Chapter Thirteen: To Let You Know

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Rome Ramirez

We went to my grandma's for my grandpa's birthday, his 70th, which really just meant that I got to hang out with my cousins.

None of us really live near each other, I'm the only one in the city since my dad's family is from the city but my mom's isn't, she just went to college in the city. That's how they met, they had a class together and both hated the class but they sat by each other and it's always a sweet story.

We have gatherings like this a lot, though. My mom's family is pretty close so the see the family like once every month or so.

"Hey!" My older cousin who may as well be my older brother, Emmett said as he slapped my back when I walked over to the cousins, all grouped together away from the rest of the family. "You guys made it, we were getting worried."

"We did make it," I agreed, nodding my head and almost immediately Andrea, who's two years older than I am, brought it up.

"How's the search been going?" And I don't blame her for asking because she's almost never on Instagram or anything so she wouldn't have seen it there. "Has there been any word on Percy? I kind of miss him, he was a lot of fun when I saw him last."

"Percy?" When I said their name I could see everyone hold their breath even if I knew they sent me a message after seeing the post that he was back. Emmett called me up to harass me after he found our that Percy was back and alive and he still looked nervous about what I'd follow it up with. "he's been back for a while now! He got back home at the start of August! He just had other stuff going on today so he couldn't come. Sally and Paul are getting divorced, though."

"Didn't they just get married?"

"Well... A year ago," I agreed, nodding my head. "he's been really shitty since Percy's been back and even before Percy got back when we'd go over to their apartment to visit he was... Not great towards Sally. Percy's dad has been around a lot more lately, though, I actually met the dude, and Paul accused Sally of having an affair with him yesterday and he also talked shit about Percy and it was fucked up. I went over last night and like I expected something to be happening because Percy texted me about it but... It was worse than I expected. I wouldn't be surprised if his parents did get back together, though, after the divorce is over. the way they look at each other... They both try to hide it so the other won't feel bad but you can just tell that they miss each other. Their breakup was also super weird, though, because they didn't break up to break up it was like... Other stuff, I don't know. But Percy will definitely be here for Christmas."

"Good," Levi, a cousin a year younger than me commented. "I miss making fun of you."

"Doesn't everyone?" Andrea added.

Everyone kind of laughed after that before demanding to see any photos that I had of Percy and I since he's been back and I was reminded of the fact that all of my cousins that are attracted to men and around my age all would steal Percy if given the chance.

And I don't blame them one bit because he's my boyfriend and words have failed to describe how much I love him many times and he's not but also he's perfect and I love him so much.

The next few weeks fell into a nice pattern of school, practice, hang out with Percy and do homework and sometimes have others over or other times if I didn't have much homework, we'd go out on a date.

After first quarter everyone from camp stopped going to school and the timing was actually perfect because that's when Percy came back, even if it was just for the second half of the day. And by then, everyone knew about the divorce but since he'd been at swim, nobody really asked him about it in school.

But we made it to state for swimming! I like just barely made it, but Percy did really good so it's day one of state and because there was a few of us that made it, including our relay team and some divers, we all came yesterday as a team since we're allowed a day to swim and get used to the pools because depth perception can really fuck you up in a place you're not used to.

And of course I knew my parents and then Emmett would be here. Andrea said she might, so I wasn't sure if she was here, and then we expected Sally to be here. Maybe like Rachel.

But as Percy's getting ready for his first race, standing behind the current heat of swimmers waiting for his, just doing the thing where he shakes his legs and arms to get his nerves out before every race, I look up by our schools section and I see somebody else up there and maybe I shouldn't have been surprised.

Poseidon was in the stands, though, sitting next to Sally, and it made me wonder if Percy had noticed.

As he got on his block, I focused my attention back on my boyfriend since I don't have to worry about racing for a while and he actually did really well, he secured a spot for day two in that race.

And after I gave him a hug and a kiss because he deserved it.

