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       Elena parks the car that isn't the Impala and goes out. Ruby follows her. "Why are we stopping?" Ruby asks her.

      "We've searched 3 cities in the last 24 hours. I'm sick of top 40 radios, and I smell like leather." Elena says.

      "And that's my fault? You are the one who stole the list of Stephanie's possible whereabouts." Ruby says. "Did you ever think that Dean had bad information?"

      "Have I mentioned I can't stand the sound of your voice?" Elena says.

      "Too bad. We're not done. Get in. Next town."

      "In a minute. I'm hungry." Elena says.

      "We're not here for a pub crawl, Elena. You want the book. Stephanie has it. We don't stop until we find her." Ruby says.

[ ☼ ]

      Sam and Dean have found the Impala. Dean takes gasoline jerry cans from Stefan's car to full his car's tank. "If they so much as even scratched the paint on my baby..." Dean starts.

      "Why don't you just be grateful Bobby was able to track down the car after you let them, uh... You know, steal it from you." Sam says.

      "Remind me to send him some mini-muffins. Do we really need 10 gallons of gas or are you making me just lug this around as punishment?"

      "Well, they ditched your car after it ran out of fuel. We got to fill it up. We got a hundred miles before we get to Willoughby." Sam says.

      "Yeah, well, I don't remember that name from the list of places that I got in New York." Dean says.

      "Oh, the list. You mean the list they stole from right under your nose after you let your guard down?" Sam asks. "They'll be there. Bobby tracked down the car they stole after yours."

      "Screw the muffins. I'll get him champagne if Elena is wherever it may be." Dean says.

      "Willoughby, cream corn capital of Pennsylvania. They'll be there. Let's just hope we get to them before they get to the grimoire."

      "Ooh, silver lining. If Ruby helps Elena find the book, then Ruby's dead." Dean says.

      "Ooh, dark cloud. Elena is a dark witch forever. Look, why don't you just table the revenge fantasies for now and just keep your eye on the prize?" Sam asks. "Find Stephanie, get the book, get out before you get your neck snapped."

      "Believe me, I learned my lesson. Elena without humanity is a stone cold bitch. And I won't trust her until we get the old Elena back."

      "Look at that. We're finally on the same page about something." Sam says.

      "Look at that."

[ ☼ ]

       "She was here two minutes ago, I just talked to someone on the street." Elena says. "That means that she can't be that far. How about you check inside? I'll look in the parking lot."

      "Ok." Ruby says. They part. Elena thinks she just saw Stephanie in a car and gets closer, while hiding, but it's not her. Stephanie then grabs her and strangles her

      "I'm impressed. I never thought you would find me here. Oh, well. It's a beautiful place to die." Stephanie is about to kill her but Ruby intervenes and pushes her on the ground.

      "I couldn't agree more. You've chosen a beautiful place to die." Ruby says.

[ ☼ ]

      Rebekah, Elena and Stephanie are in a diner, sitting at a table. "Where's the grimoire?" Elena asks.

      "Somewhere. Someplace." Stephanie says.

      "I need a little more information than that." Elena says.

      "Well, if we're gonna be a while, I'm gonna go grab some menus." Stephanie says and gets up.

      Ruby sticks a fork in her hand. "You're not going anywhere." She says.

      "I forgot how charming you were."

      "I'm surprised you remember me at all, seeing as though you were so busy wedging yourself in everyone's business." Ruby says.

      A Waitress arrives and sees Stephanie and Elena. "Oh, my god. What happened?" She asks.

      Elena kicks Stephanie under the table. She compels the waitress. "I'm fine, Jolene. You didn't see anything." The waitress leaves*

      "Every minute you two waste with your yapping is another minute we give Sam and Dean to find us." Elena says.

      Ruby takes out the fork. "Where's the book?" She asks.

      "I'm sorry. I'm immune to your hostility." Stephanie says.

      "Oh, I get to torture it out of you. Fun." Ruby says.

     "Why do you two want it anyway?"

