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[ ☾]

      "We've watched them twice. Whoever took the blood..." Cara starts.

      "Must have tampered with the tapes. Who has access to your office?" Sam asks.

      "Everybody. I don't lock it."

      "You what?" Sam asks.

      "I've never had this problem before. What is so important about the blood anyway?" Cara asks.

      "I think someone drugged the men, made them commit murder."

      "What? What kind of drug?" She asks.

      "Ahh, I'm not sure yet."

      "I don't know. I mean, I interviewed those guys and they had their reasons." Cara says.

      "Yeah but they all loved their victims."

      "I'm sure they did. Come on. Haven't you ever been in a relationship where you really love somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?" Cara says.

      "Sounds like you're speaking from experience." Sam says.


      "Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry." Says Sam.

      "It's OK. I was the one who bought it up." Cara opens a bottle of whiskey and pours two glasses.

      Sam looks at the whiskey. "Really?" He asks.

      "It's medicine. I'm a Doctor." Cara says. "His name was Karl. We were married." They clink glasses.

       "So what happened?" Sam asks.

      "Life happened. I don't know. I mean I loved him. Still do I guess but...I don't know." Sam says. "It's like one day I looked up and I was living with a stranger and...you know what I mean, right?"

      Sam thinks of Elena. "Too well."

      "People change. I know I did. But it's nothing to feel guilty about. It happens." Cara says.

      "So you two split up?" Sam asks.

      "I suppose that's a word for it." Cara says. Sam's phone rings. He looks at the number. "Do you need to get that?"

      "Nope. Not right now." Sam says.

      Cara pours them both another drink. "Whatever. We've all got our own sad stories, so... screw it. Have fun, no regrets and live life like there's no tomorrow." They clink glasses again. "For instance, I have been thinking about you, all night. Well, parts of you."

      "Just parts?" Sam asks.

      "Mmm-hmmm. Like your lips. They're very distracting. It's a problem. And I can't stop thinking about kissing them." Cara says.

      "That so?"

      "So...what the hell, huh?" Cara says.

      They have sex against the window, next to a bunch of the same flowers Nick had given Dean earlier.

[ ☾]

        Sam walks down the hall and enters their room. It is empty. He gets out his phone. "Sam! Where the hell have you been?" Dean asks in the Impala.

      "With Cara." Sam says.

      "Oh, it's Cara now? And you're not picking up your phone?"

      "We were trying to find the blood Samples – someone stole 'em." Sam says.

      "Yeah, I bet!" Dean yells.

      "What's that supposed to mean?"

      "Nick found flower petals at the crime scenes. Hyacinths." Dean says.

      "So?" Sam asks.

      "Hyacinths? Mediterranean. From the island where the whole friggin' siren myth started in the first place." Dean says.


      "Sam, Cara had hyacinth flowers!" Dean yells.

      "You think Cara's the siren?"

      "Well, I did a little checking up on her. She's only been in town for two months." Dean says.

      "Yeah. And?" Sam asks.

      "And she has an ex-husband. A dead ex-husband, Carl Roberts. Dropped like a stone, no warning. Supposedly a heart attack."

      "Well, maybe it was a heart attack." Sam says.

       "You're kidding me."

      "Look, I just don't think it's her." Says Sam.

      "And what makes you so sure?" Dean

      "I dunno, a hunch."

      "A hunch? I'm giving you cold hard facts here and you're giving me a hunch?" Dean asks. There are a few seconds of loaded silence. "Did you sleep with her?"

      "No." Sam says.

      "Holy crap. You did. Middle of Basic Instinct and you bang Sharon Stone?" Dean asks. "Sam, you could be under her spell right now!"

      "Dude, I'm not under her spell."

      "Unbelievable, man. I just don't get it." Dean says.

     "What?" Sam asks.


      "No. Say it." Sam says.

      "No, It's just...first it's Madison, and then Ruby, and now Cara. It's like... what is with you and banging monsters?"

      "Dean, I'm telling you, it's not Cara. I feel fine." Sam says.

      "I'll bet you do." Dean says.

      "You don't trust me?" Sam asks.

      "No. Because this could be the siren talking." Dean says.

      "Look, tell me where you are, I'll come meet you and we'll figure things out." Sam says.


      "Are you serious?" Sam asks.

      "I wish I weren't. I gotta handle this, Sam. By myself." Dean says. They hang up. Sam throws his phone across the room.

