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( LIES )

"Mr. And Mrs. Milton?" Dean asks as they step in.

"We're from the Sheriff's department. We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions." Sam says. There are two dead bodies lying in the floor. Their throats have been cut.

Sam checks some powder on the floor near the dead bodies. "Sulfur. The demons beat us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl-" He starts.

"Yeah, they want her. They're not screwing around. All right, so, I'm "Girl, Interrupted," Dean picks up some addressed envelopes. "And I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box... Possibly using superpowers, by the way. Where do I go?"

Sam looks at family photographs and picks one up. "Hey, you got those sketches from Anna's notebook?" He asks.

"Yeah." Dean says.

"Let me see 'em. Check this out." Sam picks out a drawing of a stained-glass window.

"She was drawing the window of her church." Dean says.

"Over and over. If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you go to feel safe?" Sam asks.

[ ☼ ]

The Impala is parked in front of the church. Through a window, two figures can be seen going upstairs. Sam and Dean enter the attic with their guns drawn.

"Dean." Sam points with his gun towards a person hiding. "Anna?" They put away their guns. "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean."

"Sam? Not Sam Winchester?" Anna asks.

"Uh, yeah." Dean says.

"And you're Dean. The Dean?"

"Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess." Dean says.

"It's really you. Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us." Anna says. "And some of them don't like you at all. They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you."

"So, you talk to angels?" Dean asks.

"Oh, no. No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of... overhear them." She says.

"You overhear them?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just... hear them in my head." Anna says.

"Like... right now?" Asks Dean.

"Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them."

"So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just... tuning in to angel radio?" Dean asks.

"Yes. Thank you." Anna says.

"Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?" Sam asks.

"I can tell you exactly-September 18th."

"The day I got out of Hell." Dean says and steps of to the side to call a familiar number. "Yeah. We need you over here now. I'll send you the coordinates." He hangs up.

"First words I heard, clear as a bell-"Dean Winchester is saved." Anna says.

"What do you think?" Dean asks.

"It's above my pay grade, man." Sam says.

"Well, at least now we know why the demons want you so bad. They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-900-angel." Dean says.

"Hey, um, do you know-are my parents okay? I-I didn't go home. I was afraid." Anna says.

Ruby enters into the attic in a rush. "You got the girl. Good, let's go." She says.

"Her face!" Anna yells.

"It's okay. She's here to help." Sam says.

"Yeah, don't be so sure." Dean says.

"We have to hurry."

"Why?" Says Dean.

"Because a demon's coming-big-timer. We can fight later, Dean." Ruby says.

"Well, that's pretty convenient-showing up right when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail?"

"I didn't bring him here. You did." Says Ruby.

"What?" Dean asks.

"He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now."

"Dean." Sam points to a statue that's bleeding from the eyes.

"It's too late. He's here." Ruby says.

Sam takes Anna by the arm and hides her in a closet. "Okay. Stay in there. Don't move." He says.

"Okay." Anna says. Sam takes out a flask of holy water.

"No, Sam, you got to pull him right away." Ruby says.

"Whoa, hold on a sec." Dean says.

"Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going darkside. He does his thing, he exorcises that demon, or we die." Ruby says as Sam puts the flask away again.

The demon enters and Sam tries to exorcise him, but it doesn't work. "That tickles. You don't have the juice to take me on, Sam." The Demon throws Sam downstairs. Dean attacks him with Ruby's knife, but he wins their fight. "Hello again, Dean."

Anna screams as Ruby pulls her from the closet. "Come on, Dean. Don't you recognize me? Oh, I forgot-I'm wearing a pediatrician. But we were so close... in Hell." He says.

"Alastair." Dean says. Sam stabs Alastair with Ruby's knife.

"You're gonna have to try a whole lot harder than that, son." Alastair says as Sam grabs Dean and they look at a large stained-glass window. As Alastair pulls out the knife, Sam and Dean jump through the window.

[ ☼ ]

Sam is sewing a cut in his left arm while Dean is in the bathroom. "Are you almost done?" Dean asks Sam.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Sam says.

"Good, 'cause you know I got a dislocated shoulder over here." Dean picks up a whiskey bottle and drinks from it.

"Yeah. I'll pop it back when I'm finished." Sam says. "Gimme that." Sam gestures for the bottle and pours whiskey over his wound.

"So, you lost the magic knife, huh?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, saving your ass. Who the hell was that demon?" Sam asks.

"No one good. We got to find Anna."

"Ruby's got her. I'm sure she's okay. All right. Come on. On three. One..." Sam forces Dean's shoulder back into place.

"You sure about Ruby? 'Cause I think it's just as likely she used us to find radio girl and then brought that demon in to kill us." Ruby says.

"No, she took Anna to keep her safe."

"Yeah. Well, why hasn't she called to tell us where she is?" Dean asks.

"Because that demon is probably watching us right now, waiting to follow us right back to Anna again. That's why he let us go." Sam says.

"You call this letting us go?"

"Yeah, I do. Look, killing us would've been no problem to that thing. That's why, for now, we just got to lay low and wait for Ruby to contact us." Sam says.

"How's she gonna do that?" Dean pauses. "Why do you trust her so much?"

"I told you."

"You got to do better than that. Hey, and I'm not trying to pick a fight here. I mean, I really want to understand." Dean says. "But I need to know more. I mean, I deserve to know more."

"Because... she saved my life."


[ ☾]

Sam is drunk, and after he enters the room a man and a women attack him. The woman takes Ruby's knife. "Thanks for keeping this warm for me, Sam." The Woman says.


"It's nice to be back. Where I was, even for Hell, it was nasty. I guess I really pissed Lilith off." Ruby says. "Imagine my relief when she gave me one last chance to take it topside. And all I had to do was find you and kill you."

"Fine. Go ahead! Do it." Sam says.

Ruby stabs the other demon instead of Sam. "Grab your keys. We got to go. Now!" She says.

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