Chapter 44

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" Siddu."

" Siddu."


She called and looked around but he was no where.

She got panicked and ran upstairs looking for him. She barged into his room but it was empty.

The room was empty like no one lives there. She opened the wardrobe and it was empty too.

She was panting and her face was fully covered with sweat. It was like she was having panic attack. She felt like the walls around her are swallowing her.

She can't breathe and slowly walked out of his room. She stood there clutching her chest and looked outside from the balcony.

Her view was blurred with tears and when the view got cleared she saw him.

She saw her Siddu walking away from her, away from her house, away from her life with his luggage in his hands.

She gasped and called out his name loudly.

He turned and looked at her. She couldn't see him clearly as her vision was blurred by her tears.

She saw him waving his hand at her and disappeared from her sight.

" SIDDUUUU..........."

She yelled.

" Anu!" Her mom called her but Anu was just crying.

" Anu, Anu...... What happened beta?" She asked her worriedly.

Her mom took her face in her hands and made her look at her.

" What happened Anu? Why are you crying? " She asked her soflty.

" Ma....Ma.....Siddu......" She cried.

" Siddu..... What?" She asked again.

" Siddu left me." Saying this Anu broke down into sobs hugging her mother tightly.

" What are you saying?" She asked her  frowning.

" Siddu left me. He hates me Ma. He hates me." Anu was going hysterical.

Anu's mom hugged her tightly rubbing her back. When her cries died down, she started to pat her on the back. She made her sleep on her lap stroking her hair gently.

Her mom cries silently looking at her daughter's state. She is worried.....Anu's nightmares are back again. It has been a long time since she didn't get nightmares and it has been a long time since she saw her daughter crying like this.

She doesn't know what to do now. She thinks it's better to tell Siddharth about her condition maybe he will talk to the doctor about this.

She made Anu sleep on the bed and walked outside kissing her forehead. She went upstairs towards his room and opened the door.

It was empty.

She thinks that he still didn't come back from the work and goes downstairs.

Anu's words echoes in her ears.

Siddu left me..... He hates me.....

" What was she saying?" Her mom whispered to herself.

She tried calling on Siddharth's mobile but his phone was switched off.

She panicks thinking if what her daughter said was true.

" Did he really left?"

A tear rolled down her cheeks.

Just then gate was opened and she looked towards the screeching sound of the gate.

Siddharth entered the house looking tired and worn out. Her mom sighed in relief looking at him and was happy that he didn't leave.

Siddharth looked at her puzzled.

" Aunty, What happened?" He asked shaking her shoulder.

She held his hand and kept her forehead on his hand and started crying. Siddharth was stunned thinking for what she is crying. His thoughts immediately went to Anu and he shook with fear thinking if something happened to Anu.

" Aunty, what happened? You are scaring me. Is A.Anu alright?" Siddharth stuttered in fear.

She looked up at him and his heart clenched looking at her tear stained face. She was the woman who was always brave and strong for her daughter and her family. She was the one who gave him support and stood with him when he was vulnerable.

But now looking at her break down made it clear that Anu is not alright. And that thought itself made his heart ache.

" She is having nightmares and she almost had a panic attack." Her mom said after calming herself.

" What? Why?" He asked.

" I don't know. She got up from her sleep yelling your name and when I asked her what happened, she was going hysteric saying that you left her and you hate her." Her mom said looking at him who is looking at her stunned.

" Why would I leave her? Why would I even hate her?" He asked shocked.

" Maybe she had a nightmare of you leaving her." Her mom whispered.

Siddharth went silent.

" Aunty please don't cry. You were always strong for us and you should be strong further also. Nothing will happen to her." He said to her but inside he was shaking with fear.

" You don't understand Siddharth. It has been a long time since Anu got nightmares and it has been a long since I saw her crying like this. I am worried that this might be the effect of her deteroiting health." She said and slumped on to the sofa.

Siddharth stood silent with many thoughts in his mind.