      Dean talks on the phone with Elena. "Just stay at the club until Cara gets there. She's already slept with Sam. Who knows what influence she has on him." He says.

      "Sam slept with Cara?" Elena asks.

      "Why do you care? Thought you hated him?" Dean asks.

      "I'll wait here then." Elena says and hangs up the phone.

      Dean dials someone else instead. "Sam's in trouble, Bobby. I think the siren's worked her mojo on him. Give me a call as soon as you get this." Dean hangs up and immediately makes another call.

      "Hey man, what's up?" Nick asks.

      "I need your help." Dean says.

      "Uh, sure. With what?"

      "Canvassing. We gotta find somebody." Dean says.

      Munroe sits in his car outside a bar. He watches Cara get out of a taxi and walk inside. Dean slides into Nick's passenger seat. "She went in just a second ago." Nick says.

      "Nice work." Dean says.

      "Should we follow her in?" Nick asks.

      "No, no, no, I don't wanna tip her off. Let's just wait and see who she comes out with."

     "So you think... what? She's drugging these guys?" Asks Nick.

      "Pretty much." Dean says.


      "I know how it sounds." Says Dean.

      "You sure about that? 'Cause it sounds like crazy on toast. All these different strippers, they're magically the Same girl? But then they're not strippers at all, it's Dr Quinn." Nick says.

       "It's kinda hard to explain, but I have my reasons and they're good ones, so you're just gunna have to trust me on 'em."

      "Yeah. OK. I guess." He says.

      Dean looks surprised. "Thank you. That's actually nice to hear." He takes a swig from his hip flask and offers it to Nick. Nick drinks and hands it back. Dean takes another swig.

      "So let's say she is drugging her vics. How's she pulling that off?" Nick asks.

      "She could be injecting them, you know, or passing the toxin through, uh, physical contact."

       "Or it could be her saliva." Nick says and smiles. "You really should have wiped the lip of that thing before you drank from it, Dean." A look of realization crosses Dean's face. "I should be your little brother. Sam. You can't trust him. Not like you can trust me."

      Munroe's reflection in the rear vision mirror is that of a monster. "In fact, I really feel like you should get him outtta the way, so we can be brothers. Forever." He says.

      "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Dean says as he speeds away. Elena runs after the car.

      "Well this can't be good." She says.

[ ☾]

      Sam enters and sees that Nick is sitting on the bed. "Nick. What are you doing here?" He asks. Dean jumps Sam and holds a knife to his throat. "Dean?" He turns to Nick. "I gotta tell ya, you're one butt ugly stripper."

      "Well, maybe. But I got exactly what I wanted. I got Dean." Nick says.

      "Dean, come on man, this isn't you. You can fight this. Let me go." Sam says.

      Nick turns to Dean. "Why don't you cut him? Just a little, on his neck right there." He says. Dean slices Sam's neck. "Dean's all mine."

      "You poisoned him." Sam says.

       "No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string." Nick says. "It was you. A little brother that looked up to him, that he could trust. And now he loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I gotta tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion? I mean, watching someone kill for you? It's the best feeling in the world."

      "Is that why you're slutting all over town?"

      "Ahh. I get bored, like we all do. And I wanna fall in love again. And again...and again." Nick says.

      "I'll tell you what. I have fought some nasty sons of bitches, but you are one needy pathetic loser." Sam says.

      "You won't feel that way in a minute." Nick grabs Sam's cheeks and squirts toxin from his mouth onto Sam's lips and chin. "So I know you two have a lot you wanna get off your chests. So why don't you discuss it? And whoever survives can be with me forever."

     Sam and Dean turn to face each other. "Well, I don't know when it happened. Maybe when I was in hell. Maybe when I was staring right at you. But the Sam I knew, he's gone." Dean says.

      "That so?" Sam asks.

      "And it's not the demon blood or the psychic crap. It's the little stuff. The lies. The secrets." Dean says.

      "Oh, yeah? What secrets?"

      "The phone calls to Ruby for one." Says Dean.

     "So I need your say-so to make a phone call?" Sam asks.

      "That's the point. You're hiding things from me. What else aren't you telling me?"

      "None of your business." Sam snaps.

      "See what I mean?" Dean asks. "We used to be in this together. We used to have each other's backs."