      "The question is, why do you want it? Let me guess. To kill Lilith." Ruby says.

     "I've spent the last 500 years running from her. I have no intention of being within sniffing distance of her." Says Stephanie. "But since it can be used against the bitch, I'm sure she's just itching to get her hands on it. "

      "Ohh, you poor victim. Where's the part of your plan where you screw us over and somebody dies?" Elena asks.

      "I have no reason to screw you over. I know you don't believe me, but it is the truth. People change. I'm not the girl you think I am." Stephanie says as Ruby smiles and jumps on her. She searches her pocket and finds a phone and throws it at Elena. "I don't have it on me."

      "I didn't think you did, but I'm sure there's something in that that can help us find it." Ruby says.

[ ☼ ]

      "Something's not right." Says Dean.

      "Well, this is definitely the car they stole. We're in the right place." Sam says.

      "Points to them for their choice in vehicles." Dean says. "So let me ask you something. What happens when we find Elena? How do we get her back? I mean, she's not exactly gonna go quietly. And she has an kickass demon as her bodyguard."

      "We do whatever we have to do. I don't care if we have to throw Ruby under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. We do whatever we have to do." Sam says.

      "I'm serious." Dean says.

      "I am, too. I don't care what Elena wants right now. She's this close to going off the rails for good. And that ain't happening. She's a pain enough as it is." Sam says.

      Dean shakes his head a sees them inside. "Look!" He says as they run inside. Elena gets up and Rams right into Dean. "Where do you think you're going?"

      "Great." Elena says lamely. "Here comes the police."

      Sam looks at Ruby. "Thanks." He says. Elena looks over at the demon.

      "Oh you're so dead!" She yells.

      "You're really gonna do this in public?"  Dean asks. Elena looks around.

      "Come on." Sam says as he grabs her arm and shoves her into one of the other booths. Dean sits down as he and Sam keep Elena from escaping.

     "Let me out." Elena sneers.

     "We're trying to help you." Sam says. "Elena, this isn't you."

      "It is now. And you two really need to accept it. 'Cause if you don't, there will be consequences." Elena says.

      "Listen, this isn't good. You're reckless." Dean says.

      The Waitress comes over again. "Let me just top that up for you." She says.

      "Thanks." Elena gets up and snaps her neck with her magic, killing her. The boys are shocked.

      "Oh...!" Dean yells.

      "Like I said, consequences. That's one body you are responsible for. If you keep trying to fix me, there'll be a second, a twentieth, and a hundred. It's your choice." Sam says as he and Dean pulls her out of the diner with all the witnesses.

      "Sam, you watch her and we'll find the book." Dean says as he, Ruby and Stephanie go the other way.

      Ruby, Dean and Stephanie enter her house. "No sudden moves. No tricks either." Dean says to Stephanie. "A quilt and a fish aquarium. Who the hell are you?"

      "A very old lady with dreadful taste." Ruby says.

      Stephanie opens a safe and looks inside. "It's gone. The cure, it was in the safe, but it's not there." She says.

      "Not falling for it. Where is it, Stephanie?" Dean asks.

      "I swear it was in the safe."

      "What just like this is really your life? And for all we know, this isn't even your house." Ruby says.

      "Maybe you don't know Stephanie at all. Did it even occur to you that you have no idea who I really am?" She asks.

      "Did it even occur to you that you're not that deep? This whole small-town girl thing, we know it's an act." Ruby says.

      "Where is the book?" Dean asks Stephanie doesn't answer and smiles. Ruby rushes towards her but Damon stops her. "Whoa, whoa. Hang on. We need her alive. The book's not here. You check upstairs. I'll check down. I got this."

       Ruby leaves the room. "So if I was a paranoid, distrustful sociopath, where would I keep my most prized possession?" Dean asks.

      "This should be fun." Stephanie says.

      "Because I'd want it to be close, but not on me. Accessible but not obvious. I'd want to keep it safe, but not so safe that it'd be too difficult to grab and run." Dean looks at the bookshelf. "Well, that is a fancy little book on a shelf with old ones. I think I'm gonna have to check that out."

