Chapter 36

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" Ma, where are you taking the food?" Anu asked her mom frowning at the dishes in her hands.

" To Siddharth." Her mom said.

Anu gasped.

" Why?"

" What why? Don't you see? That boy doesn't take care of himself at all. He became thin since he came here and I told him that I will be taking care of his food from now onwards." Saying this she went upstairs to give food to Siddharth.

" But......"

" Don't tell me that you don't want me to take food for him." Her mother said disappointed.

" It's not that Ma..... It's just that what if we get attached to him. He will not able to bear if we go away from him."
Anu whispered.

" Attached or not we are not moving away this time." Her mom said sternly.

" Ma but....."

" No buts and ifs Ananya. Stop running away and face it. You are losing your precious life thinking about what will happen in the future." Her mom scolded.

Anu stood shocked looking at her mom.

" You like it or not, we are not going to run away again instead of facing it." Her mom declared finality in her voice.

Tears welled up in Anu's eyes making her mother sigh.

"This is the truth Anu. Truth of your life. You both have to face it instead of running away. How much ever you tried to run away from him, fate had again brought you two together. So stop thinking about the future and learn to treasure the present. Who knew better the value of life more than you? " Her mom explained softly to her daughter.

" Already you did a big mistake by hiding the truth from him. He is a part of your life in fact your whole life. He deserves to know the truth. Again and again don't do the same mistakes by pushing him away." Her mom said wiping her tears.

Anu went in deep thoughts thinking about what her mom said. She understood that her mom was right but she is scared about Siddharth's life.

" Do you understand? " Her mom asked and she nodded.

" Good. Now take the idea of running away from your mind and stop thinking about the future. Just live in the present." Her mom smiled softly.

" Yes Ma." Anu also smiled at her.

" Good, now I have to go and give food to my future son in law." Saying this her mom went away laughing.

" MA! "Anu shrieked.

Anu smiled at her mother who is taking care of the person who meant the world to her but the only words echoing in her mind were........

Live in the Present.


" Anu! "

" Ha Ma! "

" Come here!"

Anu went to her mom to see what she wanted.

" What Ma? "

" Go and give this coffee to Siddharth." Her mom said.

" What? No! You only go and give it." Anu shrieked.

" Please Anu go. I have to prepare breakfast too." Her mom pleaded.

She sighed and took the coffee upstairs grumbling under her breath.

She knocked on the door and the door was open as usual. She didn't get any response so she went inside and kept the coffee on the table. She turned to leave but froze in her place when she saw Siddharth stood there......

Only with a towel on his waist with wet dripping hair and glistening bare chest. She took in his appearance and gulped. She never saw him like this. Looking at the Greek God like body in front of her, her mind drifted off to wild thoughts.

She never knew that such thoughts also existed in her brain until today. She moved her eyes up at his face from his body and her breath hitched when she saw the intensity in them.

Siddharth on the other hand was surprised to see her in his room but didn't say anything. He felt happy that she is effected by him in the same way as he is effected by her. Looking at her who is staring at his body with adoration made him want to just do things to her.

Both stood there staring at each other. Anu wanted to look away but she didn't. She doesn't know if she will get a chance like this in the future so she decided to live in the moment.

It was clear that there is sexual tension between them not only now but from the time when they met again on that fateful day at the office which Anu ignored and Siddharth covered up by his arrogance.

Not only then it was always like that in between them. In the two years of relationship also, Siddharth couldn't take his hands off her and Anu always  enjoyed his touch.

Of course they didn't do anything except kissing but the tension was always there like they wanted more than just kissing. But Anu knew her limits and Siddharth never crossed his limits.

So years of tension is bottled up inside them. Siddharth took steps towards her slowly and she just stood there staring at him.

" What are you doing here?" He asked soflty standing in front of her.

His proximity and his smell are driving her crazy.

" I.I.....j.just....." She stuttered and tried not to look at his well defined chest.

" You what?" He whispered moving so close to her that his breath is fanning her face.

" C.Coffee....." She whispered moving back.

Siddharth instantly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him so that their bodies are touching. He buried his head into her hair inhaling her scent and absorbing her warmth.

He kissed her hair and her senses got blanked. He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose.....everywhere on her face except her lips. He looked at her inviting lips and leaned in to kiss while Anu closed her eyes enjoying the sensation.

When his lips were about to meet hers, his phone rang loudly disturbing their romantic moment. Anu gasped loudly at what they were about to do while Siddharth cursed and looked at the phone.

It was Neha calling him. He declined the call and looked at Anu who was looking down. He cleared his throat and she looked up at him. They looked at each other and then every where in the room awkwardly.

He was about to say something when his phone rang again. He sighed loudly and accepted the call.

" What the hell Neha?" He barked on the phone and Anu looked curiously at him when she heard Neha.

" Ahh.....Why this idiot is always so moody?" He heard from the other side.

" Shut up Neha..... I can hear you." He said irritated.

" Oh, well..... Hello to you too." She said sarcastically.

" What's the matter?" He gritted his teeth.

" I called you to remind you for the meeting which is in an half an hour." Neha said.

" Oh Shit!" He shouts looking at the time.

" Yeah..... Shit happens." Neha says.

" Shut up, I am getting late. I will talk to you later." Saying this he hung up on her who was about to ask about Anu.

He took out hid suit and started wearing it.

" Hey! I am still here!" Anu shrieked when he was about to remove his towel.

" Yeah but I know you are enjoying the view." He winked at her.

" Shut up!" She mutters and walks to the door.

She stopped abruptly and turned around.

" How are they?" She asks hesitatingly fiddling with her fingers.

" Who? " He asks.

" Raj and Neha." She says.

" They are fine." He says keeping the files and laptop in the bag.

" Ok." She was about to leave when Siddharth called.

" Hey! We didn't finish what we started." He said.

Anu blushed and he smirked at her.

" Shut up." She says and runs away from his room.


It was evening when Anu decided to take a walk and went outside. When she reached the small gate of their house, she saw Siddharth walking into the gate.

Both stood face to face at the gate. No one was moving. He sighed moving to his right and that time only she also moved in the same direction. He moved to the other side and she also did the same.

They both got frustrated.

" Move." He said.

" No, I came here first. So you move!". She said.

" I have to go inside Ananya. Move!" He said irritated as he was already very tired and just wants to sleep.

" I have to go outside Siddharth. So you move first." She said annoyed.

" Don't start a fight Ananya, just move out of my way." He said frustratingly.

" You are starting a fight! Can't you let a girl go on her way?" She asked exasperated.

" No, now let me go." He said trying to push her out of his way.

" No, you move backwards, I will go out and then you can come inside. Simple." She explained him smiling who just looked at her blankly.

" How about you step backwards, I will go in and you can go outside after that?" He asked raising his brows.

"No." She said stubbornly.

" What?" He asked.

" I said No." She shouts crossing her arms.

" Ananya move." He ordered.

" No, you move first." She said glaring at him.

" No you."

" No you."

" You."

" You."

" You."

" You."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."


They both stopped their argument and looked at the person who yelled at them. It was Anu's father who stood outside the gate with an annoyed look on his face.

" You both go and fight somewhere else, I have to go inside. Now move." Her father said glaring at them both.

Both moved away from the gate speechless. Her father stepped inside shaking his head at them and walked inside the house.

Both Siddharth and Anu looked at each other for some time and burst out laughing. They laughed thinking about how silly their fight was and the reaction of her father was unexpected.

Anu's parents looked at both of them smiling at their laughing faces. They saw their daughter laughing like that after many months. They don't know what will happen in the future but they prayed to God to keep both of them happy.


To be Continued.............

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