Be my Valentine? (Part 1)

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Marinette's P.O.V.

   I drove directly home. Today is Valentine's Day and I did not know that there would be some guys who want to be my Valentine. I didn't want to hurt them by turning them down, so I just told them that I was already asked to be someone else's Valentine. Some of them took it lightly while the others....not so much.

I parked my car at my garage and went inside. Emma's laughter could be heard a mile away. I followed the sound and it led me to the living room. The mere sight made my heart melt. Adrien and Emma were bonding . Emma was sitting on Adrien's lap with him playing with her hair.

"Da da da" Emma babbled.

"Aww, this is so adorable." I cooed.

They both turned to me . Emma started to reach out to me. I giggled and took her from Adrien. Much to his dismay.

"Replaced me already Emmie?" Adrien pouted.

Emma and I giggled in reply. Adrien got up from the couch and engulfed Emma and I in a bear hug. All of a sudden, Emma started to get fussy.

"Are you hungry Emmie?"

She looked at me with her eyes glimmering.

Adrien went to the kitchen and came back with a warm bottle of Emma's milk. I took it from him and began to feed her. I looked at her with wonder . She is such an angel.

"Adrien, what time is the party going to start?"

He looked at his watch.

"In about 3 hours from now."

I nodded and gently gave Emma to him.

"I'm going to start making the sweets and desserts."

I went to the kitchen and saw the bags that was filled with the ingredients. I grabbed my bowls and trays and began to bake. I looked around my family cook book and saw the perfect things to bake.

One hours and 45 minutes later~

I laid all the goodies on the table.

Adrien came down and helped me pack them all to the car. I went to my room and changed into another outfit.

I took my purse and went down to the car where Adrien has Emma in her baby seat.(A.N. What was it called again?)

At the party (picture above.)

It was amazing here. Tikki and Plagg were talking with their friends , Gabriel was eating some food, and some people that I have never met before were dancing at the side where the music was playing. It was currently playing At the beginning .

I went up to Natalie who I presume was helped Adrien arrange this party.

"Hey Natalie, where do you want me to place these sweets?"

She looked at the desserts that I was trying to balance. She took half of it to help me." This wasn't necessary, but I appreciate your help. I'll try to find a vacant spot at the table." She pointed at the direction and I saw sugar land.

I was flabbergasted at the sight.

"I uh..I'm going to find Emma and Adrien."

I looked around the place and I saw Adrien but without Emma. I began to panic. If anything bad happens to Emma , I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself. I don't want anything bad to happen to my little bug.

"Adrien where's Emma?" I asked him.

He sighed and pointed behind him. I saw Gabriel holding Emma while talking to some people." Father wanted to show Emma off."

I let out a breath. Thank goodness she's okay. Adrien suddenly tensed up next to me.

"Adrien ? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

He pulled me closer and leaned down on my ear." She is here!"

"What? Who?"

Before he could reply , a nasal voice rang out. No , not her. But of course, I am not always lucky.

"Oh Adrikinns!"

Adrien took my hand and led me far from the clown. Seriously, Chloe has too much makeup on her face. I wonder if it's okay for the skin? Nah.

We went into the other side of the room where everyone was dancing. When we got there, the dj pulled up a slow song. When you say nothing at all.  (PLAY IT)

Everyone paired up and began dancing with their partners. Adrien turned to face me." Wanna dance princess?" I blushed and took his hand.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. Together, we began to sway with the music. Adrien didn't even comment on anything when I accidentally stepped on his foot a few times.

All of a sudden, a pink spot light was on us. Are you serious?! Everyone was looking at us and was chanting. A blush began to form on my cheeks. Adrien , on the other hand, didn't seem to mind. He leaned down and our faces were literally inches apart..............


We broke apart and there stood Chloe in all her bratiness .

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