" What happened?" They heard a voice and turned to see its Anu's father who has a frightened look on his face.

Anu's mom got up to tell him what happened while Siddharth slowly went towards her room. He opened the door and looked at her sleeping form.

He went inside and kneeled down beside her bed. He looked at her face which clearly showed that she cried a lot. He blinked back his tears and kissed her forehead.

He came back to the living room and saw worried face of her father.

" I will talk to the doctor." He said and walked away from there before they could see tears in his eyes.


Anu got up from her sleep and looked at the wall where Siddharth photos are hanged. She smiled looking at his smiling face and then suddenly before night's dream flashed before her eyes.

She ran out of her room to upstairs and opened his room door.

" Siddu." She called but didn't get any response.

Fear took over her and looked around panicking.

" Anu?" She heard his voice and snapped her head towards bathroom.

He stood there looking at her confused.

" Siddu!"

She scream and ran towards him.

She hugged him tightly.

Siddharth hugged her back who was shaking now.

" I am here only Anu..... Calm down." He kept repeating these words until she calmed down.

" Now tell me what happened?" He asked her.

She nodded her head in no saying nothing.

" Is there anything you want to tell me?" He asked her hopefully.

" Nothing." She said and turned to leave.

" Look Anu, if there is anything then you have to tell me." He sighed in frustration making her stop in her tracks.

" I can't play this hide and seek game anymore." He said seriously and she turned to look at him who looked at her frowning.

" I want you to share your thoughts and feelings with me. I want you to tell me what's troubling you. I want to know why are you panicking and why are you crying." He said looking at her intently.

She stood silent grasping his words.

She wants to tell him that she loves him.

She wants to tell him that he is her whole world.

She wants to tell him that she is dying.

She wants to tell him that she is more scared for his life than hers.

She wants to tell him that she wants him to be her side till her last breath.

She wants to tell him that a big fear has ignited inside her, the fear of him leaving her.

She wants to tell him that she can feel that her time is getting nearer.

She looked at him intently with all the thoughts running in her mind and tears continously flows from her eyes.

But she couldn't utter a single word.

They both stood staring at each other with silence prevailing around them and they could hear each other heart beats clearly.

His phone rang breaking his trance and he answered the call. She turned and walked out of his room with heavy heart.

" I wish I could say how much I love you."

She whispered to herself and wiped her tears away going into her house.

" I wish you could let me in and talk to me."

He whispered to himself after finishing the call.


"I don't know Dr. Gupta what you will do and how will you do but those doctors should be here soon. Tell them we are ready to pay how much ever money they want."

" If it's not possible for them to come here from Germany then tell them we will only go there."

" I know it's not easy but we don't have much time left. She is behaving very differently. I can't lose her."

" Ok, please try to arrange something. I want to save her before anything drastic happens."

Siddharth cut the call and walked downstairs.

" Aunty I have some important work, I will be out for a while so don't wait for me." He informed her and looked at Anu who stares at him like he is leaving forever.

Siddharth sighed something to Anu's mom without Anu's knowledge and she nodded her head. He went outside and drove away in his car.

" Anu come, let's go." Her mom said.

" Where?" She asked frowning.

" To the Doctor, I have taken appointment for you." She said taking her purse.

" But......"

" No buts..... I want to talk to doctor about your health." She said and Anu obeyed.

After they went to the hospital, a series of tests were done on Anu. They have to wait for reports to see the results which may take some hours.

All the time Siddharth was also there in the hospital when the tests were going on.

After the tests were done, Anu and her mom came back home while Siddharth was in the hospital only talking with the doctor.

He was trying to get some foreign doctors to India who are specialists in such cases. He used his and his father's influence but those doctors have lined up patients and surgeries and they don't have time to come to India just for one patient.

He is so much worried and tensed. He wants to save her at any cost. He rubbed his forehead in frustration and buried his face in his heads not knowing what to do.

What he should do to save her?


To be Continued...........

Stay Tuned..........

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