       Stephanie jumps on him, puts his head in an aquarium and throws him on the floor. She takes the book off the shelf and is about to leave but Ruby stops her. "Give it to me or you're dead." She says.

      "You're gonna kill me anyway. So what's more important to you, huh? Killing me or getting the book?" Stephanie throws the grimoire in the air and leaves. Ruby catches it and looks at it in wonder. Dean gets up.

      "Alright, give it to me. Dean says. Ruby hands it over as Dean inspects the pages. "This seem sketchy to you?"

      "This isn't the book." Ruby says.

[ ☾]

      Sam watches TV as Elena sits on the bed, smiling wickedly. His phone rings and he answers it. "Hello? Dean? What? Alright." He hangs up.

     "What's going on at headquarters?" Elena jokes.

     "The book is a fake." Sam says.

      "Figures." Elena says.

      "You don't seem to bummed about it."

      "I don't know, Sam." Elena says. "I'm tired of running. I just want everything to go back to normal again. Like us."

      "Me too." Sam says. "I still love you."

      Elena moves behind him and runs her hands down his chest. Sam grabs her hands and pushes her down onto the bed and gets on top of her. She takes his shirt off and moves so she straddles him. Swiftly, she grabs the lamp and hits him over the head.

      She recalls what Stephanie told her before Ruby arrived. Stephanie had voluntarily gave her the keys saying, Hail the Queen. She pulls out keys from her pocket and grabs her jacket and leaves.

      Elena goes outside and hot wires a car and speeds off into the night. Later, she finds herself at a storage lock and walks inside. "If I was a book, where would I be?" She says.

      She spots a dusty box and opens it carefully. A red book with the word "Katherine" was inside. She stands up and is about to turn around when she sees a familiar voice.

       "Drop the book, Elena." Dean says.

      Elena turns around and sees Dean with a gun pointed at her. "You don't want to use that thing. Put the gun down, Dean." She says.

      "You're right." Dean says as he drops it and steps closer to her. "I don't want to shoot you. But we do kill monsters."

      "You're calling me a monster?" Elena asks.

      "You know it was pretty stupid for you to leave with a phone on you. It's easy to track." Dean says as she pulls Sam's phone out of her jacket pocket. "Maybe you should check your pockets."

      Elena drops the book and resumes a fighting stance. "You want the book, come and get it." She says.

      "Please don't make me do this." Dean says, but looks ready to punch.

      Elena charges on him, but he grabs her and throws her on the ground. He gets on top of her. She quickly wraps her legs around his neck and squeezes. He hits her legs and she lets go, kicking him backwards in the process. When he charges at her, she uses her powers to choke him.

      Dean falls to his knees in pain and holds his throat. "Elena..." He says as she smiles. There's a bright light as Castiel appears. He raises his hands and Dean stops and catches a gulp of air. Elena begins struggling as Sam appears.

      "Cas, stop. Castiel." Sam says. 

      "Dean, help me." Elena says as blood drips from her nose.

      "Cas... You're killing her." Dean says.

      "I know what I'm doing." Says Castiel.

      "Damn it, Cas." Dean says.

      "Castiel... Please. Please." Elena says and Castiel stops.

      "I got you." Sam helps Elena on her feet as Dean injects her with a sedative.

      "Ok. Hey. Plan "B" Dean says.

[ ☾]

      Dean and Sam walk in the cell carrying Elena and sit her down. "She might not feel much, but she's gonna feel that in the morning." Dean says.

      "So what's the plan?" Sam asks.

      "When Cas was whaling on her tonight, I could see it in her eyes. Elena thought she was gonna die. She was scared." Dean says.

      "Fear." Sam says.

      "Last time I checked, one of those pesky human emotions." Dean says.

      "So you plan on torturing her some type of way to get her back." Sam realizes.

     "It's the only way." Dean says.

      "I'm in."

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