all wondered if what had happened to them had happened to all of them when they went with the woman.
Each of them thought back to what she  said behind that closed door.


"Please sit down, young man," the old woman said to Kristoff as she pulled out a chair.
He did as he was told, and the woman began to tap her fingernails one by one on the table between them.
Kristoff looked around, admiring the red and golden decor. The books on the shelves had gold lining with red covers, and the drapes had a yellowish sheen.
"So you used to sell ice for a living, but now I see that you live in the palace with no occupation," the woman bluntly said. Kristoff bit the inside of his lip to hear just how pathetic he sounded. But then he asked
"How do you know that?" The woman shifted in her seat
"I know a lot of things, more than you at least," she cleared her throat
"But that is not why you are here, I have brought you here to give you what you need." The lady rose from her seat and brought over a large bowl with crystal clear water in it. As she placed it down in front of him he saw how full it was and wondered how she had brought it over without spilling a drop.
"Before I show you anything, I must give you some advice." The woman stopped for a moment "Trust" she continued.
"Is that it?" Kristoff questioned.
"That is all there is to it." The woman sat back down across from Kristoff. She went on, "Now lean down and look into the bowl. You will see something that will happen in a time when you will need to trust most."
Kristoff looked at the woman but then turned his attention to the bowl in front of him. He looked for a moment and saw nothing, and he was about to say something, but then he saw shapes. There were silhouettes in the water, he couldn't hear anything but he first saw a woman. It was Anna. Then he saw himself. He grabbed Anna by the arm to stop her, but she gently pulled away and said something, but he couldn't tell what. The scene cut, and when it came back, he saw Anna leaning over a man, and then she kissed him. At first he couldn't tell who it was but as he looked harder, he realized...it was Hans.
The water then turned back to clear, and Kristoff, distressed, looked to the woman. "What was that? That can't be the future?" The woman stood up and went to the door."Whatever you saw was indeed the future, but that scene is not what you must take away from here. It is that you need to trust. In that moment more than ever, "
She opened the door and gestured for Kristoff to leave.


"Please take a seat," the woman said to Hans as she closed the door behind him.
He looked around the room and was struck by the beautiful shades of purple. There were paintings on the walls of women in lavender and royal purple gowns. The table was draped in a violet satin cloth. Hans pinched it between his fingers, and it was the softest fabric he had ever felt.
"Do you like it?" The woman asked, referring to the table cloth his eyes we're transfixed upon.
"I purchased it from a merchant in the southern isles." She continued. 
Hans stiffened when he heard the name of his birthplace. The woman's smile said it all
"So you know who i am?" he stated.
"Indeed I do, I also know why you have come here, to Arendelle...again." After the words left her lips, a silence fell, and only a look of knowledge passed between them.
"But no matter," she piped up. "You are here with me so that I can give you what you need." Hans leaned forward, not trusting the woman's seemingly innocent intentions now that he knew his identity was known.
"And what is it that I need exactly?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The lady got up from her chair and brought over a book. She seemed to have just turned to any page before placing the book down in front of him. She then said as she sat back down
"What you will see now is a time in the future, how it happens I do not know. First, though, I will give you some advice that will help you on your way, and that is to, let it go." With that in mind, Hans looked down to the book.
At first, he saw the book had no words, no real ones. They were random letters and he was about to ask but then the woman said "wait a moment" he looked again and it was then when he saw the letters form as if they were melting away, but then noticed that they were turning into images, moving images.
He watched as they silently travelled across the page, and he realized that it was him.
He saw himself holding a sword up to people whom he couldn't make out. However, he could see the expression on his own face. Absolute terror. He couldn't hear what he was saying, but he could see that he was screaming and yelling in a frenzy of fear.
Then, the ink disappeared from the page.
Hans blinked twice, utterly confused.
"What was that?" He asked
But the woman had already made her way to the door and was holding it open.
Hans stood up, and the woman said one last thing, "You must remember, the key to your journeys success is to let it go."


