Be my Valentine (part 2)

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Marinette's P.O.V.

She just had to interrupt us . Didn't she? I mean - did she have to crush the party like this? A valentines one no less. It's not like I have been waiting for so long for Adrien's kiss. Psh...nah. Don't look at me like that.

"Step away Maritrash! Adrien is MINE!" Chloe shouted.

By now , everyone was looking at us.

"Chloe, really, you're still the same . Always the spoiled little girl who thinks she could always have her way. Are you really that immature to cause a scene that would embarrass you?" Adrien said.

Chloe looked at him and saw the crowd. She gathered tears in her eyes and as usual, tried to play the victim. And no one believed it. They all know her too well. And some of them were the actual victims because of her.

"But, Adrikinns! She tried to KISS you! And I know you wouldn't want that so I -"

Adrien cut her off." Who's to say that I didn't want it?"

Whispers began to erupt. But I was as red as Nathaniel's hair. He wanted it? Or was he just saying that to make Chloe back off? I don't know anymore.

"But why would you want it? She is nothing -" Chloe started.

But surprisingly, Gabriel finished it.

"Like you? I am aware of your father's current predicament as you would call it. So tell us Miss Bourgeois, how is Charlotte?"

What? Who is Charlotte? And what does she have to do with Chloe? Speaking of her, she was suddenly white as sheet.

"None of your business Mr. Agreste. And might I ask how this includes you?" She checked her nails as if she won.

I stepped up." And might I ask how this party includes you? Last time I check , you weren't on the invitation list."

I saw Natalie's  list that who should be invited when I handed her the food and I didn't see her name. But come on, who would want her in their party? She is evil.

"I am Adrien's date of course." She flipped her hair .

"No you're not Chloe, Marinette is." Adrien replied calmly.

She glared at me . Does she think she's scary ? Cause honestly, she just looks like she needs glasses.

"Wha bodes she have that I don't?!"

Adrien narrowed his eyes at her." A pure heart."

She glared at me one last time and did a dramatic leave.

Once we all made sure she did leave, we cheered. She's gone. Call us mean , but then what is she? Believe me, you would wish you were deaf.

The DJ played another music and everyone continued dancing as if nothing had happened. Gabriel placed his and on my shoulder to see if I was okay . I nodded and then he left. Adrien grabbed my hand we continued with the others . Dancing away.

1 hour later

We were all eating away some cake and I was feeding Emma some strawberry cake . Poor thing was hungry after being cooed at from different guests. Emma is actually behaving well and she could easily eat the cake so I don't have to mash it .

"Gamamajagoo." She babbled on.

I smiled at her. She is just so adorable. I took another piece of cake and held it in front of her. She turned away from it. She must be full. I took her bottle filled with water and she drank on it. Her eyes began to drop and she fell asleep.

I rocked her back and forth. Adrien went up to me and saw Emma fast asleep. A smile crept on his handsome face - I mean - I don't - never mind.

"Come , I'll drive you both home."

When we arrived , Adrien asked me a question that I never thought he'd ask me.

"Mari, will you go out with me?"

"What?" My eyes widened.

"Will you go out with me?" He repeated.

My jaw dropped . "You serious?"

He nodded.


He smiled widely.

"I'll pick you up at 12 tomorrow."

A frown formed in my face." But who will watch Emma?"

He had a thoughtful look in his face." How about your grandpa Fu, didn't he say he wanted to spend more time with Emma?"

I nodded." I'll give him a call. Thanks for today Adrien. We really had fun."

"Goodbye Mari, give Emma a kiss for me. And don't mention it, I'll do it all again just to see that smile on your face." He gave a quick peck on my cheek and then left.

I stood in shock. Did he seriously just did what I think he did. I touched my cheek with my free hand. I smiled and went in the house. I can't wait for tomorrow.

A.N. I own nothing.

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