Nico Di Angelo

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Disclaimer:I don't own anyone but Scarlet. Rick and J.K rule all!


Harry P.O.V.

  I walked outside to see Scarlet standing with some guy covered in golden dust. I was about to get her attention when he grabbed her by her arm and walked into a tree.

                  "But,—!"I heard her say before they hit the tree and  dissapeared. I was about to call for help when I noticed that the guy didn't seem to use regular magic. How did he use a tree?

   Why didn't he just apparate?

Thinking about what I just saw, I walked back into the Leaky Cauldron and back up the stairs.

            WhenI got back up to my room my thoughts wandered back to the conversation I heard earlier.

     Without thinking, I said out loud,"I am not going to be killed."

"That's the spirit dear."said my mirror sleepily.


Scarlet P.O.V.

     Grover pulled me along to the other side of the massive pine tree.

     "Where are we going?" I asked again.

   "To camp." he said simply.

      "No,"I sighed,"I mean where. As in how far are we from my house?" That seemed to make him understand.

   "Oh. We're in New York."

"What?!?" I screamed at him.

   " Did you seriously take me halfway across the country?"I yelled at him.

     He cringed away from me.

   "Scarlet, calm down! You shouldn't let your anger get out of control like this!"

   "Yeah, like I don't know that!" I wailed. I stomped my feet in     

  anger and cracks appeared under me.The earth rumbled     

dangerously beneath me. Bones appeared at my feet and all  around me.

     "Take me back! Take me home!" I wailed louder.

  People streamed from buildings that I was suddenly able to see. A black haired, green eyed kid ran up to Grover and me.

   "What's going on?" he asked. He looked at me and cursed in a   weird language.

    "Someone go get Nico! Hurry!" he yelled.

   He reached out to touch me, but I stopped him.

"Ouch!" he said as I set my hands and his shirt on fire.

"Stay away from me!" I screeched.

     "Get Leo too! Get Leo!" he yelled.

  "Take me home!" I yelled at no one in particular.

   Then there was blow to my head from behind, and my head


   I blacked out.


  When I woke up, I was in a nice comfy bed. That is, until I woke

up. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a kind of

makeshift hospital. The bed was immediately uncomfortable. Whoa, too many big words in one sentence.

       Dang you, ADHD. Anyway, the bed wasn't comfy anymore. I

  tried to get up but it felt as if I hadn't moved in ages. After a

  couple of seconds, I could fully move.

        I hopped out of the bed and moved to the door. With just one

  look, I was mad again. That kid, Grover, had taken me to New

  York. And I was still here.

        "Grover!" I yelled.The ground rumbled with each step I took.

   Everyone whispered as I walked past, searching for my 'friend'.

  I found him hiding behind a tree, eating a tin can.When he saw,

or more like heard, me coming towards him, he tried to run but I had him where I wanted him. I wasn't going to let him get away that easily.

      I lifted my hands in a swift motion, making tall spires pop up

and surround him.

       "Why did you take me here?" I demanded.

    "To protect you." Wow. Really. Like I can't take care of myself.

  "Seriously. Does it look as if I couldn't survive without your

  help?" I ask incredulously. It was true.

       I was perfectly pale, with an exercised body and mind. My

   balance was also perfect, always leaning up on my toes. My   

   long blonde hair was always hanging down my back, never    

   messy or tangled. My clothes never got more than a little dirty.

       "Hey," some dude ran up to us. It was the same black haired

  boy from before. He looked the same as before, but burned.

    "Sorry."  I blurted out without thinking.

"What?" he asked, confused. "About your hands. Sorry I burned you." I apologized.

    "Oh." Then he seemed to remember something.

"Have you met Nico?" I shook my head.

       "Come on, let's go to your cabin. he's probably there." he

    said. Some guy holding a bow and arrows said importantly,

  "She hasn't even been claimed yet."

       Another dude with black hair hopped foward. He had elfish

  features, except that he was grinning evilly.

     "Come on, Mark! You're a child of Athena. I thought you were

   supposed to be smart." he said.

        Mark scowled at him. "Shut up, Leo." he said.

   The Latino elf grinned more.

  "You're just hating on my awesomeness. Its obvious, Mark, that

  she's a daughter of Hades." Leo said.

    "Pluto, actually." the black haired boy beside me stated.

         "Come on Percy!" Leo whined. "You just had to ruin the

    moment!" Mark smiled victoriously.

  "Anyways," Leo started," I hear you got fire powers."

   "Why do you care? I just want to kill Grover so he will take me

  home!" I replied in my now ridiculous sounding British voice.

   It sounded so weird compared to all these American accents.

"Why do you want to leave so badly?" Leo asked, confused.

       "Because he took me away when I didn't want to leave!" I

  screamed loudly. "I wanted to go back for my third year!"

  There were mutters rippling through the crowd I had attracted.

   —She stayed at one school for how long?

  —She really wants to go back?

     Its as if they haven't stayed at one school for a whole year.

  But maybe they haven't.Oh well.

          "Where exactly is your school?" someone asks.

     "Great Britain." I answer. A kid with gray eyes walked up to me.    

     "You have ADHD right? Possibly dyslexia?" he asked.

   Dang, I think. Stalk much? Instead I say,"Yes but they wouldn't stop me from going because of that." A lot of kids looked like they wanted to hear more about this awesome school.

   "I want to go!" a girl says.

        "Hey I want to go too!". Everyone started to complain about how they wanted to go also.

    Soon a brown eyed girl asks," What can I do to get in?"

  I scoffed."It depends on your abilities. I don't think any of you are wiz—" I'm cut off as someone's cold hand clamps over my mouth. I turn around to see a gothic looking boy standing with his his hands over my mouth.

         "We're going to see Chiron, OK? These kids don't know anything about you. And you will not tell them anything about you until you're told to." His eyes were scary, drilling into mine. His tone made it clear that he really didn't care and didn't feel like doing this.

      "Okay,"I squeak. Its clear that everyone crowd was scared of   him.The boy walked through the crowd, steering me along behind him. He cleared a path easily. The boy walked up to a big house, still pulling me along.

        Finally, I gather up enough courage to ask,"Who are you?"

    He let's my arm go and turns around to look at me. He's not nearly as intimidating as he was in front of all those people. His brown eyes, very close too being black, looked into my dark blue, almost purple eyes. His eyes sparkled with amusement.

           "I'm Nico DiAngelo. Who are you?"


      I haven't updated for a while but who cares?

   Don't answer that question sarcastically. Next will be much

  better than this one, but againwho cares?!?!?!

       I dedicate this chappie to KaylaKV. She made me use all my

    smiles, buts its alright.

    But thanks!!!! Thank you!Thank you!

   (takes an annoyingly sarcastic bow worthy of Leo)

    I may have or may have not listened to the Harry Potter theme          song over and over again while writing this chapter. So I'm very annoying at the moment because every time I hear it I want to hook my tablet up to my new guitar amp just to make it louder.

     Anyone else get the feeling that if there really was a world full of magical beings that it would be better than this lousy world we  mortals call REAL LIFE!?!?!?!?!?!? Comment what u think.


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