Both of us made it to day two, which was really just so sexy and after he finished his last race we got changed and headed up to meet our parents to take some photos and he definitely didn't notice Poseidon the entire time because he was surprised when he saw him talking to my mom with Sally. My dad couldn't make it today, he'd be here tomorrow.

So really, I had to do good today. And I did! I was really proud of my times, actually.

Watching Sally and Poseidon interact though...

It kills me. Every time.

"So are you two dating?" Mom had every right to ask Percy's parents that because they've never met his dad before. They don't really know anything about him besides the fact that he wasn't around a lot when he was younger because of thing he couldn't control. "that's why you're here with Sally, right? You guys are dating?"

"What?" Poseidon asked and both of them panicked and I could see my boyfriend screaming inside because now with Paul gone, Poseidon has been over a bit to help with bills and figuring out Percy's medical stuff and they're going through the process for him to sign the birth certificate and whatever else. It's been a bit and Percy loses his mind every day Poseidon is there because it's so fucking obvious and they won't just fucking do it. "oh, uh... No, we're not dating. Sally like, basically just for divorced. I'm Percy's dad."

They want to be dating, though. 

And neither of them will admit it.

Poseidon kind of will. But he always adds on the divorce that nust happened and him not wanting to put Percy through another big change and he has a whole list of things and he won't say that he wants to date but he'll say that he did miss her a lot.

But like, same difference.

"You know, now that you say that, you guys do look a lot alike," my mom responded and Poseidon nodded his head in response. "Oh, boys! Let me get a photo of you two!"

A few different photos were taken of Percy and I and then between our families and whatever before we left the stadium to go out to eat and while a lot of the teams parents are at one end of the tables, were at the other end.

Josh, our team captain, was the first to ask.

"So Percy," Josh questioned. "Are you parents getting back together?"

"Are my— oh," he responded, glancing down to the parents, all talking and seeming to have fun. His parents sitting next to each other and I've heard three people ask about how long they've been dating because like... Her and Paul are divorced.

It's a little more hesitant every time they have to tell people they're not dating.

"Maybe," he figured, shrugging. "if they'd stop acting like they don't want to. I get why they haven't yet but... It drives me nuts. Mom's worried about how I'd react to something like that, though, and Dad is... Just grateful that he can be around us without another dude getting mad about it so... Doesn't want to risk losing that. I think they're mostly just afraid to actually do it."

"Afraid?" Logan questioned, which seeing as he knew who his dad was, it seemed fair. Gods don't seem like the type to get scares. "Of what?"

Percy shrugged again.

"I don't really know, but it's also been uh... 18 years since they've been together and they were both young when they were together so... I don't know, man, I've dated one person, I don't know how ex's work."

"And you'll never know." Quinn added on.

"It's true."


After dinner I told Percy I'd be back tomorrow to watch him again and gave him a hug before Sally said goodbye and also gave him a hug as they got back on their bus and we got in Sally's car.

I had four people today, strangers, call Sally my wife.

I had even more ask if we were dating or when we started dating because I've never worn a wedding band if it's not with a mortal and like... I've never married a mortal anyways, but you get the point.

But you're married to Amphitrite! Yeah we just hang out.

It's been hundreds of years since we've done anything a couple would do.

Live in the same kingdom.

Don't share a room. She has her own place, actually, now. It's connected by a little hall to my place. We're still married because getting a divorce as a god is so much fucking work and neither of us care enough. It's not like it's legal in any mortal court.

But holy shit it's harder to tell them no than I expected.

And it's not like I'd say we are because we're not but... To just say that you know, I wish.

"How many people do you think assumed we had an affair?" Sally asked I think half as a joke after we had been driving for a few minutes and I chuckled because when I introduced myself to somebody as Percy's dad they thought it meant that I had already assumed rule as his step dad to be and not... Being his actual dad. And they had a disgusted look until I told them I was his biological father.

"Uh, everyone except for the people who I'd already met," I responded because it was true and she just rolled her eyes and smiled. "What? It's true. Just about everyone either asked or assumed."