      "OK, fine. You know why I didn't tell you about Ruby, and how we're hunting down Lilith?" Sam asks. "Because you're too weak to go after her, Dean. You're holding me back. I'm a better hunter than you are. Stronger, smarter. I can take out demons you're too scared to go near."

      "That's crap." Dean says.

      "You're too busy sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Whining about all the souls you tortured in hell. Boo hoo." Sam says. Dean and Sam start fighting, trading many punches. "You're not standing in my way anymore." Dean runs at Sam.

      They crash through the door onto the hallway floor. Elena backs away, just getting there. "Sam! Dean! What the hell?!" She yells.

      "Welcome to the party Elena." Nick says and throws his hands up into the air, smiling. Dean gets up while Sam lies on the ground. Dean breaks the emergency glass and gets an axe, then stands staring down at Sam.

      "Do it. Do it for me, Dean." Nick says.

      Dean turns to Sam. "Tell me again how weak I am, Sam, huh? How I hold you back?" Dean swings the axe over his head as Sam covers his face with his arm. At the top of the swing the axe is grabbed as Bobby steps in. He jabs Dean in the shoulder with a bronze knife, making him cry out.

      Nick begins to run down the hall. Bobby raises the knife. "No. NO!" Sam yells.

      "Get him!" Bobby yells to Elena.

      On instinct, Elena uses her powers to throw the dagger without touching it. It hits Nick square in the back. As he falls, dead, his siren reflection is shown in a mirror.

      Leaning against cars, Bobby hands drinks around. "Thanks." Sam says.

      "Soda?" Dean asks.

      "You boys are driving, aren't ya?"

      "Thanks, Bobby. You know, if you guys hadn't shown up when you did..." Sam starts.

      "Done the same for me, more than once. Course, you coulda picked up the phone." Bobby says. "Only took one call to figure out that Agent Nick Munroe wasn't real." Awkward silence. "You boys gunna be OK?"

      "Yeah, fine." Sam says.

      "Yeah, good." Dean says.

      Bobby tips his hat and heads back over to his car. "See ya." He pauses and turns back to Sam and Dean. "You know, those sirens are nasty things. That it got to you, that's no reason to feel bad." Bobby gets in his car and drives away. The boys sip their drinks.

      "You gunna say goodbye to Cara?" Dean asks.

      "Nah, not interested." Sam says.

      "Really? Why not?"

      "What's the point?" Sam asks. "I need to focus more on Elena and getting her back."

      "Well, look at you. Love 'em and leave 'em."

      "Dean, look, you know I didn't mean the things I said back there, right? That it was just the siren's spell talking?" Sam says.

      "Of course, me too." Dean says. More silence.

      "Kay. So... so we're good?"

      "Yeah, we're good." Dean says. They enter the car.

[ ☾]

      The boys and Elena have checked themselves into another motel. It was late at night and Dean was out doing god knows what. Elena is sitting in her bed, staring at nothing. There's a knock at the door. Annoyed, Elena gets up and goes to the front door in only a tshirt. It's Sam.
      "What do you want?" Elena asks.

      "I wanted to talk to you about yesterday." Sam says.

      "Well I don't." Elena says and starts to close the door, but Sam puts his foot between it. "Excuse me?"

      Sam motions for him to come in. "May I?" He asks.

     "Alright, but make it quick to. I'm tired as hell." Elena says and let's Sam inside.

      Sam puts his hands in his pockets. "I know Dean told you that I slept with Cara." He says. Elena closes the door.


      Sam smirks. "He told me you were jealous." He says.

      "Me?" Elena asks. "Jealous? No."

      "Yeah you were." Sam says. "Because deep deep down, you still love me. And you can't erase that away."

      Elena crosses her arms. "Well if you want to talk about jealousy, let's talk about how jealous you were of Tanner."

      "I could care less about him." Sam says.

      Elena steps forward. "Oh really? So you don't care that he touched me in places I wouldn't even let you?" She says, smirking.

      "Well it shouldn't matter anymore because we're over, remember?" Sam says.

      "Right." Elena says as Sam stares at her seductively. He then steps up to her so that their noses are barely touching. "What are you going?"

      "You said you didn't care, right?" Sam asks. "Prove it."

      Elena bites her lip and quickly kisses Sam. They begin taking their clothes off of each other, one by one. Elena smiles and pushes Sam on the bed and jumps on top of him.

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