"Make yourself comfortable," the woman told Anna as she made her way to the table.
Anna looked around the room and marvelled at all of the potted plants of pink blossoms. Some were purely buds, and others had grown so large that the vines had laced themselves through the roof beams
The smell of the room was so fragrant that Anna wondered if she stayed in here long enough, would she come out smelling like flowers?
The woman brought Anna out of her thoughts when she said.
"Does this room remind you of the castle gardens?" Anna smiled
"Yes, it does," she replied sweetly.
The woman smiled in turn and continued
"So I have brought you here so that I can help you on your journey." She got up and walked over to the shelf
When she sat back down, she placed a snow globe in front of Anna.
"What I am about to show you is a short scene from your near future, but before that, I must give you a piece of advice." She paused, and Anna leaned in as if she was being told a secret.
Anna slumped back into her seat, slightly disappointed.
"Is that it?" She asked. The woman shook her head."Both you and your counterpart are very similar, " she said. The woman then turned her attention to the snow globe and continued. "Now shake the globe, look inside it, and see what is to happen."
Anna took the globe in her hand and turned it upside down, then placed it upright on the table. She leaned down and looked at the small white bits floating down to the bottom of the globe. As they fell, an image began to conjure within it, and then the image began to move. She saw herself walking next to someone, they were talking and laughing. The person turned their head, and it was Hans. Him and Anna walked along, looking like the best of friends, like in one of her dreams. The scene filled her with such warmth, but when the last white flake floated to the bottom, the scene disappeared, and Anna shook that feeling away.
Trying to apear she wasn't phazed by it she started a forced laugh and almost fell off her chair. After that, she managed a shaky smile
"That will never happen, me and him being friends? HA!" The woman raised an eyebrow
"Often times when we say something will never happen, we are simply urging the Fates to make it happen"
The woman started to get up, and Anna held onto her wrist.
"When you said to forgive, you couldn't possibly have meant him? I could never, would never forgive him." Anna exclaimed. The woman then placed her hand onto Anna's and replied, "I said, forgive. Not forgive him. It could mean to forgive him as well as someone else. "
Anna released the woman's wrist, and she sat there for a few moments longer, pondering on those words. When the woman noticed she hadn't moved, she said, "The thought of friendship with him has been playing on your mind hasnt it?" Still Anna didn't move,"or maybe is it a bit more romantic? " Hearing this, Anna's shoulders tensed  and with a nervous chuckle, leapt out through the the the the woman held open. All the while trying to conceal the redness of her face.


"If you would, your highness," the woman said, bowing her head slightly and gesturing to the chair in front of her. Elsa stepped further into the room as she looked at the gems and jewels hanging from the ceiling. She saw how even the walls were embedded with gems.
As she sat down, her host went over to a drawer and took out a candle. with one single match, she lit it, and it gave Elsa chills as she saw the fire dance atop the candle.
The woman placed it onto the table and sat herself down across from the Queen.
"So how is Arendelle doing these days? Warm, I hope." Elsa only nodded, and the woman smiled.
What you will see shortly is a scene from your future. I can't tell you when it will happen but only that it will happen."
Elsa remained silent, so the woman continued.
"But before that, I must tell you something, a piece of advice of sorts. You must remember this one thing." The woman paused as if wanting to build the suspense in the air
"Depend on others."
She then turned her attention to the flame sitting atop the candle, and so did Elsa.
Instantly, the fire began to grow larger. It began to hold images and people. She saw Anna alone, walking to a pedestal. She couldn't see what was on it, but then Anna reached out her hand, and the candle fire exploded into a mix of blue and green flames. It almost pushed Elsa out of her seat. When the normal hue of orange and yellow returned, the candle flame had gone back to normal.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Elsa asked
The woman stood up and headed for the door. "How am I meant to know, I just show you what you need to see."
"But why would I need to see that?" Elsa argued back. The woman sighed
"Just remember to depend on others, for if you don't, then your journey will end in tragedy."
Elsa ruminated on what she had heard, and she stood up to leave. The woman followed her out and shut the door behind her.
When they came back to the table where the other three sat, the woman continued walking to the front door, signalling it was time to leave.
They all stood up, and the woman went into a back room before returning with a backpack.
"This holds all the supplies you will need, water, blankets, some food, things to cook with, and so forth." The lady said as she handed the bag to Kristoff.
"Before you go, I must tell you all that the key to your journey is that you find the stone of Alew. Only the user of it can conjure Crimson Corcery"
Elsa's heart stopped
"Did you say Crimson Corcery?"
The woman nodded before continuing
"You might think that coming here was by chance, but you couldn't be more wrong. I know what you must do to succeed." The woman took a deep breath."You must journey beyond the North mountain to find the stone, and only with that stone can you take."
The four standing beside each other were speechless. They couldn't utter a word.
The woman went on
"With that, you must leave, goodbye and good luck." The woman smiled one last time, and then all went black.
When they all opened their eyes again, they were standing outside where the entrance was, but only now, the entrance wasn't there. Neither was any sign of the cottage.

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