"Yeah they were kind of relentless at dinner," Sally agreed as she turned onto the main road to get back to the apartment. "Do you need anything from anywhere before we go back to the apartment?"

Telling her that I had everything I needed there or with me, we mostly just listened to the radio after that and talked here or there. Pointed out cool things to each other, sang along to the songs we knew on the radio and she knew a lot more of them compared to me but I was okay with that befahss it meant I got to listen to Sally sing a lot more often and she has a soft, nice voice.

Getting to the apartment, Sally went to change into clothes she can fall asleep in and I did as well because gods don't need sleep but sometimes it just happens. If you fall into the rhythm of it, especially.

But just hanging out here for hours while Sally is asleep would feel weird so I was planning on sleeping tonight.

After a few minutes, Sally came back out from her room to join me in the living room and seeing her dressed down always makes my stomach feel like a pool of nectar warming up. I feel special every time I get to see it.

We worked on puzzle that Sally had started this morning for a before deciding to just watch tv and she sat down next to me I had reached over to the table to put my phone down and I sure as shit didn't expect for Sally to use it as a chance to lean into me.

And we stayed that way.

For a while.

"Hey, Sally," but I was mostly curious and thinking about things that had happened earlier today.


"How many people asked you if we were together?"

"Like 27, why? Maybe 28."

Smiling to myself and also to that, I answered the question for her.

"I noticed you had started keeping track earlier," I explained to Sally and noticed her cheeks turn ponk. "hey, I thought it was cool and kind of funny. Especially after I heard a kid ask Percy at dinner."

"So it was definitely 28."

Chuckling, I confirmed that number and she told me she'd be back before going to the bathroom.

So I got up, got myself some water, and when she returned from the bathroom she had said something about the mug I was using because it was an old one that I gave to her heard ago and we made eye contrwct and it was the most terrifying thing in the entire world.

Not just contact, though, we locked eyes and she has this warm smile but just as terrified look in her eyes and we stayed like that for...

Longer than probably called for..

But then we were standing closer together and our eyes were still locked to each other's and then despite myself, I barely even noticed my hand go under her chin.

I definitely felt the world melt around me when we kissed for the first time in 17½ years, though.

It puddled around my feet when I could feel her smile against my lips.

"I thought we weren't allowed to do that," Sally responded, still smiling and I could feel my smile because it's been so nice being around her lately, but I missed Sally so much. Being with her.

"Well we weren't," I half confirmed. "But you see like right after you got married we owed this kid named Percy and he got rid of the rule that said we weren't allowed to do that so... Now we are allowed."

"Good," she said before hugging me and I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back and just enjoying this moment. "I missed you."

"I've been around for the past few weeks like most days."

So she debated her wording for a moment before telling me that we were on the same page.

"I missed us."

"I missed us, too."

Percy Jackson

Shout-out to the coach for putting Rome, Logan, and Quinn and I in a room together so I didn't have to censor anything I was saying.

Anyways, I was just going to send an IM to Mom quick because my fucking swim cap broke earlier today after everything and my spare it in my room. Just ask her to grab it for me because she'll get here a little before my first race.

And the call was answered automatically probably because my dad is there and he's a god so calls always go through to them and like she definitely didn't notice it and what I saw gave me Dejá Vu.

A couple years back now, I sent my mom an IM to see her doing homework with Paul, obviously having a pleasant time because she liked him and she was happy to be around him.

This was that, but like... Even more.

I see what I saw with Paul almost on the daily with my parents. Whenever Dad is there, those moments happen.

It's very sweet, actually.

This was a step above that. While I'm sure it happened after they left today, probably in part due to how many times they were questioned about it, there was obvious progression made in their relationship.

They were cuddling on the couch.

How is it that I always catch my mom like this and she's never once caught Rome and I?

Like sure, she'll walk into my room or the living room and we'll be cuddling or something but... She knows we're there and that were doing something that involves cuddling. We told her about us like pretty early on so she didn't find out about us how I seem to find out about all of her relationships.

After a few minutes, though, Mom gets up, telling Dad rhat she was going to get something to drink and asked if he wanted a refill on whatever it was he had and be said sure, thanking her as she took both glasses and nearly dropped them when she saw me in an IM.

"Percy!" She yell whispered after putting the glasses down, caught off her guard. "What are you doing?"

"Uh, sitting in a hotel room," I answered pretty plainly. "Everyone in here is either a demigod or Rome so it's fine, don't worry. I just have two questions."

"Which are?"

"Firstly, can you bring my spare swim cap with you tomorrow? Mine broke earlier."

Telling me she could do that, writing a note for herself, she asked me what else I was wondering about. What my other question could've been.

"So like," I begin. "are you and Dad...? What's up with that? Cuddling in the coich doesn't feel very were just friends that so happen to interact a lot because you had a kid together 17 years ago."

She sighed and I wasn't sure why.

But she let me know.

"You need to stop finding out about these things through IM." She said to herself and I chuckled because I actually think it's really funny. "But yes, Percy, unless you have a reason of protest about it, your dad and I are getting back together. It's nothing super official, and it's not like you missed anything, okay? It was after we got back from the meet so there weren't any secret date nights that you didn't know about, I promise. But you seriously need to stop finding out about things this way."

Telling her that she needed to pay attention to IMs for that to happen, she just rolled her eyes and told me to go hang out with my teammates. She'd be here early tomorrow.

"Damn," Quinn said I think partially as a joke. "Your mom pulled a god? Twice?"

And I just kind of blinked at them because it's not rocket science.

"So did yours," I reminded them. "you're brothers, not twins. Yours was just a lot closer together. My parents... Well, you saw them. I don't like thinking into the technicalities of it all, but it'll make things interesting. As long as he doesn't move in or I guess moreso as long as the others don't try and constantly come over to talk to either of us it should be fine. This is my year off and I'm standing by that."

"Oh, yeah! Nico was telling us about that," Logan recalled as I remembered that they probably know more than what I've just told them. "When we asked why you don't go to camp on weekends or anything and he said that he didn't have a super good or specific answer but after this last summer you said you were taking a year off and you had stayed out of everything with Apollo and stuff so far. Was there a reason for that or...?"

I shrugged, leaning back into my boyfriend for comfort because it still feels really weird to talk about it with them. About camp or the gods or any of it.

"I mean, it was just a rough year after I went missing," I explained to them pretty vaguely. "Waking up in California with like no memory isn't ideal, especially when you find out it's because Hera did it. She did it to Jason, too. That's a different conversation about the gods themselves, though. Um... But yeah, it was stressful and intense and I was kind of going insane after a while so when I came home I knew that if I said I could be there to help I'd probably be there constantly and so I told them I wanted nothing to do with camp this school year and then they showed up at Goode anyways but..."

Once again, I shrugged.

"They've never been good at honoring those kind of wishes so I guess I'm not surprised," I was honest and it threw them for a loop. It even seemed to have Rome's attention. He's heard me talk bad about my dad, and he's heard me stress over camp, but not shit talk the gods in general. "Yeah, there's a lot you don't know and won't be taught by Chiron. I don't want to ruin your experience with camp because it can be a fun place when there isn't shit going on but... That place ripped my teenage years away from me, absolutely fucked me up. Whatever my mom's first husband didn't fuck up, they did. My experience has been worse than the average campers, though."

"How so?" Quinn asked. "How bad can it be?"

"I don't think we have the time of day to even start that conversation." But I shut it down pretty fast because I couldn't do it right now.

I've done so well focusing on school and being home these last few months and if I go into my past at camp I won't sleep tonight. I'll stay up because of nightmares or guilt and it'll just carry into tomorrow and I don't want that to happen.

So I shut it down. They'll learn another day.

It doesn't have to be tonight.

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